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Everything posted by outandabout

  1. It's easy to get fat at HQ. I was there part of my last year in the corpse and I got sorta fat. Family style meals and snack shop at 3 pm. Maybe that accounts for the green tents on the ample figures.
  2. I was led to believe in the beginning of the Corps that it was a "calling of God" - that I was doing God's Will For My Life by being in The Corps. Lo and Behold, later the doctrine came out that the Corps was NOT a "calling." Nevertheless, I was beholden to TWI for LIFE after graduating, ever to hear the the mantra "You're Corps!" if I ever fell short of the STANDARD I must live up to forever and ever. Was I ever HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY to get out of that!
  3. It's just funny to me that these errors are always overcharging, never undercharging.....
  4. Is long hair for women not allowed? What a long strange trip it's been to go from ROA '72 to PTL. The smiles on the chorus looked plastered on. I'll bet they were often exhorted to "smile" during rehersals.
  5. You'd think the fact that you can't run a fellowship if you own a home would be a big clue that something ain't right. Hello..own a home...have a place for fellowship..but no, can't do that because you own a home.
  6. I am still astounded by these things. Just unfreakinbelievable. How perverse. How could TWI become so totally the opposite of what God's Word really says, meanwhile claiming to be oh so holy. How can anybody even be in this anymore? Even if they're being "nicer" now.
  7. That's what I was wondering. What was the big deal if your daughter was on medication? Why was it their business? And why the big huge deal over who you told and when and who told who. Geeeesh! Glad I got out in '88. And I agree with the above - WACKOS!!!!!! Any Catcup, you go girl. I love your recountings.
  8. There is no such thing as "present truth." That term in and of itself is a contradiction that makes no sense. But then I guess that's advantageous to those that propound it. It just causes more confusion and makes people unable to believe in their own logic and common sense, thereby enabling the controllers to control all the more.
  9. "He's the head of the church for crying outloud." LOL good one
  10. I'm horrified by this post. I have heard of things I cannot believe. Dishes in the sink!!!!! T-shirts not FOLDED right!!!!! Everybody KNOWS there is only ONE RIGHT WAY to fold a T-shirt. I mean, if you don't get those folds just right, those debbul spurts will get right in there.
  11. I didn't see any 3x5 cards but the branch leaders in a certain state always knew verbatim anything I had said to anyone and then they would repeat it back to me and construe everything I said as really evil, when actually I was just being a fairly normal human being. I guess they had mental 3x5 cards.
  12. You know, when I saw "The Passion" it occurred to me that TWI would say EXACTLY that. (oh but it's the Resurrection....) So annoying. So nitpicky. Yeah, and I noticed all those "inaccuracies" that were contrary to what was taught but you know? SO WHAT! He SUFFERED for us big time because he loved us and it was the only way to redeem us. I went to see it with four other people and every one of us cried. and yeah, the resurrection IS in it at the end. DUH. Or maybe I misinterpreted seeing a stone roll away and the guy who played JC get up
  13. Another believer brought home a shirt for me that he found in the middle of the road.
  14. I too thought this was an incredible movie, although I did not figure out the killer at the beginning. Sean Penn was really good.
  15. Thanks for the ((hug)), ex. More stupids: Around April of our WOW year, the limb coordinator decides she doesn't like our home and tells us to move. So we did. So we could live in the new place four more months. Stupid. Same limb leader tells my WOW coordinator (female) to sleep in same bed with my other WOW sister because it's "healing." Stupid. (and weird)
  16. I was reproved for bringing crackers instead of cookies. (and my BC had said "crackers or cookies." I was told by the limb leader that if I had another mental break down, the Devil would kill me. Guess what. I had a few more, and I'm still here.
  17. I was so Waybrained that I believed everything other Wayfers said to me about who I was - none of it good of course.
  18. Misery started to set in circa 1980. Didn't fly the coop until 1988. Took a long time to get it that God wouldn't hate me if I left. As a matter of fact, He'd probably been telling me to get out since I first wanted to in 1980. Wish I'd listened, but how would I know? I was convinced it was God's Ministry and God's Calling, so if He told me to get out, I didn't get it because it couldn't seep through my Way Brain.
  19. A Twig Coordinator I knew decided to have a barbeque with his room-mates. They then invited a few other people. Then they called the branch leader and invited him.Twig leader got chewed out because it wasn't proper SPIRITUAL PROTOCOL to invite the leader FIRST. That's pretty stupid. [This message was edited by outandabout on December 09, 2003 at 16:05.]
  20. I say I was in a religious organization that taught some good Biblical doctrine but the group became more and more cult-like as time went on and I eventually realized it and left. Most people I've talked to about it don't care. My best friend knows a lot about it because I've told her a lot about it.
  21. WELL SAID, Ms Doone. You really hit the old nail on the old headaroo.
  22. outandabout


    Y oh Y Did I Waste 15 years In TWI????
  23. I didn't know then either what a fifth columnist was. But I think it's a traitor. At the time there were leaks to the media from the someone in the Corps evidently and there was some article in a newspaper and Dr. was upset over where the info came from. Nobody really knifed anybody that I know of. But it was just really weird that he would even say that. Especially since at the time we all took everything Dr. said so seriously.
  24. I recall an after-meeting meeting at an Advance, where a top rev was discussing some behavior by a Corps member that the leaders of the area didn't approve of. (don't remember who or what) The rev said something like "When I was in residence and we had a problem like that, we'd take the guy into a room and a bunch of us would beat the crap out of him." I couldn't believe my ears. Once at Corps Week, Dr W said, "There are fifth columnists among us. If you find one, you take a knife and cut off her breast if she's female and his balls (I think it was balls) if they're male. I was sitting there taking notes, and then I thought "Wait a minute, I'm taking notes on this?!" It was weird. Both times it was weird, hearing people say that stuff. But did I question it? Not much. I was too fogged out.
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