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Everything posted by waysider

  1. You got it Wasway. And for that I say"Ready,Steady,Go"
  2. Excellent guess though incorrect. Members of The Mickey Mouse Club such as Annette, Cubby, Bobby,etc, were probably fans of this show as they were entering their teen years and starting to shed their "cutesy" image. Bonus clue: It was inspired by an already successful British show.
  3. Vegan XTC---------I see your point about natural predators. The problem is that ,in many areas, natural predators no longer exist or do not exist in sufficient quantities. The ecology has gotten out of kilter so far, it is difficult to imagine what would be possible to correct it. I am not a hunter nor do I believing in hunting without a purpose. There are two purposes that can be accomplished by hunting deer. 1.) Minimize risk of encounters with the human population which can,in fact, have deadly consequenses.2.) supply a viable source of nutrition to those in need. I personally know someone who hunts and processes as much as the law will allow and then distributes the bounty to people who are truly in need. I hope you don't see this as a personal attack. I am merely suggesting there may be reasons for hunting that have nothing to do with the urge to kill what are undeniably beautiful creatures.
  4. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    We have quite a few jams here in town. Most are way too late for an old guy like me though I sometimes try a late one if I know I don't have to work the next day. We have one that runs on Sunday afternoons and that one seems to fit the bill a little better. What I have found is that a little etiquette goes a long way. Try to help others on stage shine when it's their turn. This requires developing the art of listening. "Hot-Dogs" are not usually welcomed with open arms more than once. Be prepared. Know what you want to do,what key you want to do it in and what kind of tempo you want. Be ready to drop that tune you had your heart set on and go to an alternative as someone may do it before you and it is definitely bad form to try to "out perform" them. There is nothing wrong with going as a "lurker" a few times; You may find it's not a jam you want to be a part of. Knowing your way around the 145-12 bar format is almost mandatory.OH! did I mention "have fun"? "Have fun while you can------fate's an awful thing" T-Bone Walker
  5. "Hi everybody, I'm Jimmy O'Neill,your host, and it's time for"-------------" Sorry. The quote may not be exact but it's pretty close to what I remember.
  6. All In The Family? The "little girl" part sounds like Archie Bunker talking to Gloria.
  7. HCW--------Thanks for putting into words what I was thinking(OK,not the part about the day job). Sometimes it's like watching an old home movie and seeing yourself do something you really wish the camera had not captured. But then again you think to yourself: Maybe my kids will see this and recognize the folly. If they benefit from it, it will have been worth the embarrassment.
  8. TWI must have surely followed some sound doctrine in the early days. Otherwise, people would have heard the shpiel and said"fugetaboutit". I personally know people who, having met in TWI over 30 years ago, remain friends to this day. The problem is, the doctrines not only changed, some took on an entirely opposing meaning. How else can we explain how a ministry that taught we could face any adversity as long as God was with us to a ministry that was afraid something terrible might happen in a cake decorating class(see previous thread involving this subject) unless two believers were present at all times? How could a ministry go from teaching that it was needless to be anxious about tomorrow to one that required elaborate,in-depth explainations for every minute of the day,lest the Devil seize the moment? Speaking only for myself, I find fault in the inconsistancy and wavering of TWI "doctrine". If only one "innie" reading these posts is able to piece together what has really happened and continues to happen, That in itself should explain why we criticize TWI doctrine.
  9. All I know is, I don't ever want to see "edited posthumously" at the bottom of one of my own posts.
  10. "Heavy",I think, was a product of Iron Butterfly but the tune still evades me. Inna Gadda Da Vida was one of those tunes that broke the "3 minute rule", along with Light My Fire by The Doors.
  11. I haven't a clue, but when I see the answer I'll probably go
  12. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    Q. Why did the chicken cross the road? A. To prove to the possum that it COULD be done! (Me too on the "couldn't resist" thing.)
  13. Wasway-------Don't forget to give her your brand. T. Strange----One of my favorites too.(Even though it has no bongos ) NEXT!!!
  14. Pssst--------Don't drink the milk. It's spoiled!
  15. Friends---------( Ya gotta have 'em) At least that's what The Divine Miss M (Bette Mittler) says. Above the hills, higher than eagles we're gliding Suspended in the sky Over the hill, straight for the sun we were riding. My eyes filled with light behind those black walls. Below was a bottomless canyon. Floating with no sound, ghosts far below seemed to be suddenly rising, exploding all around.
  16. Thank you for the friendly advise, Wasway. :)
  17. Some friends of mine wanted to bet me they knew this one. HMMMMM------To bet or not to bet.
  18. HMMMM!-------Could those 's be some sort of clue?
  19. NLL-------Many years ago I had a friend who talked frequently about suicide.I tried to help him in all sorts of ways. I helped him with housing. I helped him with car problems. I helped him get a job when he got out of the hospital. Yes, I even gave him "the word" as best I knew it. I, too, told him death was not what God wanted for him. Ultimately,though, the decision was his alone to make and he chose to end his own life. I was the one who found him. For a long time I asked myself all sorts of questions like: "What if I had said this?' or "What if I had done that?"or "Why didn't other people try to help more than they did?" It is difficult to absolve ourselves of blame. Much like a scar that becomes less and less noticable with passing time, the emotional scar will fade somewhat also with passing time but never completely disappear. Don't be too hard on yourself or others who may have known what was going on. There is likely not much you could have done to change the outcome short of possibly delaying the inevidable. You will have good days,you will have bad days and you will have some days that seem like a bad dream. Through it all, God will be right there with you if for nothing else, to lend an understanding ear. Dn't be afraid to let others help you. It helps THEM to help YOU. Praying for you.
  20. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    dmiller----"Where is signature?" Look to the extreme right in the picture(Just below the tuning peg for high E)
  21. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    I just got my copy of BLUES REVUE and thought this might be of some interest. They are having a free drawing to give away an autographed Buddy Guy Strat. You can enter online at www.bluesrevue.com. Scroll down to the picture of Johnny Lang and click. The odds are probably somewhere in outer space but it's free and somebody has to win.
  22. I listened to this one at work the other day. I'm going to step aside and let someone else in on it.
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