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Everything posted by HAPe4me

  1. HAPe4me

    Post Upgrade Issues

    GT, do you expect the gallery avatars will come back too, or do I need to start shopping for my own? I don't even know where I got that judge's hammer thing I used. by the way, everyone, your control panel is now up there where you see your screename at the top of the page. click on your name for a dropdown list.
  2. HAPe4me

    Post Upgrade Issues

    it seems its the Pre-upgrade quotes that lack the formatting maybe? Are you saying those will eventually get corrected? I think I will go down to the test area to see what is new and play with it.
  3. HAPe4me

    Post Upgrade Issues

    It appears we have lost the shading or indents that used to characterize quoted posts. It seems to me to be harder to tell where a quote ends and a poster's comments begin. some of the .gif emoticons are not showing up either. nevermind the my comment on quotes, ithe offset is there now apparently
  4. HAPe4me

    Happy Mothers Day

    WHY GOD MADE MOMS Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions: Why did God make mothers? 1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is. 2. Mostly to clean the house. 3. To help us out of there when we were getting born. How did God make mothers? 1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us. 2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring. 3. God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts. What ingredients are mothers made of? 1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean. 2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think. Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom? 1. We're related. 2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's mom like me. What kind of a little girl was your mom? 1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff. 2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy. 3. They say she used to be nice. What did mom need to know about dad before she married him? 1. His last name. 2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer? 3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores? Why did your mom marry your dad? 1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my mom eats a lot. 2. She got too old to do anything else with him. 3. My grandma says that mom didn't have her thinking cap on. Who's the boss at your house? 1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball. 2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed. 3. I guess mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad. What's the difference between moms and dads? 1. Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work. 2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them. 3. Dads are taller and stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friends. 4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine. What does your mom do in her spare time? 1. Mothers don't do spare time. 2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long. What would it take to make your mom perfect? 1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery. 2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue. If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be? 1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that. 2. I'd make my mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it not me. 3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, I hope you got to hug your kids ~HAP
  5. it is always fun to imagine the history and stories behind our finds. In this case, I would not get overly dramatic. The phrase was required whenever addressing certain authority figures, and there were serious consequences for failure to do so. Many just used it all the time when in public so as not to forget in those tiimes when it was required. In our TWI times, how often did we say "God Bless" without giving it any thought whatsoever.
  6. oh, different subject than I expected too. 04/20/1999 Columbine High School shootings. 14 students and one teacher died. 23 were injured. It was a scary and emotional day for us parents in the Jefferson County Colorado school district.
  7. The Home page gives the name as Benjamin Gates at that address on Balboa. The contact page says Stanley Goodspeed. both emails addresses are the name and 777 @ yahoo. One or both are probably pseudonyms.
  8. well, looking at the first video link, which was titled "Irena Sandler vs. Al Gore", it was not a big stretch for someone to comment on Beck's ideology. And Beck himself mentioned the contrast. this, coupled with what some of us do know about Beck's views, left the field open. Then there was Rum's subtitle to the thread, which played into the title of the video even though in RR's post he was contrasting our TWI experiences to Irena's life, not her life and accomplishments to Gore's like the video did. THAT said, I do believe Rumrunner did not mean for it to be a political discourse and he only meant to share the Irena story, which sounds to be an inspirational one. Hence, I think the second video does a better job of making Rum's point. Simply said, I can see how the discussion developed, inspite of Rum's surprise and upbraiding towards the GSC site and some of the poster's on this thread. With the many great videos on Irena Sandler out there, the first one was probably not the best to make his point as it was in itself political, and was posted on YouTube FOR the purpose of making a political statement. FYI, I clicked Rum's link before reading the rest of his post, and so I thought the "contrast" Rum was posting about was Sandler vs Gore. THEN I read his post and saw that was not what he meant it to be. I don't fault others here for commenting on the politics of the video Rum posted however. THAT was the message in the video Rum posted even though he did not mean for it to be the message! Pretty much a misunderstanding all the way around it seems to me. ~HAP
  9. video was easier, except for having to round up a Beta machine!
  10. Oh yeah Galen, now that you mention it, sets did get shuffled that way, although mostly it was one set being shared by two or more classes I think in my experience. I also agree nothing was ever signed by me, (in my areas), and I did not "check them out" with library system cards or any negotiation. Darn, no bids yet on it? oooh, there is a Tower of Power album listed, with Skip Mesquite and Dave Garibaldi!
  11. I agree, ordinarily the class (film or audio) set were given for a specific duration. (to be returned at the end of the class). I ran enough of those things to remember that, although I don't recall signing anything to that effect, I think it was a page in the instructor's manual maybe????). I vaguely recall it was in some written format. I always dutifully returned the materials. The set I was speaking of was in another category, and was not part of the normal PFAL system. What I am saying is that they were not ALWAYS given for a specific duration. This set was simply given for my friend's use, by the President and Founder
  12. I know of a PFAL audio set. They were given to a friend of mine by the Founder of TWI in about 1979 "as a gift", or so it was told to me back at the time. No mention was made of returning them and no thing was signed regarding them. I have no idea whether that is a deciding factor in whether one can legally sell them, I am just saying there was no agreement to return them, no written contract as to their use, and their return was not requested when my friend left TWI TWI has not run that class nor sold its materials in how many years? Would that have any bearing? Abandonment? Interesting questions here, and I hope Mr. Schle&&&& (I forget the name Tazia mentioned) is able to successfully complete his sale. ~HAP edited to ad: the ebay set is not the set I know of. I can guarantee that. Secondly, I don't know who is selling the PD SNS tapes, but if perchance they read here......I thought the almost complete 1974?-85 set I gave to someone in Denver was for a tape library. I wish I had been told they would be CD'd and sold, I MIGHT have asked for a copy of the CD's, although I do not know why I would have, now that I think about it a little more. :) Still, it would have been nice to have been offered it.
  13. HAPe4me

    Sheriff Joe

    I like your thinking Twinky!
  14. This was in the Denver Post this morning: http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_11804529 I love these kind of stories, which is why little league/ youth league sports are my favorite sports
  15. While of course there are numerous individual records of success without a HS diploma, especially in the past, overall this statistic should be considered: In a time of a recovering economy, who do you think will be the first to be rehired?
  16. I didn't find it interesting....... that is too weak a word for it. I found it heartwarming, and indicative of the fine youth that are the hallmark of our country's future. ~HAP
  17. I didn't know very many people other than leadership that "succeeded" from TWI. oh wait, you meant "seceded", never mind :)
  18. Rascal, my post was referring to the second hand charges made here. In no way do I make light of the pain and suffering many victims go through for a lifetime. I apologize if I sounded as though I do, that was not my meaning. When I referred to "30 years" it was a, perhaps exagerrated, reference to the time since someone had "heard" a second or third hand claim.. If you yourself were attacked by a trustee, and chose to divulge that here, you would have my support. I just hate to see this place become a gossip fest of hearsay, where anyone can make up some pretty serious "I heard" charges regarding anyone they want.
  19. yeah well, what the third-cousin-of-my-sister's-WOW brother's ex-girlfrined said might not even rank as high as "unsubstantiated".
  20. you know friends? Is this what the future of GSC is going to be about? Who can we villify? How far down the line of leadership do you want to go? I think it is pretty twisted to post second hand rumors about behavior of sideline players from 30 years ago. Also, when you laud "so-and-so" as the righteous one, be aware you will invite someone to make their own (also unfounded probably) rumors against that person. I'm just saying, have you read the label on the can of worms you are opening? Does it fit your dietary restrictions? And there have been accusations leveled at one time or another against pretty much anyone who once wore an HQ leadership badge. Personally, I do not care what the sex life of someone was 30 years ago other than my own, and I barely can remember that! Peace out, HAP EDIT: oops, I guess some of the posts were taken down while I was writing this, still, the can of worms is in the pantry.
  21. Since Raf is not working today, one would think he could find the time to check in here. I mean he doesn't have anything to think about, nothing to do, nowhere to go. Momma did all the work. Where is the compassion, man, for all of us here? Seriously dude, congrats, and I pray all has gone well. ~HAP
  22. HAPe4me

    Obama Spider Man

    ummm Dove, GSG's post was from the Onion. The stories in the Onion are made up, as in not true. They ARE funny, I will give George that, but they are not true stories and never have been. Not that this fact will change your disgust at the mere mention of the President. Dude, your deep seated anger at Obama is gonna make for a long 4 years (or 8) for you. I wish you well in managing it. You have me concerned for your well being. Breathe man, it helps. ~HAP
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