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Everything posted by TheInvisibleDan

  1. Why assume that Wierwille's anti-trinitarian (or anti-Jesus-as-God) views - at least in his case - were not (or had not become) "self-serving"? Such teaching, added to the context of the dispensational view of the gospels "not addressed" to us, and of course, "the absent Christ", combined together, effectively cut Jesus and His teachings out from the picture, and enabled Wierwille to crown himself "lord". Danny
  2. Excellent post, Cynic. if Hitler did in fact regard himself as "Christian", it was apparently a more pumped-up, "fighter" distortion of the figure of Jesus - one undoubtably more conformed to Hitler's own image, or idea of Christ. I've heard over the years that Hitler also devoted himself to odd occult notions, such as the "Hollow Earth" theory, and of his zeal toward acquiring the "sword of destiny," the lance allegedly used to pierce Jesus' side during the crucifixion (though if I am recalling correctly, the historicity of the latter pursuit had been recently disputed). Danny
  3. That sounds like a fun volume. I'm kicking myself for having gotten rid of a book that my oldest sister gave to me just as I was getting involved with the Way in the late 70s - "The Book of Demons" - which included illustrated drawings for each demon (such as the "gremlin" responsible behind mechanical failures, and invocations for calling them and sending them away). Being a neophyte Christian at the time, my sister's timing in giving me this book was not the best (lol) - but it would be interesting to review today, to compare with Wierwille's own "Advanced Class" catalogue of devils. It had some pretty spooky drawings as I recall. Danny
  4. Steve, I have a copy of this classic work as well. I couldn't resist picking this up a few years ago even if only for Larkin's charming, entertaining charts and artwork. I used to have "Rightly Dividing the Word" by Larkin but I gave that work away recently. While on this subject we ought not overlook the preterist interpretations in circulation during that era - http://www.preteristarchive.com/ChurchHistory/index.html#TOP Danny
  5. Outside of its original Way context, the "Schoenheit Paper" by itself is nothing especially spectacular or controversial. It's rather kind of dull, actually. It emphasizes, "Adultery is wrong, ma-kay?" But to Wayshua's corrupted leadership engaged in fleshly avarice at the time, it was apparently a bombshell. It's too bad the world press missed out on the more scandalous, smaller but nastier breaking stories when concentrating only on Jim Bakker, swaggerin' Jim-what's-his-face and Oral Roberts.
  6. Hitler as a "Christian" (at least as one site would suggest - http://www.nobeliefs.com/Hitler1.htm ) could give Stalin and Mao a run for their money.
  7. Which scene? The ice chase? No, at the ecologically repentant Dick Cheney, waxing fuzzy about how the 3rd world countries have now taken us in as refugees...yeah right! The real Dick Cheney most surely would have militarily conquered Mexico first, and then move right into the presidential palace, rather than living in a freakin' tent. And why the heck did the Bush-Gore lookalike president hang out in Washington so long, packing his things with the movers? I would think he would have been the first at the presidential palace in Mexico (if not at least as far as Texas, away from the oncoming "Ice-a-raptors"), ahead of Cheney. You have a copy of the original "Gojira"? Cool! Unfortunately I only have the Americanized Raymond Burr version. Can't wait to see the original. Danny
  8. That sounds like an interesting project, Steve. It seems that for awhile, there were numerous movies about meteors and comets slamming into the earth as well (i.e., "Sudden Impact", "Armegeddon"). It may be worth revisiting a few classics as well, like "When Worlds Collide", except in those type of scenarios, mankind didn't necessarily do anything to have incurred an ecological "wrath from heaven"...actually, when I think about, such movies of mankind dealing with their ecological "sins" seemed plentiful in the 70s, ("Day of the Animals") though even the classic "Godzilla" and "The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms" (and other gargantuous creatures thereafter) during the 50s trace their unleashing to the testing of atomic bombs. BTW, the original 1953 Japanese version of "Godzilla" (without Raymond Burr, with about 40 extra minutes of footage) is being shown in American theaters this summer. That's a flick I would love to see. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were still fresh in the minds of the Japanese at that time. The story was also partly inspired by radiation sickness having occurred among the Japanese crew of the fishing trawler, "The Lucky Dragon", which strayed through the waters of the Bikini Islands where Americans had been testing hydrogen bombs. Danny
  9. I distinctly recall suppressing the overwhelming urge to throw my popcorn and empty drink cup at the screen toward the end of the movie. Not good. Not good at all.
  10. Suuuuuucked! Yeah the special effects were somewhat entertaining (big surprise) but all else about the movie was pretty lame. A new ice age is coming, but that darn, wily Dick Cheney-looking vice-president won't take seriously the warnings of a scientist (Dennis Quaid) whose son (still in high school) looks only 10 years younger than his mother (Sela Ward). The characters themselves are freakin' unbelievable. Run, don't walk, AWAY from the theater on this one. If you need a fix of special effects, save some money and rent a video game, or wait until it comes out on tape.
  11. What do I hide? Bodies buried in my backyard.... (oooooo-weeeeeee-ooooooo....) of termites and ants, that is....
  12. Sunesis, you're full of crap. Along with recollections of the work, "Greatest Hoax of the 20th Century" (recommended by some of the seasoned initiates), a copy of "Myth of the Six Million", -lent to me by a Corp person many years ago - grows moldy in my basement as I type this. And a damn good place for it, IMHO. I wasn't even in the Corp, and yet this type of material reached even as far as me, a regular "twigite" schmuck... Add to that my own personal recollection of LCM (at an "Advanced Class" in Emporia circ. '85) ranting about modern Jews being as genetically related to Biblical Jews as "monkeys swinging in trees in Africa", - not to overlook the Way's promotion of Arthur Koestler's "Thirteenth Tribe" - demonstrates enough red-flags to me to not so hastily dismiss Sunesis' recollections and experience here. If anything, her experiences further confirm for me what "manifestations" of the Way's anti-semitism I had already personally observed. It's not a stretch at all.
  13. A "Christian minister"? lol! Genuine "Christian ministers" generally don't shear their flock in the manner of that dirty old bastard.
  14. from http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...toholocaustin42 "The firsthand account from a translator, said Hitler gobbled candy-colored pills and raved for a half-hour "in a fit of frenzy" with "foam on his lips," questioning whether "the German people are worthy of my great ideas." "I don't know why I didn't go over to the Allies there and then," said the translator, Eugen Dollmann, in a conversation after his capture in 1945."
  15. In a word -- No. If He was "fashioned" like Adam was, He would have had God as His Father, and still been human, tempted in all ways like we are, and He would have had the choice to either obey or disobey. The fact that He was a "perfect, sinless man" is a testament to His choice of following "It is written", instead of "It is what I want". But neither you nor I (nor anyone else here) were "born" via a miraculous virgin conception(according to the canonical gospels). Wouldn't this had made Him in some way physically and mentally perfect and sinless - unlike "just like us"? And entering into the world via miraculous conception could hardly be regarded as having been a "choice" on His part, (unless perhaps, He had pre-existed in some form and made that choice Himself). Danny
  16. But wouldn't Jesus still be far from being "just like us" if he was a perfect, sinless man?
  17. Hey Tom - I appreciate the recommendation! I'll try to rent it this weekend. Thank you! Danny
  18. lol, Steve. I noticed "Cleopatra" last night while I was channel surfing, but I didn't want to commit to the drama at the time (sword and sandal epics do tend to be a bit long in the tooth). AMC also played the 3rd "Star Trek" movie a few nights ago. I thought Kirk/William Shatner got over the slaying of his son rather quickly...perhaps because he's got so many other children (in multifarious forms) all over the universe via all his romps. I've often wondered if Bill Clinton watched too much Star Trek when he was growing up. Danny
  19. It's hard to imagine the well-paid lawyers of the "children of the corn" not being already aware of the possible weaknesses that have been raised here concerning Pat's case. Unless one is praying for incredibly stupid lawyers for the other side in order to win this thing. If Pat doesn't want points of this case being publicly aired, then it would seem an even better and wiser idea if he didn't initiate these threads to begin with. Danny
  20. Whoa -She's baaack!!! She came trotting through the door this morning, a bit more lean and hungrier. Thanks for your prayers, everyone! Danny
  21. "Starlight" slipped out the door, apparently enjoying a wild weekend (her distant, pre-dawn yowlings jarred a few awake in the neighborhood, I'm sure) and hasn't been seen in 3 days. If you pray for her to come home, I'll give you a kitten (while supplies last). Thanks! Danny
  22. Dot, I had recently borrowed a videotape copy to preview in the hopes of showing certain parts to my son in preparation of his upcoming school report on Pearl Harbor. It's like watching character rejects dropped from a bad "Archie" comic strip. One is almost relieved to see the cgi-Disney Japanese planes finally attacking, to put (only) some of these boring characters out of their soap opera misery. I haven't gotten to the second tape yet...I may not be able to get all the way through it either (lol)! Perhaps I should give "From Here to Eternity" a shot (haven't seen that one in years). Danny
  23. Are they even worse than the characters in "Pearl Harbor"?
  24. Omigod! Are "The Victors" getting back together for a Pay-the-Bills "Reconciliation" tour? Did they get a new recording contract with "Pickwick", "K-Tel" or "Ronco"? Whoa! Sign me up, dudes!
  25. Excie (lol)! You posted a pic of my beloved "Dairy Queen" - so nick-named because she goes nuts in the presence of sour cream, ice cream, and bits of cheese from MacDonald's hamburgers. She, among all cats, would most surely be able to discern the evil "Antibutter" of Fabio! :)-->
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