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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. Yup. That was in the 90s, under the lcm regime. vpw made lcm twofold the child of hell that he himself was, remember. lcm made his own foundational class, etc. When each class was finished, the students were ASSIGNED to write letters about how great it was, using specifics. Those were then used at hq to legitimize the class, as if they were unsolicited testimonials. In short, it DID get that hokey.
  2. Oh, and please pass the link along to someone...
  3. http://www.freerice.com/ Play a game, and people get fed. The advertisers pay for the food. On your end, it's that simple. Snopes vetted this one: http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/charity/freerice.asp
  4. Then again, if my front door was open and anyone COULD walk in, I wouldn't be in my skivvies. I don't need Father to tell me that wasn't prudent.
  5. If you think it's fine for a church leader to show a pornographic scene from a pornographic movie to people in a leadership-training program, you might be in a cult. If you think it's fine for a church leader to show a pornographic scene from a pornographic movie to people in a class on Christian families, you might be in a cult. If you think it's worthwhile for a church leader to put together a class on "sex" for his congregation, and include stills from pornographic movies and descriptions of bestiality, you might be in a cult. If you think it's fine for a church leader to own a pornographic pen and show it to youngsters he's teaching, you might be in a cult. If you think it's fine for a church leader to be married and come on to other women, you might be in a cult. If you hear that a church leader came on to other women, and you're primary response was "he was trying to toughen them up spiritually", you might be in a cult.
  6. I believe we all did- we paid for its upkeep, maintenance, equipment, etc. not to mention all the people who worked there for free- no, wait-they PAID to work there!
  7. Matthew 13:55-57 (New American Standard Bible) 55"Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers, James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? 56"And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this man get all these things?" Mark 6:2-3 (New American Standard Bible) 2When the Sabbath came, He began to teach in the synagogue; and the many listeners were astonished, saying, "Where did this man get these things, and what is this wisdom given to Him, and such miracles as these performed by His hands? 3"Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Are not His sisters here with us?" And they took offense at Him. Do I think Mary and Joseph had kids together? Sure. I'm pretty confident about that. Do I think they were considered Jesus' brothers and sisters? I'm pretty confidant about that, too. Some people don't count ADOPTED children as "really" children, but-unless one is talking about genetics and inherited genes-I beg to differ. And that's with NO parents in common. Some people disagree. Good for them.
  8. CORRECT! Which makes it your turn. Here's where the quotes fit. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." "You want to walk a little faster through that valley there?" Jack to someone 1/2 blocking his path, as the ship was sinking. "What's the use? Nobody's listening to us anyway." "Well, they didn't listen to us at dinner either." The musicians, trying to play to lower panic during the evacuation. "Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight." The last line of one of the musicians, as they finish playing. "I make my own luck." "So do I." Probably the line that gave Ca the answer. Rose's fiancee and that detective-guy, as one has a gun in his pocket, the other the diamond. "Everything he knows is wrong." Decades later, commenting on what the captain "knows"- he's presuming the ship can steer and corner enough to dodge anything it sees- so he has it go full speed into water known to have icebergs, but the ship's rudder is too small, and the ship masses to much, to make sharp turns like he's expecting.
  9. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." "You want to walk a little faster through that valley there?" "What's the use? Nobody's listening to us anyway." "Well, they didn't listen to us at dinner either." "Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight." "I make my own luck." "So do I." "Everything he knows is wrong."
  10. The routines I've liked best were the hat routine, mentioned above, the routine where Lou supposedly has no idea how to gamble with dice, and the audition where Lou sang "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean".... Is there anyone who doesn't like their most famous "Who's on First?" http://www.angelfire.com/movies/budandlou/Dice.txt That's the text for the dice-game, when Bud was supposed to hustle Lou, and Lou was supposed to be the pigeon being hustled. The audition is mostly visual, and you'd miss too much.
  11. No, and I'm glad I did this one. then. I thought it was too easy. (I actually could have gotten it from quote 2 or 3, but then, I'm eccentric...)
  12. I know this is a DS9 episode-I recognize the Tennyson reference, but I don't remember the episode yet...
  13. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." "You want to walk a little faster through that valley there?" "What's the use? Nobody's listening to us anyway." "Well, they don't listen to us at dinner either." "Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight."
  14. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=382112 "There I was..... Sitting in the BRC (in 1980?) during one of those corps-sharing times......only THIS time, vpw had five or six corps up front who had returned from The Tracker School. After plenty of preliminary stuff.....ie the inrez corps guy led off with his spiel for about 10 minutes, letting wierwille sit back until the meeting got going.....then wierwille starts. He talks about the importance of learning, learning from anyone who is an expert in their field and all that. Thus, he felt it was important for these corps to attend The Tracker School. Well......all was fine as the corps shared some of the neat things they had learned.....UNTIL one LEAD-type corps guy shared how this Tracker Guy was amazing!! In fact, his perception and awareness of his surroundings, and life itself, was truly jaw-dropping. This Tracker Guy was unbelievable.....etc. SUDDENLY.....wierwille lashes into this corps guy with a vicious venom that I'd never seen before. Wierwille was livid.......and all of us in the BRC were stunned by his outlandish outbursts!!! As this venom escalated, wierwille glared at this corps guy and said that he was POZZEZZED......yep, he has spirits in his braincells. The corps guy stood his ground. It seemed like everyone in the BRC had stopped breathing. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. In public view, wierwille was on the spot.....and this corps guy didn't seem to flinch. What was wierwille to do???? Yell some more......visibly fume.....and stomp out. You tell me what you think about wierwille.....and I'll tell you ANOTHER side of the man." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=382113 "At a similiar type of sharing at Emporia, one gal was sharing on "the Tracker guy" and how sharp he was. She said something to the effect that he knew how to sneak up on someone. Vp was at lunch that day and all of a sudden we heard him come over a separate mike, "He could never sneak up on me. Father would tell me." The woman just shut up and looked embarassed. The reason for her sharing had just been taken away from her. Not the same kind of face-melting, but still quite embarassing. It didn't matter what he was promoting because ultimately vp was always promoting himself." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=382848 ""The Tracker" is Tom Brown, Jr. HERE'S a link to his school. You can probably find a copy of his autobiography The Tracker around somewhere... it's a great read and has a lot of valuable information for living life." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=383024 "in the late 70's he was just beginning to be talked about... there's a lot of great knowledge and wisdom in the first two books The Tracker and the second one (although I don't remember the name)... he's also written a number of field/survival guides..." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=383044 "Outfield, As far as I know, only a few folks got sent to the Tracker School. The people I know that got sent there ended up being on staff at LEAD. We all know how well that worked out...." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=383060 "I'd suppose vp looked to add something "cool" in the corps program, but it had to be in light of him being the great master of all. The concept of bringing in experts on various subjects to teach for a few days is interesting, but vp couldn't be outdone ... so he had to claim MOGFOT status over any threat. The guy that did the astronomy work on JC Our Promised Seed ran into conflicts somewhere ... he obviously knew a ton more than VP, but something had to be VP's way, I forget now. It seems that was a big issue, but somehow twi claimed ownership and published the book, with VP's name on it.. I'm sure many good innovative people and ideas were stomped out because they conflicted with these top dog egos." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=383067 "To claim cult status you have to have the mog in front. Tom Brown came to HQ to run his school in Dec. of 80. A few had gone to New J to take it before he came. VP was at HQ at that time for a few days because it was during the time the Christmas party was there. It was a fun school. I was raised a very much out door kind of guy and still love it to this day. VP could go off at anything that took away from he being the head. I guess JC had a time making his way in our lives. VP would of and did knock him out of the lime light putting himself and the word before him." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=383415 "Oh,yes, the tracker guy- In 91, I took a survival class at Rome City, the guy that came was trained by Mr.Brown, he promoted his book as well.Brown has schools in 3 cities. I also remember them saying if the President ever got lost in the mountains that Mr.Brown would be sent to find him cause of his abilities to survive in the wild..." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=383525 "My hubby was charged with taking care of Tom Brown and his staff during this HQ tracker school. He observed "up close and personally" how VP reacted to having Tom Brown around.) He said VP was extremely jealous of Tom Brown. At the first dinner meal for the school which was served in the OSC, Tom Brown and his staff went and served themselves as soon as the food was set out (of course not knowing anything about HQ protocol.) VP was livid that he got his food before the MOG got his. VP reamed Tom Brown, "You think you're the Tracker, but you're nothing....", cursing at him and tearing into him. This was the 1st night of the school. Tom Brown's staff wanted him to leave after this, but TB was gracious enough to stay. Another time during that school Tom Brown, who was a chain-smoker, lit a cigarette up in the BRC, while he was teaching his class. VP was so put out with TB because he was the only one allowed to smoke in the BRC. They also hated the food at HQ and they were very grateful to hubby for making a "McDonald's run" for them." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=383721 "Vic loved to find "experts" in worldly fields and laud them to the sky, because he would follow that by saying that WE could do better because we had holy spirit and the rightly-divided Word of God, as given to us by the MOG and TWI. The whole thing was always intended to make Vic look better, not the 'worldly' expert!! That's why he would just go off the deep end when someone got a little too impressed with the guest."
  15. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=120438 "When I was on staff at HQ, Joe C. informed me that I'd be running video during the tues night corps meeting. I objected, reminding him that I wasn't corps (I'd gotten that smart already). He said it was all cleared with the leadership and I would do it. Well anyway, things were going just fine, VPW was leading the meeting and soon after it started, he asked a guy to stand and give a report on a class he had attended. The class was run by non-twi people and it was about tracking. Tracking as in following animal tracks. The guy gave a very nice talk on what he had learned. He liked the class a lot and was highly favorable of it. Then he made the mistake of saying it was more valuable to him than Lead. VPW went ballistic. He ripped into the guy for a good 5 minutes. Said he had a prideful spirit, said he didn't deserve to be corps, etc, etc... I think VPW ended it by ordering the guy out of the BRC and out of the corps. I had never heard such an attack on another person in my whole life. Not at home, not in school, not in the Army, not in the workplace. At that moment, I realized that I was in a cult run by a sick man. It was a couple of years before I got out, but nonetheless that moment was a crystalizing point in time." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=120472 "I was there too. Wierwille went ballistic......because many of the corps seated up front with vpw were LEAD staff and had specifically gone to this tracker school to learn some things. All was fine until Dxvid Dxwxxd said that this tracker guy's class was better than LEAD. Yes, wierwille had a ....y fit, yelling and pointing and stomping back and forth, and glaring at David......said he was possessed!!! Another stunning memory that one doesn't tell wierwille that SOMEONE ELSE'S CLASS is better than veepee corps stuff!!! David wasn't possessed........sheeeesh. This 8th corps guy loved the outdoors, he built his own cabin, he was well equipped in all types of outdoor situations.....and is now a successful businessman. If anyone was possessed in that meeting.....wierwille got my vote." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=120497 "I knew he wasn't possessed. And I would hope that most of the people there knew that he wasn't possessed. That was part of the insanity of the whole thing. David had a great time at the class. It suited him better than Lead and he made the mistake of being truthful about it. And then, in an instant, the wrath of VPW strikes him like a bolt of lightning." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=120499 "David did NOTHING to warrant such ripping, scathing, verbal abuse that night. NOTHING! Wierwille just didn't want to hear it. As best I remember, the book The Tracker was written by Tom Brown....and later, he took enterprising steps towards seminars for those who wanted to learn foundational and advanced techniques in tracking. This tracker book was suggested reading for corps. Maybe wierwille had visions of running his own "advanced tracking seminar".... until David endorsed Tom Brown's."
  16. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=25534 "The Tom Brown "Tracker" thing came along right around 79/80. He taught a class at HQ once, and as I heard from a good friend of mine who was in it, albeit extremely skilled in woodcraft,he was a bit of a shyster as well. He started out his class in the BRC saying to the poeple present, and this is a paraphrase; "How many of you saw the twenty sevrn edible plants out in the lawn out front here? How many of you know that four doe deer and two bucks crossed the lawn out front between 0430 qnd 0745? None of you? Well, that's because you haven't learned to pay attention!" After the moring session, Dr. Wierwille reportedly took him outside and said to him; "Show me all of the edible plants, and all of the deer sign". And reportedly, the guy answered that he couldn't and then Dr. Wierwille told him; "Don't .... my people. Now from now on, teach 'em straight"... But I did read his two books, The Tracker and the Search which were excellent, and I thought it good that the guy shared his info with Wayfers. I mean, I like outdoors stuff, and alot does go on around us in the natural world that we just don't see because "we don't think to look"...." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=25572 "No hey, Igotout, I still think that Tom Brown was/is rather extraordinary! And I am sure that with his acuired skills that had (among other things) a lot to do with not running his mouth and paying attention to his surroundings, that it might have been tempting for him to get a bit cynical with folks of lesser skills, and therefore stretch things sometimes. I mean, I don't think he was a complete phony or anything. But the guy who told me of this, S.A., one of the original LEAD guys, and really a reputable person to this day (no longer "in"), and he said that Tom Brown was a tad bit full of himself by the time he got around doing seminars and such, at least when he did the one for Way folks. My friend did say that the guy was way way knowledgeable in the skills of woodcraft, tracking and all of that, and that it was well worth sitting through his class. And yes, one morning, I saw an eight point buck deer right inside the BRC, camouflaged behind the coat rack that was filled up with cammo MAL coats. Someone had actually hung their coat on one of his antlers. Hmmph. Showed how spiritually sharp THEY were. I went over to it. It was eating from a bowl of twenty seven edible herbs that I had picked while on bless patrol that morning and had stashed under the coat racks. I took out my MAL knife, whispered a little prayer into it's ear, and then took him out side and then sliced his throat. Then me and Tom Brown butchered him up and there was venison for all! No, I never saw any deer on grounds, but I did help Don Wierwille buthcher a buck that he shot somewhere south of HQ along the Miami River. There was a guy named Dean Tallarida who was a Union Butcher from Philadelphia, and he gave us a demonstration on how to butcher meat. He said that he'd never butchered a deer before, but it was all about the same as beef, and was therefore very interesting to him. It was really interesting to me too. So really, I didn't actually help, I got to watch, and then help wrap and label the cuts." http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=73592 "I recall an occasion when veepee was sitting with the 10th corps while others were discussing how great this "Tracker" guy, Tom Brown was. Some 8th corps had just returned from the "Tracker school" and were sharing about what a sharp guy Brown was in so many ways, etc, etc. Everybody was obviously impressed and the focus was on a story being told about how Brown snuck up on a deer or something, when all of a sudden Veepee leaps to his feet and shouts angrily, "DO YOU THINK HE COULD SNEAK UP ON ME?"...Suddenly the attention was back on wierwille, where he wanted it to be. He went on with some blather about how acute his spiritual senses were. Everybody ooohed and ahhhed and things were right again in wayworld. Scheeesh!"
  17. I hope I don't need an invite to answer this one. It's "Wedding Crashers." That one was even in the commercials.
  18. I'll have you know that Bud Abbott was the more in-demand comedian of the two- because STRAIGHT MEN are needed to play off of- and were more in demand when supply was up for jokesters. Lou Costello was the "funny" one, and needed him for a contrast. IMHO, Oliver Hardy was the "fall guy" for the jokes- Stan was good-hearted and anything that happened, happened to Hardy, BECAUSE Stan was so honest. Thus the expression "This is ANOTHER fine mess you've gotten me into." Besides, they were actors. You think Lou Costello minded earning his living like that? Bob Denver didn't mind it-and Lou Costello made a lot more money for his time than Bob Denver ("Gilligan".)
  19. The phrase "bought the farm" and "became a landowner" were World War I slang for "he inhabited a cemetary plot". http://www.snopes.com/language/phrases.farm.asp In the context of twi, our tithes and ABS paid for the farms, so you could say we ALL bought the farm. We just didn't get a receipt.
  20. As always, I listened to it. Actually, this is the first year I listened to the original, AND listened to the updated one from 20 years later, which is downloadable for free on Arlo's website, http://www.arlo.net from http://www.arlo.net/massacree/ I think the MP3 version may be down, but the Real downloaded just fine. (Part 2 is the actual "Alice's Restaurant" redo for the 20th Anniversary.) There's also a tribute page to Officer Obie. :)
  21. When it came to vpw and people with more skill than him, THERE WERE no skilled people out there who were good and weren't possessed! There always had to be SOMETHING that invalidated them, and if it had to be made up, so be it...
  22. Here's the breakdowns... "Know what happens when you give a politician Viagra?" "No." "He gets taller." "Guy come out of an antique shop carrying a big grandfather's clock. Bumped into this drunk, broke the clock. Guy said, 'Why don't you watch where you're going.' The drunk says, 'Why don't you carry a wristwatch like everybody else.' First scene we meet Uncle Jesse, who sometimes tells jokes. Uncle Jesse's played by Willie Nelson. "Stop that! Why are doin' that?" "What I'm about to do, I don't want to remember a lot of it." Luke Duke and Uncle Jesse towards the end- Uncle Jesse takes a huge swig of moonshine before doing something... "Hey Man, don't hit him! That's AJ Foyt!" "Really?" "The Fourth!" Barfight at the beginning, with some professional racing types in the area. "Do you know how fast you were going?" "What?" "How fast you were going." "Ten?" "Eight." "Isn't the speed limit ten?" "Yeah. It is." "Are you police?" "CAMPUS police." The clueless campus police at the University of Georgia. "That road better be closed up tighter than a tick's @$$!" Boss Hogg about his roadblock, after the race. "Are you really Japanese?" "Dammit, we are high-powered Japanese executives. We work hard and we play even harder. Now tell us what you see there or we'll find ourselves another candidate over at Georgia Polytech." Bo and Luke, posing successfully as 2 Japanese scientists at the University during an open house. "I don't know about you, but I'd SURE hate to be that safe right now..." "The Balladeer", when the Dukes realize Boss Hogg's big mystery's answer has to be in his safe... "Hmm, must be a wet fuse." "Maybe its backwards." "Of course its supposed to be backwards-it's a CHINESE fuse." "No, I mean its backwards from the way it's supposed to be." "Have you ever been to China? Have you ever been to China?" " I ate Chinese food once." "Yea, well you don't blow up Mu Shu Pork my friend." "I dated a Korean girl in high school." "That is an entirely different Oriental nation. Get an education!" "You’re the one who got the fuse wrong!" "You don't know nothing about Chino-Sino-American relations." Bo Luke and "Sheev", their friend who "makes bait and blows sh* up, on getting the safe open, using his specialty. No, not fishing bait... "They planted a still on our farm." "They PLANTED a still? Why would they have to PLANT a still?" "'Cause they're too d* dumb to find our real still." Daisy, about Hogg and Roscoe planting a still on the farm. "Man, I'm never gonna get out of this car again! I'm gonna live in it, I'm gonna eat in it, and I'm gonna make sweet love to it!" "You mean you're gonna make sweet love IN it." "Oh no, I'm gonna have sex with it." Bo and Luke. Bo's really attached to the car. "Whoo, P! If you pop a feather in that hat maybe your man-hoe's would show you a little bit more respect, huzzah!" "I have $100 here for whoever knocks that loudmouth sumb* out." Boss Hogg visiting the jail, in his trademarked white suit. (Played by Burt Reynolds.) One inmate keeps making fun of the suit. "Don't you know you're not supposed to wear white after Labor Day?" The inmate he handed over the $100 to, just before Boss Hogg leaves earshot. There's a GREAT pause by Reynolds before he keeps going on-it looks like it says a lot... "I make helmets out of em. An armadillo shell is one of the only helmets that will block brain waves. Also make a pretty good soup bowl." Sheev's a conspiracy theorist. And a weirdo.
  23. Correct! Except there's a second "z" in "Hazzard. :) I think we have low reading rates right now due to the holidays...
  24. "Know what happens when you give a politician Viagra?" "No." "He gets taller." "Guy come out of an antique shop carrying a big grandfather's clock. Bumped into this drunk, broke the clock. Guy said, 'Why don't you watch where you're going.' The drunk says, 'Why don't you carry a wristwatch like everybody else.' "Stop that! Why are doin' that?" "What I'm about to do, I don't want to remember a lot of it." "Hey Man, don't hit him! That's AJ Foyt!" "Really?" "The Fourth!" "Do you know how fast you were going?" "What?" "How fast you were going." "Ten?" "Eight." "Isn't the speed limit ten?" "Yeah. It is." "Are you police?" "CAMPUS police." "That road better be closed up tighter than a tick's @$$!" "Are you really Japanese?" "Dammit, we are high-powered Japanese executives. We work hard and we play even harder. Now tell us what you see there or we'll find ourselves another candidate over at Georgia Polytech." "I don't know about you, but I'd SURE hate to be that safe right about now..." "Hmm, must be a wet fuse." "Maybe its backwards." "Of course its supposed to be backwards-it's a CHINESE fuse." "No, I mean its backwards from the way it's supposed to be." "Have you ever been to China? Have you ever been to China?" " I ate Chinese food once." "Yea, well you don't blow up Mu Shu Pork my friend." "I dated a Korean girl in high school." "That is an entirely different Oriental nation. Get an education!" "You’re the one who got the fuse wrong!" "You don't know nothing about Chino-Sino-American relations." "They planted a still on our farm." "They PLANTED a still? Why would they have to PLANT a still?" "'Cause they're too d* dumb to find our real still." "Man, I'm never gonna get out of this car again! I'm gonna live in it, I'm gonna eat in it, and I'm gonna make sweet love to it!" "You mean you're gonna make sweet love IN it." "Oh no, I'm gonna have sex with it." "Whoo, P! If you pop a feather in that hat maybe your man-hoe's would show you a little bit more respect, huzzah!" "I have $100 here for whoever knocks that loudmouth sumb* out." "Don't you know you're not supposed to wear white after Labor Day?" "I make helmets out of em. An armadillo shell is one of the only helmets that will block brain waves. Also make a pretty good soup bowl."
  25. Correct! And I'm surprised it seems so easy to both of you! Nice to have you answer one, Mrs !, and congratulations on the upcoming punctuation.... :) Of course, it's your turn to provide a quote from an episode.
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