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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. That's the correct title of the ship and the episode. The more I think about this episode, the more problems I see with the strategy. First of all, Starfleet has an incredibly rigid screening process to get INTO the academy, but the cadets are allowed to get into trouble- at least the ones in elite units. Nova Squadron killed a cadet trying a dangerous, prohibited stunt. Red Squad's been in trouble more than once. Small wonder they have ANOTHER loose cannon there. They need to disband "elite" groups as troublemakers in the first place. In the second place, using an older ship in the Terran system makes a lot of sense. Keeping in the Terran system means less of a chance cadets will be killed, which is a bad thing when training cadets. Further, in time of war, all the warships- and Defiant-class ships are warships and of limited numbers- are needed for the war. What idiot decided to take a top-of-the-line warship and assign it to 3 months of training duty? In the third place, cadets who train in the field are assigned SINGLY to places so they can benefit from everyone's experience. Nog did that, and Kirk did that, as did others. Otherwise, why is an entire group of cadets taken out of school for 3 full months? Finally, this MAY have happened but the actual officer who was dying should have given explicit instructions to return to the academy as directly as possible, by the most direct route that was safe, and to not be diverted from this for any reason whatsoever unless their ship is under direct attack. It sounds more like he SUPPOSED the cadet in charge would decide to do that- which IS the sensible course but was not guaranteed. Then again, he may have told him that, and the guy might have just lied to everyone else. Might as well take the next turn, George.
  2. Well, I can pm the lyrics to you, but, really, is there a benefit to you having them? Tom hasn't done that one in a very, very long time. I speculate it's part of his embarassing twi days. Since I had some of those as well, I'm willing to let his fade with time.
  3. Or that God's understanding isn't infinite, or that He doesn't know all things. Or that He doesn't know the end from the beginning.
  4. "I wanna wake up where you are. I won't say anything at all." "I'll do anything you ever dreamed to be complete, Little pieces of the nothing that fall. May, put your arms around me. What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful"
  5. "Put that in the story too. Let people read it... and decide for themselves." "He may have been a hero... he may even have been a great man... but in the end, he was a bad captain." "I came to see Ferenginar. I've heard a lot about it -- I can't wait to see all the... the rain... and the muck... "But this is work for a... a mechanic. A repairman. A lowly engineer." "I'm going to tell Chief O'Brien you said that." "It's the Defiant!" "What??" "Thank you... sir?" "'Sir' is correct, ensign. I was given a battlefield commission and command of this vessel by the late Captain Ramirez." "Our mission was to circumnavigate the entire Federation before returning home." "So... uh... where are you from?" "Me? Tycho City." "Oh... a Lunar Schooner." " I haven't heard that in a long time." "I picked it up from my grandpa. Of course, he still calls Luna The Moon -- like it's the only one or something." "Well, nobody who's ever lived on the Moon calls it "Luna," either. That's just something they say on Earth." "Sir, the Engine Room also reports that we still have power spikes cropping up all through the deuterium injector startup routine." "I thought we had that under control." "I did too, sir." "Have you recalibrated the lateral impulse control system?" "No. What does that have to do with the injectors?" "Well, the impulse system shares some of the same power relays used in the injector startup routine." "Like that other one... the, uh... uh -- the Republic." "Not quite. The Republic's an old ship -- I don't think she's left the Terran System in fifty years." "As of this moment, you're chief engineer. Congratulations." "Chief Engineer?" "With the rank of lieutenant commander. Your first assignment is to figure out why we can't go above warp three point two." "Well. It sounds like you and the chief had quite a conversation this afternoon: home and family, and the glories of dawn on the Moon. Does that about cover it?" "That's... about it. What's going on?" " What's going on, Mister Sisko, in case you haven't noticed, is that we're in the middle of a war. We can't afford to have young cadets thinking about mommy and daddy when they need to be concentrating on their duties.." "All I did was ask about her home." "All you did was plunge a member of this crew into emotional turmoil. The safety of the entire ship can rest on the actions of any one of us at any given moment. That cadet was not ready to handle an emergency today and you are the reason why." "Look -- if you're telling me that just talking about home can jeopardize the "safety of the entire ship," then you're in bigger trouble than you think you are." "You're not here to volunteer your opinion. What you have to do is shut your mouth, obey the rules of this ship and stay away from Chief Collins!" "Jake -- may I call you Jake? You're a reporter. Your job is to watch the way events unfold, not participate in them. Right now, you need to stand back and take a good look at where you are and what's going on around you. You're in the middle of a great story. Maybe one of the greatest stories of the entire Dominion War. This ship is special, Jake. This crew is special. Whatever fates guide the universe have chosen us to achieve some purpose in this conflict. I know that. I know it as surely as I know your presence on this ship is no coincidence. You're here to write the story..." "Don't interfere with the story, Jake. Don't become part of it. Just let it unfold around you. Observe. Listen. And then write it down." "You do realize you're violating about fifty safety regulations?" "Yes sir, I do. But I also know that Chief O'Brien made the same changes to the Defiant and she never had a problem." "You probably all know who my father is -- Benjamin Sisko. So you know I'm not exaggerating when I say that he's considered to be one of the best combat officers in the fleet........ ...And I'm telling you right now that even with the entire crew of the Defiant with him... my father would never try to pull off something like this. And if he can't do it... it can't be done."
  6. You've gotten entirely out of twi, but has twi gotten out of you? That's fair. That's one reason why there's professionals. So either they can "just get over it", or "there is no God." Nice False Dilemma. Absolves you of trying to understand the heart of another person, though. You might thank God that nothing ever happened to you that was so traumatic you get flashbacks about it a lifetime later. There's plenty of people who walk this earth who can't say the same.
  7. "I'll do anything you ever dreamed to be complete, Little pieces of the nothing that fall." "What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful"
  8. "He may have been a hero... he may even have been a great man... but in the end, he was a bad captain." "I came to see Ferenginar. I've heard a lot about it -- I can't wait to see all the... the rain... and the muck... "But this is work for a... a mechanic. A repairman. A lowly engineer." "I'm going to tell Chief O'Brien you said that." "It's the Defiant!" "What??" "Thank you... sir?" "'Sir' is correct, ensign. I was given a battlefield commission and command of this vessel by the late Captain Ramirez." "Our mission was to circumnavigate the entire Federation before returning home." "So... uh... where are you from?" "Me? Tycho City." "Oh... a Lunar Schooner." " I haven't heard that in a long time." "I picked it up from my grandpa. Of course, he still calls Luna The Moon -- like it's the only one or something." "Well, nobody who's ever lived on the Moon calls it "Luna," either. That's just something they say on Earth." "Sir, the Engine Room also reports that we still have power spikes cropping up all through the deuterium injector startup routine." "I thought we had that under control." "I did too, sir." "Have you recalibrated the lateral impulse control system?" "No. What does that have to do with the injectors?" "Well, the impulse system shares some of the same power relays used in the injector startup routine." "Like that other one... the, uh... uh -- the Republic." "Not quite. The Republic's an old ship -- I don't think she's left the Terran System in fifty years." "As of this moment, you're chief engineer. Congratulations." "Chief Engineer?" "With the rank of lieutenant commander. Your first assignment is to figure out why we can't go above warp three point two." "All I did was ask about her home." "All you did was plunge a member of this crew into emotional turmoil. The safety of the entire ship can rest on the actions of any one of us at any given moment. That cadet was not ready to handle an emergency today and you are the reason why." "Look -- if you're telling me that just talking about home can jeopardize the "safety of the entire ship," then you're in bigger trouble than you think you are." "You're not here to volunteer your opinion. What you have to do is shut your mouth, obey the rules of this ship and stay away from Chief Collins!" "Jake -- may I call you Jake? You're a reporter. Your job is to watch the way events unfold, not participate in them. Right now, you need to stand back and take a good look at where you are and what's going on around you. You're in the middle of a great story. Maybe one of the greatest stories of the entire Dominion War. This ship is special, Jake. This crew is special. Whatever fates guide the universe have chosen us to achieve some purpose in this conflict. I know that. I know it as surely as I know your presence on this ship is no coincidence. You're here to write the story..." "Don't interfere with the story, Jake. Don't become part of it. Just let it unfold around you. Observe. Listen. And then write it down." "You do realize you're violating about fifty safety regulations?" "Yes sir, I do. But I also know that Chief O'Brien made the same changes to the Defiant and she never had a problem."
  9. Congratulations on a clear, straightforward, Scripture-based post, T-Bone! When the only defense left is "I've made up my mind and you're a stoopidhead", you've distilled something to its essence, Scripturally.
  10. I think the case before him didn't make any sense. It was in vogue at the time for Jews to attempt to lead armed insurrections against Rome. (That's why the disciples kept expecting Jesus to re-establish an Earthly kingdom, even at the Ascension.) Barabbus was just one of many conspirators that attempted to lead armed rebellions. Pilate's main concern was to keep his job, which meant he had to keep the peace- which meant he had to stop insurrections as quickly and harshly as possible, preferably before they started. To see them hand over a violent demagogue would make sense- they wouldn't want Pilate's soldiers to attack them just to take out HIS insurrection. But they didn't hand over a violent man, a man who preached violence. They handed over a temperate man, a man who controlled his emotions, and preached peace. What the HECK was going on? All Pilate had to go on was what he was being told. The people OBVIOUSLY weren't telling him what he needed to know- which left Jesus telling him. Thus, he needed Jesus to talk. The question "what is truth?" was an open-ended one, much like one of us asking another "What does God find most-pleasing and why?" The answers will vary, and require some exposition. HOW it's answered is as important as what is said. Pilate was educated, knew what he HAD to do, and was presented with something that made no sense, but he had to find a solution that didn't end in using soldiers in combat. Ultimately, from his perspective, any one innocent man's life was a small price to pay for the many that would be lost if there was a violent action. But he had to make sense of it before he made any decision.
  11. "He may have been a hero... he may even have been a great man... but in the end, he was a bad captain." "I came to see Ferenginar. I've heard a lot about it -- I can't wait to see all the... the rain... and the muck... "But this is work for a... a mechanic. A repairman. A lowly engineer." "I'm going to tell Chief O'Brien you said that." "It's the Defiant!" "What??" "Thank you... sir?" "'Sir' is correct, ensign...." "Our mission was to circumnavigate the entire Federation before returning home." "So... uh... where are you from?" "Me? Tycho City." "Oh... a Lunar Schooner." " I haven't heard that in a long time." "I picked it up from my grandpa. Of course, he still calls Luna The Moon -- like it's the only one or something." "Well, nobody who's ever lived on the Moon calls it "Luna," either. That's just something they say on Earth." "Sir, the Engine Room also reports that we still have power spikes cropping up all through the deuterium injector startup routine." "I thought we had that under control." "I did too, sir." "Have you recalibrated the lateral impulse control system?" "No. What does that have to do with the injectors?" "Well, the impulse system shares some of the same power relays used in the injector startup routine." "Like that other one... the, uh... uh -- the Republic." "Not quite. The Republic's an old ship -- I don't think she's left the Terran System in fifty years." "As of this moment, you're chief engineer. Congratulations." "Chief Engineer?" "With the rank of lieutenant commander. Your first assignment is to figure out why we can't go above warp three point two." "All I did was ask about her home." "All you did was plunge a member of this crew into emotional turmoil. The safety of the entire ship can rest on the actions of any one of us at any given moment. That cadet was not ready to handle an emergency today and you are the reason why." "Look -- if you're telling me that just talking about home can jeopardize the "safety of the entire ship," then you're in bigger trouble than you think you are." "You're not here to volunteer your opinion. What you have to do is shut your mouth, obey the rules of this ship and stay away from Chief Collins!" "Jake -- may I call you Jake? You're a reporter. Your job is to watch the way events unfold, not participate in them. Right now, you need to stand back and take a good look at where you are and what's going on around you. You're in the middle of a great story. Maybe one of the greatest stories of the entire Dominion War. This ship is special, Jake. This crew is special. Whatever fates guide the universe have chosen us to achieve some purpose in this conflict. I know that. I know it as surely as I know your presence on this ship is no coincidence. You're here to write the story..." "Don't interfere with the story, Jake. Don't become part of it. Just let it unfold around you. Observe. Listen. And then write it down."
  12. "What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful"
  13. WordWolf


    It would certainly please twi....
  14. POP=Passing of the Patriarch, and the ensuing hijinks connected with it. The Greasespot 101 forum has a "Wayspeak and Greasespotspeak" thread which may come in handy. Oh, and hello. :)
  15. Oh, good, someone beat me to it. Both quotes involved scenes with Tackleberry, possibly the funniest scenes in the movie. (Ok, except for some of Michael Winslow's scenes.) First one was at the Academy pistol range. His first shot EXPLODED the target. "Would you mind if I held that for a while?"(Something like that.) The other was his big chance to shoot on the street-but he got there too late. My cryptic joke was on the oft-repeated line from the commercials. A brat wouldn't leave a car, so his Mom asked a passing policeman (Tackleberry) to help. The kid insisted he would leave "when he's ready." "You're ready NOW, mister!" *fires teargas canister into car* "Thanks officer!" (Something like that.)
  16. I noticed you left out anyplace where rascal actually SAID anything you're accusing her of. Never let it be said you'll let truth and honesty stand in the path of your defense of vpw. Galatians 5 interferes with a defense of vpw, so it must be discredited. rascal quotes Galatians 5, so she must be discredited. Neither rascal nor "fundamentalist Christians all over" ever say a Christian is "perfect with no sin nature." That's an invented strawman position of John (and vpw defenders) used to pretend other Christians are unreasonable and overly legalistic. Galatians 5:16-25. KJV 16This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 25If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:16-25 NASB 16But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. 18But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. 19Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. ============ Pretty simple to understand. Which does not negate Galatians 5, which means we have to actually UNDERSTAND WHAT THE VERSES MEANrather than just blow off Galatians 5:21 because it doesn't match our theology or opinion of vpw. As reported by many eyewitnesses. And according to Galatians 5:21, people who do SOME of the things vpw did "shall not inherit the kingdom of God." I'm not sure PRECISELY what that means, but it sounds serious. Can a Christian do that? If so, it will cost him the kingdom of God. I still don't know PRECISELY what it means, but it sounds serious. That is true. Christians also shouldn't distort the truth and lie about other Christians,but that doesn't mean all Christians wouldn't. A true Christian shouldn't demonize his fellow Christians for disagreeing with his doctrine, yet it happens too. A true Christian shouldn't forsake loving his neighbor as himself, yet it happens, too. Possibly true-since the true performers of evil acts never posted "here." Possibly NOT true, since I don't know HER private life nor anyone else's here- and supposing one does is ridiculous, but illogical, untruthful, emotion-based attackers certainly can PRETEND they do. Or with lies, illogic, or personal attacks, for that matter.
  17. It does suck. And periodically, GSC has these nasty, petty little squabbles. However, we get past them and move on. Sometimes the staff has to play "parent" before it does, but eventually it passes.
  18. "He may have been a hero... he may even have been a great man... but in the end, he was a bad captain." "I came to see Ferenginar. I've heard a lot about it -- I can't wait to see all the... the rain... and the muck... "But this is work for a... a mechanic. A repairman. A lowly engineer." "I'm going to tell Chief O'Brien you said that." "It's the Defiant!" "What??" "Thank you... sir?" "'Sir' is correct, ensign...." "Our mission was to circumnavigate the entire Federation before returning home." "So... uh... where are you from?" "Me? Tycho City." "Oh... a Lunar Schooner." "(grins) I haven't heard that in a long time." "I picked it up from my grandpa. Of course, he still calls Luna The Moon -- like it's the only one or something." "Well, nobody who's ever lived on the Moon calls it "Luna," either. That's just something they say on Earth." "Sir, the Engine Room also reports that we still have power spikes cropping up all through the deuterium injector startup routine." "I thought we had that under control." "I did too, sir." "Have you recalibrated the lateral impulse control system?" "No. What does that have to do with the injectors?" "Well, the impulse system shares some of the same power relays used in the injector startup routine." "Like that other one... the, uh... uh -- the Republic." "Not quite. The Republic's an old ship -- I don't think she's left the Terran System in fifty years." "As of this moment, you're chief engineer. Congratulations." "Chief Engineer?" "With the rank of lieutenant commander. Your first assignment is to figure out why we can't go above warp three point two."
  19. Is it that Redman song, "Because I Got High"? That song sounds a LOT stranger when it's being played by a live marching band, I say.
  20. Right- wisdom is justified of her children.
  21. Says the guy who kept saying "stick strictly to the topic of the thread. Well, SIT is something we learned taking pfal, and you still believe it. It's about as on-topic as anything anyone's brought up.
  22. "He may have been a hero... he may even have been a great man... but in the end, he was a bad captain." "I came to see Ferenginar. I've heard a lot about it -- I can't wait to see all the... the rain... and the muck... "But this is work for a... a mechanic. A repairman. A lowly engineer." "I'm going to tell Chief O'Brien you said that." "It's the Defiant!" "What??" "Thank you... sir?" "'Sir' is correct, ensign...." "Our mission was to circumnavigate the entire Federation before returning home." "So... uh... where are you from?" "Me? Tycho City." "Oh... a Lunar Schooner." "(grins) I haven't heard that in a long time." "I picked it up from my grandpa. Of course, he still calls Luna The Moon -- like it's the only one or something." "Well, nobody who's ever lived on the Moon calls it "Luna," either. That's just something they say on Earth."
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