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  1. Exactly right, waysider. No meaningful mention of God's nature, inner-working via holy spirit, fruit in one's life, personal development--(education, marriage, family, goals, careers), living for God....etc. Like you said, waysider....just wierwille lamenting letter after letter that corps and clergy are LEAVING. There is no way that this narcissist could conceive that he was off-course. Nope. He blames others for "not getting it" and leaving. This compilation of letters simply verifies what I've been posting all these years....ie there has been a continual exiting of corps since, at least, 1976/1977. It did NOT take Geer's pop paper to awaken corps. Many....yes, dozens and dozens of corps leaders (each year) have seen behind wierwille's mask for quite some time. Just like Peter W@de saw and left (1975). The wierwille mystique continues to unravel.
    2 points
  2. Some excerpts from vpw's letters to corps: "I wish to God I had more ability to help people remain faithful in their standing on God's Word and with fellow believers...." [December 2, 1977] "As I look at some of the reports from my Region men, Limb leaders.....I see that you did not learn your lesson well. Thus, it may now be necessary for me to place you, if you care to be placed at all, in a position of much lesser responsibility..." [May 10, 1978] "Some I have ordained have not remained faithful--.......Why all the problems? I think you know what I mean. Fighting and dislike of each other--jealousy, prejudice, divorce, remarriage, dope, etc., etc., etc., God forbid that our ordinations of Way Corps grads turn into a mockery, and a laughingstock of the community." [December 1978] "I feel badly and am so hurt when anyone whom I have ordained walks away from that ordination commitment and the household." [January 25, 1979] "I believe we may have to rethink and reset some of our leadership principles and responsibilities. Corps grads apparently will have to be given more time to grow into leadership responsibility and authority. Perhaps I have given too much, too soon to too many." [February 28, 1979] `````````````````````````````` What was happening in wierwille's corps....in 1977, 1978 et al? 1) Corps are leaving 2) Infighting 3) Jealousy 4) Divorce 5) Remarriage 6) Dope 7) Etc. Yet, when martindale was ousted in 2000.....he was the fall guy? ppffftt. Wierwille's twi and corps program has been crumbling for a long, long time. .
    2 points
  3. Man, I don't even know where to start with this. I get into the Way in 2010. Way Disciples (basically a revamped program of the WOWs) knocked on my door. I got sucked in because at the actual household level of things they seem to be good folks. Hell, I still think there are good people in the Way. It's just the organization as a whole is bad. Anyways, I took the classes. I went out Way Disciple. I went on Staff. The more I served the more unhappy I was. I couldn't figure it out. A while back (while we were still on staff, actually) my wife and I did an experiment to see whether or not we would be confronted or not. We quit tithing. I was certain that somebody was going to notice and bring it up, but nobody did. When I got to HQ, people were leaving staff or getting fired left and right. People who had said they were going to come on staff cancelled at the last minute. We were doing a lot of "volunteer" hours to make sure all the work got done. Since there weren't enough people to get all the work done more and more responsibility was being added to just about everyone that was competent enough to handle even the simplest of tasks. People who should have been fired for gross incompetency were allowed to remain in their jobs simply because HQ didn't have the bodies to replace them. Needless to say, my wife and I were unhappy. We finally made the announcement that we wanted to leave. In some ways it didn't go over well, and in others it did. We had to sit down with our President's cabinet and explain why we wanted to leave, that was the difficult part. The good part was that they moved us out of there in like a weeks time. Anyways, we get to our field location and things are just kind of . . . I don't know how to describe it other than to say "dead". The fellowship is only a handful of people. The coordinator and his wife are the only people who lead or teach. And the teachings are just kind of empty of any content because it's just trying to go over what was said in the STS. I'm not sure if everyone on the site is familiar with any current members of the Way, but it seems that RFR is on the warpath. I recently spoke with Karl Kahler (the author of "The Cult That Snapped). I explained to him what is going on, and he said it's pretty much the same thing that was going on in Martindale's day; a huge purge. I'm not going to drop a lot of names, because some people are still private. So, before I went on Staff, I was looking forward to working with a friend of mine. The month before my wife and I arrived he got canned. So, we're talking around July of 2014. I arrived in August of that year and left the following year. In the time that I was there I know of at least 2 other people that got fired. I'm not sure of the reasons. Another friend of mine that I had made while on Staff (who felt the same way about life at HQ) had some discrepancies with his pay. After weeks of nothing being done to rectify the problem of NOT GETTING PAID FOR OVERTIME, he just decided to show up a few minutes late to work to get his time back. Needless to say he got in trouble, and was asked if he wanted to stay. He answered honestly and said no. Within a month he was gone. There were two couples who were in their second year of in residence Way Corp training. They asked some questions about the Foundational Class. They were immediately let go. Fast forward to right now. I got some news this weekend about some corp being dropped. One couple (the husband had recently been promoted to coordinate the IO department) had been fired shortly after I left HQ. He gets sent to another state. I'm not sure of the details, but this weekend I found out he was dropped from the Corp and has left the ministry. Another good friend of mine who was Corp also got dropped. The reason? He made some comments about feeling unproductive. Now here's the kicker. One of the Vice Presidents of the Way got canned also. We're talking a senior officer. So, I see all this stuff going on, and I've read all the stuff about the years under Martindale (which I didn't go through) and I think to myself "Oh my God. It's happening again". I don't know what else to say. I'm in the process of getting out. I don't know how to go about breaking it to my "leadership" without getting sucked back in.
    1 point
  4. TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been kept in secret. For example, I was at a Fair in Marin County, CA today and this evening and I handed out some flyers to some people on this with my informational web site address. Most of the the people that I talked to had not even heard of this. So I am trying to educate people now. This is a corporate trade deal involving 12 nations. Have you at least heard of NAFTA? Below is a link to information on this. And yes, TPP will be bad for US. tppbadforus.info This web site has information on U.S. and foreign trade. Yes, this could be considered political, but U.S. foreign trade is mostly economic and legal. And if you do a Google search on this. Most of the site information that you will find will show that TPP is bad. Except now, we have a Google paid advertisement at the top that pretends that TPP will be good. Just notice the Ad symbol indicating a paid advertisement. And I am not posting this to start a discussion. I just want to try to help educate the people of our nation. We need this. A link only to this site to help with the research would be good enough.
    1 point
  5. The latest clinical literature is leaning toward a new understanding of what used to be called, "Personality Disorders" by Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. Since our newest technologies with mapping the human genome, petscans, quantum physiology, biology, and electrochemistry, 3-D printing, etc., have yielded such major advancements in actual treatment medically (i.e. medication and medical mgt. of what used to be called "mood disorders" and "personality disorders"), that a reworking in clinical approach and treatment of these once-called personality disorders is quickly advancing along the lines of a "spectrum" of symptoms and behaviors, like the new understanding of The Autism Spectrum. Autism is not simply "one illness". It has a range of behavioral and psychological symptomatology from completely debilitating, i.e. necessitating 24 hr care or observation, to Highly Functioning Assberger's Syndrome at the least debilitating end of the Autism Spectrum, with as many "in-betweens" as there are patients. Similarly, the most current understanding of the "personality disorders" is that they also are on a "spectrum" of behavioral and psychological symptomatology. For example, what used to be called "manic depression" was classified as a "personality disorder". These illnesses were grouped as personality disorders, primarily because they were not medically manageable, I.e. Treatable with medications and psychotherapy. There was not enough repeatable data to formulate medications as we have today for medical management of these illnesses. But, as previously mentioned, today's technology and science offers such an astonishingly wide range of new data and technological advancement, that the re-thinking on many disease processes, both somatic and psychiatric, are broadening geometrically. What is my point? Today, when a definite diagnosis of one or more "personality disorders" is made, it is not limited to just one illness and its concommitant symptomatology. Rather, "diagnosing only one or two personality disorders", when one is present it potentiates the ENTIRE SPECTRUM of "personality disorders" and all the accompanying behavioral and psychiatric symptomatology of ALL of them.....hence the entire spectrum may present itself at any time. The current treatment for personality disorders now is able to categorize an entire range of behavioral and cognitive symptoms defining each individual patient according to actual presentation through a range ("spectrum") of behaviors rather than a limited few based upon the old method of diagnostics. So, what this means is, that if a patient is diagnosed as "borderline", that patient will NOT ONLY present as a strictly borderline patient, but will manifest whichever behavioral or cognitive impairment is needed along the entire spectrum of the illnesses, not just one or two. Until the remaining "personality disorders" become medically manageable in conjunction with behavioral and/or cognitive therapy (usually a combination, requiring several sessions a week with these different disciplines. This makes beneficial treatment quite expensive and the various insurances rarely cover enough for more than a month of treatment, when a much longer time is usually necessary. So, when dictor is diagnosed as a malignant paranoid narcissist, he had at his disposal all the pathological behaviors and cognition of any on the spectrum. Meaning therefore, that you will see the symptomatology of sociopathy, psychopathy, borderline, histrionic, passive aggressive, and paranoiac come and go throughout the patient's life. Again, there is both a nature and nurture component to each diagnosis, and neither can be ignored or overlooked. That's why understanding diagnoses like schizoaffective disorder for example, help to define and refine our understanding of medical and cognitive/behavioral therapy and treatment options. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  6. It has been read in secret by the Senate and only has been disclosed to the public recently. It is an agreement made by major corporations to keep control of world trade. The "good" they claim it will do is only overshadowed by the profits that it makes for those companies, particularly those who have patents like Big Pharma so that they can sue companies abroad for infringing on their patents. It is several thousand pages and it is still coming out with what exactly is in it.
    1 point
  7. Most people in the U.S.A. have not heard of TPP. As an example, I asked individual people at an event yesterday if they had heard of TPP and most people said they had not heard of TPP. Yes, you can look it up on Google after you know what to look up. However, you will not know what to look up until you at least know it exists. This is to provide information on this with information at least showing the math of the U.S. and it's yearly trade deficits. Today our U.S. economy is primarily being stimulated by increased debt, especially federal government. One of the main reasons for this is our yearly U.S. trade deficits. For example, the U.S. federal government owes Communist China over $1 trillion dollars with increases on the interest of loans through federal government bonds. Also U.S. assets are being purchased by China, for example U.S. real estate. This is related to our high yearly U.S. trade deficits with China. This has been the result of our trade with China, which was signed into law as a result of granting China "Most Favored Nation" status in about the year 2000. Since then the U.S. has had trade deficits of over 350 billion dollars a year. We buy their goods and then they are able to buy our U.S. assets. I hope math is O.K. to post on this site. Now we have a larger corporate trade deal with 12 nations called TPP, Trans-Pacific Partnership. For the U.S. involving trade it would be much better to follow our U.S. constitution. Here is an article on this. Do people consider the U.S. Constitution political or legal? U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Paragraphs 1-3
    1 point
  8. Wierwille thrust upon the corps an intrusive, overbearing abuse of power to ever-bend toward his command. There was no middle ground: either submit or leave. Even after a few years on the field, wierwille devised (and coerced) the early corps leadership back to headquarters for "re-education camp." These corps letters were nothing but a cunning ruse to extend his power and thwart his dissenters/adversaries. The corps program was the leaven that gave rise to twi's corruptive ways.
    1 point
  9. The TPP completely undermines the sovereignty of the US, it's constitution and its citizens. It IS the fruition of the concept of One World Government. It does so by making the trade agreement supercede the lawful rights of US citizens and makes us SUBJECT TO corporate rule by mega-corporations. An example of how trade agreements make US citizens into subjects is in the recent news that Canadian tar sands/oil interests are suing the US government for $15B for refusal to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline. My comment is only to explain what it is.
    1 point
  10. You know what's missing from those excepts?...any meaningful mention of God. It's about Wierwille lamenting his inability to keep people blindly indoctrinated and obedient to his demands. It's about loyalty to the corporation. It's about maintaining conformity to a pre-established prototype. "I wish to God I had more ability...." Why was it OK for Wierwille to say things like that while we, on the other hand, were ripped to tiny shreds for ever saying anything remotely similar? (A question that needs no answer)
    1 point
  11. BlueCord One thing that helps, in my opinion, is coming to grips with the reality that The Way is just a cult. It's not some elite organization, striving for some noble goal. It's just a cult, like thousands of cults that have come before it and thousands yet to come. You're not reneging on a sacred vow nor should you allow anyone to make you feel guilty or ashamed. Even the worst of organizations has people who, as individuals, are goodhearted. The organization, itself, is corrupt to its very core. I first became involved in 1972. Even back then, it was corrupt and evil. I didn't know that, of course, nor did many of the genuinely good people I met along the way. Get out while you can. Don't be talked out of your decision.
    1 point
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