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Everything posted by waysider

  1. God is still "open for business".
  2. JerryB.-----------My post is not directed toward your healing. I believe God can and does heal. What caught my attention was that your deliverance happened in Jan. '83. When I left Cleveland in Aug. '75, it was not unusual to see 50 or 60 in attendance at our weekly branch meetings. There are others here who could probably confirm that. Within 7+ years , there were WOWs being sent there. From sending missionaries out to bringing missionaries in seems like a pretty big step backwards. I don't believe it was caused by the people who stayed in Cleveland and stood for what they believed. In my opinion, there had to have been doctrinal error at the root level to have caused such a drastic change. On a more somber note: I saw in the news that the company that makes "pink flamingoes" is closing its' doors and going out of business. What's next, white socks and chrome gazing balls? How much pain can one town endure?!!
  3. Thank you, Temple Lady-------I hereby stand, corrected. ( :) Just bein' silly with the , between "stand" and "corrected". :) )
  4. There is some great footage of Stevie in "Austin City Limits" archives though I have absolutely no idea how to tap into it.Sorry. I guess that's a long way from "Back To The Beach". Oh, the "lefty" thing. I was referring to Bluzemans' comment.( or should I say "agreeing" with it)
  5. I'm confused,the picture of SRV shows him posing right handed,which he was. BTW----The harmonica players' equivalent to playing "lefty" is called "upside down" since by inverting the instrument, the stamped hole numbers are indeed upside down. Bill Clarke played that way. So did Paul Butterfield and a host of other greats but it is really a moot point since it is just a matter of what you are used to and it has no effect on the sound or technique.
  6. Hypnotized---------Fleetwood Mac(Bob Welch) By order of the prophet, We ban that boogie sound
  7. I had a fleeting glimpse of the answer but now it seems to have passed.
  8. Anybody remember this one? I may never march in the infantry Ride in the cavalry Shoot the artillery I may never fly o'er the enemy But I'm in the Lord's army. Special thanks to all our military vets and a brotherly tip of the hat to all those in "the Lord's army".
  9. "If ignorance is bliss Why come it is more people ain't happy?" "Why Come It Is?"------------Dr. John
  10. I ordered "surf and turf" once in Cleveland and the waitress brought me "carp and kielbasa". Sorry. I guess that's not a recipe.
  11. I'm gonna step aside on this one. Pssst!----(There's a hidden clue in Wasway's post!)
  12. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    --------------- -------------------
  13. I kinda lost track. Is that the next post or an aside? BTW---Peter Green's band that I referred to was------------Splinter Group!-------now that's irony!
  14. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    A couple years ago, I saw an "Austin City Limits" episode that featured Vince Gill. It seems that over the years he has appeared on the show 5 different times. They featured clips of said performances and even had one of his first appearance as a member of Pure Prairie League. Anyone know if those episodes are available for purchase?
  15. This is somewhat Jeremy Spencer has a new release. Somewhat generic but not too bad, all in all. Sorry, it was a fleeting thought that popped in my head. Tom Strange-------Paul Simon co-wrote "Red Rubber Ball"? Who'dda thunk it?
  16. I remember someone telling me(must have been about '68 or '69) that adding a certain herbal ingredient to brownie mix would ,shall we say, add to the nuance. Another person told me it was a myth. Being of a scientific nature, I set out to test the theory. I added about a lid(that's a baking term) to the batter. The end result was a disaster. It turned out like fudge flavored garden mulch. No one would eat it. Not wishing to waste all the money I had invested in it, I ate the entire pan myself, all at one sitting. I crashed about a week ago last Monday. What were we talking about again? Oh Yeah. Cheech and Chong.--------Far out man!
  17. Announcer: OK Bob, let's look at what you've won. Why, it's a bag of steaming hot goat custard. Bob: Hey! That's just a bag of sh#t! Announcer: Yes, Bob, But it's really GOOD sh#t! And thanks for playing "Beat The Reaper",the only game show where a correct answer spares you from an agonizing, untimely demise.
  18. Didn't this cold and snow thing happen last year,too? It's a conspiracy, I tell you---------And the adversary's at the heart of it!
  19. waysider


    Heartfelt thanks to all the fine men and women here who have served their country in times of war and peace.
  20. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    The Way Orchestra!!! Very cool,Polar Bear. Verycool,indeed.
  21. waysider

    Stupid People

    Dot--------Sad that people would abuse a defenseless animal like that. I have heard it said ( but can't give a reference) that people who do such things are only a step or two away from committing abuse of people. The part about respiratory ailments transferring to the dog is a long held belief by people practising Voodoo and Gris Gris. It is specific to this breed. For them to abuse this dog would be somewhat on the order of a Catholic burning a crucifix or rosary beads. Not only are they abusing an animal, they are thumbing their nose at religious convention.
  22. Quite an excellent choice, Mr. Strange. The guy who penned this one has been quite active in the past decade cranking out some pretty decent blues, having departed from the group that made this tune a hit.The name of his subsequent band is a bit amusing in light of what has been discussed on this here forum as of late.
  23. I don't know what it was that was so darned appealing about that song. Surely it wasn't some complex rhythm or intricate chord structure. Still, we listened to that song over and over again and never seemed to tire of it. Maybe it was the droning guitar;maybe it was the story laced in the lyrics. Perhaps it was merely the captivating quality of Lightfoots' voice. To all who navigate The Great Lakes and endure their fickle temperment, I salute thee.
  24. Tom S.---------We did this one about a month or so ago.(Red Rubber Ball by Cyrkle) ChattyKathy did some cool stuff on her post. How about another one from the same era?
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