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Armageddon Ready - Prudent, Proper & Painless Survival Precautions


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This morning, there was a news report about shipping containers - those big freight train-car units that ship everything from food and clothing to industrial machinery.

What if one blew up in a major port, like Baltimore or New York or LA?

Well, it would shut down that port for quite a while. And what about ships en route to that port? Where would they go? To other ports? No, they would close too, as a precaution.

On 9/11/01, air traffic stopped not just in NY and DC, but everywhere. We didn't know where we'd be hit next.

Al Qaida's calling card is the synchronized multiple attack. It's a safe bet they are planning to attack several ports at once. They may not succeed, but they are surely planning.

Should they succeed, even in part, the flow of goods will stop. That means supermarket shelves will be cleaned out in no time, and may not see new stock for quite a while. A week? Two weeks?

Where would you be if you couldn't buy food for the next 7 days, and had no warning?

Our food supply is vulnerable in other ways too, beyond the distribution system.

The greatest weapon of extremists is fear. If they make a biological attack on our food supply, in several areas at once, we will not be able to trust any of our usual food sources. We have safeguards on our water supply, but they aren't perfect. What if you couldn't trust the water from your faucet?

I'm frankly not prepared for any of this. I'm counting on the government (FEMA, etc) to take care of it. Can they? Up to a point, but its resources are not infinite. Even if they can, there will be long lines, there will be angry and irritable and frightened people, and our way of life may come to a grinding halt, if temporarily.

What have you done to make life bearable during such a period? If you're like me, you haven't done anything.

There is a list at this site: http://www.ready.gov/make_a_kit.html

It won't turn back the tide of Armageddon, but it will make life easier, and it could even save a life in a pinch.

Any survival experts out there? Mormons build bomb-shelters in their back yards. That might be a little extreme.

What about evacuation? Have you thought about where you'd go, and how you'd get there? Would the roads be passable or choked with traffic?

You only need to recall the image of a WTC tower being struck to recall, as if awakening from a dream, that war has been declared against us.


They are small, and they don't fight the way we do. But they have the means to win a few terrible victories, even if they ultimately lose the war. One of their greatest "force multipliers" is our failure to prepare.

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"What about evacuation? Have you thought about where you'd go, and how you'd get there? Would the roads be passable or choked with traffic"

Many of us here already live in areas that most Americans would want to go to in case of a major attack.Sorry but if you choose to live in a danger zone then you should be prepared to stay there.I chose a simpler life style with a smaller pay check to feel safer and freer from the woes of a congested life style.

We are a well armed state so stay home.

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Originally posted by herbiejuan:

Interesting thought

friends you trust.


Ha ha ha Herbie what are those?

Oh now I remember:

I had some friends,or so they said

Well I guess my friends they had me

but before too long they did me wrong!

So dishonestly....( Dean Ellenwood)

Besides when the black helicopters start flying.....


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I still have much of my Y2K supplies and I over buy canned groceries all the time, so I think I would be okay. I'd probably get sick of SPAM and beanie weenies, but I'd have water, the ability to sanitize water, food, batteries, a butane gas grill..... All that stuff we gathered for the last armageddon that was coming our way. The only thing I don't have is that darn inventory of every single item in my house.

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So anyone getting those Mobile Abundant Living (MALPacks) ready?

Well - that's a little extreme! But it's always prudent to be prepared for emergencies.

Anyone who doesn't admit this scenario is in the realm of possibilities is not being real. No one wants this as an outcome, but we cannot deny the possibility.

Our family carries the home and work phone number of a long time friend outside of this area. In the event of something like a 9-11 disaster, we've enlisted his help - we will all call him as soon as we reach a phone and check in.

There are plenty of folks in Florida this summer who would have given their right arm for a few MRE's and a dozen sealed bottles of water!

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A good book to read is Four Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman. Eliot was the keynote speaker at GO's recent conference. His book has a wealth of information about season extension. Most folks who live outside a city center usually have enough yard space to yield a goodly amount of vegi's with a bit of foresight and preperation.

In some circles, food security means a local stable food supply, it's tied in with the slow food and sustainable ag movements. It emphasises planting heritage seed lines, quality over quantity and a connection between consumer and grower.

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I also think the railroads will be an easy target.

I live in NY a few hours away from the city.

When the planes hit the city shut down here , many of the roads in the major city nearby shut for many hours. Hours away from NYC, why? because of the nature of the attack , Pensyvania is only an hour if that way away moments in a plane, when the plane fell in Penn. We shut down because the FBI and Govt building all went into freeze and hide mode or something. traffic out or in to the city was frozen completly. It was scary as heck as no one really knew what was going on other than the sirens and mass confusion and dead lock on the highway OUT of the city.

so in the case of a nearby attack all the precaution would mean nothing here as we couldnt move when it was hours away .

We have many lakes here that means NUCLEAR sites that means waste every single day is transported across the entire state!!! many of these transports go through major cities and towns every day every hour. feet away from homes and facories where thousands live. CSX is being sued by NY state for its carelessnes towards spills and accidents we have many many killed due to broken switches accidents and failure to put down gates all together. CSX is a private company that transports the waste to approved sites out of state. If a enemy wanted to hit the major railway it would be done very easily and simply and the fact it carries a product that would KILL and maim millions for many miles with one spill is frightening who can prepare for this? some extra water or a loaf of bread would help no one from the months of decay such an incident would bring.

I often think of the horror the city must have seen that day and if the mass confusion and terror we had was just a fraction of what they felt or lived through then I doubt few understand how completly they are able to succeed in the action of pure TERROR. Although falling short, NY was and is even better today able to handle such emergencies amass, as it is a major Metro with resources , the other cities and , never got the federal money or resources to pla or prepare. YET we sit just as vulnerable with the Nuclear and the railways and the border of another country, without the millions of plans and resources to avail us in such an attack.

My sister lives in the county with a nuclear site and this is how they "prepared" their cititzens, pick up your blue pill on such and such a site if taken within a few minutes of attack it may stop of the horror such an accident for some. but not all by far. the statistics are very very alarming on how many would survive many would just suffer for months for miles around till relief came with death. Now just as much of this crap crosses our rails EVERY SINGLE day what would a spill do to that town or city? hmm? no blue pills there huh ? and how many of these towns and cities have an action plan much less the needed resources to evacuate or medical care for the victims?

? very few.

call me what you will but Im convince the acts of these mass murders can not be "prepared" for buy more food if it helps you feel better but I realized how a city mobilizes and it first guards its political interests and that means at the cost of everyday citizens. Our president was in ahole underground for a REASON and such precaution are taken in every town or city in the state when 911 happened.. I feel it is needed but when it happens to your town you will see what I mean when I say terror is real.

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In additional to the list on the link our local Civil Defense has been teaming up with the Mormon Church here in an effort to teach people how to survive for a period of time like this. Anyone could drop in at the church and get pointers on how to be prepared for a stretch of time without food or water. The Mormons really have this down as they are requird to store food and water to last a year. The local church made it available for anyone to purchase kits they had assembled. The Mormons were very helpful and eager to share their experiences.

One thing that was stressed is you have to be practical about your abilities and likes. If you are not a baker don't store large amounts of grain to make breads and cereals. If you like meat there are freezers that operate both with electricity and gas in case one or the other is out. Foods like the militaries MRE's are available. Store large quantites of water in used pop containers.

Everytime I go to the grocery store I buy extra canned goods for an emergency. My supply is getting quite large now so I could survive for sometime.

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I guess I'm not normal, because I have trouble maintaining my Government Required State of Paranoia™ about groups like al Qaeda or any scapegoats that have taken their place in more recent times.

If I happen to be killed by some ultra religious arab rednecks, then I'm dead. The odds are greater that I get struck by lightning or even better that I die in a car accident or of heart disease or cancer. I don't sit around worrying about those things, so why should I spend the time worrying about the others.

Not only that, but I own guns. I can get anything I would hypothetically need at the barrel of a gun if we really did have a Wierwillian apocalypse like the Republicans want us to think we will.

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Originally posted by Mister P-Mosh:

Not only that, but I own guns. I can get anything I would hypothetically need at the barrel of a gun if we really did have a Wierwillian apocalypse like the Republicans want us to think we will.

There you have it, folks. Even if you prepare with food and water, it is certain that predators-in-waiting like him will see you as prey the first time their stomachs growl.

As a devoted leftist, he's fond of proclaiming his compassion for others less fortunate (at your expense, of course), but when the rubber meets the road and the .... hits the fan, you'd better run for cover.

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This morning, there was a news report about shipping containers - those big freight train-car units that ship everything from food and clothing to industrial machinery.

What if one blew up in a major port, like Baltimore or New York or LA?

Satori -- while that is always a possibility, I saw a documentary on international shipping and Port Authorities from around the world on a cable show (am thinking it was the Discovery Channel) 2 or 3 months ago, that dealt with this question.

The security at these ports is taken very seriously, and each one of those containers has a manifest of what is aboard, and is run through an x-ray system that can see through concrete and steel, to see if what is declared to be on board -- is the only thing there.

One example given -- was a cargo that contained XYZ, as well as a load of "collector" cars. The x-ray penetrated the walls of the cargo container (re-enforced steel), and discovered in one of the cars buried under and in the midst of the others, a load of guns in the trunk, not declared.

They showed the container going in, and then the contents as viewed by the x-ray, and then how they could zero in on each an every item within that container. The port this took place in was in Amsterdam.

I don't worry about these things, but sure, anything could happen. I did feel a little better about steps being taken to prevent *illicit cargo* from slipping through after seeing this documentary though.

Ps -- these *shipping containers* really are "freight train size".

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Originally posted by satori001:

Originally posted by Mister P-Mosh:

Not only that, but I own guns. I can get anything I would hypothetically need at the barrel of a gun if we really did have a Wierwillian apocalypse like the Republicans want us to think we will.

There you have it, folks. Even if you prepare with food and water, it is certain that predators-in-waiting like him will see you as prey the first time their stomachs growl.

As a devoted leftist, he's fond of proclaiming his compassion for others less fortunate (at your expense, of course), but when the rubber meets the road and the .... hits the fan, you'd better run for cover.

My point exactly earlier Satori I was not brushing it off. Friends in the way stabbed us in the back for the right to keep taking a class and get their way magazine. when it comes to live or die do you really want to trust people?

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And as a side note -- I usually buy more when grocery shopping than I need also, not because I have to, but because I can.

Used to be so stinkin poor, I could afford little, and scrambled from pay day to pay day. It is a treat to avail myself (these days) of the *specials* found at the supermarket, and lay them aside for future use -- catastophe or not.

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Satori, this is always a good point to bring up once in awhile--maybe some folks will do even one more thing to be prepared if necessary.

dmiller, that is cool about the security, and so maybe it won't come via major ports, but I do believe 911 wasn't the last. (I don't beleive in a "Pretrib Rapture", which i guess I'd have to post my "whys" in doctrinal if I were to 'splain)

That is why i do what I can with laying up supplies. My hubby isn't in full agreement with me, so I can only do so much. I almost always have a pantry that might give us 3 weeks to a month of food, keep a freezer, but anyhting there would be worthless in a power outage. I have an "emergencies" box that is set us for about one day's worth of power outage, and would have more, but once again, have to go with what my hubby agrees with.

I do lay up water in used soda bottles and figure it could be a bargaining "tool" if necessary. I change the water out about once a year--can't seem to get to it every 6 months. Having to dump those and eat up all the canned goods for the move, leaves me sweating a bit! LOL!

The only thing I don't have is a gun. When I'd approached my brother about teaching me how to shoot, he asked me why i wanted to learn. I told him for protection. He asked me if I could REALY shoot someone, and I had to admit I didn't think I could.

So when I read Pmosh's post, it reminds me of the futility of storing up too much stuff because he's not the only one out there that thinks that way. It's kinda typical of his gereation. I'd be storing it up so they can shoot me and live another day themselves til they shot the next prepared person.

So I guess it's okay that I don't spend as much as I would like to for food storage. As to mass exodus, I don't know, guess it depends on the why as to whether to hop in my car to sit on a freeway and honk at the next 50 miles of backup in front of me!

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Not only that, but I own guns. I can get anything I would hypothetically need at the barrel of a gun if we really did have a Wierwillian apocalypse like the Republicans want us to think we will.

P-Mosh has provided us with a rare but very honest inside look at a liberal. Oh yes, very sweet on the outside; help this person, take money from the rich sob's to pay for the poor people, so sweet and sugar coated.

But when the chips are down their true nature comes out. ALWAYS looking out for themselves. Take Rosie O'Donnell as an example. She takes Tom Selleck a part on her talk show because he supports the NRA and the right of individals to own firearms for self protection. She claims she wants all guns removed from society. BUT when it comes time to hire a body guard for her children she gets one who carries a weapon. After all her kids are special I guess and deserve to be protected with a gun.

I wouldn't trust a liberal as far as I can throw them. So sweet and sticky on the outside but no gooey caramel center on the inside.

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