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Lifted Up

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Everything posted by Lifted Up

  1. Okay, you are right. Now we know I guess. Thanks. Most of the old stuff seems to be there. Dont see much new, but age certainly doesn't by itself make the info outdated. I did see the old interview that was altered after I contacted the interviewee.
  2. Lifted Up


    first, huh? Okay, there are two ways to ask the question. 1...are there any coffee drinkers who are not helped by that first morning cup. 2...are there any coffee drinkers who are not grouchy as hell before that first cup?
  3. Well, you can get something now, but it's sure not what it was. I won't try to describe it, take a look. And, well, I have no idea where he is, hmmm.........
  4. No, the one who, after two 8 year stretches as governor, was elected to the U.S. House, and shortly thereafter killed a motorcyclist by speeding through a stop sign.
  5. I think we just had a communication problem. I think in terms of the famous lake effect snows, perhaps most copious in NY on the lee side of Lake Ontario, and where I used to spend some time...including a few Christmas vacations...with relatives in Erie, PA, where one december I was there it snowed almost every day of the month (28 of 31 I think). Cold air is warmed by the lake waters, and in the process become more moist, as warmer air of course can hold more moisture. I apologize for any tone that might come from my post, I think I was reacting to the term ludicrous.
  6. Well okay on what you quoted...but your quote was not in its entirety either, so forgive me if I still don't understand what I quoted, even if together with your quote. As far as the Great Lakes never freezing over... EARTH OBSERVATION Ice Covers the Great Lakes Raw Desktop Available 1024 x 768 Image by Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC Toronto - Mar 17, 2003 With spring just a few weeks away, the North American Great Lakes are still locked in winter. This image from March 9, 2003, shows ice almost completely covering several lakes, including the largest lake -- Lake Superior, at upper left. Just left of image center, Lake Michigan shows a ring of ice around its shores and at its northern end, while to the east, Lake Huron is almost completely covered. South of Huron, Lake Erie is veiled by thin clouds, but through the clouds, ice is visible covering all but the northern parts of the lake. To the northeast, Lake Ontario appears relatively ice-free beneath the clouds. Ice cover on Lake Erie is not uncommon, since it is the shallowest of all the lakes, but the big lakes -- Superior and Huron -- rarely freeze completely over; the big freeze has interrupted shipping and ferry lanes in the region. Ice experts from the Canadian Ice Service were quoted in media reports as saying it may be April before the ice thaws completely. Link to image referred to above from the image, Lake Michigan must be hell, since it doesnt freeze over, heh heh. Note that Lake Erie isnt quite completely frozen over in this image, but it has happened. See below... these questions from a Penn State meteorology course... Question 1. Which one of the Great Lakes completely freezes over most frequently in winter? a. Lake Superior b. Lake Michigan c. Lake Huron d. Lake Erie e. Lake Ontario SOLUTION: Lake Erie Question 2. Of the five Great Lakes, the one which experiences the coldest winter mean temperature is not the one that freezes over most often. What factor(s) other than temperature determine whether or not a lake freezes? SOLUTION: The depth of the water and the size of the lake. Lake Erie is the second smallest of the Great Lakes and it is the shallowest by far.
  7. Huh? Are you sure you didn't mean to say frozen water???
  8. ...and you all thought our WMD intelligence on Iraq was unreliable.
  9. Lifted Up


    Here at work it would be a criminal offense for a non coffee drinker to make the coffee. Actually, there was ome time I liked coffee. It was on LEAD; it was cold, so was I, and the coffee was the only thing hot around. My taste buds were temporarily deprogrammed by whatever it is that reguates the body temperature.
  10. ...and I'm sure I'm capable of getting a name wrong when I'm in a rush. and I don't blame you at all for not wanting to be incorrectly associated with such a statement...or anything incorrectly quoted, but this one does seem to be particularly rather far out. Which is why, IMHO, it would be interesting to know who made such allegations, if anyone did.
  11. Unless my eyes are getting older than I think they are, HAP did not refer in the least to you (diazbro). Hap was, I think, pointing out that JKB brought up the subject, with the vague "at one time it was alleged" without even hinting who alleged such. I think you meant to refer to topoftheworld, and even then I think TOTW just deleted the unwanted part of the quote too quickly, appearing to connect you to the statement. Understandable for you to correct, but I know I am capable of such a goof. (I dount it was intentional).
  12. There is no doubt about the warming. There are varying degrees of doubt about the cause. If the cause is a combination of natural and human factors, there are varying degrees of doubt about how much to attribute to each. And of course there is the most doubt about what we can and should do, and how we should do it...e.g. do we put iron clamps on our emmisions while our neighbors are allowed to spew toxins galore over our borders. But to go back to the opening of this thread, we need a perspective. Like realize a one degree change in our average temperature over 20 to 30 years is more significant than out 40 or 50 degree (in the Dakotas at least) day to day swings in temperature. If warmer temperatures warm the Great Lakes, for example, even a little, say enough to keep the ice off. you can really get Buffaloed with heavy snow when cold air moves over those lakes, since it will pick up a lot more moisture than it would blowing over ice.
  13. I should have mentioned that I made that remark partly because not only did my deprogramming take place during that break, or whatever it was called, but I had been put on LOA just before the break began. this nobody should have been missing me at Gunnison, which was where I had been scheduled to go. I've always had a slight curiosity as to whether this small potato was missed or even mentioned. Because of the above reason, I doubt it.
  14. Lifted Up


    I wish I had my coffe crew time back, if only for a while. NOw I could be brave enough to add some interesting ingredients.
  15. these days a lot of marketing is based on giving the customer a very limited time and make it so that he/she has to make up his/her mind very quickly. remember years ago...not that many...when each Sunday newspaper would come out with a week's worth of sales? Now a lot of those sales come out daily and some give you only 6 hours or so to snap up their "bargains".
  16. I was at Indy with Good Seed that year and heard plenty of good music from them.
  17. Not really. The part about being surprised I mean. In general (without leaning on this particular thread) I think quite a number of conflicts on GS arise from people describing their experiences and how they see them, and sounding like they are applying their views to other peoples' experiences. I say sounding like, because I think sometimes it is deliberate, and sometimes it is not meant at all. If it happens either way, I do think people are extitled to reply to make it clear that it's not necessarily the way they see their own experience, but a reasonable person IMO, if not sure, will make the assumption that it's not [/i]meant to apply a personal experience to others. That is why I am not surprised. Now do I get the GS peace prize for that profound wisdom? Different people at the same time had different experiences, and daily TWI life changed greatly over the years. Put those together and you have a very wide variety of opinions and experiences.
  18. Well I'm sure my vanishing act during that time of my final residence year wasn't on their minds.
  19. Yea, there is a good difference between being part of God's plan and being God's only plan.
  20. Lifted Up

    A Child Is born

    In reality I was not there for our first...she became my (step) daughter when she was 3 years old. Our first together was a great day in retrospect, even though at the time (and now) we had to deal with his disability.
  21. WW, I'll bring this thread up and probably get you all excited for a couple of seconds that there has finally been some input. I suppose there could be more WWI vets in this town than TWIers from that time period who read this thread.
  22. Lifted Up


    I supose I could relive my days as chief of the class break coffee crew at Emporia. I has specific intructions on how much to put in. Not too much of course. I could easily have varied, but I never got any complaints, which of course doesn't mean that eryone loved the coffee. I must have done something right, or they knew enough to put a non coffee drinker in charge. Anyone want me to fix it here, heh heh?
  23. never had any qualms or fears about such places. Besides spending quite a number of days on the second floor of a funeral home, I used to play baseball as a kid with cousins and their friends in Erie, PA at a cemetary. I remember it well because I was never a home run hitter, but there was a road which made right field very short, and the rule was that anything hit on or over the road was a home run. Even as a righty I usually hit in that direction, and hit a number of peewee homers there.
  24. I just noticed this. Very well put about being a life style. As opposed to just words anyway. And as far as crutches go, well, if faith in God is a crutch, we'd sure be hobbling without Him.
  25. Oh, I don't doubt you a bit. I'm simply always trying to get more info on the changes that took place after my exit.
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