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Everything posted by ex70sHouston

  1. Cost of havin fun Once a month Tactical Carbine Shot Colt SP1 AR15 $1300 Kimber 45acp $900 30 rnd magazins $20 each Case of ammo $100 Gasoline $40 Being politicly uncorrect Pricless Real cost. $370.00 The cost of an M1 carbine so my wife would have a new gun to play with. Its fun and where we live theres lots of places to shot. Its fun and the value of guns go up. My Sp1 I mentioned above I bought in 91 for $610. Thats better than several investments I made and I can put my hands on it. Its had to relate to an investment that is an envelope that arrives once a quarter and says X growth. Besides its loud and fun. Unlike my wife who is only loud.
  2. I handle reproof well when deserved and handled correctly. When someone comes up to me and starts with I'm wrong and they are gonna prove it. WATCH OUT. Come up to me and say hey lets talk about this and see what we can do. Well I bend over to try and resolve the problem. I tell all my employees that there are only two types of people who don't make mistakes. Dead people and people that don't do anything. I have found that if I show them what was done wrong and what the right way was, then their is no argument. I don't take confrontation too well. I do change my ways and get allong with people very well when agression is kept down.
  3. The fun your going to have. Lets see the first time was a child custody case. The Dad had custody and the mom wanted it. She tried to prove that the Dad molested the kids. After the first day of that I was sick. Dad's turn and they showed the truth. No molestation. It cost me three days work. Second time was a drunk driver. Stupid judge and lawyers. It ran till 8pm and was over in one day. Guilty. Take a book. Don't drink to muck coffee. Good luck.
  4. This is one reason I may have not lasted that long (4yrs). I would take a little correction when I was wrong. I had enough confidence in myself that everyone soon learned that direct confrontation with me didn't work. It helped that almost everyone had to look up at me.
  5. I'm very happy that its not so bad now. I'm even happier that I attend a church that worships God rather than VPW or Mertinprod. I think that this dumb red neck will stay where he's at. I was prepared for the rain. It was the mud.
  6. I was guilty of that on several occasions. The branch coordinator did a little talking but there was no throwing out
  7. I have good memories of ground hog day. It was my father in-laws B-day.
  8. I've been in several churchs on a church council and once as the church treasurer. Scams like this are more common than you think. You have to research everything. It was not uncommon to get bogus bills from people. This is a thing that shows dont believe everything you hear especially if they say they are christians. The more an organization promotes itself as being religous or christian the more I dont use them because of scams.
  9. Why does my story seem so differant. When I left I moved to get away. They kept calling me to try and get me back. I left in 79 before all the weirdness.
  10. I didn't go either but remember how it was talked up. There was a girl from Houston that talked up the adventure to us. Said how it was a walk with God to believe and hitch accross country without food and they wern't suppost to spend the money. If they did they wernt believing and were kicked out of the corp. At the time I was looking at these people as leaders and thought how great it would be. Ya'll dont know how glad I am that my sister talked me out of going wow and then what would have followed.
  11. ex70sHouston


    I think we need to do it the way Islam does it. Cut off a hand a few times and watch crime drop. We could always do with a public hanging.
  12. Oldies idea is one I've been thinking about. Its just finding the right idea and item. The medical transcription is something else that is good. You do need to know the medical terms and abreviations.
  13. The first time I heard about it was after I was out. My wife and I were attending a Baptist church and talking about past history when the subject of TWI came up. A couple we had known for several years started talking. They had lived in Austin in the early 80's and had a problem with a leader there, Seems when she refused to accept the advances of the leader that they were run out because SHE was after him. Doesn't that sound a little familur.
  14. The truth has helped me become free. But why don't they see it. Denial is not a river in Egypt. I remember thinking could all these things be wrong and a lie. Could my family have been right. Could I have broken all those relationships for a lie. COULD I BE THAT DUMB. Its hard for those still in to believe the truth. Just remember that they are working harder at telling them we're wrong than they are anything else.
  15. My O My am I glad I live in Texas. We were never part of the British Empire. I don't remember all the statistics but you can bet that we will be exporting all that $6.00 a gallon gasoline. And if you don't mind we'll go ahead and keep good old G W Bush. He was a right fine govenor and we could use him back. If it really came down to it I would be willing to learn Spanish before I let the King screw-up how I speak American. By the way all those guns the english people no longer have. They're all in Texas.
  16. Just so everyone knows. I'm not an insider of TWI. Never was and I gar-onn-tee never will be.
  17. ex70sHouston


    I am so mad I could scream. My trucks got broken into again. Last time was new years week end. The time before was last July. Five years ago an employee stole a truck. He took it to San Antonio 70 miles away. We called SAPD and took them where the truck was. Finally I went to San Antonio found the truck and then flaged down an officer. That was the only way I recovered the truck. Less tools of course. Now remember that I live in a small town of 20,000. Most people know each other. So how has crime affected you?
  18. Yall are bringing bad memories. There was a "Heart" meeting or something like that in Withita Kansas. And I think it was the Craiger asking for people to SIT. Well guess what, more than one openened their mouth at the same time and the whole room got dressed down for not listining to the spirit. Only one person would have revelation at a time. I still remember the yelling and thinking how out of place that was. O well I just figured I was a pee-on and didn't deserve better.
  19. Garth it wasn't a phaser. It was an AR-15 with a few to many attachments to really work as a practical weapon.
  20. Just wondering now how many women are looking at him. How many women would like it if a man paid that much money to get their attention. I would bet $20 he has already had someone contact him saying forget her and look at me.
  21. Actually Mr. H that probably was the space station. It moves across the sky fairly fast. OK I guess I'll jion in. Once a month I go to a tactical carbine shot. Normaly there is a mixture of police officers, swat guys, military, ex military, gun freaks (ME), and a few survivalists(kind of strange), and lastly ET (well that would explain the looks). We couldnt figure out gender, nationality, or even if it was human ( didnt shoot very good either).
  22. MPW You are one of those people who can always find the good in things. Keep the good memories and learn from the bad. I never saw the Indiana campus but it sounds like it was beautiful.
  23. As for me and my household we don't believe in them. I don't doubt that some people think they have seen things. I have heard some strange sounds animals make. The sound that a lion makes is hard to discribe ( not the roar that you see on TV). Makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Doesn't make me believe in ET.
  24. ex70sHouston


    GSG just watch out. I know your right about the arms I just dont want to admit it. Just remember your only as old as you feel. Its preety bad that I feel like I'm 90.
  25. ex70sHouston


    DM its neat to have my Bday on St Pattys day except that we take vacation at spring break. This year we are going back to Mexico again on a mission trip. I'd like to be home once in a while.
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