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Everything posted by Allan

  1. O.K. to try and clarify your position on the 'last days' and the imminent return of Christ from your deductions and point of view do you believe a/ Christ came back to issue judgement around 70 AD ...b/ Christ has already gathered the saints, again, around 70 AD....c/ Christ is NOT literally coming back as far as the clouds to gather the church sometime during the grace admin...d/ all the aforementioned ? There was a guy who had a very intricate and detailed website and facebook page that espoused these beliefs and I went right through and explained where he had erred, end result being he pulled the whole site...I felt a bit crap after that BUT, I guess it goes to show that if we propound certain beliefs or ideaologies we ought to have covered all angles, at least in our own minds !
  2. Heya Waxit ! I will not reply to your initial question to me as Mark and Rocky have both said pretty much what my reply would have been. IF we are 'spiritual' Israel today, then we 'spiritually' keep the sabbath (John 4:24 perhaps) Our responsibility as NT believers is to do more you said. Well, like Mark said, we can worship God 24/7 now with the new man nature ! Can I just say, as someone who has personally known you over the years, please treat everybody here on GS with open mindedness and respect. Bless you bro !
  3. Good points Waxit and Twinky...Someone once said "the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath" I tend towards the Israelites being such hardworkers and 'money and success driven' that the sabbath was given to them to remember and honour who their sufficiency was ! As born again Christians we know (ought to) WHO our sufficiency is and can worship and praise Him in spirit and in truth 24/7...Interesting that Isaiah 28:11,12 is quoted by Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:21 "The rest wherewith He (God) causes the weary to rest" referring to s.i.t.
  4. I think it's important to remember there is salvation by grace, not of works of any kind...and there is salvation by works. The mere fact that there are two distinct types of salvation appears to say that they are mutually exclusive of each other..or are they ? :)
  5. I think Exodus 31:13 may give an indication of who is obliged to keep the sabbath "For I (God) give unto you (Israel) the sabbath, to keep forever (Age lasting) you and your generations." ... this will probs get moved to the doctrinal discussion Waxit :)
  6. Hi Gabriel ! yes we have finally connected !!! I will contact you via your FB page and thanks for the validation that I managed to keep my Agape and Phileo intact during and after TWI...such a shame many didn't and still don't ! talk soon brother LNB, much love too Hazel xx !!!!
  7. I look at the 'last days' as being anytime directly after the day of Pentecost...the Messiah could have come back at any given moment.
  8. For the last 25 years I have moved in ALL MANNER of Christian circles and feel I have learnt to discern a Christian 'whack job' pretty well. If it speaks, promotes and quotes like a 'whack job'...well...with EP I rest my case :)
  9. so how old would dottie moanahan be ? in her 70's ? NOW she realises she has been legalistic ??!! WTF ! won't hold my breath to hear any personal apologies come forth from any of them, including my bro-in-law sean str!cTland. On the phone trying to get my wife and 5 kids to leave me after I told twi to 'stick it' . He was 'womanising' before we 'got into the Word' and no doubt well after ,what hypocrites of the highest form of the word.
  10. I believe that saved by grace alone is the time we are living in now. There will be a time after Christians are 'raptured away' and during the apocalyptic, revelation period where one must refuse the 'chip' to be saved. Call them time periods, admins, dispensations, ages, seasons, whatever you want BUT they do 'appear' to be different time periods. As a side note...just working my way through '100' on Netflix....uncanny parallel with the end times imo
  11. or...one could just click on the link ;) ...but seriously, thanks for extrapolating what the article was about WW ! For the life of me, I could not get the link to 'appear as such' (or open) on this forum. My own opinion is that I could easily believe what the guy is claiming.
  12. http://a.msn.com/01/en-au/AAJ4dhr?ocid=se ….Nothing surprises me anymore ! There is no new evil under the sun...maybe this is what the Vicster modelled The Way city on ? The 'Waytican' lol
  13. I happened to bring it up because on the original thread there was a blurb on JL and his stance on the trinity :)
  14. No, I said one guy did a GREAT teaching on JCING (imo)...and no, I did not say anything about 'joining' anything...I must say I'm quite surprised you of all people 'double misquoting' someone else !! peace brother
  15. Jon Nessle from CFFM has done one of the best teachings on JCING that I have heard since being out of twi...from memory it's called 'Who is this Jesus Christ'
  16. Hi Waykid and multiple blessings to you and yours. I't's great that you have found 'release from your prisons' and you can look forward to an enjoyable hodos ! ( Bear in mind not everyone here has thrown out all of twi's belief system, i.e. Jesus being Son of God and not God the Son !! ) love n blessings
  17. I think engine is onto something there..it took quite a while for the 'lightbulbs' to go off for some of them ! The whole essence of the previous water baptism ended up 'going down the drain', no pun, intended after the Acts 10 episode, hence no mention of water baptism after Acts 10 except by uninstructed disciples ! the fact also that the discipling of nations has been occuring would be proof of what was intended, would it not ?!
  18. That's almost starting to sound like Shirley Maclean ! "you only exist because I imagine you to be"
  19. I remember one time in the 'chapel' at Indiana and LCM was up the front 'heart sharing'. He began playing with a very expensive turquoise looking bracelet around his wrist, slightly pulling his sleeve up to show it off. I immediately felt nauseous. I spoke years later to Wayne Clapp about this and he mentioned he had had a similar experience. LCM,VPW...they were 'packing something' alright ! My guess is many of those demons they show cased in AOS....kinda makes me wonder about the Kenneth Copelands, Creflo Dollar, Hagen etc...
  20. I guess VP was concerned someone may have suddenly 'laid hands' on him !!
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