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Everything posted by imbus

  1. No place like home=NPLH, Please to met ya. GS is a place to speak your mind...right or wrong. You will make good friends here and also grow. You have a voice enjoy the freedom/ :D-->
  2. TH, If you cannot find a copy where you are at then I'll send you one. O.K? O.K!
  3. You know I got to thinkin. I think from a male perspective it might be hard to understand women. Women don't think like men. They are more emotional in there thought processes. Men on the other hand are more linear. (logical) In our society the male is validated starting at birth. "It's a boy!" To carry on the family name. Little girls are not validated at all in there birth right. There is so much in our world that affirms a males place in society. Very little to affirm a female. Maybe the role of a mother or sex partner. A modern day second class citizenship. You have to admit that it has been an up hill battle to be taken seriosly on a buisness level. It's getting better. Times are changing. Having said this... Women are an easiy target for manipulation. With their social self-esteme barly making the grade, it would be hard if I was a male to understand why women do some things. We've been taught at a very early age to get married ,have children and be in a support role. Boys are tought to be tough, aggressive and think for themselves. I think both men and women have gotten a raw deal in our social up bring."Boy don't cry,little girls wear dresses" And we all suffer as a result. All this effects the persons personia. Men have a challenging time with amotions and its expression and women have to be taught or allowed to be linear. So my point in all this is... You cannot succesfully understand a womens perspective with linear thinking... if your a male. The same holds true for females. You cannot understand a mans logical thought processes. It seems so black and white. It makes no amotioal since. It takes work on both sides to see the others point of view without prejudice. Get out of your own head and try to understand the other person weither you agree or not.
  4. How many of you fine folks would like to know which of the BOT back in the 80's was circumcized at birth? Which one's where not! Let's have a post where women who know by experiance can say which ones by Intials,(Bot) belong to which catagory. Circ. or non-circ. I guess if I told you which one was or was not, some indivduals would not believe it till they saw it for themselves. That is o.k by me. Truth needs no defense, just a witness. Boy are there plenty.
  5. I just read my previous post. I should have used the word "someone" instead of "you". I did not mean to point at Abigail. That was not my intent.
  6. I do apologize for how I communicated. My imput was in support of what Abigail said. Totally! My comment was aimed at those who are still intrenched in literalism and traditional beliefs abot sexuality. Not twards her historical view. (I wish I had known this stuff when I was with TWI). My point was not aimed at her diolog at all. A matter of fact I would love to talk to her personally and swap spiritual truths that are not biblically related. There are other sources that speak more to me than the Bible. So let me say it this way... There is other biblical research out there, that has been done on sexuality that is quite the opposite of what we have been taught by TWI. Spong's book is one of them. This book will challange the very core of your existence as a man or a women. Is that better? Sorry about the misunderstanding.
  7. Abigail, Nice stuff. I wish Twi had done there research historically on J.C and the BiBle. Instead they promogated a book that was "GOD BREATHED" and promoted there own interpretation. As a result of this type of research or lack thereof, we "followed" a man, a cult of personality, into the depths of blind obediance and mental slumber. A book that might be able to undo the legalistic view of sexuality is "LIVING IN SIN" by John Shelby Spong. After reading that book you might have a different take on Christianity as we know it today. It might even challange you to think for yourself.
  8. Snowballer, You and Oldies perspective and mindset is a marrige made in heaven. A wonderful Women of God once shared with me something that has been the arbitarator of my heart. We where talking about "The Law" and "Grace". While discussing the differences, mercy and compassion came up. She got very quiet and said" I think we are all going to be surprised as to what was important to God". I think compassion and mercy are what's important to God. Not the "jot and tittle" of a matter. But that's just my opinion. At least that is what I see in the life and love of Jesus Christ.
  9. Have you seen the movie, "Lord of the flies"? When there is no civil or social standards or laws, you have anarchy. In the movie the kids stranded on the island, through time, adapted to the "survival of the fittest" mentality. The fittest ruled by means of violence and intimidation. Those that where weak... submitted to the tyranny. Those at the top were served by those who could not overcome their position of power. At TWI when there is no accountability and the ones at the top have limitless power, Anarchy happens. I'm not talking about the lack of laws that govern our United States. But Spiritual Anarchey! We can learn alot about human behavior from that movie. It speaks to me that without a spiritual "checks and balances" system you have what has happened for decades at TWI. A governing group that has taken advantage of God's people in the name of Chritianity. Spiritual Anarchy!!!!!!!!!! "It is selfwill run riot".
  11. For Me: 10. Corps nite 1&2 Thessalonians. 9. Sanding desk 4-hrs a day and getting them preped for painting. 8. Eng.101... I flunked. 7. "VeePee and Me". Where LCM Sucks up and believes his experiance with VeePee is a burning bush moment. 6. Listening to Walter Cummins teach "Figures of Speech" or "Greek". I can't even master the English language. 5. Stringing chairs and setting tables for meals. AAAArrrrrggggg. 4. "Who has somthing burning on there hearts, please raise your hand". It's damn near mid-night and at this point your a psycopath for sleep. 3. Cleaning someone else's home. And being reminded to do all things with the "Love of God" and the "Renewed mind". 2. "PFAL 77" to promote PFAL. Yikes. 1.TAPES,TAPES,TAPES,TAPES...and more TAPES. I hate tapes. SNS,Victorious Living...etc. I can't even listen to autio books after TWI. Maybe i'm ADHD or ADD or a combo but I hate TAPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Happy B-day little man. Tom.... Your goofy but safe! Hey a little strange too. OOOOhhhhhhhh...Tomstrange!!! I get it.
  13. Although this is not the fourm to debate literalism or figurtive historical accounts, I ment no disrespect to the Bible. I believe there is a lot of spiritual truths in it. My point is when you take the Bible and spend your own truth, it is no longer a spiritual book. Thus it becomes a thing. IMO I'v seen both sides of the equation. Fundementalist who use it to fuel there hatred and graniosity. Much like the Klan. And those that use it for pleasurable gain. TWI and some sects of mormonism. So with that in mind you have to do your own homework and decide for yourself. Not to allow for somone else's Zeal be your persauder. I do not take the accounts of Sodom and Gomorrah literally. I believe the message was about Hospitality not Homosexuality. I have no personal gain in this belief. Just my personal research has directed me to this conclusion.
  14. Sounds like a marrige made in Heaven.
  15. shazdancer, Well said! I dropped out after I graduated from the corps. Carrot befor the horse is way to correct. It seemed like a mirage. It looked like water from a distance but the closer you got to the promise, it would just disapate or disapear and your thirst was never quenched. The promise was always at the next higher level.
  16. Since the Kentucky derby just ran...I put 20-1 odds that lcm is behind the scenes. 4-1 favorite on Donna and 2-1 with Rosi. But I do believe there is an outside chance that Harv could running the whole shabang. I guess we'll see who comes across the finish line first at the Bama.
  17. As far as the Bible is concern, I belieive that there are 100s of ways to interpret the thing. As you see, one man made a lucertive buisness out of HIS private interpretation. We all fell for it . Without him this website wouldn't exist. I don't buy the (sinful) homosexual conduct accounts no matter how you spin it. I'v read peices of work on both sides and tend to be on the opposite side of fundelmentalism.
  18. In my post on page 1, I mentioned that the issue is not about orintation but about the human condition. About all people. I would give a years worth of pay to see a health, loving, spiritual, strong couple relationship...gay or not ...married or not! To know for myself it really exists and is attainable. As far as taxes are concerned we can argue all day about its use and abuse and why we should not have to pay. Life is not fair. I believe everyone has the right to be there own authentic selves without prejudice or penalty. When it comes to exacting harm on another human being this is not being authentic but is a character defect. There will never be in our laws, a right to harm another.(rapist,child molesters) The commitment to a Higher Power to live honorably,love hugly and stand firmly as a couple is...the higher ground. All this other stuff is just incidentals. If a Gay couple has taken the high road and wants to be recognized legally for their commiment then again...What's the Beef? I'd rather support the high ground no matter who it is, even if the majority of peoples do not live there.
  19. Shucks, I agree. Love is the greatest power in the universe. I too ask God when I start my shift," What can I do that will make a difference?" I get to be with these kids for 2 hrs. in the morning, so how the morning is makes or breaks their day. I take them hiking, biking, game morning or take them to the ranch to play with the goats. Their are some kids that are so wounded that their defensive distrust cannot be penatrated. And no matter what you do or how much time you spend they cannot connect. When these kid are well established in their street mentality and life style of violence, they look a kindness as a weakness and take full advantage. The child I mentioned had sent several staff to the hospital for trying to keep him safe. He is the only child I felt would have a bleak out come. That he would be killed in the process of killing. Now that my friend is sad.
  20. Gladtobeout, YOU ROCK GIRL. I'v been dreaming of thoose peanutbutter bars for years. It was the only comfort food or food that gave me comfort. I would trade my sandwich for one of those. We got bag dinner for corps nite on Wed. Thank for giving the recipe. This is a great day.YYYYYYIIIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE.
  21. Don't know if this has been covered. Jim Jones and the Kolaid capper. Jonestown was a mock, ficticious story of CIA cover up. That their were not 900 plus people who commited suiside but a plan to get a top secret facility out of the country. The coffins were used to break it down, peice by peice. I got this info at Advance class of "79". I have a few questions. 1. If it was TOP SECRET, how did TWI get the info? 2. Explain to the Family memebers where their love ones are. 3. If this really did happen (which I don't buy) Why put your organization at risk for being a target by the Gov't, to keep this info concelled. It appears once again the attention that TWI drew to itself as being the only source for globle truth. That their take is absolute and from Gods perspective. How ARROGANT.
  22. I threw out my material a long time ago.I figured I would take the teaching of diablo spiritus seriously. How spiritus inhabit objects or some objects leave an open door to their fine fellowship in your home. Was trying to clean up my life. I could sence a difference spiritually after I unloaded. It was cathartic. Although "All Aborad" was found up in my parents attic. I'm sure the presence of that record must have put a hardship in them. SORRY folks. I tore into that record with a drumal tool. Tried to make a chime out of it. Well, no sucess and it met the fate of all the other stuff. Cast out!
  23. Mr. P-Mosh, Glad you survived TWI. I can't amagin the garbage you have to work through havin been brought up there. Like you, I met some wonderful folks too. I wish you all the best. Glad you claimed your life and took it back.
  24. dig, I know how you feel. The girl that got me into TWI commited suiside. She was very dear to me. She was a corps grad and a loving person. Her husband was ordained clergy. So I have asked the questions you have too. Well, for me I don't buy the possession doctrine. She was very depressed after having a baby and at that time the mental health profession was not fully aware of post-partem depression. So she killed herself. There's a lot of reasons why people end their lives. Foe some it is family genetics at work. Some it is depression or a hoplessness that has no end. It is a relief for them to put an end to what they have no contol over. It is a mental disorder not a spiritual disorder. I know of one child who saw the death of both parents and has been out of his mind with anger. He is so wounded that I think for him to recover from the violence that he has received and witness in his life, is near impossible. He has no conscience and is severly antisocial. One of my co-worker said the best thing for this kid is to not continue to live. He has attemped suiside many times. Now that is sad but I tend to agree. He is so unhappy and out of his mind that a life time of therapy would not get his soul to heal. There are some unfortunat folks that suffer so internally that no form of meds or therapy can releive them. Possession. No, Hell No. Stock it up to having imperfect bodies and minds. And sometimes trama to the head will cause a psycological shift. What I do believe about possession is in the case of Jeffery Dohmer or Ted Bundie. Where the evil was acted on another human being. Serial killers to be exact. BiBlically I don't buy the suiside possession thing. I don't care how you interpret the Bible.
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