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The Food Pyramid


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Last night I heard a teaching about the Food Pyramid, and while the subject of the Food Pyramid was being discussed, a most amazing thing happened. Way believers were actually encouraged to look something up on the internet! In this unprecidented move by the Board of Directors, listeners were instructed to view MyPyramid.gov and to even use a search engine (gasp) to find other Food Pyramids like the Harvard University version of the food pyramid.

I was just thinking how ironical it would be for wayfers looking for info on the Food Pyramid to get routed to GSC and find my post on the Food Pyramid. (and of course more importantly the rest of this site.)

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Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site! Food Pyramid Look at the rest of the site!

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The modern world marveled at edible underwear – yet the Egyptians came up with edible buildings centuries ago! Still not impressed? Well think about it – many of the food pyramids they built are still standing – man, they had that embalming stuff down pat!... Of course the Sphinx’s face is sort of eaten away…which is to be expected from the occasional roaming nomad who forgets to pack a lunch.

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I think the way search engines work is you have to link from one site to a site about the food pyramid. So those of you that have web sites - like to this thread.

linking is the best, but for some reason google seems to pick up most stuff from bbs's anyway. I find my own posts on another board in google, high at the top of search, and there are no links to them. still, links are good, especially for sites trying to get crawled in the first place (actually that seems to be the only way to get crawled :realmad: ).

now I know another thing that would help is to check google for Food Pyramid or Harvard University Food Pyramid <<===(gratuitous use of keywords) after its next crawl and when finding the link to GSC's food pyramid thread, click it. it will push the Food Pyramid conversation higher up in the results.

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Of course the Sphinx’s face is sort of eaten away…which is to be expected from the occasional roaming nomad who forgets to pack a lunch.

Tonto, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Thank you. I so needed to laugh!

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Nah, having M&A'd too many tender hearted people, they're trying a new tack with whoever is left (and still tender). They're going to eat them (LOL)

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Food Pyramid's, eh? And what, pray tell, does a Food Pyramid have to do with the Bible? Were they teaching the difference between Deuteronomy where the Food Pyramid was much different than after Peter received his vision on the roof when God told him nothing was unclean?

My posts and even my profile can be found very easily by googling the name I use on all the other bb's I post on. As can quite a few posts... :o None of those have links on them. None of them mention food, nutrition or recipes. None of them mention healthy eating in any way, shape or form. I'm glad, too, I'd hate for someone with TWI to find my very unhealthy posts - I think the posts here are enough to tie the stomach in knots when they read these. :biglaugh: How many more times can we get the food pyramid in a post?

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid


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Nah, having M&A'd too many tender hearted people, they're trying a new tack with whoever is left (and still tender). They're going to eat them (LOL)

"How to Serve Man" A recipe book! Now that's one for the Hardvard Food Pyramid!

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I think I see why http://www.mypyramid.org was chosen.

Was this from a http://www.theway.com SNS?

that is now discussed on http://www.greasespotcafe.com/index.html,

concerning food pyramids found on http://www.mypyramid.org ?

Looks like an ATHLETE --

Running for the PRIZE --

Overcoming ADVERSITY --

(Would that be the RAINBOW MAN??)


Takit to the top!!! :spy:

Edited by dmiller
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Far be it from me to prevent some little Wayfer for not being able to Google te requisite words-- I hereby assist them in their quest for knowledge

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid

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Looks like an ATHLETE --

Running for the PRIZE --

Overcoming ADVERSITY --

(Would that be the RAINBOW MAN??)


Takit to the top!!! :spy:

Arrrrrgggghhh!!!! Had an epileptic fit - flashback - flashback - Dmiller, I thought you were showing a clip from Athletes of the Spirit.

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They actually used the Food Pyramid in the dining room once to show the staffers what they should be eating. It is kind of stupid because when I was there, you only ate what they gave you unless you talked them in to giving you money to purchase food. I couldn't do that. I started buying my own Cheerios to eat in my room to save money and had to stop because I couldn't afford it.

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I can see it now--the twiggies will have to turn in their menus a week in advance, all planned out according to the Food Pyramid, to prove that they are actively believing for good health.

Except that will take so much time they will actually just be running through the Mc donalds drive through in the hour between work and household Fellowship. No one will figure out why they are all gaining weight.

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