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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Look... suicide is not passive. It's a conscious act. Wierwille, regardless of his goofy way of explaining life, the world and God, died as a direct result of cancer. Anyone who has had someone close to them die as a result of sickness or injury that sapped all strength from them can grasp this... and can easily understand the ideas of someone losing the will to live and/or ceasing to take in physical nourishment. Are we trying to make a point about his religion or does anyone actually believe wierwille committed suicide?
  2. How sweet of you to notice. I sooooooooo wonder what kind of sweet remark you initially posted then decided to remove.
  3. That would be a "Freeway series"... and at this point, I'm NOT with you on that one! ;)
  4. Across town? When I took my daughter to Disneyland (in 2000), the stadium was only a couple of miles from the "happiest place on earth!"
  5. Geez, Tom, I know you keep talking about how much the stRangers need pitching... but they picked up Dustin Nippert? That's not just "need pitching," that's REALLY desperate for even BAD pitching! Looks like it's garbage time in Baltimore tonight...
  6. " Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in this book." That's from an "About the Author" snippet in Williams book on the Energy Non-Crisis. That alone is enough to blow the whole concept to pieces. Anything Williams was told by oil company executives because Williams was serving as a chaplain for the Alaska pipeline project workers has all the credibility of a wet noodle. He was NOT an executive in charge of any phase of the project. He was in a position to influence the workers. Any "data" or "information" about what the project was to mean to consumers in the USA would have been intended solely to keep the workers happy and productive. I can't imagine he had any access to anything that would or could have cast the slightest doubt on the project. This man was set up, IF his claim as to his role in the project and with the oil companies is even remotely true, to be a propaganda tool for and by Big Oil. So, how should you view this book and any claims made by Lindsey Williams about Alaskan oil reserves? You decide.
  7. Who's Lindsey Williams?
  8. Looks like MLB IS gearing up to start trying out instant replay. They showed some of the equipment last night during the game at Chase Field. I understand it will be at only 5 stadiums at first and Chase is one of them...
  9. He probably has (and therefore IS) so much fun because baseball is so natural to him... which, of course, is a good thing... but not so much for the Dbacks. :)
  10. Wouldn't THAT be fun?! I won't hold my breath. At this point, I'd say it's not likely.
  11. I can agree with that assessment...
  12. I just saw LOTS of 9th corps names in those pics... not mine, however.
  13. That's kinda what I thought... which is what I meant by my reference to direct impact... btw, Dbacks almost got no-hit this afternoon by one of the guys from that big trade last week that sent Nady to the NYY... Karstens. The Big Unit pitched VERY well again but lost 2-0.
  14. Don't have any personal experience with or about them, but watched a 60 Minutes report on Mr. Osteen not that long ago. My understanding is that he preaches the gospel of prosperity... not my cup of tea. My sense is that the incident at the root of the lawsuit was overblown and that various things could have been done by both sides to de-escalate the tension. That said, given that it was on a US airline, it's probably reasonable to view Mrs. Osteen's conduct, at minimum, as incredibly arrogant.
  15. First off, that's the Yankees, not the Sox. And the snippet from Forbes doesn't provide any of the specifics of the economics of the situation, so it's hard to tell even what the article is even predicting, if anything, specific. The implied cause/effect -- new stadium/doubled revenue -- doesn't directly impact the Sox or any other MLB team. Will the game be more costly for fans next year? Of course... but by how much?
  16. That worked for Brandon Webb and the Dbacks tonight!!! Webb got his 16th win of the season.
  17. Rocky

    Make Room For...

    Well, your LIFE will change forever. And that's (generally) a good thing. Congrats. You will feel different the moment your new baby takes its first breath! Your entire perspective on life will change! That moment, which for me was nearly 19 years ago, was and still is THE most dramatic moment of my entire life. Oh, and did I say, "Congrats!" :)
  18. Rocky

    Do you snore

    Likewise, I'm sure! :)
  19. No question that makes for exciting baseball!!!
  20. LOVE that A/C!!! It's like that for (at least) 6 months here!
  21. Rocky

    Do you snore

    As others have said, it can be a MAJOR contributing factor to heart disease... ESPECIALLY if you are overweight and/or have family history... I've been using cpap for four and a half years. In that time, I've lost 90 pounds. But I also (with very strong family history) had a heart attack 9 days ago. Because I use cpap, lost the weight and work out regularly, my incident was VERY mild. One gets checked for sleep apnea in several ways, to varying degrees. Best is a "sleep study" in a special lab that hooks you up to a bunch of machines and they see what the problem is and try a couple of different things during that night to see how to get you to sleep most restfully.
  22. Rocky

    Do you snore

    I second this insight. They're called Breathe Right strips... and you HAVE TO use the name brand... generics do not do the same thing... they can help some, but if one needs CPAP, the strips will not do enough.
  23. I can't imagine he's got a Phoenix Suns jersey on too... THAT gorilla knows better than to do his thing when the a/c isn't on!!!!
  24. And it's another 100+ scorcher in the Big D today, isn't it? That can't be helping...
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