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Everything posted by SafariVista

  1. Well.. if I saw him on the road w/ a flat tire... maybe... most insurances cover that sort of thing... If he came to me for help... I don't see that happening... I'm not a Doctor... If he tripped right in front of me, and his glasses fell off, and I could save them from getting stepped on~ yes, I would see myself lending a helping hand. I would not give and evil look & walk away... That's just not my style... Might throw in a question or two during the assistance process... ;)
  2. Very fuuuuunnnnnyyyyyy!
  3. Shell I don't think you're naive. Adult people can discuss things and use manners while doing it... but without seeing people face to face, it's very easy to say things that wouldn't normally be communicated, while sitting at a computer... same with a telephone. I don't know anyone personally, myself included, that would feel comfortable participating in the Jerry Springer Show... now THAT is not normal ;) That day in April... we were still in, and knew basically nothing... like the beginning of war... Hope everyone gets a chance to read your post here
  4. Had wondered if they divorced... Craig sounds as though he's in a rough place right now. Hope he finds the courage and strength to really change and let those he's wronged know with an honest apology. So many lives were affected, so many varied degrees of pain... (even some deaths!) :( Thank you for sharing here Freud & Jung (Sigmund & Carl? ;) )
  5. Very interesting stuff from a Way woman... The internet ban has been lifted, and those that can handle it may do so? Wonder if leadership knows of their site & postings... doesn't seem like some of the young folks give a ****! While others appear to be sweet & genuine... Never liked 'myspace.com' very much... lots of creepy people hanging out there too... daughter ran into quite a few... not a highly recommended site from this house~ ...oh Chief Cornerstone Dear... dang... that typing icon is disturbing! I'm trying not to look... and scroll away quickly when the blood begins to appear... yikes! jmo
  6. Fantastic T-Bone... this is something I've been thinking about for years. It really is simple, and we teach our children, when they do something wrong, don't LIE... just admit it and take the consequence. Yes, an uncomfortable situation will most likely follow... but hey, that's life! Seems the Ten Commandments as a whole were left OUT of TWI for the simple reason of allowing the disgusting, twisted habits of some to continue... Loving God w/ all your heart... and your neighbor as yourself didn't seem to have much meaning there~ I've heard many arguments over the years from people justifying their sins... all Word based... well, no one's perfect... we all sin... don't you speed?, all sin in the same to God... we're not saved because of works, it's grace should we sin that grace may abound? NO!!! GOD FORBID! We've had believer parents serve alcohol to our children & theirs- ages 12-15... Well... here I go offering the sins of others, while I know I have many... But my point is, situations could not be taken care of since nothing was a 'big deal' to them... they just wanted to walk in love, grace covers...blah, blah, blah.... we were made out to be the bad guys for bringing it up When I find I'm wrong in an area, I feel bad... I don't want to do, think and live in sin... I want to be pleasing to God, and having something good to offer to others...
  7. Well... this was just before moving to NC in 2003...at that time the name had already changed though, and now they're operating under 'Association for Christian Character Devlopment'. This couple still hosted JL & others from CES in their home & cottage... they were very active in CES... and pushing ACCD like crazy... ACCD has several 'work shops'... don't know if anyone from CES is helping out there... don't know their names... http://www.accd.org/index.cfm/pages/272
  8. Mind boggling... Since TWI was associated in my mind w/ hot, humid, dirty summers at the ROA... spring & fall sounded nice... :) But all the costs involved... maybe they're two separate classes... one family can go, while another watches their younger children... then the next session they switch ;) Hopefully there won’t be any child molesters offering to baby-sit! From 81 through 2002 we found the meetings & classes to be more 'professional' each year... meaning TWI continued to tighten the belt on physicals... dress, time, seating, arrangement, music, food, presentation... it became cold and calculated... Even the prayers. Leadership was told what to pray for and who to call on… Although this behavior seemed to be reasonable in light of 'getting better' or 'growing', we realized the entire MARK was being MISSED! :(
  9. Thoughtfully composed letter. Seems like many excellent points for LCM to take a serious look at. A response would be remarkable… perhaps fully written out, with a signature. :) Wonder if he’s really sorry, or if he thinks what he was doing was okay? Is TWI still controlling his actions because of lawsuits? Those payoffs came with ‘rules’ attached… hummm
  10. CK you're being foolish. Taking a break may do you some good. Is the weather nice where you are now? Go for a walk, a run, or to get some ice-cream w/ a friend or neighbor. Take some time and appreciate the beauty that's around you. How about a visit to the Library... strike up a conversation with a total stranger... Listen to their ‘story‘, there are so many interesting people in the world... How about some Spring Cleaning... take some extras to your local shelter for battered women & children... They are feeling lost, helpless and confused… you could make a difference. There are so many people out there in the world that could benefit from what you have to give! Peace out dude ~ :)
  11. Some scarey stuff there Belle~
  12. Maybe we should wait and be quiet 'here' until Mr. Freud has had a chance to read & respond... This sure will take up a significant portion of his time getting through all of this... (reminds me of a Hugh family, where the children LOUDLY & physically ’discuss’ something, as the Dad patiently waits to speak...as he finally gets their attention, a few are still elbowing each other while looking at Dad ) :blink: just my opinion...
  13. harsh... :unsure: Ol Loy does have a few years left.... maybe he will apologize... Heard at one time he was a decent guy…
  14. Oh the 'household'... this was one of the big lies that had me disrespecting many people. Coming from a German background, there are many older folks I know that have a DEEP love & respect for God unt His Verd... After learning the 'truth' of who the true household is , I was horrible, and thought evil of them at times. They were very sweet to me at all times, and welcomed me back with open arms, and let me know that they NEVER stopped praying for me :)
  15. SafariVista


    Mr Larry, that tatoo musta HURT!
  16. NEVER experienced ANYTHING similar to what Galen speaks of. Corps were always around, and for the most part uptight, trying to get the hang of controlling their people. (oh the stories I have on that) Biblical Research & Teaching is a phrase, and just from hearing it over & over, some people can get a false sense that IS what is going on... Similar to when I was younger growing up in the Lutheran Church... the phrase God the Father, GOD THE SON, God the Holy Ghost... It was repeated so often It was believed, and hearing the opposite phrase was shocking!!! (Almost enough to keep me in that mode with NO scriptural back up) I agree that TWI had everyone 'researching', or looking at what they were teaching TO MAKE IT their own, NOT to see if it was so! And questions were NOT GOOD… unless you liked to be uncomfortable~ We did find a few discrepancies at different times, and posed a question, but it was never answered & brushed off~ <_<
  17. Interesting... It's all very interesting...
  18. hooo hoooo Way to go karmicdebt!!! Congratulations!
  19. Seems to be time for the laws to CHANGE!!! just how is this done?...
  20. That's a new one for me... :)
  21. 1. What time do you get up? 5:45 weekdays, 7:30 weekends 2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? One old friend at a time... 3. Gold or silver? Gold 4. What is the last film you saw at the cinema? Eight Below 5. What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? I liked Sisters, but it's gone... now Everybody loves Raymond is fun 6. What did you have for breakfast? 5 Fresh Strawberries, 1 stalk celery, 1/2 an apple, 1/4 cucumber & 1 kiwi 7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? A corps 8. What is your middle name? Marie 9. Beach, City or Country? Beach & Country 10. Favorite ice cream? Vanilla w/ toffee bits 11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? light real butter w/ jalapenos sprinkled throughout! 13. What kind of car do you drive? Burgundy Safari Van & Teal Venture Van 14. Favorite sandwich? spicy salad in pita 15. Favorite flower? Gardenia 16. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? A nice beach in a tropical country 17. What color is your bathroom? Cream w/ red ... lots of oak trim 18. Favorite kind of clothing? jeans, overalls, soft all cotton tops, soft comphy shoes or Birkenstocks 19. Where would you retire to? Near a close bunch of friends in a warm area :) 20. Favorite day of the week? Why? Saturday...good day to play~ 21. What did you do for your last birthday? Home w/ hubby, errands, out for dinner with family & games 22. Where were you born? Pontiac, Michigan 23. Favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics 24. Who do you least expect to respond? Sorry, drawing a blank to that one~ maybe me~ 25. Person you expect to respond first? Belle 26. What fabric detergent do you use? Why? Gain, Arm & Hammer, scent & price... just depends where I'm shopping 27. Coke or Pepsi? Wheat grass juice @ the 'bar'... carrot/apple is a favorite too 28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Have been known to do either well! 29. What is your shoe size? 8.5 30. Do you have any pets? Suzie, a black 7 pound Yorkie-Poo (w/some white markings) 31. Are you happy with your job? No, home-maker for 18 years... yearning to go back to school & become a nurse... or something 32. What is one thing you want to do in life that you have not done yet? Own a health related business! 33. If you had the chance to get married again- would you? Yes, but hind sight, I would have waited a bit longer to marry & have children! 34. If you won the lotto what would you do? Invest, upgrade a few things, start a business, help someone 35. If you had three wishes - what would they be? 1. Wisdom 2. Wealth 3. Unlimited wishes 36. What are your hobbies? Reading, biking, crafts, MUSIC, Bon Fires & Camping... going to the Beach in the Summer :) .... sledding/skiing in the Winter! 37. What are some things you always hope you get for Christmas? Can't think of anything right away... oh, thought it would be nice to get some beautiful piece of gold/diamond jewelry that I really liked w/out any input...never thought about it too long though
  22. (((((((sudossuda))))))) Just reading through here, and I can't imagine what you're going through, not at all. You sound like a strong, tender woman, and I'll be praying for you and yours to somehow get a closeness that allows for peace to reign in your home and life. I don't know your husband, maybe this is a way for him to deal with all the garbage from TWI & religion... there can be pressures from churches too... I don't see a need for you to apologize Sudossuda~
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