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There are ways God can heal us of emotional pain and things we can do when working things out so we can "move forward," but requiring forgiveness of an unrepented offender is not one of them.  Thanks again OldSkool for not beating around the bush on this idea.  

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7 hours ago, OldSkool said:

The offshoots know dang good and well that victor Paul wierwille had issues as long as train smoke. They knowingly suppress this information on a false pretense of requiring forgiveness from victims when nobody has stepped up to ask forgiveness and make amends. They all do it. Cff, stfi, tltf, etc. It's just as bad as doing the deed because truth is suppressed in favor of an idolatrous lie.

They may or may not require victims to forgive. I don't have any experience with any of them to be able to say one way or another. 

However, I believe they do knowingly suppress that particular information... and do so for the purpose of their particular offshoot not having to deal with the actual problem. That would require thoughtfulness, mindfulness, introspection and difficult discussions.

Refusing to do so, IMO, makes each group enablers of emotional dysfunction. I reflect back to what our good friend Skyrider wrote about GSC being to first (and perhaps the only) place where the truth has been declared. Doing so allows individuals to have a face off with the evil which has harmed them emotionally and perhaps in other ways.

Some readers here  might recall that I have mentioned the recent movie produced by Frances McDormand and directed by Sarah Polley, Women Talking.

AARP reported months ago Amazon would make the movie available for Prime members to view the movie for no additional cost. However, I put it on my watchlist at the time and it was, for IMO too long, available to watch with a trial free membership to some other channel/network by way of Amazon Prime.

Long story short, when I looked last night, that qualifier had been dropped and NOW it IS available for no extra charge (or other contingency) for Prime members to watch.

So, I watched it. 

I LOVED IT. It's not an action movie. But it does poignantly and artistically portray a necessary story about democratic (not partisan) group decision making. 

I love how the movie explores the internal workings of minds by way of words and body language (non-verbal communication).

Of course, that's a dimension lacking with online forums. We can't look into each other's eyes, or adequately read the tone of each others' voices.

Anyway, one of the main themes of the women's deliberations was forgiveness.

You might love the movie too. :love3:  

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55 minutes ago, Rocky said:

They may or may not require victims to forgive. I don't have any experience with any of them to be able to say one way or another

I can say authoratatively from my own personal experiences with all three groups I mentioned that they all preached this false forgiveness doctrine they need to prop up wierwille and keep the gravy train chugging along. Perhaps require is a bit too strong of a word in this case. But all three groups hit me with the same drivel.

Its likely their defacto sales pitch to try and snag defecting way corp.

Edited by OldSkool
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21 minutes ago, OldSkool said:

I can say authoritatively from my own personal experiences with all three groups I mentioned that they all preached this false forgiveness doctrine they need to prop up wierwille and keep the gravy train chugging along. Perhaps require is a bit too strong of a word in this case. But all three groups hit me with the same drivel.

Its likely their de facto sales pitch to try and snag defecting way corp.

For the record, I wasn't implying anything about your take on the groups. I believed and believe you. I was only putting my point/understanding in the context of my experience. 

Clearly those spin off groups, IMO, are parasites. :wink2:

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14 hours ago, chockfull said:

Hmmm.  The “utter BS” that OS was referring to pretty much was started by Stayed who held a different position earlier that God did require forgiveness on the part of the wronged.

Now he has flipped the script.

To me that is clear evidence of either a complete change of heart or of the fact that Stayed is deliberately trolling topics he has no belief in.

Utter BS this: 


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And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

I think forgiving others is directly related to how we know that we are forgiven. In other words, the bigger we see forgiveness for ourselves the bigger we can do it for others.

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8 hours ago, Stayed Too Long said:

Utter BS this: 

And thats true as can be...but it is not obligatory so fake churches based on the image of wierwille can continue to bilk money from people. Context.

For offshoot groups "forgiving wierwille" and other non-penitent wierwille minions equates to forgetting the abuses and false doctrines so the cycle can continue. Not the cycle of sexual abuse started by wierwille on his congregation but the cycle of victimized parishinors caught in the same cycle of sitting in this false prophets shadow, soaking in wierwilleian false doctrines, and giving their hard earned money to corrupt organizations based on this man.

I have a picture of an offshoot practicing forgiveness as it relates to coninuing under wierwilles shadow and false doctrines...this manner of forgiveness is necessary so people are free to continue follow wierwille's doctrines in the offshoot of their choosing...



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16 hours ago, Stayed Too Long said:

Utter BS this: 


I may be proven wrong on this, and it's something new for me that I have not considered before, but I do believe forgiveness always follows a confession of wrongdoing.  This is also seen in the parable of the prodigal son.

Looking at the verses above in light of Matt 18:23-35 (which I quoted in full in my previous post), it says:

33 Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee? 34 And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. 35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses.

The king had compassion and pity on his servant after the servant requested more time to pay his monetary debt because he was unable to do so at the time.  The fact that the servant did not deny he owed the money or blamed the king for his owing this money is important here.  Plus, the sincerity of the servant's words has to be implied here to make this a righteous parable Jesus was telling.  

When we do not forgive someone who is sincerely admitting their wrong, this angers God because we are not fully appreciating the forgiveness he gives us by way of his son's sacrifice on the cross.


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Allow me to say this, even though Chockfull has proclaimed to the internet I have no right to express myself because of my non belief in God, thus I am just trolling along on GSC. 

Any @sshat leader who was in TWI and is currently operating an offshoot group, should immediately close up shop until they condemn the actions of VPW.

Furthermore, any dense jackfoot former follower of VPW, especially those who have held the mantle of leadership, must immediately prostrate themselves before “somebody” and beg forgiveness.

And especially, all those disingenous jackfoot trolls, such as myself, must immediatelly surrender their license to operate a PC, to the internet policing commission, until they can demonstrate a clear understanding that there is a loving God.



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14 hours ago, cman said:

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

I think forgiving others is directly related to how we know that we are forgiven. In other words, the bigger we see forgiveness for ourselves the bigger we can do it for others.

When I now think back on the ministry leader who approached me with twi's version of approving sexual sin, a person who has never asked me for forgiveness and a person who went on doing the same with another female in the fellowship, this thread hits home for me.  

When I look at Eph 4:22-23, "That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; 23And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness."  as well as verses 31-32, "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.", these are my thoughts.

- Bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking and all malice are of the old man which is corrupt because of its sin nature.  With these, I can overcome by way of my personal relationship with God and with the power of the new man (i.e., Christ) dwelling in me which after God (in his likeness) is created in righteousness and true holiness.  Also, 2 Cor 1:3 says our God is the God of all comfort and knowing Him brings me healing as well.  

- Being kind and tenderhearted are fruits of the spirit and are what we are told to think on according to Phil 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 

- Forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you is not without a condition according to 1 John 1:9 which is to first confess your sin/wrongdoing.

Concerning my experience with this leader, I am healed of the effects of it because of God and should he ever reach out and asks for forgiveness, I will forgive him.  

Edited by Charity
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34 minutes ago, Stayed Too Long said:

Allow me to say this, even though Chockfull has proclaimed to the internet I have no right to express myself because of my non belief in God, thus I am just trolling along on GSC. 

Any @sshat leader who was in TWI and is currently operating an offshoot group, should immediately close up shop until they condemn the actions of VPW.

Furthermore, any dense jackfoot former follower of VPW, especially those who have held the mantle of leadership, must immediately prostrate themselves before “somebody” and beg forgiveness.

And especially, all those disingenous jackfoot trolls, such as myself, must immediatelly surrender their license to operate a PC, to the internet policing commission, until they can demonstrate a clear understanding that there is a loving God.



It's obvious you are being facetious here which adds no value to this discussion.  

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1 hour ago, Stayed Too Long said:

Allow me to say this, even though Chockfull has proclaimed to the internet I have no right to express myself because of my non belief in God, thus I am just trolling along on GSC. 

Any @sshat leader who was in TWI and is currently operating an offshoot group, should immediately close up shop until they condemn the actions of VPW.

Furthermore, any dense jackfoot former follower of VPW, especially those who have held the mantle of leadership, must immediately prostrate themselves before “somebody” and beg forgiveness.

And especially, all those disingenous jackfoot trolls, such as myself, must immediatelly surrender their license to operate a PC, to the internet policing commission, until they can demonstrate a clear understanding that there is a loving God.



I dont know about you being a troll or not and dont really care. However, there is a simple solution to said problem of former TWI leaders when it comes to wierwille and his issues. Honesty. Just admit the man was a con and some of the things he taught are true and Biblical. Repudiate the lies and distance oneself from his sins. Its not feasible to expect everyone to sit around in sack cloth and ashes in memory of wierwille. Of the three offshoots  mentioned STFI, TLTF, and CFF all three groups top leaders were the ones who told me to forgive and forget wierwille's sins and dont throw out the baby with the bath water. I dont know if these guys take notes from each other, or share the same playbook. Their last names were Gallagher, Lynn, and Guigou. All said the same thing to me. My healing depended on forgiving the way international and those who wronged me. And again, utter BS. My healing depended on my repentance and asking forgiveness for myself for being involved with a false prophet and spreading his lies. Thats where my freedom came from. Ive long since forgiven all things TWI and it made little difference in my day to day life. What made all the difference was accepting peace with my creator. God almighty, which many of you now say doesnt exist.

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15 hours ago, Rocky said:

For the record, I wasn't implying anything about your take on the groups. I believed and believe you. I was only putting my point/understanding in the context of my experience. 

Clearly those spin off groups, IMO, are parasites. :wink2:

Hey, no doubt. I stated what I did not at you but to verify the authenticity of my statement with names of groups and also with the names of those who made the statements for clarity for our multitude of lurkers. I hold them no ill will and believe they meant well, but whats that saying...sincerity is no...gaurantee...o...of....truth...or something like that...

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1 hour ago, Stayed Too Long said:

Allow me to say this, even though Chockfull has proclaimed to the internet I have no right to express myself because of my non belief in God, thus I am just trolling along on GSC. 

Any @sshat leader who was in TWI and is currently operating an offshoot group, should immediately close up shop until they condemn the actions of VPW.

Furthermore, any dense jackfoot former follower of VPW, especially those who have held the mantle of leadership, must immediately prostrate themselves before “somebody” and beg forgiveness.

And especially, all those disingenous jackfoot trolls, such as myself, must immediatelly surrender their license to operate a PC, to the internet policing commission, until they can demonstrate a clear understanding that there is a loving God.



Dude I am commenting on a forum not “proclaiming on the internet”.  There’s like less than 10 participants here.  

Maybe you just need to chill a slight bit.

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18 minutes ago, OldSkool said:

I dont know about you being a troll or not and dont really care. However, there is a simple solution to said problem of former TWI leaders when it comes to wierwille and his issues. Honesty. Just admit the man was a con and some of the things he taught are true and Biblical. Repudiate the lies and distance oneself from his sins. Its not feasible to expect everyone to sit around in sack cloth and ashes in memory of wierwille. Of the three offshoots  mentioned STFI, TLTF, and CFF all three groups top leaders were the ones who told me to forgive and forget wierwille's sins and dont throw out the baby with the bath water. I dont know if these guys take notes from each other, or share the same playbook. Their last names were Gallagher, Lynn, and Guigou. All said the same thing to me. My healing depended on forgiving the way international and those who wronged me. And again, utter BS. My healing depended on my repentance and asking forgiveness for myself for being involved with a false prophet and spreading his lies. Thats where my freedom came from. Ive long since forgiven all things TWI and it made little difference in my day to day life. What made all the difference was accepting peace with my creator. God almighty, which many of you now say doesnt exist.

100 percent.

I haven’t talked to the splinter moglets directly.  But that bath water stinks of stolen BS and despair!

Which is probably why I haven’t talked to the splinter moglets directly.

That is the stupidest damn statement anyway.  Who here has actually bathed one of your children, but instead of using clean water you recycled it?

Thats exactly what joining a splinter would be like.

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16 hours ago, Stayed Too Long said:

Utter BS this: 


To me that reads “don’t get all high and mighty with your brothers and sisters as your shiz also stinks”.

Now the line for all the fundamentalist corrections of my interpretation starts 










over there ->











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1 hour ago, chockfull said:

100 percent.

I haven’t talked to the splinter moglets directly.  But that bath water stinks of stolen BS and despair!

Which is probably why I haven’t talked to the splinter moglets directly.

That is the stupidest damn statement anyway.  Who here has actually bathed one of your children, but instead of using clean water you recycled it?

Thats exactly what joining a splinter would be like.

you havent missed out on anything. I reached out to them in my first 6 months out of TWI, somehow thinking something would be different. And to be clear, they are all different from each other as they have all taken what they liked from TWI and rebranded it with their own additions and spin. But at the end of the day its the same ole trap.

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2 hours ago, chockfull said:

Do you really want me to start listing out all the possibilities???

On the anonymous interwebz?


Why would you think I'm telling or asking you to do what I WANT you to do? :wink2:

I posed a rhetorical question.

It's up to you to decide what YOU want to do with what said question causes you to consider.

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2 hours ago, OldSkool said:

Hey, no doubt. I stated what I did not at you but to verify the authenticity of my statement with names of groups and also with the names of those who made the statements for clarity for our multitude of lurkers. I hold them no ill will and believe they meant well, but what's that saying...sincerity is no...guarantee...o...of....truth...or something like that...

I believe this exchange of yours and mine on this subject starkly (or not?) illustrates and illuminates the inherent limitation of communication without access to each other's non-verbal cues. i.e tone of voice, inflection, facial expressions etc.

I only point this out for your readers and mine (likely only on this topic/thread) to hold in mind that we're inherently not contradicting each other or criticizing each other or otherwise INTENDING to cause any "negative" emotion.

If I could devise a way for us to more fully communicate on GSC or any other online print only forum in ways that would be less likely to cause misunderstandings and be more likely to foster compassion and forgiveness... well, maybe I'd be able to get rich. Then again, that wouldn't be my goal/objective anyway. :love3: :beer: 

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Anyway, back to the subject of forgiveness, the other day I sat through a writing class on memoir. The topic of forgiveness was a major theme in the class.

Associated therewith are the concepts of emotional boundaries and unenforceable rules.

I asked a question to see if I could get further insight comparing and contrasting those two ideas.

On boundaries, I was given this wonderful clip by Brené Brown.

And many of us who read and/or share at GSC know one of the immense and egregious problems of TWI has been, from the beginning, lack of understanding of personal/emotional boundaries or just plain refusing to honor them based on whatever justification... like the social construct that we were somehow the "property of the king." Or otherwise weren't worthy of being given the dignity of having our own agency/choices.

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