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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. It's also possibloe he recognized the relationship between the words oikonomeia and oikonomos (steward or administrator) nd felt that the word "administration" meant more to modern Christians than "dispensation." (Growing up Roman Catholic, to me "dispensation" meant being allowed to eat meat on Fridays!) George
  2. Perhaps, but you do have a wonderful prose style! :D--> George
  3. Being "just" a TC at that time, I didn't have any information about why TWI lost its tax-exempt status. I do remember, however, rejoicing when the decision was reversed, because I could file an amended tax form and claim a deduction for those years! :D--> I vaguely recall local leadership accusing LCM of "selling out," because he had released to the IRS some info that VPW had refused to release. I had to go with Craig on this one! :D--> :D--> George
  4. Dot, Though I saw some of the fireworks in this site, I didn't read any posts that attacked you personally, until someone copied one of the posts at the XJW site. I have no particular interest in that site, so I don't know how much nonsense went on. What I DO know is, don't give up! Take a look at Stephen's example in Acts 7. He faced a crowd of God-rejecters and didn't budge. I hope to see more of your posts HERE soon. George
  5. Actually, Radar, your description sounds like ERIC and GWEN Peterson, who WERE in the Houston area until earlier this year. I don't think Todd and Carol live here (and they're not on the Cortright website, either). George
  6. Okay, instead of "reproof," how about "admonition"? George
  7. Wow! Deja Vu, Oak! Sounds like my ousting: drumhead tribunal there to validate a preconceived verdict... On the other hand, Chas, if one has been reproved for good reason, then it was his faulty doctrine or practice that tore him down, not the reprover. That's why we are exhorted in Galatians to "restore" the wrongdoer. George
  8. I remember a teaching years ago about Proverbs. The teacher pointed out that Chapter 31 is there for the young man to know how to choose a wife. When asked if there were similar instruction for women on choosing a husband, he replied, "That would be Chapters 1-30." Here's a hint, ladies: wise man GOOD, foolish man BAD. ;)--> George
  9. Hooner, The purpose of reproof is to get you to believe rightly and act accordingly. If someone offers you reproof, it's up to you to decide if there's merit to it. If so, change! (I guess we'll have to wait for the Vulcans to show up to handle Rascal!) :D--> George
  10. Well, I'm debt-free, own my house and cars, have a reasonable 401k and pension, and have a LOT of valuable comic books. My only concern about the future is how fast my wife can spend! :D--> :D--> :D--> George
  11. Never mind. Your gender isn't in the profile. Nice to meet you, MS. Rockin!
  12. Sorry. Should have checked the profile! :o--> George
  13. Except for the Trinitarian aspects, I found the article very cogent. God clearly doesn't "need" us, but created us as a manifestation of His love. The reference to Kierkegaard, opining that it would be dismal to think that having created us, God would become dependent on us, was interesting. It would be as though we were some sort of designer drug He concocted to please Himself! I also thought that the point that grace is meaningless if God does it to please Himself was well-taken. George
  14. Mr. Rockin, I remember LCM mentioning work he had done on a "black thread" of sons of Belial throughout the Bible. Give him a call. I'm sure he's be glad to share his insights. ;)--> George
  15. Last verse: Never let your heart be discouraged. Rather, be ye strong and take courage. Standing together in power and might, And walking each day in His glorious light. I alway thought that this was the best TWI-original song, as well. George
  16. MJ412 and WhiteDove, Before this thread gets TOO derailed, the figure of speech George A. used was idioma. It's a phrase used in common (vernacular) speech whose meaning is well known. George was not making a theological statement. ;)--> T'other George
  17. Belle, I've only shared some of your experiences. Fortunately, my wife and I got booted just after getting engaged, so TWI didn't mess up our marriage. I'm sure that that breakup must have been devastating to you. (And probably to your ex, as well. I'm sure that for him it wasn't a choice between you and a cult, but between you and God. That sure would have torn me up. :(-->) It's amazing how long someone will put up with the invasive micromanagement and hypocritical secrecy that abounds in TWI. If you're ever near Houston, PM me. My wife and I can barbecue some Brats and throw back a Shiner or two with you. George
  18. Indeed, Dude! We don't always see eye to eye anymore, but I've always appreciated your guts to say what you believe (or disbelieve :D-->). The other George
  19. This has been a wonderful short course in metaphysics and gnosticism, but if I may interject briefly about what the Bible calls good and evil spirits: Angels are messengers and warriors. TWI had them under the juristictions of Gabriel and Michael, respectively. Whether that is accurate or not, I do'nt know; but it's clear that Gabriel and Michael fall into those categories. Since the spirits of the churches brought messages to the churches, they are, obviously, messengers. Their names aren't given. Though the RC Church had a whole hierarchy of types of good spirits (Thrones, Dominations, Cherubim, Seraphim, and others I don't remember now), other than angels, the only type of good spirit being (except God, of course) that I can find in the Bible is cherubim, who, unlike angels, DO have wings (though no halos!). Their description is given in Ezekiel and Revelation. Their purposes seem to be worship and protection. George
  20. My, this thread has grown in the last couple of days! I took PFAL in Champaign, IL, in 1978. At the time, the Intermediate class was offered as an addendum to the Foundational Class, but about a week later, to let the FC material sink in. Since I had not been told about the extra sessions, and would be out of town during them, the class coordinator played the TIP "short form" for me. Fast forward a couple of months to a "Witnessing and Undersheperding" class in Peoria. At a believer's meeting after one of the sessions, the leader asked me to SIT and interpret. I did, and to quote dmiller, it was a "rush." When I finally took the IC later, the class coordinater (the branch coordinator) noticed that I appeared confident and asked if I had interpreted before. When I told her about Peoria, she sort of grinned and said, "Oh...because they didn't know!" I told her about the TIP class, and said that that was all the teaching I needed for me to believe to interpret. She agreed that everyone has his own needs in that area. Incidentally, I have given "third person" interpretations and prophecies, but rarely. And sometimes a biblical theme is in my head before manifestations are done in fellowship. I try to block them out, so as NOT to fake it if I'm called upon. George
  21. WWJLA, Non-Christians get married all the time, and their "success rate" is probably about the same as Christians. To me, the common belief system is integral to a marital relationship, so it took me 41 years to get married. (Ironically, my wife and I both were kicked out of TWI right after our engagement.) If what you believe about Christ and the Bible isn't that important to you -- I don't mean this condescendingly -- then you can probably be fine with whomever. Others in this thread have posted some practical wisdom worth heeding: WHO IS HE, as opposed to who does he say he is; and don't expect to change him. George
  22. As usual, I didn't find this thread until it was edited, so I have no idea what Exie first intended. But, as usual, that won't stop me from adding my two cents. Exie, don't take everything too seriously. Just seriously enough! ;)--> George
  23. At the risk of spouting "Wayspeak," it's not about feelings, it's about the spirit of God. All the feelings you've expressed -- nervousness, fear, uncertainty -- just mean that you're human; but it doesn't invalidate the truth. If the Bible IS the Word of God, then you CAN speak in tongues, etc. (You also CAN fake it, but why do so? Whom are you trying to impress?) Hooner, if you're still an "innie," (I don't remember) you may have trouble expressing your concerns to your coordinator; but you might give it a shot. Hopefully, he/she will take the time to work with you.Just sitting in a Bible class isn't always enough instruction. (I remember LCM saying that he didn't SIT at the end of PFAL.) As far as the manifestations getting repetitive is concerned, there are two possibilities: people manifesting are just acting out of habit, or maybe God has something to say that nobody's been listening to! :D--> George
  24. Respect for God's name is important, of course; but GOD is His job description, not His name. His full name is given in Ex. 34:6,7, though I guess He's most often called by the abbreviated form, Jehovah. Using God's name is not the same as using it in vain. George
  25. Really? The same can be said for The Odyssey. Raf, You have me there. I guess any writings that people consider very valuable will be transcribed with caution. ;)-->
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