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Everything posted by mj412

  1. I also think it was an attraction for some. It was very young people for the most part, he wanted to attract and then the sale of pfal was from young people, who eles can give all that was given to sell that class? word of mouth and the fact they were not religous was a seling point for many, a type of rebellion in a very rebellous age, and time. The RC church was a model for many who got involved if they had any past dealings with church and the fact JC was not God really rebelled everything a parent had to offer and to rebel one needs to break free of much of what a parent offers as truth . PFAL set it up and it flew. and the pill was getting popular the church never endorsed that and the sexual freedom the pill brought fit nice into vpw teachings about life and when it begins etc. The next step would naturaly be free sex. the idea of grace in face of the turmoil many young ideals go through takes all the guilt or remorse from being sexual active. It is clear from his teachings that the fact he openly spoke of sex and females (the rise of womans liberation was also hot topic at the time) as equals haha fit into what the world was thinking not so much what Christ taught . Look at the times the man knew how to sell his product, he truly bought into it himself.
  2. mj412


    they can go back to the day your born they are the federal govt. they said I owed them 40 dollars one year of which forty was a fee they put on me . ok . it didnt make sense I didnt mess with them I paid the crap. i actualy have the irs do my taxes every year. seriously. they do it for free haha I have never had any problems. I asked them a couple of years ago what the chances of someone working under the table will get caught she said slim to none UNLESS you claim a large boat and your income doesnt account for the style your living. yes they know what you own as well and can and do put a freeze on your assets if they question it and it takes YEARS to go to court for that with them. they are exempt from the "speedy trial" law as they are the govt. yepp it was 17 years my relative went through hell and back while they investigated her money all the while her house was in limbo and frozen but guess what she still had to pay the tax on it every year!! true story/ that was about child support her ex husband owed they went after her because the house was in both of their name. do not play with them.
  3. The pope thinks it is a disgrace , I was litening to the news today and they said he discounts this.
  4. mj412

    Raf in Munchkinland

    the munckins from the movie the wizard of Oz used to tour ya know I have met and talked to them all. On our annual tree lighting in our big mall they would vist and stay for the day and do a little show. this was in the early 80's and they were old (or they seemed so much older than the movie)then so Im certain some of them have since died. How old is he Raf? they are great. still in the biz that is good news. My kids where small then and they didnt get how famous these folks where then but we took pictures It was always great fun.
  5. yeah use those handy bags from the food stores!! I keep a butch by the litter box for a quick scoop and the dryer for the lint screen and in the bathroom I bought the cute little bag holders that look like tubes made from cloth with any design just pull and go! I use the empty litter boxes the plastic pails ya buy the scoople litter in for food storage for the animals the birds and cats keeps it super fresh and dry. I use bleach but I have certain cleaning shirts I wear when I clean in case of spill. I want the disinfectant you can buy some that smells like flowers now .
  6. I organize then clean. I just did my basement where does all this stuff come from geez I had seven bags full of stuff I do not want. buy the new "flex garbage bags they are fantastic wonderful things you can stuff till you cant stuff anymore! glad and hefty makes them. so I put everything in groups like all the xmas stuff inone bag all the winter coats or sweaters in another, then you can clean, then you can go through the bags while watching tv or on puter without making another mess cause if you do not finish you can put them in the bag for tommorrow. If you have ceiling fans which are my enemy cause I smoke I take them apart it is simple to unscrew the blades and soak them. I try to dust them and get grease and dust all over the place in my kitchen. we have our pets sleeps on blankets, my cat sleeps on a certain fluffy spot on the couch so I put a blanket down at that spot then just put in wash once a week or so. move the furniture around some or fur and dust tends to pile up in the corners . for little boys in the bathroom and some bigger boys I use cotton throw rugs for the times they miss eeew and throw them in the wash. Aslo keep a flex bag of towels and cloths close bye to grap for floor spills and wipe downs. I do not like to use to many paper towels you can use news paper but I do not like the ink on my hands. I use mutiple litter boxes that way they never get to full of poo and can be scooped easier. the most important lesson I know of is to lower my standard to know nothing is perfect and to at least try to do a little bit at a time before I give up peck at it and then it gets done for me. get a dishwasher it is my most favorite invention in the whole world no doubt before a car or anything I hate doing dishes.
  7. I went last night ! as a guest I have gone in years past this company goes all out. many travel for this party and stay in a hotel for the weekend. open bar fine dining, 50,000 dollars in fake money for everyone to gamble with after dinner this year they had about 9 different games. it is fUN! then after everyone is drunk and silly they have a auction where ya bid with your winning!!! fun fun fun stuff like motorcycles dvd players everything under the sun is available. for those who gamble and lost they also have the regular door prize numbers and nice prizes. It is the only time all the different plants get together and meet one another. I meet people from all over the place . it is fun.
  8. I went to Sears the other day. man was I disappointed. the store looked perfect if your buying a washer or dryer or a 200.00 blanket. no cosmetics , low number of items on the shelf. the sales man said "Sears aint what it used to be". I also can not shop at walmart their stuff is just to cheap and yes the people who work and hang out there are frightening. so I hope this marriage will bring some nice items like the matha Stwewart line to Sears and a nice kenmore to Kmart in any way it will provide more sotres with better value around. Sears is in the malls and the few K that are left are nice to go to without the mall parking issue. although we do have chalet service I have not tried it at the mall yet maybe this year.
  9. buy your phone NEW on ebay they come with full insurance. do NOT buy into the cell phone idea tha you need to upgrade your plan to purchse the new phone. they must "upgrade" any phone you bring them to the plan, ask them what phones will be included and purchase it on Ebay, to coontinue the cheaper rate! when I go into cingular or call them they always ask"where did you get this plan we do not have this plan on our computer". uh huh because everyone eles is paying thrity dollars more a month for the very same plan. YOU CAN grandfather in even if they tell you you need to purchase a new phone and they no longer sell that one. buy it on E-Bay!!! keep going with the cheap rates you sign on with. I save over a thousand dollars a year. But buy a new phone not a used one. it must not have any programing for the store to process it.
  10. so if ya eat it will ya live forever? you first.
  11. Also they are family based and faith based. Strong families make strong individuals and strong individuals make strong community. they are accountable to the church and to their large families. I know it is more difficult to get involved in questionable activities or be lazy when ya got a large family in your face and a large powerful church in your corner. they punish those that do not toe the line, they teach their children from birth what the line is . It is normal for them to succeed. Drinking and drugs and gambling is prohibitied that has to help .
  12. Sears and Kmart are merging!!! well I think it is fantastic! some competittion for Walmart finaly. I went to Sears the other day and it was very sad they need this to survive and maybe this can pull the big K out of the chapter. what do ya think?
  13. yeah here to we need to take the garbage out to the road. Once in a while I do forget and I have to keep it two weeks I hate when that happens. but if the grass is longer than ankle deep or if garbage (papers on your lawn or bags) outside your house they send the folks doing community service (kids who broke the curfew mostly)time out to do it and charge you a VERY hefty fine. without asking first. in this town if you recieve any govt assistance food stamps , money or ask for help from the food pantry you give permission for the town zoning inspector to tour the property when ever he feels it is needed. and HE DOES. Also here the town itself can evict a person from the property without consent of the landlord or the owner of the property . if you call any emergency service more than three times in 12 months they begin the town eviction process automaticly. not to many boy girl fights here I can tell you that, and the neighbors had best learn to get along. If a landlord has a problem tenant he is highly motivated to move them out or the town will at his expense and reputation. We have a curfew 10 p.m. till the age of 18 with a first offence being a two hundred and fifty dollar fine socked to the parent the fine and penalty increases and some have gone to jail for being outside without a adult after 10p.m. or before 5a.m. A child can be in their yard or their parents property, or with an adult only. We can not have garage sales except twice a year and the town does all the advertsing for free. alot of folks go nuts for that one, the cops will come and tell you to take every thing in the house or they will heavy duty fine ya with a "traffic fee". We have a law that states how many pets a household can have as well, regardless of how much land you own or how well they are taken care of or not. We take care of our own. We need to be nosy in NY ya know. I feel I live in a safe community. Everyone is accountable and gets the job done. some hate this town because we have such zoning and town laws, good riddance we say. WE are trying to avoid people moving in without accountablility to the community .
  14. Does your town have a co-op? they have all kind of savings for a family. We used to buy a Cow and split it between three familys, excellent meat I would have otherwise not been able to afford. Not a live cow a dead cow for meat. get a cat they keep the feet warm on cold nites, save on the sock and wash bill. I used tofu alot with my family it is cheaper sstill today and keeps longer and you can make it taste like whatever you cook it with.
  15. Martha Stewart is cool hey she has talent! I just took down all my ceiling fans blades and bleached them. I feel better. I once worked with a person who would not stop cleaning and I have a friend who wipes down the table every tme I put the glass of water down well I am not real comfortable in their houses either. but if they died in them we would know I suppose . this thread is getting on my nerve for some reason . where is the balance between the two types of freaks huh?
  16. I would spend one or two days a month cooking alot of food . then package it in individual sizes and put in freezer by plate or baggie. when your to tired to cook or the kids are home and whining for food you have it. It saves on pizza trips and fast food runs and junk food. I buy large amounts on sale six boxes of kitty litter , saving twenty bucks. buy off season.. if ya can. short shirts go all year and buy those heavy sweaters in the spring sale they will last another three months till ya wear them. I bought my kid a 400 dollar down coat in may of this year for 50 bucks, they have to get rid of the stuff!! change the oil in your car when it is needed. try store name products instead of name brands some are just as good!
  17. I have problems with outfits I have not worn in over a year. I do not want to go out and buy anything eles so I hang on to stuff I do not wear anymore Im getting better tho. some of the stuff is still very pretty to me even tho I do not wear it and may never again. I have to many pots and pans as well I needed alot when I had kids at home but now they take up to much space do not want to throw them out tho they are still good. but pop cans? I do have excess paper work in boxes from college etc. I paid alot for those books once. reports I worked for months on I kept them I can throw them now it seems like work. I will have to hunt and peck at it. now with the baby coming I want to declutter again you how much room a tiny little baby takes up in a house amazing isnt it? wow those poor guys it seems someone should have done something and maybe this lady they put in jail can get some help.
  18. ok she threw stuff out, that is my problem clutter . So why didnt they pick up the garbage cans and be done with the garbage? it may be an illness . what they like garbage? I do not get it. Im going to clean today. I read that story of the brothers MY GOD EX! didnt anyone notice? in my small town we notice we report we tattle tell . maybe it is a good thing after all. those poor men how they suffered their whole life.
  19. Thank you Word wolf. I want to know so I can avoid this unforgivable sin if at all possible ya know? lol does it seem kind of cruel We do not know what sounds most serious for us? ironic huh?
  20. Factors that may hinder the healing process. avoidance or minimizatin of one's emotions. use of alochol or drugs to self medicate (some will use a bible verse to "feee better" like a quick fix a drink , a all is better now feeling. Use of work to avoid feelings. I think while in twi I did all of these things to avoid dealing with the grief and it worked . untill it didnt. the loss has caused grief , I am numb now , it really has been a series of losses this year starting with my last brother dying, shortly after leaving a much loved job in which I had many close relationships and friendships. the job is harder honestly I keep replaying in my mind what if I or if only, my brother is dead I had to accept it, it was the job that eats at me and I have bargined about for months. I got another fine job of course but the funny thing is I never left the old one, I had so much on my mind to deal with, my new boss did not know why but he sure has a spirit that was kind to me and allowed me much healing. sometimes at work I would look up and see really see my buddies I had worked with before and call them and then realize where I was and they were not.. one girl asked me very quiet what it was (they knew somhow) I would tell her stories of how we used to watch the sun set at work every night I kind of lost my entire family we worked nine hours a day six days a week. and she wispered it sounds nice. like I would go back . hard to explain. grief is something I tell ya something. now I am just numb and as much as this last mistake has cost me and it has put me in a very scary place I still feel kind of numb not reacting as I should I think I am floating between many of these stages. I do not have the get and go I once had in me back yet. I do cry now I didnt for a year I was angry. then I tried to over work but that doesnt work anymore. so to "move on" is very very slow sometimes. no maybe I do not forgive myself. I sometimes do not think I should for bringing this mess on my own self and then I realize I must , yet it is difficult. it does make one more fearful of the next adventure life brings , like after twi who realy goes full fledge into another "group" and can adjust without the grief process? many did . and that is why I say they never left the cult. they just replaced it. but I got a new grand baby on the way!!! life is good.
  21. song sometimes I even prefer it .
  22. [Mood of the topic.] posted November 15, 2004 11:15 Laci, Conner bill is law [THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] President Bush kisses Sharon Rocha, mother of Laci Peterson, after Bush signed the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. [THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] Sharon Rocha watches as President Bush signs the Unborn Victims of Violence Act during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House on Thursday. Standing behind Rocha is her husband, Ron Grantski. The legislation makes it a federal crime to harm a fetus during an assault on a pregnant woman. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS By MICHAEL DOYLE BEE WASHINGTON BUREAU Last Updated: April 2, 2004, 07:17:00 AM PST WASHINGTON -- President Bush signed Laci and Conner's law on Thursday, giving Laci Peterson's loved ones some statutory satisfaction. Her mother, Sharon Rocha, and stepfather, Ron Grantski, looked on as Bush took the last step on legislation that recognizes fetuses as separate victims during violent federal crimes against pregnant women. A top priority of the abortion opposition lobby, the new law goes further than comparable laws in states such as California. "Anytime an expectant mother is a victim of violence, two lives are in the balance, each deserving protection and each deserving justice," Bush said in an East Room ceremony at the White House. "If the crime is murder, and the unborn child's life ends, justice demands a full accounting under the law." The House and Senate passed by relatively easy margins what is officially called the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. Congressional approval, though, came only after the bill stalled on Capitol Hill for several years. Advocates credit the Peterson case with helping ignite momentum. "It's great," Rocha said of the bill. "It's been a long time coming," Grantski added. He reported his stepdaughter missing on Christmas Eve 2002, soon after her husband, Scott, said he returned to an empty house in Modesto after a day of fishing on San Francisco Bay. The bodies of mother and unborn son washed ashore in the bay in mid-April. Police arrested Peterson a few days later. Under California law, he is being prosecuted on two counts of murder, one for his wife and one for their unborn son. Now, with Laci and Conner's law, the federal government has a similar fetal homicide statute for deaths associated with other federal crimes, such as those committed on federal property. Since 1999, groups such as the National Right to Life Committee have sought such fetal protection on a national level. Last year, in what proved a pivotal move, Rocha and Grantski asked lawmakers to name the legislation after Laci Peterson and her son. Rocha and Grantski made multiple lobbying trips to Washington, including last week when the Senate provided final approval on a 61-38 vote. They have become old hands at television appearances, too. Wednesday, they appeared on CNN's "Larry King Live." "There are times that I feel you have to be very cautious about what we say or do because you never know what's going to end up in the media," Rocha acknowledged to King. Other families witness signing Joining Rocha and Grantski in the lobbying campaign, and at the White House on Thursday, were others who have lost pregnant family members. Seven stood with arms linked while Bush signed the legislation during the 10-minute ceremony, but Laci Peterson's family drew Bush's special attention. "They have laid to rest their daughter, Laci, a beautiful young woman who was joyfully awaiting the arrival of a new son. They have also laid to rest that child, a boy named Conner, who was waiting to be born when his life, too, was taken," Bush said. "All who knew Laci Peterson have mourned two deaths. And the law cannot look away and pretend there was just one." There were tears as Bush spoke, but also big smiles, and he capped the event by giving Rocha a kiss on the cheek. The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Utah Republican Orrin Hatch, followed by giving Rocha a hug. Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, opposed the legislation. He and other skeptics, including California's Democratic senators, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, contend it is really ammunition for abortion opponents. "(It) now takes the position in law that life begins at conception," Feinstein said during Senate debate. "This, then, involves this bill directly into a woman's right to choose -- an issue that need not be raised and should not be raised in this debate." Law 'potentially divisive' Feinstein followed up Thursday with a letter to Bush, urging the president not to use the new law as "a potentially divisive statement on the abortion issue." Republican congressional leaders and GOP rank-and-file members attended the signing ceremony, with Rep. Dennis Cardoza of Merced one of the few Democrats present. Grantski said he sees the act as strictly a law-and-order measure. "This is not about abortion," he said by phone late Wednesday. Grantski said he supports a woman's right to make decisions about abortion, pointing specifically to rape cases. According to him, stiffer penalties under the new law could help deter future attacks on pregnant women. Cardoza echoed that comment. "To me, anything that puts bad guys in jail for a longer time, I'm for it," he said. New law covers every stage Thirteen states, including California, have laws that protect fetuses during part of pregnancy. California's law, written in 1970, protected "a fetus," without defining it further. In a 1994 case involving an assault on a woman who was 24 weeks pregnant -- the woman survived, but her fetus did not -- the state Supreme Court clarified the law to cover a fetus "beyond the embryonic stage of seven or eight weeks." Laws in 16 other states, like the new federal law, cover fetuses at every stage of development. The federal law designates for protection "a child, who is in utero at the time the conduct takes place," and further defines this as a "member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb." It will be no defense for an accused person to say they did not know the woman was pregnant. Bee Washington Bureau reporter Michael Doyle can be reached at 202-383-0006 or mdoyle@mcclatchydc.com. Bee staff writer John Cot?ontributed to this report. this is one I posted from the politics and taks forum in the discussion about Roe VS Wade and this case.
  23. reread maybe it will not come to ya. if not move on. sorry your confused . kind of.
  24. not really I do not read minds. Im far from being a silly girl. every person is different and special and unigue excathedra. I think every child deserves a loving family and a mom and dad if at all possible. it is important . a stable family is the corner stone of our community and our country. most single moms struggle alot I was one I know. to deprive a child of his other parent because your turning 60 is a tad selfish if you ask me. strong leaders strong successful people come from strong successful people for the most part money and love is only part of the equation. the responsibility of parenting a child takes alot more than love alot more most parents love their children and the children still suffer needlessly out of their ignorance addictions or other problems they bring to the plate. the decay of the family is showing wide and strong in America Yes Im happy it isnt a crack mom , or another welfare case , but these kids will face some serious problems some day in wanting to understand why it had to be this way. I believe in love and I believe in strong family commintment. Wafer not I have a sister that was never able to have children and they wanted them desperetly and another who had only one after 8 years of trying to have her husband die just two months later. Desperation is no reason to have a kid in life . Life is full of wonderful things I hope and will pray you get your child and if it helps a dear friend just had her first at 43 after several miscariages some very late term. Im a gramma now Im thrilled to bits but if my children decide to never have children that is their choice it doesnt make them any less or more of a person to me at all. I never taught my kids they can get fullfilled from another person because I do not believe it is true . I believe happiness and true peace and self fullfillment comes from within. As you yourself have learned . If your child is born handicapped and can never function or gets in an accident of some sort and is brain damaged will she/he still fit your needs in life? is this about you or the child wafer? I do pray you will get a child it is a riot and then the grands I can not imagine my life without it. But they are not my life or reason for living . children are effected for a lifetime by the choices their parents have made and so many many times it is to late found out just how much the cost is. Wafer not you sound like fifty would be a stretch for you this woman was 57 . Are they her children or was she the container that carried somone eles dna? sounds rough? what do you think these kids will deal with at 20 in a 77 year old face? it isnt evil but I will say selfish and she may pay some dues like I said I hope she has plenty of money to explain this . love is quite common at twenty remeber how long it took you to find out it is all about what YOU think not others.
  25. feel about what? love is the bottom line in nearly everything much more than hate I believe.
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