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Everything posted by waysider

  1. I learned you can re-use disposable coffee cups. ( If you can find a way to get the lipstick stains off 'em) I mean--------REALLY!-------------Who'da ever thunk it?
  2. Haven't we all? OK, that was a rhetorical question.
  3. waysider


    Speaking of volunteers, My in-laws tell a tale of a neighbor of theirs back in the 1950s who became displeased with his front lawn. He tilled it under and amended it with top soil that he obtained at a bargain price. According to their recollection, in no time at all he had a beautiful, thick front lawn-----------of nothing besides cherry tomatoes! Now, I like cherry tomatoes---------------------HOWEVER-----------------!
  4. The King Family Show( with Alvino Rey and his"talking" guitar)
  5. "With the rise of the internet, the hate component in this country is off the chart." ---------Bill O'Reilly------------- What is a "hate component"? Is there really a chart to measure it? If so, what exactly are the parameters of said chart? Are there hard statistics to show its correlation to the "rise of the internet". Food for thought.
  6. I left the organization in about 1991. It wasn't dramatic. I drifted away due to family obligations. By that time I was only involved at the twig level and completely in the dark about a lot of what was really going on. Still, I felt guilty that I had forsaken the household. I never felt like I had forsaken God or that He had forsaken me. I just felt like I had let him down by not remaining committed. I continued to hold forth what I thought at the time was The Word. I never told people about twigs and branches and whatnot. Wouldn't know where to even send them if they would have wanted to go. I found this place while I was searching to replace my PFAL book which someone had failed to return. I went through half a dozen copies that I used to lend out a lot.(won't do that again!) So, I guess what I'm saying is that the biggest guilt trip I was on was probably self imposed, at least to some degree. Don't know if that makes sense to any of you but it does to me.
  7. Hi, ChristAlone. Welcome aboard! I really enjoyed your posts and insight. That "third party perspective" can be very enlightening at times. I was never a part of CES either so I don't come here often. Your comments,though, seem to address issues that go beyond the parameters of a specific group or organization. Has anyone offered you a free cup of "joe" yet? I would do that myself but they don't trust me to operate the latte machine.(and rightfully so!)
  8. waysider


    Hooner Just wondering if you've read the thread regarding the LEAD accident. It's a long one but definitely an eye opener.
  9. Here's an easy one. I say that because it was a big hit not once but twice. The original would be cool but the cover is probably better known. Here is the main thing that I want to say I'm busy 24 hrs. a day. I fix broken hearts. I know I truly can.
  10. Listen here, Mister------You don't own me! Oh, sorry. That's the name of the tune.----I think. You Don't Own Me------ by Leslie Gore.
  11. I never experienced the rope scenario. We all lived so close to start with, if you had given us rope we probably would have strangled one another. We never had a "booty wipe" instructional session. That may have been because we (each "house") had to supply our own. If I remember correctly, here's how finances broke down: 1. Monthly FL fund -------covered rent and utilities-----(no one had phones) 2.Manna fund -----covered breakfast and supper------ I think it was about 6 or 7 dollars a week.(30+ years ago) You had to eat breakfast together as a house.(familia, apple-ishious, oat groats, wheat berries, mush and all sorts of other tasty food.I was always the breakfast prep person for the house.) For supper, we all met at limb hq and ate together. There were 8 tables. Each one represented your particular house. Everyone ate the same thing. One person from each house had to have a secular job that allowed them time enough to get home, ready the meal for the house and transport it to limb hq. Each house set up and cleared their own table. If you did not pay your Manna fee, you had to sit quietly and watch everyone else eat but you were not allowed to eat.(or accept a free meal.) You could only get around this if someone secretly slipped you the money to make your payment.( or so I was told. ) 3. House fund -----this was for TP, paper towels, dish soap, etc.----- I think it was about 5 bucks a week but went up and down as the house leader determined the weekly needs of your particular household. Our houses were not co-ed per se. We had single men homes, single women homes, married couple homes and family homes. They were duplex townhomes in the same apt. complex. The first home I was in was 4 single men and a married couple who were the house leaders. Plenty of togetherness but no ropes.
  12. You got it T.S. Geeze!--- I thought that one would go as soon as I hit the submit key. Ya just nevah know. I'm gonna have to check out that link you mentioned. Funny thing is, I was never much of a Beatles fan back in the day but as I listen to them now, something seems to click for me. (maybe it's the bongos) :-) Rock On!
  13. I had a Fellowlaborer wedding. It was presided over by the limb leader and held at Limb HQ. There were several others as well that year after graduation and each one was conducted separately. Our families were both present. It was really a pretty nice event. FLO did all the set up and physical work. No surprise there,huh? It didn't last, but that was a long time ago and lots of water has gone under the bridge since then. The Limb Leader did not have the legal certification to perform weddings at that time. We actually got legally married at a Justice Of The Peace the day before. When I got remarried, we had a ceremony that was presided over by our twig leader. He, too, was not certified and so we were legally married beforehand by a J.O.P., also. It was a much smaller, less formal event but still pretty nice. And so I pose this question; When people inquire about how many times I've been married, do I say twice or four times?
  14. MANNA! (our food co-op which served 50 people) Anyone remember the mechanics of how that whole operation worked? I think it is amazing that we had such a high level of success in pulling that one off. OK--- not everyone was always happy with the menu choices but, still, I think we did pretty well at making the operation smooth and functional. It's a lot of work planning, supplying and preparing a pre-set breakfast and supper (all identical) and then serving it (supper) 1/2 an hour away every day of the week at the same time for 50 people(8 houses). And eating as households at house tables, none the less. Now, the house refrigerators were another story. Most of the room was for Manna food but you could put your personal munchies in if they fit. Better put your name on it or else. Even that didn't always work.
  15. waysider

    Summer Time

    I found it on You Tube but the embedding has been disabled. Sorry. It's a very nice montage with the song as the background. Worth the trip to YT in my opinion.
  16. Clue#3 ------------------------------- :( ---------------------------------------------
  17. I think it should be legal, also. Not because I advocate its use, which I don't, but because there needs to be some consistency in the legal aspects of sale, use and production methods. Much like the consistency that was introduced to the use,etc. of alcohol that fell into place after prohibition. Plus, think of how much profit the government is missing by not sharing a piece of the pie. As one poster pointed out earlier, this ain't the same stuff we remember from the 60s and 70s. This is pot on steroids,so to speak, that is circulating in the current market place. There is also a physical aspect that has nothing to do with ethics or law. That aspect is the fact that human lungs just don't seem to like super heated, toxic gases. I used to know a guy who, through heavy usage, developed emphysema. Now that's a REAL bummer.
  18. Say WHAT?!!! Why in heaven's name would anyone need to paint a roof with aluminum paint? Unless maybe the roof was aluminum, which the BRC roof was not. Oh, sorry, I forgot we were talking about Fellowlaborers. My bad. I must have missed that one. Maybe that was on the day I was rearranging rocks in the creek to suit the MOG who was supervising. That creek was infested with leaches but let's keep that to ourselves. Wouldn't want to alarm anyone. Shhhhh! About midway through that project, the biggest water snake I have ever seen(and I have seen many) came swimming toward the work crew. It's amazing how fast you can move through waist deep water when you put your mind to it. Well, maybe the snake had a premonition of the ultimate collapse of the root cellar and the poor guy was just fleeing to save his hide. Until next time, don't forget to rinse those mung bean sprouts. Yeah! You heard me right! I said RINSE 'em! Rinse, Rinse, Rinse!
  19. Oh.sure. As long as your name's not Dave 'cause everybody knows----------------------- Dave's not here!!
  20. How can you laugh when you know-------?
  21. " It is written,'Thou shalt frolick in snow and ice with thy fellow fellowlaborers and thou shalt yea verily enjoy every frigid minute of it.'" Hey! I think I heard that at morning manifestations! OK --I didn't really. I just figured if I said I did, people would think I actually listened instead of dozing off until the mass exodus up the steps for our daily "run with the cows". That guy you mentioned lived in the same house I did. One night he was rousted out of bed and told he was being tossed from the program and had 24 hrs. to clear the state lines. He was told (by order of the MOG, that he was never, ever to enter the state of OHIO again.) His crime? He left the compound on a Saturday evening without permission to visit a young lady( non-FLO) in "the big city". It was far past "lights out" when he came back and snuck into his bunk. We were forbidden from discussing it or asking questions. I only knew because we lived in the same "house". I always thought he was a pretty decent guy and was made a scapegoat to show us we had to do exactly as they said. I think he was the first in a string of people who also got "the bum's rush". I suppose I might have gotten the same treatment if they had suspected what was talked about in private conversation during "junk food runs" to The Wayside Truck Stop. But, Hey! feel free to leave anytime you feel like it so the debuhl can squash you like a bug for leaving "the bubble of protection".
  22. As crazy as this may seem, I actually do recall my first memory. It was as if I had just awakened from a coma or something. I was standing on the back porch watching my mother hang clothes out on the line as I stared through the screen door. It was nothing dramatic. That sounds kinda wacky, doesn't it? I must have been 2 or 3. Old enough to walk to the back door when my mother thought I was asleep.
  23. Ya know, Oldies, even back in"the good old days" of the early 1970s, people were told that now that they had "The Truth" there was no going back. The adversary would make their life worse than it was before they heard The Word. Anybody else share that memory? So, yeah, they were pleased----------Pleased to stay someplace where the adversary couldn't squash them or their families like little bugs on the sidewalk. Or, as the expression evolved over the years, pleased they would not become grease spots by midnight. If you truly don't remember any of that stuff, I envy you. You must have had a very exceptional fellowship. So here's the thing in a nut shell. Even though you could physically walk away if you chose to, most were indoctrinated to believe that terrible things would happen to them and their loved ones if they did so. Bear in mind that there is a distinct difference between hearing this in a Sunday Night Service and being indoctrinated in progressive increments. Man, I've gone way off topic here. Hmmm? I wonder how that happened. <_< edited for spelling.
  24. My younger brother was in the summer program. I think he was only about 15 at the time. I don't think you could do that sort of thing today with all the laws that would factor in. He did experience a lot of growth as a young man on the cusp of adulthood, though. Later, he too went through the Fellowlaborer program and graduated. He doesn't post here because he doesn't have easy access to a computer. WG-- Do you remember how MANY rules and regulations of table etiquette we had to follow at every meal? You could never just sit down and eat a meal like a normal bunch of people. To this day, if I am at a family gathering, I find myself waiting for the hostess to "start" the meal. I guess that's not all bad but it draws some strange looks at times. That's a hard habit to break. And did we really have to sing "Roll Away" after EVERY evening meal? <_<
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