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Everything posted by ex70sHouston

  1. We all make mistakes. I just think its great that he thinks its worth that much to save his marriage. I think my top price would be $5.
  2. ex70sHouston


    Well I just keep on thinking that in 50 days I'll turn the big 50. If I had known that I would be this old I would have taken better care of myself. Yesterday I was half way down a ladder. My right knee hurt so bad I didn't know if I would get to the bottom.
  3. I have an attached two car garage on the front of my house. My spousal unit parks her car inside every night. I on the other hand have never parked my truck in the garage. Two reasons, one its to big, two my family has too much junk. If I could ever get the boys to move back out and take all their stuff no telling what will happen. I found an a fish tank in there saturday afternoon. I have never had a fish.
  4. Don't get me wrong about Carol. I had a great deal of respect for her. At first when she came to Houston she would demand respect and not get much. After two years she got respect because she showed she cared and wantd the best.
  5. This goes way back. I've always wondered why this happened. Our Branch Leader Car#l Freeb#rn took all the single guys(I dont remember any girls) to see the movie Emanual. This movie was borderline porno. I understood why the movie Rocky was talked about and was sugjested. OK lets hear your thoughts.
  6. OK STOP. I have lived my whole life in Texas and never want to leave. Oklahoma is ok in a pinch. Well let me put it another way. I would rather live in Oklahoma in a trailer than NEW YORK in a Mansion. We wont even talk about New Jersey. Yall just remember that Texas is a state of mind. Now if yall want to move down here thats fine. Please stop off in Arkansas for a couple of years to wear off some of the @#$%^&*().
  7. What it is now is a leaderless truthless group without a real plan or vision. Basicly a group that can't admit its wrong and the need to move on.
  8. This sounds awful familure. But of corse us Texans have discovered Propane (If the Texas Railroad Commission is listing I know its actually liquified petrolium gas). And of corse I live uptown and have indoor plumbing. I removed that knot in the wood floor and can aim real good.
  9. Ebay can be great. Needed a new credit card machine. Bank wanted $800. Bought it for $295. Needed some new office phones. 4 line phones for $25 each. I have a friend who bought several dump trucks and other heavy machinery. Never a problem. Bought a tenor sax for $1900. Be carful on musical insturments. My wife bought something once and never got it. Went back to pay pall and got her money back. Use commom since and you can get some bargians.
  10. Hills if you do carpet cleaning then go by all the plumbers in the area and offer thema finders fee for evety call from flooding. Also insurance agents are a good lead sorce. One nice thing about your bizz is that you can pay on a commission basis. They get 30% and you get 70%. Just follow up to make sure they do a good job. If you are not in a major metro area try the newpaper. A two by two ad that shows up every day. On a plan like that they give some good discounts. Remember that the more you advertise the more you have to and can charge. Talk quality in every ad. Give senior discounts. And as somone else said and its true. Have your number in large print. I us to have a carpet cleaning place next to my shop. They were telling me that one time they got a call from a little old lady. She called for help. Their number was the only one large enough for her to read.
  11. That was great. My only question is how did they get everyone together to make it. Especially all those democratic leaders in such a small boat. Normally Teddy's head would have filled the whole thing.
  12. There was a small circus that came to the little town 20 miles away. In the middle of the performance nature called. Trust me it was a memory that I could do without. The droppings were about 6" deep and 2' around. Don't forget the aromma either. I understand why they are trying
  13. Mr. H. have you noticed yet that gray hair has a mind all its own.
  14. When did I get the feeling that all was not right. Don't question when the word didn't fit like a hand in a glove. Remember to date only those in twi. Don't date a wow in another branch. Don't miss a fellowship. Just hold on a minate. Whose life is this mine or yours. When I got out in the 70's it was actually hard. They would call all the time about coming back. I guess they liked the fact I believed in tiething.
  15. I find that yellow pages are a neccessary evil. I spend $1000 a month in two differant books. This depends on the market your in. Some areas that will not cover a small ad. The best way I have found is to meet the people face to face. When I first started out I would part at one end of the block and walk down one side of the street talking at every door. I'd cross the street and do the other side. Move the truck and start on the next block. This is hard but effective. I have found for my established customers is direct mail. I send out specials twice a year and get about 40% to call. Thats a cost of 32 cents a post card for a return of $44.95 each. I wish I could do that 10 times a year. Word of mouth is very effective. Try giving rebates to customers if they refer you. If you are established build from existing customers. Forget newpspers, radio, or TV unless you do it big. Small advertising is worthless. Pick a media that works for your product and do it big. Also if you us a vehicle. Go get a profesional job of getting signage. If people notice it they will remember it. Name recognition is everything. If they don't know your name before they get to the yellow pages then you loss half of your ad. Those are some of my secrets of 19 yrs of the HVAC bizz.
  16. I hate going into a fast food restaurant and look into the face of the person behind the counter and then have them smile. Because when I see that the teeth they have left are green. I dont think I want to eat there anymore.
  17. I'm about to get flamed for this. I bet good old VPW and Craig M love this thread and all the love that is coming from it.
  18. I got out in 79. I had done searchs for vp and the way a few times. Found no way out couple of years ago. Found GSC a few months ago. What I have found out from this site just tells me I did the right thing early.
  19. The biggest thing these groups have to sell is excitment. The same as tuppaware or Mary Kay. All the successful people are always happy, well dressed, and talk about success. he problem is that so many of the people who jion want that but arnt there emotionally. My wife has gone through both those groups. She is not a saleman so she never succeeds. It would always go away to the big meetings and leave me alone with the kids. No problem, I love my boys. But finally I told her that I was going to a family reunion without her. It was my turn to have a weekend away by myself. She didn't like it but it got her to understand what she was doing. She still sells a little MK but doesnt go to the meetings. Thats what worked for me.
  20. ex70sHouston

    Divine Humor

    My mom died that quick. My Dad lingered in the hospital for a month and I watched as he took his last breath and then watched as his heart stopped. I don't wish that on anyone. A quick death is the only way to go.
  21. Yah don't jump down my throut. Its not I'm right your wrong. I'm a right wing conservative red neck. Now you know what to expect. Don't criticize me if I'm me. If Bill Clinton is a womanizer. Don't get offended when he chases a woman. Vote your heart and live with it. If W. Bush don't talk to good cause hes Texan. Well don't let it bother you when he talks that way. Live with it and vote your heart.
  22. Been there and done that. It cost me over $300 for the service tech to save my machine. If it were not for the e-mails I would of bought a new machine.
  23. I guess we get to miss the Kid. I'm one of those family people but I'm tired of trying to be correct and not having any fun. Kid Rock should come and just br correct.
  24. I've been driving around this morning and figure a new topic is the only way to vent. In 1986 God answered a prayer and sent my family in a new direction. We left the big city and moved to a small town. If you have never lived in a small town a lot of this may sound strange. First of all a small town is population 20000 or smaller without a large town within 50 miles. That means you live and work here. I myself have learned to be myself and not to pretend to be what people want me to be or expect me to be. In the big city I worked for the seventh largest corporation in the US at the time. United Technoligies. I had the lease car, corporate credit card, and the frequent flier miles, and all the headaches. I could act one way at work, another way at home, another way at church, and finaly another way on a bussiness trip. Why, because the people I was with was differant in each setting. I could be Mr. Christian at church and be an foot at work. Here everyone knows who you really are so why try and be someone your not. OK, now about political correctness. Why do we want everyone to be correct when they really are just people. Poor little Harry was just being a young man being himself. He was born a Royal, but that doesn't mean he was born differant than us so why expect differant. OK, I was born the son of a dry dirt share croper who learned english as a second language. I didn't know that I really needed to take a bath more than once a week until I was in high school. You didn't urinate in the toilet unless it was real cold or raining(the back fence worked great). So when I sound like a red neck / hick. Quess what, I am and proud of it. So all you politicly perfect people. Go sit on it. O and Harry move to Texas and be yourself.
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