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Everything posted by Yanagisawa

  1. Don't y'all get tired of being told what to care about, what to be "up in arms" about, what to get your evangelical dander up about by the likes of Robertson and Dobson. This case became a darling in the eyes of the media because of it's inherent intrigue. (Starvation and dehydration as opposed to the kidney failure and cardiac arrest that might arise by unplugging a machine) Yes, by gosh, it's tragic...but people are pulled off of artificial life support every day...my grandfather was taken off of a respirator but the whole country didn't talk about it for two weeks. I have enough ethical dilemma and problem solving to keep me busy in Indiana without being manipulated by opportunists like Dobson and Robertson to act like I really, really, really, really care about some girl in FL whom I never met.
  2. Quote: "Calvin had a 'dark' side? ...oh my... what about Hobbs?" http://www.iep.utm.edu/h/hobmoral.htm Yes, Hobbes had quite a dark side too. BTW the comic really was named after these gentlemen.
  3. SATORI I'm sure a well read and well spoken guy like you has some David Hume on the shelf. Your comments and the responses seem to bring up a subject that he wrote about extensively.
  4. The Word is perfect. The words in the Word is perfect. God has a purpose for everything he says in the Word...how He says it, where he says it, when he says it.... The Word fits like a hand in a glove with a mathematical exactness and a scientific precision. Question to self: Must the doctrine of inerrancy stand in order for my faith to remain intact? Must I have an inerrant Bible on my shelf in order to have a reasonable faith...or has my inerrant Bible become just another icon, another touchstone, another statue, another idol telling me I'm right and in possession of the truth and a pretty groovy guy? Is the Bible a magic book?...full of magic words that inform us of a magic life? Heretical question to self: Is the perfect "Word" really meant to be an object put under a microscope and dissected. Or a subject...another valuable source to inform us of the Creator.
  5. yes...I dig. That's why anytime I feel "out of it" in my relationship with God and His son Jesus I must come to grips with the fact that I work overtime to appear RIGHT in my own eyes. Jesus said "Blessed are the humble - the poor in spirit." The language of the Lordship of Jesus seems to be laden with concepts of humility, brokeness, willful submission, suspension of justice...this seems to fly in the face of the language of our culture...Winning, control, RIGHT. No wonder Ted Turner called Christianity a religion for losers. It would appear, for the time being, that he is right.
  6. If one lies in wait in the doctrinal forum using each topic to eventually enlist sympathizers to 1)some ancient slighting, 2)personal disagreement with encounter group's exercises 3)the evils of dispensationalism... ...would the word "contributor" be a falsely empowering title? ............................................ Also, Tzaia's most recent post reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry offends Kathy Griffith's character. When he finds out he feels bad and tries to apologize. Each private apology becomes public fodder for her show. Eventually her whole routine is "How many ways is Jerry Seinfeld the devil?"
  7. Thanks HCW. I was in the thirteenth and two good friends of mine were involved - a guy named Wes and a girl named Dawn. I heard only the official certified sanitized version which always included phrases like "not sharp" and "out of fellowship" and "spiritually weak".
  8. Geo As you ranted about Bullinger I was remembering those step diagrams illustrating the "perfect design" of every little freakin' word. A. 1. 2. 3. 3. 2. 1. etc....... Can you imagine a research summit with E W Bullinger and Jaques Derrida? Nothing left but fur and bones.
  9. When your hermeneutics must be air tight... When your Bible must fit like a hand in a glove and work with a mathematical exactness and a scientific precision... When the scripture is an object to be put under the microscope of "correct rules of interpretation"... When the modernist enterprise of "bomb proof certainty" so pervades ones reading of scripture that the phrase "I think it says..." is the springboard to every kind of hideous sin... Then, every piece of imagery will have to be entirely consistent throughout the whole book...if it doesn't your system breaks down and your "whole Bible falls to pieces" So, by God, if your imagery doesnt fit here and there we will, by God, make it fit...because the correct life...the life of "one right cutting" has no loose ends or mystery and by God, neither does the Bible. So, by God, it's athletic.
  10. PFAL was God breathed. The word "boo boo" and PFAL cannot exist in the same sentence. Any perceived errors lie in your understanding.
  11. When someone with the power and influence of VPW "suggests" material, quotes material, places it in a bookstore, etc. it is an endorsement. More evidence of the reckless unaccountability of a man with too much power and the naivety of sycophants afraid to search for themselves. This was a large inconsistency I saw with VP...he went to the trouble of getting "certified" with the title of "Dr." so that he would have the inherent respect that title bestows -yet would not submit to the rigours of academic protocol and method. He would endorse some half baked conspiracy theories from books he never read and then dismiss any concern for proof with an arrogant wave of the hand. You can't have it both ways. If you want to be an "enlightened" charismatic leader who will tolerate only glassy eyes and nodding heads then have at it...but don't get all ....y when the inner circles of academia (the ones that make you drool with desire) overlook you as a lunatic. This is why the plagerism issue offends me. It reveals the dishonor and hypocrisy of someone who craved the honor of his fellows when it suited him and dissed them when it suited him.
  12. 1. I was born on the day Eisenhower was inaugerated. 2. My idea of a vacation is to be alone in a room of books for two weeks. 3. Sometimes I put mayonnaise on pizza. 4. I am contemplating bankruptcy and the merits of a court that extends forgiveness for past mistakes. 5. I have recently vowed not to judge anyone down on their luck - including the person holding up the checkout with food stamps and I have recently discovered that I am a Pharisee many moments of the day. 6. I consistently score as high gifted to low genius on standard IQ tests. 7. My fiancee left when I surprised her by signing up to go WOW. As a married man and father of three I still grieve this loss of 25 yrs ago and sometimes think she was the perfect wife for me and God took her away from me. My counselor suggests she seems the perfect wife in my ideal world where everything always goes perfectly and no plans fail and every decision I make is right. He seems to think this world is one of fantasy. I would agree, and sometimes when I make love to the woman I haven't seen in 25 years I say, "Baby, you were fantastic!" 8. Pure forgiveness and grace is difficult for me to accept. 9. I broke up with a girl I was "witnessing to" on the WOW field when the year was just about over. She took the class. She commited suicide. 10. I believe one is as sick as their secrets.
  13. Yeah, what was that one about being good little worker ants and doing your job without question?
  14. Network Glengarry Glen Ross The Commitments
  15. I did Momentus about 10 yrs ago. I personally experienced a breakthrough that has benefitted my life in several aspects - personally, professionally, and spiritually - ever since. I heard it was dangerous...yes, and? I heard it was a cult...you mean sorta like the one I just spent 15 yrs in? I heard it bent your mind...like the drugs and propaganda from my college professors? Let's see...shall I do Momentus?...dare I eat a peach?...It's all so unsafe...the experts wrote articles about it...my "arranged for" world might come a little unglued... I say we need more seminars that require release forms.
  16. If natural bodily processes (elimination, nutrition, sleep, etc.) must be suspended in the name of obedience...you might be in a cult.
  17. A Scottish guy based in Cleveland named Allister Begg.
  18. So here's what we learned: In CF&S we learned that "tree" really meant penis. In WAP we learned that "eye" really meant vagina. I believe those Rohrshak (ink blot) tests are valid, in that if a mind is bent toward a particular obcession one will see it in most anything.
  19. A haiku for ex: It's nice to be missed. Vocational Transition. Food. Gas. Roof. Cut cell? [This message was edited by Yanagisawa on February 07, 2004 at 21:29.]
  20. Is not VP's cultural heritage rife with tales of enchanted forests, talking animals and Faustian bargains?
  21. I heard the tail end of NPR's This American Life with a segment on the greatest phone message ever from a Mom to her son at Columbia University. It starts out with a reference to the Little Mermaid and her son and what they can do to each other - figuratively speaking. Is anyone hip to this and where a copy might be available?
  22. "Did the kids like it?" What a wonderful, poignant, pithy response that only a female could conjure. Makes me glad I married one myself. Shellon, I bet you're a great mom.
  23. I think TWI's attitude towards the symbol of the cross belies a fundamental attitude toward our walk with Christ in general. In haste to "claim" the "victory" of walking on "resurrection ground" we neglected the other side of the coin. The suffering...the passion...the sacrifice that we are dailyentreated to engage - if need be - in our existential walk with our master. I was encouraged to regard suffering, persecution, sacrifice, getting in the mud with sinners, being misunderstood, being defrauded, etc. as an evil, foreign, negative intrusion in my "victory walk". The longer I live, the more I see that these are indeed the places that my master asks me to go. Sometimes I do, sometimes, to my chagrin, I decline.
  24. "What we heeaaaave heeeah is a fayluuhh to communicate" "OOOhhh Luciillle!" Cool Hand Luke "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Would you please shut up. Shut...up. Shut up. Shut up SHUT UP." Kevin Spacey in Glengarry Glenn Ross
  25. I wear black because it has a slimming effect - but now I have a much more spiritual reason.
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