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Hope R.

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Everything posted by Hope R.

  1. Looks like there's no link to TWI's promo on the "Pick of the Week" site. Guess they listened. As far as their 5 minute promo goes - eek! IN MY OPINION - Rosalie looks like Disney made her. Harve looks about as real as Janet Jackson's right breast. The fellowships look like b-rated movie sets. It all looks very staged. If I was watching it and had never heard of TWI, I'd think it was just another Jim and Tammy ministry filled with white-middle-class midwesterners who'd never eaten a decent piece of pizza. And think about it, it may have done more harm than good. Anyone who was really curious wouldn't have stopped looking after they went to TWI's website - they'd probably do a google search and find out a whole lot more information about TWI - and very little of it positive (if any). Sheesh - the whole thing makes the "Changed" video look spontaneous! Hope R. color>size>face> Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now. - Stephen Stillssize>face>color>
  2. I think I'm going to be sick. :P--> :P--> :P--> Hope R. color>size>face> Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now. - Stephen Stillssize>face>color>
  3. Okay - I missed this thread so thanks for the bump! I remember being told that somewhere in the bible there was the perfect "recipe" for birth control using things from nature. I also remember someone tried to make that recipe into pill form and many woman took these pills while they were in-rez. I also remember the saying going around that so-and-so's kid was a "Corps Capsule" baby and laughing about it. Hope R. color>size>face> Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now. - Stephen Stillssize>face>color>
  4. Welcom Teknon - you wrote: Why be in an organization that you barely participate in or in one you in which you don't feel comfortabale supporting financially? Even moreso, why be a leader in that organization. I'm amazed they want you to teach and assist considering you don't subscribe to the Way Mag or tapes or abs regularly - because if you don't, you aren't up to speed on the "present truth". I was in TWI for 29 years - my whole adult life. I've only been out for 3 1/2 years and see things clearer about everything in life without the benefit of TWI's teaching or guidance. I'm glad the screaming has stopped - probably because the king of screamers was de-throned. But ask yourself some questions about things you have discovered here... Did you know that TWI recently spent $29,000 on a TV commercial that aired on MSNBC which the producers will not air again because they discovered that TWI was considered a cult? Your ABS (no matter how much) paid for that. Did you know that there is yet another law suit taking place in which the plaintiff is suing TWI for over 25 million dollars? Are you aware that a former Way clergyman was arrested by TWI for attempting to go into the Way Woods to pay his respects to some of his former TWI collegues who have died? Did they ever recant on the no debt policy? Can you have a mortgage and coordinate a fellowship? How about a car loan? Have they any explanation as to why Donna Martindale is still living at the former president's palatial log home at HQ's while her husband has been living in Toledo, apparently no longer allowed to attend TWI fellowships and (I have heard) marked and avoided? There are so many questions you can ask but, IMO, I'll bet you won't get straight answers to most of them. (i.e. Craig and Donna's marriage is none of your business... we never had a no debt policy, we're just teaching what the bible says about debt, etc.) Please feel free to contact me. You can click on my name to find my email address. Good luck and God bless you. Hope R. color>size>face> P.S. Does your husband know you've been reading Grease Spot? How does he feel about TWI? Did you tell your HHF leader you were here? What do you think would happen if you did? ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color> [This message was edited by Hope R. on February 10, 2004 at 16:26.]
  5. Wino - It's a really hard question to answer. I went back and forth between "am glad that I was involved but have a lot of misgivings" and "I wish I had never been involved". I'm glad that I was involved because of the people I know. I wouldn't know my husband if it wasn't for TWI. My life would have taken a different turn had I never been involved. I will never know if it would have been better or worse. I think for me the best answer is "I'm not happy I was involved in a cult, but I'm thankful for the people I met there." Oh - I just noticed the last choice... yeah - that's about right. Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  6. dmiller - there are some people who post here who are still in TWI - mostly because their families are still involved. They're waiting for the right time to leave - until then, yes, they still send abs to HQ's. seth - as far as I know, "love offerings" stopped when LCM made the Corps gift-free. Don't know about now, but as of 2000, there hadn't been one down here for a number of years. Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  7. HOPPY! How are ya? Yeah - I had quite a few dreams about TWI after I left... It was always the same one - or extrememly similar (which never happened to me before in my life!). It always involves going back in residence, except this time my hubby is with me and we're split up into different dorms. Sometimes it's in Rome City, sometimes Emporia. But I always wake up feeling terrible, like something has been taken away from me. I will say that after 3 1/2 years out (more mentally), I haven't had that dream, or any dream about TWI for a while. Watch, now I'll probably have one tonight (ah, the power of suggestion!). Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  8. Lorna Doone wrote: You're right. Not a bad idea. imus@msnbc.com Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  9. WG - our print is up in the attic. I couldn't toss it because I paid a lot for the frame and figure I can reuse it someday. Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  10. IMO, it's too bad they hadn't implemented that policy before they wasted their time and money on the TWI commercial. But honestly, I would have liked to have seen it - would have been a good laugh I could have used this morning! Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  11. Gawd - do you remember that painting called "The Trainer"? It looks just like the cover of that book, except it's VP and one of his dogs! Another TWI rip-off of someone else's original idea! Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  12. On the "glass half full" side: Joe Guarini and Bill MacHarg - to thank them for being so good to me when I needed it most. On the "glass half empty" side: Gerald W., to ask him "what were you thinking?" when you made life a living hell for us our last year in-rez. LCM - to ask him where he got the cojones to do what he did and think it was sanctioned by God. (and not just the sex, and I'd need more than 5 minutes). Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  13. Bob wrote: How do we do that Bob? I'm amazed that TWI would have a TV commercial. More surprised that someone like Terry Bradshaw didn't do their research and look further down the Google page at all the sites that accuse TWI of being a cult. I think if anyone does Google TWI, they'd look past the first link. Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  14. In TWI world: Mozart was possessed because he was a child prodigy by the age of 3 and wrote his first piece at the age of 5. We know no child that age could do that without the help of debbil spurts. Beethoven continued to write music when he was stone-cold deaf. Of course, that's impossible without some "spiritual" help - which couldn't have been from God! DaVinci - well, he had too much foresight - he had to be inspired by debbils! Ali's glove never touched Joe Frasier, yet Joe went down - must have been the debbil! I was in residence during the Olympics when Nadia Comaneci scored a few perfect 10's in gymnastics. I remember Gerarld W. telling us in no uncertain terms that she was possessed Unreal! Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  15. I would not have killed or died for TWI, the "word", the MOG or any leader. I don't recall anyone ever bringing that up. Oh - we were to "forsake all others" - ya know, that verse where JC says "who is my mother, my brother..."? Implying that only those who stood with you in TWI were worthy of your friendship and love. But kill? or die? No - in all my years I never even heard LCM scream and spit about that one. I probably would have left a lot sooner had I heard something like that! Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  16. Lock box - appropriate if you are a leader who doesn't want something revealed, but if someone in your fellowship did something you consider "off the word" - you'd better tell! Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  17. Hope R.


    I usually don't post email jokes I receive because they've been around the internet for a while - but this one... I really L'd OL!!! Magic Beer A lady walks into a bar and sees a really good-looking guy sitting at the bar by himself. She goes over and asks him what he is drinking. "Magic Beer", he says. She thinks he's a little crazy, so she walks around the bar, but after realizing that there is no one else worth talking to, goes back to the man sitting at the bar and says, "That isn't really Magic Beer, is it?" "Yes, I'll show you." He takes a drink of the beer, jumps out the window, flies around the building three times and comes back in the window. The lady can't believe it: "I bet you can't do that again." He takes another drink of beer, jumps out the window, flies around the building three times, and comes back in the window. She is so amazed that she says she wants a Magic Beer, so the guy says to the bartender, "Give her one of what I'm having." She gets her drink, takes a gulp of the beer, jumps out the window, plummets 30 stories, breaks every bone in her body, and dies. The bartender looks up at the guy and says, "You know, Superman, you're a real @sshole when you're drunk." Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  18. I agree about Andy Serkis. Little of the acting in the LOTR movies is Academy Award worthy (not that it's bad, mind you, but George C. Scott it ain't!) - but Serkis's portrayal of Gollum was amazing. Makes me wonder if he was even on the ballot. Anyone who saw the film(s) knew there was a real person behind the computerized character - what a rip-off! Johnny Depp - I'd nominate him for anything... makes Brad Pitt look like roadkill! :D--> Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  19. double post because of the funny message from infopoop
  20. ISTW... yeah - and Rafe wrote one for the heart... don't remember if anyone did it for the "noive" I Only Have Way Brain I would smile through all the teachings While sitting in straight seating I never would complain And I?d learn to shoot a rifle and become a great disciple ?cause I only have Way Brain. I?d unravel a translation without an education, I never would explain! For a decent explanation may stir up inner frustration ?cause you only have Way Brain Oh I will tell you why Je-sus can?t be God that the dead are dead and churches are a fraud and then I?ll YELL and you?ll applaud!!! I would be extraordinary no one would be contrary to wisdom I have gained I?d do things that are illegal ain?t it grand to be so regal ! ?cause I only have Way Brain Imagine me, the designee!! The mantle I will wear then the man of God will pour oil on my hair And then I?ll dance - without a care! And I?ll think I?m sheer perfection not subject to inspection for decades I will reign! I doubt I?ll be discovered for I think my sins are covered ?cause I only have Way Brain. *obviously sung to the tune of "If I Only Had a Brain" with apologies to E.H. Harburg and Harold Arlensize>
  21. Funny laleo - My last year in-rez was split up between Emporia and Rome City. When we were in Emporia - it was horrible -long story - but it was the pits. Then, in December, we got to move to Rome City and it was great. A few of us likened it to Dorothy leaving Kansas (harsh, gray, farmwork, Gerald was Miz. Gulch!) to go to the land of Oz! When we arrived, there was a banquet waiting for us! There were munchkins (the kids!!!!) and of course, Del was the Wizard!! Unfortunately, it was only temporary, and after 5 months we had to go back to Kansas. *sigh* I think Dorothy learned more than I did. Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  22. I'm going to look for the tape from the early 90's where LCM said that if you give less than 10% then God "won't even spit in your direction". I may have tossed it with the others, but I think it may have been one I tucked aside because it was so unbelievable! I believe the title of the tape was "The Tithe Doth Still Provide" if anyone out there has it around. Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  23. One reviewer on one of the news stations (I think it was CNN) said if she hadn't been paid to watch it, she would have walked out!!! Didn't inspire me to go at all. Took my 13 year old to see "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton" last night. Unless you like looking at a really cute guy - don't bother. If you've got kids who absoultely have to go, get a group of them together and hire an older teenager to take them! Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
  24. Well - I know that when a new book comes out, it won't do for a married couple to just purchase one of them. Each of them has to have one for their own study purposes. Same with the Way Rag - a married couple has to have two subscriptions, and if their kid or kids are grads, well, you get the picture. But that would only account for a very small part of their inventory. I think a lot of their inventory is probably stuff left over from their heyday - when 25,000 would show up at a ROA and they needed chairs, tables, etc. Not to mention those 5 stall porta-johns! I doubt those would sell even if they auctioned them off! Hope R. color>size>face> ...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
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