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Everything posted by TheInvisibleDan

  1. But I do recall an episode described in one of those early CES Way-expose tapes - where leaders gathered about "St. Victoronius" actually discussed hiring a hitman to knock off some critic or opponent (or were they joking? I don't know) - which provoked a gruff reaction from the old Patriarch, who arose from his seat and hobbled out of the room. Or something to that effect. Someone else here must have that tape. Heard this back circ. '87.
  2. I'll never forget the communion he conducted that year. He went around to everyone in the room with a basin and towel, and washed everyone's feet. That was very powerful to me. Hope you're doing well Tommy, and still playing your bass. Danny Mahar
  3. There are very few career opportunities in the real world for "chair stringers" - get out now.
  4. I wonder, however, how much that would have depended upon which Hebrew "mindset" one happened to encounter. The Jews were (or even now are) hardly homogenous in their views or "mindset" or interpretations. For example, he differences of ideas between the familiar groups the Pharisees and the Sadducees might be considered. Danny
  5. Rainbowsgirl - Welcome to the Cafe "basement". In my personal opinion the devil has had far less to do with divisions in religious/spiritual movements. And, I might add - divisions and splits in movements & groups are not always necessarily a bad thing. Consider our experience with twi - if not for the "divisions", there would doubtless be many people here still stuck in a tyrannical organization. I must strongly disagree with "I have no ability to address doctrinal issues" (!). All that is being discussed and explored in this part of the forum are nothing more than ideas, beliefs, interpretations, theories, and yes, even personal opinions. And thankfully there's quite a variety of views. I hope you don't let the word "doctrinal" intimidate you, and that you might enjoy yourself here. Danny
  6. That's funny. When I was a kid, I used to work for an old farmer in town, who lived in a house over 200 years old. The house was previously owned by two brothers, who had a falling out with one another; they constructed walls through the center of the house, dividing the place in half, going so far as to even build a wall going right straight through the center of the kitchen fireplace. That wall was eventually removed, but one could still make out where this wall used to be. Danny
  7. As the high school history teacher working behind the counter at the convenience store around the corner of my house used to speaketh unto me: "If thou truly will understand history, behold what's happening now..." Or something to that effect. He's in Hawaii now. I imagine wearing 3-D sunglasses.
  8. And of course, beware of "Strangers" , through exhortation to the sheep instinct: "They will never follow a Stranger" - also ironic in view of those of the audience which didn't recognize or comprehend His voice. The editor had to throw that one in there as warning to his community to not stray after those brothers and sisters no longer in their "household" which had recently "went out" from them (cf. the epistles of John), whose God was actually called by the title "The Stranger" ( a title surviving among Syrian Marcionites even as late as the fouth century). The God of the Marcionites was also mocked as a "Thief" by Tertullian and others, a strange new God "overcoming the strong man of the house" and acquiring the old god's personal property of humanity. To which the original Marcionite writer of "Philippians" responded to such apparent widespread charges, "But He did not consider it robbery..." not to overlook Paul's frequent assurance "I lie not..." The author of "John" had an axe to grind with his former scribe, Marcion. Not unlike churches and movements which split today, to which we are most certainly well aware from our own personal experience. The controversies surrounding the production of these scriptures were quite dramatic. Believe it or not
  9. The "PC" - the "Prophetic Council" - I'm still trying to digest that one. It's another one of those bizarre expressions which awakens my evil dark side, the comic book reader/artist. I imagine this "PC" like the council in the old "Green Lantern" comics, comprised of those short, big-headed, white-haired, blue/or/green-skinned elders seated at their judgment bench, yappin' and deliberating about God-knows-what. It's been a while since I read those.
  10. AOS is destined to become a "cult classic". Wasn't there actually a drive at the time to get AOS shown on public access channels?
  11. Interesting observation Cman; perhaps encompassing even those powers which produced the law, if "all those which came before" included part if not all of the prophets of the world creator. Danny
  12. Sunesis, in this you raise an interesting point in favor of the possibility of "the thief" in Jn. 10:10 being suggestive of Satan. Might the material in Jn. 10 also being considered a continuation of the idea in John 8, "Ye are of your father the Devil"? I need to kick this one around little bit.... :) Danny
  13. I think you nailed it here, Jerry. I've been contemplating this material in John 10 along the same lines, especially in view of the way the chapter begins: "...he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber." Seems a stretch to assume that this be a direct reference to "Satan" or the "Devil" at all. The immediate context, as you point out, doesn't support this. Good work. Danny
  14. Wow, what a nasty old hag. Did anyone ever bring a malpractice suit against her? That's pretty sick stuff.
  15. Laura - No hablo español satisfago tan me perdono para mis traducciones torpes a través de los "pescados de Babel" de Alta Vista. ¿Usted leyó este libro, “The Da Vinci Code“? Pido, porque esta mañana mi hija lo leyó, y me demostré la conexión entre "The Way" y "El Código de Da Vinci" por Dan Brown. Esta "Way" no es igual que la "Way" en ese libro. Recepción a este foro. Danny
  16. Out There, I've been accursed all my life as a bad comic book artist. As difficult as I may try to hold at bay that dark part of my soul, the boundaries of good taste and proper manners do break down every so often. As in the case of seeing the words "Way" and "Illuminati" occurring in the same phrase, which overwhelmed me as funny at the time, in view of the Way's past obsession with strange conspiracy theories. Forgive me, Laura, if I have offended you with the grotesque caricature I painted with my words concerning the TWI. But the spirit it depicts - I cannot say is untrue. Danny
  17. Yes, the Way is a Satanic, bloodthirsty Sect which sacrifices young virgins to their evil gods. I exhort you, - stay away from them! Beware! They are bad - very, very bad.
  18. The internet has been very good for this sort of thing. Cults can't keep people in the dark like they used to. Readers and seekers can spare themselves years upon years and even decades of their lives of subjection to any devious organization, from being at a disadvantage of unknowingly supporting a corrupted system, all at the click of a mouse. Would have been good had the 'net been around back in '85 or earlier. I could have invested the gold of my youth toward far more worthy purposes, besides spinning my wheels on baseless fictions and filling the pockets of deluded men pretending to be Bible-Land characters. Danny
  19. If you genuinely feel that way, then what "rule" or "yoke" compels you to post here, Mr. Prophet? Or is it "Jesus" moving you to do so? And I might add (to your credit), you don't appear to be having much of a problem engaging in discussions here. Perhaps someday, leaders of the present Way International might also overcome their fear of posting in a public forum. It's not so bad as they might think. Danny P.S. -I might also add, that Jesus didn't seem to have a problem openly debating and disputing with the scribes, lawyers and pharisees - before all the crowds - through the open "forums" of His day.
  20. I agree, Oak. I'm guessing this public forum to them is beyond their "space" and "comfort zone".
  21. Excellent post, 1Broken1 - glad you did not let slip by the "maturity" nonsense (no offense intended toward the original poster, but I recall the Way also using that line of reasoning to promote their programs) . Danny
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