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Everything posted by waysider

  1. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    Do you mean one of these?
  2. I don't recall where I heard it taught, but in some formal setting such as a class or Sunday Night Service(SNS), it was stated that "All prayer is believing." Not only do I no longer think this is accurate, I think it is a harmful perspective from which to consider the meaning of prayer. It suggests that the results of our prayer will be determined by the believing we apply to it. In other words, it implies that we, not God, determine the outcome of our prayers. Regarding the use of the word "hope": I was taught as early as the early 1970s that the word "hope" reflected an attitude of uncertainty and as such was seen as a form of "negative believing". We were never to use the word "hope" unless we were talking about The Hope of Christ's return. We were told it was OK to use HOPE in this context because---" All the negative believing in 'the world' can't can't stop him from coming back as King of Kings, Lord of Lords and Lord God Almighty."(VPW) There was frequently this sort of attitude that we could alter the course of history by simply thinking about it. That kind of thinking is self delusional and potentially very harmful, sometimes even lethal.
  3. Reading this thread has given me a much deeper understanding of how terribly wrong we were to use God's Word to rationalize behaviors we knew in our hearts were wrong.
  4. Banana fana fo fieving. Now lets do "Chuck"------ ANECDOTES! WE NEED ANECDOTES!------------ "It was a dark and dreary night---------------------"
  5. Larry If you will just take a deep breath and pause for a moment, you will see that Hamm already stated right there in the post you quoted that he was not stating it in a context of sexual intimacy. Those were not his exact words but the gist of his post makes that clear.
  6. Well, I'm sittin' her with my grandson Cletus(That's his name) along with his brother Cleophus(he's the ornery one) and their sister Clara Belle(That's short for Helen). They all seem to agree that this here idea of a fella(or gal) bein' more than one personality is really "fascinating". Jeepers!---You would think that three kids on the cuttin' edge of "hipdom" would be able to find a more "up to date" word to use than "fascinating". I guess that's youngin's fer ya.
  7. The Word doesn't say it's wrong to eat tuna salad sandwiches on Tuesday nights, either, but I fail to see the relevance. Right or wrong, Excellor sessions are not to be found in The Word. If they are, someone please point me in the direction of that scripture. Wierwille himself was fond of saying that if something is not mentioned in the scriptures, it's probably not important. Yeah, I know, now someone chimes in and says something like. "Oh, Golly!, What SNS tape is that reference from?" And so I pose the question again, Where in the scriptures do we find mention of these "excellor sessions" and the need to develop our fluency? After we have done that, maybe we could look at some more first hand accounts of VPW speaking in tongues and interpreting. If you think my asking that the thread stay on topic is "directing traffic" , toss me a whistle and a tin star.
  8. You never quit with this question nonsense, do you?
  9. I believe you may be confusing VPW's sarcastic, derogatory barbs with the process of paraphrasing.
  10. Again with the "women keep silent" thing. What's up with that? Can we get back to excellor sessions? That was the topic being currently discussed. Maybe you can at least show how the "silent" thing is relevant to the validity of excellor sessions. Better yet, maybe we can hear from some more folks who heard VPW SIT, since that was the subject that started this thread. If what he taught us about being zealous to excel in spiritual matters is something he practiced himself, there ought to be page after page of eyewitness accounts. ps---Jesus Wept.( Now that really IS relevant!)
  11. "Always answer a question with a question." Seems like I've heard this technique before. "Twist a person's words into some convoluted form in an effort to completely change the subject and divert it from its intended meaning and into something completely different." Seems like I've heard that one before as well. Now if I could only remember where it was I learned about those techniques-------------------
  12. Pardon me. I did not realize the subtopic at hand had changed from scriptural support of excellor sessions to women keeping silence in the church
  13. Just wanted to mention that I have started an anecdote thread in About The Way. It happened to *me*------ (In case anybody would like to post a personal experience or move a post over there.)
  14. Dear Mr. Socks, sir, It is with great interest that I write to you in regard to your new class, SCRIBBLE (Socks Class foR Bbig Living, eh?) It has been rumored you have said, I shouldn't be in SCRIBBLE. I must humbly disagree and ask that you reconsider. I think that I would be a perfect fit. There are two issues I feel I must address before making a commitment. First, are students required to provide their own familia? ( Not a problem,.I can make my own, though only in 100 pound batches) Secondly, will there be any group, sprout rinsing practice sessions mingled amongst the teachings? Again, not a problem, just curious) Looking forward to your response, Way(Blue Card)sider
  15. Well, like I said before, I don't actually have the hallowed "green card". I have this green hand-out thing that says a lot of the same things. On the back, it says if you are interested in taking the class, you should send $65.00 to Newt Knockwurst and they will send you the registration form.( Maybe that's the "green card".) Hmmm. Here's something of interest, "This class is designed to give each student a maximum of information in a minimum of time." ( I guess that's why it is best if you take it 10 or 15 times. <_<) "The material presented covers all of the basic keys contained in the Word of God that will enable the students to manifest a life which is more than abundant." (Boy now that's a relief. I was afraid I might have to take a whole bunch more classes or go live in a commune or something.)
  16. Well, I guess somebody was bound to ask so why not me? Are you sure they were talking about the magical kind?(fairies, that is.)
  17. ANECDOTES!!!! Oops, was that too loud? We need anecdotes. There ought to be a gazillion of them, one would think. Mr. B.---- your example was, in fact, an anecdote. Keep 'em comin'!
  18. Whole Lotta Love was written by Willy Dixon(like so many other blues/rock classics) and popularized by Muddy Waters in the early 1960s. Originally it was called You Need Love". As with a lot of early bands from the UK, most of Zep's material was reworked and vamped up "blues" that they "borrowed". Many of these old tunes have lyrics that feature men strutting and boasting and bragging about their manhood. Singing these songs was one of the few ways they had to release the frustration of having to spend their days being called "boy" and having to kowtow to "The Master". "Now I'm a Man. That's spelled M.---A.---N. No B.--O.--Y." Another great Willy Dixon tune that Muddy did was "I Just Want To Make Love To You" which the Stones later popularized. Muddy reprized it on his Electric Mud album in the late sixties. If you ever have a chance to hear it, you will probably giggle the next time you hear old Mick sing it. It will definitely seem milk toast in comparison. Now where were we? Oh, yeah--- The Green Card. I guess this idea of "borrowing" material is really nothing new.
  19. I know how very serious this subject is so please don't misinterpret my post. I work in a very small office and we all know each other quite well. One day, one of the ladies said to me," I won't be in tomorrow morning, I have a doctor's appointment." Instinctively, I responded, "Is everything alright?" I wasn't trying to pry, it just came out of my mouth. "Oh yeah", she said. "I'm just using some vacation time to go to "Squeeze Fest". Oh, had I a golden thread, And a needle so fine,. I would weave the bravery Of women giving birth.-----------------Pete Seeger
  20. It's really just my opinion, but I feel like the "doctrinal" forum is more of a debate type forum. You know----- "the scriptures say this", and "according to such and such study---". If someone feels they would like to approach it from that angle, they can certainly still do so in the "doctrinal" forum. This is more like what some people call a "testimonial". (ie: This was my experience.) Please feel free to move your own response here if you feel it might be more comfortable here or leave it where it currently is. You be the judge.
  21. I originally posted this in doctrinal but maybe it fits here better. Personal anecdotes only, please. Doctrinal debates about this topic can be addressed in the Doctrinal forum. There is already a current thread for that purpose.
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