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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. A number of people have arrived, interacted, decided they accomplished everything they needed to accomplish, and then left. A number of people have arrived, interacted, decided they didn't feel like sticking around anymore, and then left. In both cases, I say that's great! The first is a GSC success story. The second is a GSC'er thinking for themself. I miss some posters, but, you know, life takes time to do right.
  2. Ok, let's see, next one... "So how did you do on that social studies test?" "I missed that question on Alaska. I hear they want to make it a state now." "That'll never happen." "I've still got it!" "YOU'RE Matsuo Takahashi?"
  3. Episode III:Revenge of the Sith Jimmy Smits Running Scared
  4. Ok, the blankets was sort-of a giveaway. This is the ST:TNG episode where they spend time with the Bajorans the first time around, looking for a spokesperson from them for negotiations with the Cardassians on the Maquis or something. To do this, they transferred in Ensign Ro (Ro Laren) to the Enterprise. I think this was the character's introduction, and it was called "Ensign Ro." (IIRC, the first time we discovered family names come first for Bajorans, thus "Major Kira" is a title and family name, and "Nerise" is a personal name.)
  5. I honestly think vpw was too lazy to join any secret society. He always took shortcuts to get anywhere in his "career". Organizations have demands on your time-he wanted "no strings" connections that he could use without giving anything back. (That's how he organized the programs, in case you didn't notice.) So, getting propaganda from the John Birch Society without actually joining it was fine for him. The closest things to a secret society's trapping was that prank "initiation" thing with the robes and the horseradish. However, his inner cadre of people "in" on the sex, molestations, rapes, and so on DID function something like a secret society running twi. It just didn't have the trappings, the symbolism, of one.
  6. Might ask Paw that DIRECTLY instead of posting it publickly on a thread and waiting to see if he happens to read that particular post... ...unless you were less interested in an answer and more interested in bringing it up in public....
  7. The Rocky Horror Picture Show Tim Curry (Nuts, can't go back to Home Alone 2, so let's go to the Shadow
  8. As opposed to the "run-of-the-mill" Yokozuna. Isn't "yokozuna" something like the title "world champion"? Must be hard to be an EXTRAORDINARY one....
  9. "Bram Stoker's Dracula" Keanu Reeves As Good As It Gets
  10. Demolition Man Rob Schneider Home Alone 2:Lost in New York
  11. Correct! The name, IIRC, is "Peak Performance." I'm hazy on the spelling, but Starfleet finally decided to get serious and do some war-games. (About time!) Riker's crew got the derelict USS Hathaway spaceworthy-although it was unable to fire phasers or use the warp-drive (there were a few fragments of dilithium crystal, but no plasma to fuel it.) After being told to improvise, Wesley "discarded" his recent science experiment by beaming it aboard the Hathaway, which gave them a little plasma for the warp-drive. Zakdornian observer Sirna Kolrami didn't take him seriously, so he got away with it. Data, meanwhile, had trouble accepting a loss at a game didn't mean he was flawed-but later, changed the conditions he played for- which meaned Kolrami threw the match, leaving in frustration from the stalemate. In other words, Data busted him up. :) I'm a fan of strategic considerations in episodes, and liked seeing Riker and Worf get their crew and ship going. I also agree that the Zakdornian reputation counts for nothing if it's not tested in military conditions. Kolrami was convinced Riker was a poor officer just because he was personable- but Riker succeeded in getting his crew to "do the impossible" and do a warp-jump. Not to mention simulate a Romulan warbird attack- which meant the Enterprise was in trouble when it ignored the next "simulation"-a Ferengi Marauder- which was quite real and just passing through. Reminds me of one of Murphy's Rules of War: "that feint you are ignoring is the enemy's main attack." I also loved the exchange when Riker asked Kolrami what the word for 'mismatch' was. Kolrami, when he said that the opponent in the superior position is expected to win, gave Picard an odd look, as if accusing him of being unable to win despite his spoken comments about Riker not having a real chance. Somewhere, I have my Star Trek: Collectible Card Game cards, including one for Kolrami. (I had Riker, Data, Kolrami, but not Worf. Oh, well....) Meanwhile, it's Cindy's turn.
  12. Forgive the interruption, but I finally figured out what Snoopy's Christmas reminded me of, and then Snopes relinked it for easy confirmation. Here's Snoopy's Christmas: http://www.guntheranderson.com/v/data/snoopysc.htm Here's the Christmas Truce: http://www.snopes.com/holidays/christmas/truce.asp http://www.firstworldwar.com/features/christmastruce.htm
  13. So did I-when I logged in. Can I beg 24 hours so more of us regulars can participate? It's a freaking continent, with deserts, and plains, and some jungles and rain forests, and arable land, and rivers. In fact, it gets flash-floods in the rainy season. There's no snow in the Southern Hemisphere in Christmastime-December 25 is in their Summer. But they get it when we're having OUR Summer. I didn't say the song was good, let alone great, but it was heard a lot, so I thought it would be an easy one.
  14. This can be examined once it's written as a logic statement. P->Q. IF vpw was someone who committed his life to studying the Scriptures and teaching others, THEN he was definitely a prime target for the adversary. That means, for the second 1/2 to be true, the first 1/2 must also be true. Was vpw someone who committed his life to studying the Scriptures and teaching others? Well, when he was a child, NOBODY saw any piety in him. When he was a teenager, he was seen as a showoff and a bully. When it was known he would be going to seminary/whatever, the locals didn't believe it-it was inconsistent with the man they'd known. He told the corps more than once that he'd considered ministry in addition to considering business and entertainment, then decided on ministry. When he went to seminary, he had the option of several courses of study actually about SCRIPTURE-like Bible languages. Instead, his choice was HOMILETICS, or PREACHING, the "softest" option in seminary. He went into preaching. Sometime after a year of preaching-which was AFTER completing his Bachelor's- he believed the Bible was the Word of God BY HIS OWN ADMISSION, which raises the question of what he based his early sermons on. His career floundered until he took BG Leonard's class and taught it as his own and SAID it was his own, and took Stiles' book and sold it as his own and SAID it was his own. His next "explosion" was after he went to Haight-Ashbury and convinced some of the Christians there to join his group, after which those Christians went out and got large numbers of recruits. Whenever doing ANY endeavour, he always made sure MONEY was an outcome, and never even CONSIDERED any "break-even" propositions once he had the "House of Acts" people bringing in numbers. In short, he CLAIMED he'd "committed his life to studying the Scriptures and teaching others. His ACTIONS show otherwise, beyond a superficial display completely contradicted in front of those who knew him when the cameras were off. Just like Richard Nixon said "I am not a crook" and people don't believe him, vpw said "I am a holy man of God" and we don't believe him. Since vpw was not committed for life to studying the Scriptures and teaching others, the adversary wasn't targetting him any MORE than anyone else- despite having successful, fertile ground to plant plans in. It is obvious that the man drank alcohol DAILY and smoked tobacco DAILY, then died of cancer,and people came along and claimed there was a SPIRITUAL reason he did. It's also obvious that SOME Christians in twi were sterling examples of Christianity, and SOME Christians in twi were dismal examples of Christianity. The dismal examples, generally, were corps grads and/or staff. The sterling examples, generally, were untitled, or local Christians who sometimes had completed corps or wow. The dismal examples WERE IN CHARGE, generally, and that's epitomized by vpw putting lcm in charge of the corps, then twi. That's something to be thankful-TO GOD-for. Another thing to be thankful for is being kept out of vpw's personal clutches, which would have been quite harmful if you were the "wrong" person. (Some people got off easy, some people were crushed.) All a result of the ministering of GOD ALMIGHTY in people's lives,IN SPITE OF vpw. I think some of us disregard God's commands for conduct in people's lives, and think God's grace=license for great sinning, if only for vpw. rascal's doing quite well getting on with her life. Why don't you stay away from this website and enjoy a propagandized version of life in twi? rascal's on-topic with the stated purpose of the GSC: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/about-us.html "Our mission is to provide information that tells the other side of the story about The Way International and its trustees. Our hope is that GreaseSpot Cafe serves as a place where those who have been impacted by The Way can make connections with people and information which will support their particular process of recovery. We want people to be able to make informed decisions regarding their past, present, and future affiliations with The Way International (TWI). Whether you are standing with TWI, thinking about leaving, trying to help someone else get out, or looking for support from others who have left, we believe the information here is highly relevant and well worth considering." "Consider the longstanding patterns of conspiracy at the trustee level, questionable doctrines and practices, ongoing cover-ups, and sexual abuse of numerous women at the hands of certain TWI leaders. It's no wonder that TWI is desperately trying to shield their followers from this information by warning them off the Internet. We think that if you give this information an honest reading, you'll see that you haven't been told the whole story." "You may get caught in a food fight now and then, but unlike TWI, GreaseSpot Cafe is a place where questions are encouraged and people make up their own minds."
  15. "It's Christmastime, there's no need to be afraid. At Christmastime, we let in light and we banish shade."
  16. "It's Christmastime, there's no need to be afraid..."
  17. If that was with Linda Lu, then this is "Gimme Three Steps", by the inimitable "Lynyrd Skynrd". (IIRC, they were named after Leonard Skinerd, a high school teacher, who HATED rock and roll.)
  18. [Well, since this was brought up, I'd like to look it over. My comments in boldface. of course.] Thanks for bringing this post back!
  19. ...and, dmiller's point is CONFIRMED. He reports wrongdoing he's seen, and instead of getting offended by the WRONGDOING, someone makes it all dmiller's fault for telling anyone of wrongdoing. So, wrongdoing is acceptable, reporting or discussing wrongdoing is bad and repugnant. Seems to me the values-system some use- which was instilled in twi- is in error.
  20. I first heard about it when discussing the famous "it's a cookbook" line with someone- who then said it was used in "Madagascar." The lemurs were used to the fossa attacking them, and one lemur held up a book titled "To Serve Lemurs" and announced, in horror, "it's a cookbook!" BTW, the monkey that uses sign language-he's using REAL sign language. When asked to read a shipping label for some penguins, the speaking monkey says it says "ship to..." but the signs begin "'Tell the tiny pea-brained birds that the sign reads: Ship to ...'"
  21. "We've been ratted out, boys." "We killed them and ate their livers!" "It's been a pleasure serving with you, boys." "All hail the New York Giants!" "I see twenty-six blatant health code violations. TWENTY-SEVEN!!" "Grand Central Station. It's Grand... and it's Central." "Dagnabbit! I missed the express! Looks like I have to take the Stamford local." "It's a cookbook!" "I like them, I like them! I liked them first! Before I even met them I liked them! As soon as I met them I liked them right away! You hate them compared to how much I like them!" "Oh shut up, you're so annoying!"
  22. It's neither the recent "Hitchhiker's" movie, nor the BBC one from back when.
  23. Probably the simple mistake of "reading fast" would be the reason it seems that way.
  24. The first line DOES evoke Batman, and IMHO, was meant to be a shout-out. This is neither Batman nor The Untouchables.
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