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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Rocky


    You seem to have made some unjustified inferences. I simply posted a link and some of the text from that link. Everything else you inferred from that is in the category of error that you alone are responsible for.
  2. Actually, RR, your "ribald" comments were about the fact that YOU misunderstood the context of the responses to your initial post to be a politicization of your innocent and innocuous post. (the ONLY fact is that you misunderstood the responses)
  3. Rocky

    Hey Mom

    No question that flip was intentional. Mom was understandably upset.
  4. Rocky


    That was NOT off topic, really. No, we cannot change human nature. HOWEVER... you have eloquently articulated the essence of and for the need for oversight and regulation of critical industries.
  5. Rocky


    Courts Unlikely to Strike Down AIG Tax Law, Legal Experts said March 20 (Bloomberg) -- Courts probably will uphold Congress's effort to tax employee bonuses at American International Group Inc. and other companies receiving federal bailout funds, several legal experts said. The House yesterday voted 328-93 in favor of a 90 percent tax on bonuses, including the $165 million insurer AIG paid last week after receiving $173 billion in bailout funds. The Senate plans to vote next week. The measure raises a number of legal questions, and New Hampshire Republican Senator Judd Gregg yesterday said the legislation was unconstitutional. Still, any legal challenge will meet a significant obstacle: the historic reluctance of the Supreme Court to second-guess Congress on tax issues. "Given the state of the law, it will be unlikely that the Supreme Court will strike down this legislation," said Edward McCaffery, a University of Southern California tax-law professor who says he questions the wisdom of the proposal. Gregg said the legislation would violate the constitutional ban on bills of attainder, or laws that single out individuals for punishment. "It's basically targeted on a small group of people," he said. The House took several steps to shield the measure from that argument, said Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard Law School.(continued)
  6. Rocky


    Legal Definition of Ex Post Facto Clause EX POST FACTO CLAUSE - A misnomer in that actually two Constitutional clauses are involved. The U.S. Constitution's Article 1 Section 9, C.3 states: 'No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed,' and Section 10 says: 'No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law. . . .' The 'words and the intent' of the Ex Post Facto Clause encompass '[e]very law that changes the punishment, and inflicts a greater punishment, than the law annexed to the crime, when committed.' Calder v. Bull, 3 U.S. (1 Dall.) 386, 390 (1798) (opinion of Chase, J.). An ex post facto law is a law passed after the occurrence of an event or action which retrospectively changes the legal consequences of the event or action.
  7. Rocky


    FBI Ramps Up Probes of Financial, Mortgage Fraud WASHINGTON -- The number of probes by the Federal Bureau of Investigation into corporate fraud and mortgage fraud is growing by the month. FBI Deputy Director John Pistole told a House panel Friday that the bureau has more than 2,000 open investigations into mortgage fraud as well as 566 corporate-fraud investigations. Mr. Pistole said 43 of those corporate-fraud investigations involve "matters directly related to the current financial crisis." Those numbers are all larger than those Mr. Pistole offered to a Senate committee last month. Comparing Mr. Pistole's testimony Friday with the data he gave to the Senate Judiciary Committee in February, it appears the FBI has opened 36 new corporate-fraud investigations and 200 new mortgage-fraud investigations in recent weeks. Mr. Pistole said the FBI continues to experience "an exponential rise" in the number of fraud investigations it is conducting, "a trend we expect to continue." He said the FBI's investigations on corporate fraud and financial-institution failures are focused on accounting fraud, insider trading and financial-statement manipulation. Mr. Pistole told the Senate Judiciary Committee last month that the FBI's investigations into the current financial crisis involve companies "that everybody knows about." Mr. Pistole said Friday that the growing number of fraud probes was straining the FBI's resources for investigating white-collar crime. (from the Wall Street Jounal)
  8. Rocky


    The (initial) question (subject of this thread) had to do with whether a bill making its way through Congress right now (passed the House yesterday) to tax said bonuses at the rate of 90 percent was the best answer. THAT bill would essentially be symbolic only for the reasons I cited. President Obama indicated during his interview on Leno's show that his administration was going to pursue any and all avenues to recapture those bonuses. While nobody here at GSC has been able to cite anything specific about the conduct of AIG or about specific provisions in existing law that the federal government could invoke to legally effect said recapture, it's entirely possible that the laws you (RR) were thinking of might apply to the AIG situation.... BUT would be something exclusive of the question posed by washn'wear to start this thread.
  9. Rocky


    Transparency is something the Obama administration is aiming for. That's why the Prez is generally not afraid to take responsibility for what his administration does. However, as you noted, this is a complicated situation. CONGRESS messed up. Apparently, Sen Dodd (D-CT) was responsible for removing the amendment that would have voided those bonus contracts. There are several news reports this morning that Dodd's "political capital" is taking a big hit for that dumb move. Further, it appears that Obama Treasury Secretary Geitner was aware of the bonus issue and neither properly briefed the Prez nor took issue with the removal of that amendment. Hence, Obama taking responsibility for the situation and looking for ways to now void the bonuses. Obviously, a bill to tax the bonuses at 90 percent, even if it passes and the Prez signs it, will likely only be symbolic. Because there are at least two reasons such a bill will not pass constitutional muster and would easily be struck down in court (if challenged). It's an Ex Post Facto bill. Not constitutional. Congress cannot enact laws to address a prior situation. It's also a Bill of Attainder. Also not constitutional. Congress cannot enact laws aimed at specific individuals.
  10. Rocky

    face book

    There are multiple potential issues and perhaps multiple solutions to this. First, if you have your profile set so that only your friends can read it, then those people don't know that what they post shows up on your page. I don't know if that matters to you. Second, in the upper right corner of the page (when you are in facebook), there is a link for SETTINGS. Click that and you can next choose PRIVACY settings. Then, you can choose (click) what appears on your NEWS FEED AND WALL.
  11. Rocky

    face book

    I have a lunch date with two friends from HS for next week. We graduated 37 years ago. I saw one of them at the 20 year reunion. I haven't seen the senior year yearbook for decades because I used to be in a cult and left stuff with my mother when I was moving all over tarnation. One of them is going to bring the yearbook. I spoke with both of them on the phone today... one characterized facebook as "cathartic." I agree. Of course, for many, GSC has been cathartic... but these people were never in this particular cult. :)
  12. Rocky

    Obama on Leno

    That's an intriguing reflection of YOU... what lives inside YOU... reminds YOU of "ole docvic, eh??" Nothing more, nothing less.
  13. Rocky

    Obama on Leno

    One can only surmise. However, President Obama is in California for a couple of Town Hall meetings today. This seems a likely extension thereof, or at least extension of one aspect of a town hall type meeting. I generally don't watch Leno. But Letterman is in reruns tonight and tomorrow because the opening round NCAA tournament is on CBS today and tomorrow. So, I will be able to record Leno (hence, skip the commercials).
  14. Geez... PEOPLE... I wasn't criticizing Mr. Beck for telling this person's story. And I certainly wasn't criticizing RR for posting the link to Beck's clip. My statement was simply that I can't listen to the guy. I think I adequately explained WHY I can't listen to the guy. By all means, I reflected MY neurosis in saying that I can't listen to the guy. I will still feel free to criticize Beck... but certainly NOT for telling this lady's story. IOW, neither I, nor LindaZ was suggesting anyone needed to be politically correct in their beliefs or opinions or statements or actions... And I appreciate the kind act by the person who found the other clip.
  15. I watched this one... a wonderful woman!
  16. You're not the only one who can't take watching Glenn Beck... I think the guy is just plain creepy.
  17. Rocky

    face book

    YES! I strongly dislike classmates.com but have reconnected with a handful of people I knew in high school (37+ years ago). ... on facebook, that is.
  18. Rocky

    face book

    I know plenty of Liberals on facebook (including ME). I don't like MySpace. Here's what it (facebook) means to me: 17 years ago, my brother died, leaving a (then) 14 year old daughter and 8 year old son. For at least the last 10 years, it's been difficult for me to stay in touch with them. I joined facebook in December 2008. IMMEDIATELY, I connected with them and am in touch and communicate with them every day. I'm thrilled about that. I was born in Rochester NY but moved to AZ more than 40 years ago. My dad had a second family. Even with email, it was difficult to stay in touch with family in NY. (Dad died 12 years ago this month). I invited my half sister to join facebook. She did so a couple of weeks ago. I'm thrilled about reconnecting with those folks back east. I have friends on facebook from GSC, from the WC social site, (many of whom live outside of Arizona) and from people I used to work with and know from my involvement in local politics. Facebook makes it easy and convenient to stay up to date with what is happening with each of those people in each of those groups. Like others have said, you can control how much of yourself you tell about and show on your facebook page. AND you can control who you allow to view that information. AND... there are games. Games can be time wasting activities OR they can be important mental exercise(s) for us 50+ people who would like to put off loss of memory and other thinking related skills. I play Scrabble on facebook. It's a social activity as well as mental exercise.
  19. Rocky

    Sheriff Joe

    House Judiciary Cmte to look into Arpaio's tactics March 11, 2009 A day after the Justice Department announced it is conducting a civil rights investigation of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee said he will hold hearings to look into complaints that deputies enforcing immigration laws are discriminating against Hispanics. U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., chair of the Judiciary Committee, will hold the hearings next month along with the chairs of the immigration, crime, and constitution subcommittees looking into allegations that deputies enforcing immigration laws are unlawfully targeting Latinos to search for illegal immigrants. "We're not trying to persecute or take advantage of anybody," Conyers said at a press conference. "Law enforcement officers have a very important and valuable function. The problem is they can't interpret the law their own way to harass or use racial strategies to determine who they arrest." (continued)
  20. Rocky

    Sheriff Joe

    Arpaio to investigated over civil rights claims March 11, 2009 The U.S. Justice Department has launched a civil-rights investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office after months of mounting complaints that deputies are discriminating in their enforcement of federal immigration laws. (continued)
  21. Rocky

    Sheriff Joe

    One can find it on other websites too... including the local news site for Joe's county... azcentral.com
  22. I agree with you niKa... and hope you don't feel stupid very often, because you're NOT stupid.
  23. Rocky

    Sheriff Joe

    In more contemporaneous news about the Masked Avenger... er, Sheriff Joke, consider this article, in which Arpaio gives tacit acknowledgement that his racial profiling/crusades against illegal immigrants has been targeting those who are "easy targets," instead of those who are a threat to the public safety of Arizonans in general. Arpaio likely to drop out of Homeland Security agreement March 6, 2009 Homeland Security officials will make it clear in newly written guidelines that a federal program that lets local police enforce federal immigration laws is primarily for going after immigrants who commit serious crimes. But Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Thursday that he would likely drop out of the program if immigration officials attempt to curtail his enforcement powers, including his ability to arrest immigrants for merely being in the country illegally.(continued)
  24. Today is MARCH FORTH! The ONLY day of the year that is a COMMAND! :)
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