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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Worse than that, Potato, but here's that particular quote: And this one is rather disgusting as well. and here
  2. A new low for the female clocking, sexual abuse justifying CHRISTIAN of the cafe. What a fine example of a CHRISTIAN man you are, johniam. <_<
  3. Actually..... there IS! Near me, anyway. And, it's not mayhem. It's really cool, even when some of the dogs sing along with the music. ^_^
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OFM!!! I hope it was wonderful and safe!!
  5. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, WASHINGTONWEATHER!! Your friendship, advice and support through these years has been invaluable and greatly appreciated! I hope your birthday is wonderful and that this is the best year yet! Love ya bunches!
  6. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RADAR!!!! I hope it's filled with lots of wonderful memories!! You are so very special! And VERY LOVED!!
  7. Great movies, Frank! :biglaugh:
  8. :blink: Our resident Bumpy is a movie star?? I never knew! Haven't seen Elf, but do like Will Ferrell. I just don't get out much. I forgot about White Christmas. That is a good one! Haven't seen The Holiday or Sarah, Plain and Tall either. I feel so behind the times.... He kind of looks like Ted Danson in that picture. Excellent make up! He would have to be good, otherwise I would just be sitting there thinking, "this is the Fonz playing Scrooge." I'm going to try to find that one as well.
  9. Oh geeze, Tonto, I'll bet in that frame of mind your sides were aching from laughing so hard!
  10. Good question, Socks. Good answers, too. :) In my life, the people who have had the most impact, been the most help and been the best examples of Christ's teachings have done so one-on-one and not from a pulpit. They may or may not have had a title or position, but they had the heart to serve, to help and to genuinely "love your neighbor as yourself". I've noticed that the churches I am most drawn to may have a "lead pastor" but the pastor has been really good at finding the strengths and longsuits of those in the church and fostered those abilities to the point where the gifted people flourish and love doing what they do best thereby touching the lives of those who are in need of that particular gift. It reminds me of a corporate definition of a good boss being one who hires employees he can train to take over his job and who are better than he is at many things. A good minister should want people in his church who are better than he is at things and who can take over when/if/should he not be able to function. A true functioning "one body" on a local level. My great uncle is/was a lay minister. He pastored a church with three other men. All three men worked full time jobs outside of the church and took turns leading the services on Sundays. During the week they did what they could, they encouraged and supported strengths of their members and coordinated some of the more personal needs of the church members. They do not try to be all things to all men. They enjoy others helping where they want to and are able to do so. They never ask for money, nor do they ever depend on their sufficiency coming from the church. They do it because they are good at it; they love people and feel it's the least they can do. Uncle Jack is retired from the USPS now and rarely preaches due to his health, but he still ministers to people when and how he can. I think we need more ministers like Uncle Jack, Pastor Pete and Brother Bob.
  11. Oh, Psalmie...... It's that time of year again! I shall be making these yet one more year for the cookie swap since they were such a hit last year. Have I told you, "THANK YOU" enough? :love3:
  12. Belle

    Gift Ideas

    Great topic, LAE! :) I have to bring in a $5 gift for our gift exchange at work and have no idea what to get for that. We're also struggling on what to get for the department gifts to our Controller and our CFO. I am giving my mother one month of personal yoga lessons. She is always on the go and hardly ever slows down, yet says she wants to. She works out at the gym, but this will add another element of physical exercise as well as help her get quiet for a little bit each week. Betty's Attic has a lot of "not your typical" gift ideas.
  13. You got it! As soon as I drop this off at the next booth. First cup's on the house, JeffSjo. Anything else I can get you? Welcome! We got real good at seeing devil spirits everywhere, didn't we? I think it was mighty convenient way to excuse the behavior of some and to get rid of others. Also, a method of control and keeping us so full of fear that we'd do anything they asked us to, including staying in TWI and giving them too much of our hard earned money.
  14. Listening to the music from it right now, Shellon. That's a classic must see! :)
  15. I also love this time of year, Suda. It just does not get cold enough down here, though, for me to get to wear any sweaters. How special that we have our very own Christmas Carol here at the Cafe! I think we have the best Christmas Carol there is.
  16. Well, that explains this picture of you
  17. That's the stuff memories are made of, TommyZ! I loved it when Mama would bake her famous cinnamon raisin bread and popcorn "trash" for us to enjoy while watching the specials together.
  18. Henry Winkler was in A Christmas Carol??? You're just the keeper of all things trivia, aren't you, Sudo? I had no idea... or my memory really sucks. I do like all the versions I've seen.... my favorite, of course, is the first one I saw which was B&W with hokey special effects, but I have no idea which version that would be.
  19. Like Dooj said, splinter groups do suck. :( It's just so sad to see folks taken advantage of yet again, even worse when it happens again and again and again.... and they stay with the stoopid splinter. Fool me once shame on me; fool me twice shame on you... some folks just keep getting fooled. Why pay for ordination? You can get ordained for free here. I did it a long time ago. I believe Goey, Oakspear and OM have also been ordained online.
  20. Dooj, please do not read my last comment to Linda. How kewl! Ya know, I started to buy the string of leg lamp lights from Betty's Attic last year for my Daddy but chickened out. I did not know there was a sequel! I am now going to have to go rent that... which scenes are you in? Can we find you if we look real hard? Hokey effects are the best! They were killer when they first came out and now, I think, the nostalgia effect makes them even more special. :) I think I'm a wee bit strange in that the sappy Christmas movies like those never really interested me much.
  21. Belle

    The Animal Rescue Site

    You totally rock, Nero!! Thank you!
  22. I did not understand any of those big words on the screen in his picture, but I do understand enough to be darn happy for him! :) Congrats to him and his very proud parents! Exciting and impressive, GSG!
  23. p.s. DO NOT FEED THE MINERAL OIL DIRECTLY TO ZIPPIE - it must be mixed with food. :)
  24. Yeah, I'd love the pet feeding one, too. :) I got to 1000 with a level of 40, but have to get back to work, too. What was your level at 1100, Strange One? Did you make it to 1100 before you missed your first word? :blink:
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