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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I disagree. I have experienced a world system (including twi) where bullying was encouraged and orchestrated from top down, and there were no other options.
  2. unlike other Greasespot Avatars, I am actually a Squirrel, in real life. Just ask anybody. Perhaps more educated than most squirrels, but still a Squirrel, nonetheless.
  3. His grandson has attempted to seize upon any such charisma.. by ma and papa's orders (and naming).
  4. If the Bible is God Breathed.. can one say that the Bible has God's Breath. If you don't mind me saying.. sometimes it stinks..
  5. Ham

    Time for a Party

    Absolutely, I promise! Well.. you must agree to clean up after it is done.. Venison hamburgers, Squirrel Stew.. wine, unlimited. Who could refuse to come..
  6. Ham

    Time for a Party

    No More Greasespot wienie roasts.. let's have a party somewhere.. I could house about a dozen inebriated participants.
  7. In Celebration of Our 73rd anniversary.. I will supply the Wine. I have about 30 liters stored away in the closet.. mostly Cabernet. A few gallons of beer besides plus award winning Chili would present no problem.. This could be an event like.. dinner in courses. Show up for one Course in Michigan.. take a few days to sober up, and drive to the next course..
  8. Happy 73'd! I will supply the beer, if anyone will come.
  9. I cannot say that my identity changed. I was a stinking(?) hippie of sorts, forced to live in a hellish new landscape. I am still a stinking(??) hippie of sorts, but I bathe regularly. If I had half a chance, I would run off and live off the land somewhere..
  10. You may have the last word. I am completely Wrong in Everything. I've known that for a while now.. good evening, friend.
  11. In the beginning, in the beginning.. there were Ham's Words.. I can feel the hate arise in you, it makes you strong, gives you focus.. I am now speaking in Parables.. sorry
  12. I know Greek. I could write a Bible if I wanted to..
  13. I think it is more.. J.S. is Unqualified to be an authority in anything, except for Adultery. He made his case in more way than one in that regard.
  14. I don't even have a dog.. sowy.
  15. In this existence I think the hell of fire and ice is about the worst..
  16. I think the burning we feel is just passage along another stage of purification..
  17. I am currently teaching seven algebra classes. My grad school experience took two and a half years. Was it worth it financially, probably not. But every decade I feel like I have become something completely different.. I never decided to become what I would be in the next incarnation.. somehow "destiny" or something even more vague pushed me on.. I never thought I would be a window washer.. never thought I would work repairing broken technology.. never thought I'd be a ham radio operator, never thought I would be a mathematician, never thought I'd be an instructor.. I absolutely loath the kind of lunatic I was in the old ministry.. :)
  18. I think they have a special kind of ignorance.. j.l., j.s., all the rest.. They are so ignorant they can't fathom how ignorant they are. I don't think they are smart enough to be willfully fraudulent. Maybe they are driven by blindness and base desires.. survival.
  19. so then, if you do not know what your neighbors believe.. does it make any difference what your neighbors believe, is it any business of yours what your neighbors believe, to the extent that your neighbor wants to tell you what they believe. What about Numerology. Three versus One. Well, plus a few other significant numbers.. do you still feel uncomfortably different than others, and the rest of Gods Creation.. its just a question.
  20. Arguments with religious fanatics are useless.. including myself. I often argue with myself, I should know.. I would rather argue with myself. There are a few advantages to this strategy..
  21. My beliefs mostly imposed by others was suddenly abandoned (by others that is). Which is weird.. maybe I was the proverbial Rice Christian.. in some sort of sense.. Give me Family, and friendship, and I am your Christian.. maybe that's it.
  22. Ham

    Song of the moment

    Another Pictures at an Exhibition Promenade has been playing in my head for the last week o so..
  23. Ham

    Song of the moment

  24. For that matter.. does it bother you that your neighbour believes that God is a She.. or does it bother you that your neighbor believes that God is light.. or that god is an alien conspiracy.. the list could go on for pages. maybe god is part of me, or maybe I am part of God.. maybe I'm too ignorant, too unqualified to define God, by my own beliefs or through any collective writings.. but why would this bother anybody..
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