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Everything posted by waysider

  1. Brothers and sisters I have many Stumbling along to do their thing. Love is a song, it's better than any It's better for music, it's easy to sing. Here's a clue -------The lead guitarist in this group left his original band to join this one. His original group was The James Gang and his replacement was Joe Walsh. He and his brother(who plays bass) are still very active in the music business.
  2. Bluzeman-----------I have a card up my sleeve on this one because I grew up in his hometown. It was Screamin' Jay Hawkins. He was well known for outlandish behaviour and wild costumes. We tried to do this tune(I Put a Spell on You) in a garage band I was in . The screaming part was easy but the rhythm idiosyncrasies are much more difficult to duplicate than they sound. Rumour has it he was drunk as a skunk when he recorded it. Now as to the second one-------Are those lyrics from the beginning,the middle or the end?
  3. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    It might modulate to the key of F if "one" of the tires happened to "be flat".
  4. waysider

    End of the Road

    Sogwap 51----------Wish I Knew what to say to make things better. Is your feeling this way related to a specific incident or situation or is it a general overall feeling? Incidents pass and situations change. If you can't put your finger on the cause, it might be time to see someone professional who knows how to help. I 'm praying for you on this end.
  5. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    dmiller---------I just now saw you post on the W.O.W. "blob" thread and it made me think of something I heard on the radio today. Pappa John Creach doing "Pappas' Blues". Man! The raw feeling that man could coax out of his instrument is beyond words. It sure made me wish I knew how to play the fiddle.
  6. Watered Garden-----------Geez ! I remember that basement incident like it was yesterday! 50 people sitting cross-legged on a cold basement floor at 5:30 AM in total silence. I was always the breakfast person in every house I was in so I was always anxious for the meeting to end so we could run our mile and get breakfast served. (proper etiquette at all times,of course ) I was trying to remember how many meetings per week we had and I came up with about 25 per week. Does that sound about right to you? Do you remember all the formalities that went into the evening meal? Legalism was alive and well even back in those early days.
  7. waysider

    ! Update

    I said a little prayer for you(plural). I hope you don't mind.
  8. Splinter---------------A thin piece of something split off lengthwise. HMMMMMM!
  9. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    I guess you just never know with old guitars. My buddy( "Dial This") rescued an old axe that had been in a flood. It was in the original case but the case sacrifised its' life to save the instrument. It is a Micro-Frets Spacetone (with a whammy bar) finished in a Martian Sunrise. I had never heard of them. There were only a handfull produced. What sets them apart is that instead of having one nut for six strings, each string has its' own adjustable nut. When it has been properly tuned there is a hold-down bar that locks it all in. It doesn't give a rat's patooty how many times or how aggressively you use the whammy bar, it stays in tune. It's great for that pedal steel kinda stuff and works for Ventures tunes as well. I did a bit of research and found a whole bunch of really well known guys who have used them.(Mark Farner had two custom editions commissioned) They are not worth a boat load of money( especially if the original case is gone) and that is my point. As a financial investment it is probably a waste of time to look for one. As a guitar that can bring its' own very unique personality to the party, it is priceless.
  10. Here's my 2 cents Start one up and if it gets ugly pretend it's a twiggy who doesn't ABS and refuses to go WOW. (kick it to the side of the road.)
  11. Spudster-----------I have no idea if it's evil but I am sure it is futile. It also has no effect on a garden rake or weed wacker.
  12. "Poop on a stick"! Don't leak this idea out to the the State Fair people. It's liable to catch on on be the "big stink " at next year's fair. :)
  13. Racism is alive and well in the good old U.S.A. and it moves in both directions. And now it seems to have taken on a new dimension with the involvement of Muslims in current events. We owe it to our kids and grandkids to see past it and help them usher in a new era of tolerance even if we ourselves are too imbedded in our thinking to change. OK. I'm climbing down from this soapbox now 'cause I just realized what an open target I've become.
  14. PinkLady-------How bizarre they should now promote pornography. During my involvement with TWI (pre-splinter days) it was totally unacceptable to even have so much as a Playboy Magazine in the house. (That's why I kept mine in the garage)
  15. I'm pretty sure that is correct, so here goes: Do it nice and easy now and don't lose control. A little bit of rhythm and a lotta soul.
  16. Hello in There--------------By perhaps the greatest storyteller to ever strum a guitar-----------John Prine.
  17. OOPS Should have been: "Having done all ----------------------------------STAND!"
  18. "Above all-----------------------JUST STAND!"
  19. LINDA Z-------It probably played bigger in the media near you because of the geographic proximity. It was quite a buzz at my workplace also because our corporate HQ is located not far from the crime scene. I work with someone who was once associated with a splinter of "Young Life" so events like this make for some interesting dialog and comparisons. And to think he believed he was doing God's will.--------It baffles me!
  20. T &O---------I think that was "tantamount" which means equal to in meaning but I still like your idea what they can do with those suggestions . :)
  21. When in the company of others, always remove the bottle from the brown paper bag before unscrewing the cap.
  22. Socks(and others)----------Sorry if my post seemed to come down so heavy. I meant no disrespect to those who partook of the experience. I was only addressing my opinion on the origin.
  23. Parakeets can get get possessed? :( HMMM!-----They DO seem to utter strange voices at times--------
  24. Can you imagine the uproar these "ghost-like" characters might have caused in more recent times? I could almost feel the debuhl spirts jumping off of the page. Fun stuff without a doubt.
  25. "Shame on me and shame on my heart. I should have done different". You're the one who said it.
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