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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. Well, I was in NY also-but apparently, it was a DIFFERENT NY than YOU were in. The problem is, we can imagine different scenarios, but to change ONE thing affects ALL things. See, I was aware there were problems at hq. What did I say? I said-rather naively-that lcm would return to balance with some help from VF. The very next communication I received from hq burst that bubble. lcm fired VF. Did VF confront lcm on Biblical issues? Yes. I'm not digging out all my 1989 correspondence for you. However, I got a copy of something someone never shredded at hq. It was one response from VF when lcm was barking orders and ignoring everyone. RC also sent some telexes (remember telexes) to lcm when there was some hope of keeping the organization intact. NEITHER was people yelling. There was exasperation, godly approaches, and good-faith attempts to communicate. lcm did not choose to listen. When rank-and-file people responded to the "I'm firing all the staff in your state because they're evil" letter, they asked WHAT prompted the accusations. They got form letters saying "none of your business-my word is good enough for you." This stopped me from mailing MY letter- which I HAD drafted, and was ready for mailing. I saw no point. Looking back, I wish I had, just to underscore the boilerplate fashion of the replies. See, when lcm drew his line in the sand, he fired everyone who refused to give blind loyalty, AND savaged their reputations in every state. He accused them of not serving God, period. So much for the SUPPOSED idea that he would have accepted the concept of people serving God without serving lcm. Either he honestly thought serving God could ONLY come through him- which means he needed medical attention- or he KNEW that it was possible that one could serve God without serving lcm, and he chose to lie and say the opposite- which means he allowed his OWN desires to REPLACE godly service. =============== So, what could VF have done? A) Blindly serve. This would have made him UNWORTHY of leadership. (Just as DEMANDING blind service all by itself made lcm UNWORTHY of leadership.) B) Approach lcm and try to fix him. Attempted and lcm blew a raspberry at that. Blindly serve, VF. I don't want your input. C) Unable to repair the situation, refuse to pretend there werent gross, irreparable problems. That's just not-lying. VF did this also. D) When lcm DEMANDED blind loyalty or firing, accept firing since it was less unacceptable than blind loyalty. VF did this also. VF did everything reasonable. What was he supposed to do- take lcm in the back room with the rubber hoses? ====== So, what if VF had chosen to stay? Well, the problems with this are: you've established that VF was not corrupt- "above reproach", respected. If he WAS worthy of respect, he would be unable to stay. If he WAS able to stay, he would chose organic unity and a cushy job over committments to God. That would have been UNworthy of respect. Would people have stayed if VF woke up one morning and said "I'll keep the cushy job and sell out the family"? Some would, some would NOT. I was prepared to leave no matter WHO stayed. I looked things over myself, and concluded lcm was corrupt based on what HE said and did, and mrs lcm said and did, and all the error propounded to prop him up by the "blind loy" faction. HOWEVER, one of the signs that things could not have been fixed was lcm saying "I'm firing all the leadership in your state." If lcm had not been so full of himself that this was his decided-upon course of action, then he wouldn't have been as completely corrupt as he actually was, so there would have been more of a reason to stay-since there would have been hope of restoring his sanity, or him stepping down and someone else getting the job. There WERE others who could have done the job. VF could have done it. Ralph D. could have done it. Walter C could have done it. So, when we play "if VF had stayed", we either rewrite the situation so that lcm wasn't corrupt, or we pretend lcm WASN'T corrupt. All evidence since then proves an ironclad case that lcm WAS corrupt. Many people BEFORE then saw that it was so BEFORE then. The man lcm was in 1999 WAS the same man lcm was in 1989. Except he had more experience- which should have made him WISER. The lcm in 1989 made decisions. The lcm in 1990 made decisions. The lcm in 1991 made decisions. The lcm in 1992 made decisions. The lcm in 1993 made decisions. The lcm in 1994 made decisions. The lcm in 1995 made decisions. The lcm in 1996 made decisions. The lcm in 1997 made decisions. The lcm in 1998 made decisions. The lcm in 1989 decided what was MOST important to him, as did the lcm in each year. lcm had a free hand, from 1990 on, to declare the course of the ministry EXACTLY the way he wanted with little interference from ANYONE. So, the 1990 twi was HIS decision- as was the 1990, 1991, 1992.... In each year, lcm all by himself decided the course of twi, and the results the next year were the result of his decisions. The lcm of 1990 was the SAME lcm of 1989, just more overt, which was more overt than the lcm of 1987-who had hidden his loyalty demands. The lcm of 1999 was the SAME lcm as the lcm of 1989, except that he'd had 10 years to mold twi as he saw fit, and built himself up in his OWN mind as a great leader. That was simply a continuation of the 1989 lcm. The man Craig was in 1999 was entirely the man of his own manufacture, and the result of the freewill decisions he HIMSELF had made the past decade, and you would do well to actually ANALYZE the situation, period.
  2. Sudo, this is "Name that Tune" not "Google that Tune." Anybody can do a web-search for a song and artist. That's NOT what this thread is about. This is a thread where people try to use memory and grey-matter to name songs. It's cheating to google for the song. It is also cheating to google for the song and then post the link you googled, or to drop hints because you know the song because you googled it. ======== Then again, it's possible that you recognized the quote and artist, then googled to get a copy of the lyrics- for reasons which escape me. It's unlikely but certainly possible. Is that what happened?
  3. Let's see if you guys can get this song. (It's a little later than some of you prefer.) "It was a beautiful day, The sun beat down, I had the radio on, I was drivin'. Trees went by Me and 'Del' were singing 'Little Runaway' I was flyin'." If you recall this song, you'll probably remember the opening guitar riff FIRST.
  4. Oooh, watch this... "Ralph Bellamy Coming to America James Earl Jones" :D
  5. That's not it-so it HAS to be the OTHER song I thought it was.... "Abra Abra cadabra", Steve Miller Band. (I wanna reach out and grab ya.) Thanks so much for bringing us back to songs post-Elvis. :D I don't own any 78s.
  6. oldiesman: "Yes, I believe that was the focus of most of those who left, at that time. It appears all they focused on was making a commitment to stand with Craig and nothing else." You believe that, but the words out of lcm's own mouth when he wasn't composing a pious-sounding letter were different. When he WASN'T writing his "I'm so holy" letter, lcm seems to have DISAGREED with you on this one, Oldiesman. You SUPPOSED that's what he was thinking. "Out There" PHONED him and spoke to him PERSONALLY on this. ====== "Out There": "When I received the Loyalty letter in the mail I immediately called LCM and by some miracle after leaving a message he actually called me back. When I asked if this letter was a call to blindly follow him he said I had been doing this all along." ==== lcm said the membership had been BLINDLY FOLLOWING HIM ALL ALONG. See, when they STOPPED BLINDLY FOLLOWING, he flipped out. He wanted BLIND FOLLOWERS and would settle for NOTHING LESS. AT THE TIME, it's reasonable to suppose some people were totally unaware of this. (Me, I did an independent investigation of my OWN, and think it's a little sloppy to have NOT done so, but that's MY standard.) LOOKING BACK, it's beyond any REASONABLE doubt that lcm wanted blind, unquestioning obedience. He phrased it in pious, holy terms, used a veneer of religious display, but he honoured God with his keyboard, while his heart was far away. AT THE TIME, people didnt know that. KNOWING WHAT WE NOW KNOW, it's incredibly obvious.
  7. Right. I knew Raf knew this one before I started, so I was going to save this one for when he was out of town or something. He was nice enough to give it a pass. So, Pirate, please take us home. Besides, my last quote was gonna be the locker one, and that's up. :) ======= BTW, I love this movie, and wish more people saw it.
  8. ================== "Out There" PHONED him and spoke to him PERSONALLY on this. ====== "Out There": "When I received the Loyalty letter in the mail I immediately called LCM and by some miracle after leaving a message he actually called me back. When I asked if this letter was a call to blindly follow him he said I had been doing this all along. I then told him thats what he thinks he could 'kiss my foot'. I think I was dropped from the rolls of the Way Corps that next morning." ===== Therefore, lcm was WELL AWARE he was calling for blind, unquestioning loyalty to HIM, and thought that blind, unquestioning loyalty was his DUE.
  9. ROA 1978 theme-"The Hope". ============ "If you really have something to suggest, then suggest it. If not, then say nothing! Don't suggest something because you feel you are expected to. Doing that is dishonest. People in leadership need to be able to trust in you and your opinion. If you make suggestions for the sake of making them, tou are now causing the leader to think through your suggestion and decide whether it has merit or not. You are making extra work for him or her. That's not honest!" "Incident of a 6th Corps girl complaining to Dr that there was too much bad language. Dr considered it and suggested that everyone in leadership should set the example. Less bad language!" "Incident of Dr landing in Anchorage Alaska on a commercial flight. The landing was ridiculously bumpy. Dr commented to the woman beside him that if his pilot landed like that, he'd fire him. He then used that as a door to witness to her." "Dr was concerned that the younger people in the ministry might not be getting a fair shake at the leadership responsibilities in the ministry. not get the opportunity to make their mark in the ministry. He suggested that some of those on staff needed to go on the field and get off of staff for a while. If the shoe fits, wear it. LCM considers leaving staff and asks Dr whether the advice applied to him or not. Dr said no!" "Dr didn't have the time to read everything sent to him and so the research team idea was developed." LCM teaches R & E at the Advanced Class 79 at Athens Ohio. ============ "Dr teaches by example the proper placement of seats so that all students can have an unobstructed view of the teacher." "Dr reproves LCM for not being his best when teaching at the Advanced Class. He told him to get it together. Do whatever needed to be done so that he was at his best for teaching. LCM realized that he was trying to do too much with being an MC and all. He cut back on his other responsibilities and got rested so that he performed much better." "Dr stated to LCM, 'Son, you're seeing things and teaching things that I've known for years but never documented from the Word.'" "Part 3. The Master Student-the Future Unfolds." =================== 1980 === "During the Adv Class 79, Dr announced that he would be retiring as president in the next few years and that a new president would be picked. LCM had the thought that it would be him, but he didn't dwell on it." "Dr and LCM invite/request all the (in-residence and on-field) Corps to write their autobiographies. Oct 79 was set for the deadline. Dr was hurt when not many responded to the deadline. LCM had not done his yet either. Dr reproved LCM in front of the corps. How can you expect the younger Corps to do something when the leadership didn't do it, either? Dr displayed great love and tenderness to him the next morning by inviting him to lead the 10:30am fellowship." "Dr was very tired and weak when they were walking back to the coach one night while at Gunnison. Dr had a hard time breathing, etc. LCM was extremely concerned. At the coach, Dr told LCM 'You remind me of Rufus Mosely, all the love he had for me!' " "Sometimes the door to discuss certain things with people doesn't open. Example of whether LCM should go back to college to get a degree. LCM was concerned that his lack of having a degree would hinder him from moving the Word or helping in the ministry. Once a man or woman reaches the level of ordination- 'there's no turning back'. An ordained person would die first before copping out! Many, however, did cop out." "Dr once said 'I wonder if you guys will be able to hold this ministry together after I'm gone, or will you just bicker with each other and try and climb over each other?' " "Incident of disagreement between Dr and LCM's dad. The subsequent resolution. The letter that Dr wrote to his dad. The phone call and resolution."
  10. CD-R's are like that. CD-R/W's are NOT. CD-R's, you write once and it's now a CD-ROM (read-only memory). CD-R/W's (CD-ReWriteables) don't work that way. Since I don't know enough about DVD's, I didn't mention that, since it may have nothing to do with the discussion and just have added to the confusion.
  11. "There will be no free rides, no excuses. You already have two strikes against you: your name and your complexion. Because of those two strikes, there are some people in this world who will assume that you know less than you do. MATH is the great equalizer. When you go for a job, the person giving you that job will not want to hear your problems-ergo, neither do I. You're going to work harder than you've ever worked anywhere else. And the only thing I ask from you is 'GANAS'- 'Desire.' And maybe a haircut. If you do not have the 'ganas', I will give it to you because I am an expert." ===================== "I'm gonna prove you guys wrong." "I hope you do. This is not between you and me." "Maybe not, but if I catch you on the street, I'm gonna kick the sh* out of you." "Now you got a ticket to watch the show." "You only see the turn. You don't see the road ahead." "I may be a sinner, but I'm willing to pay for my sins." "Right. See you at three." "We're gonna need a lot of Kleenexes...there's gonna be a lot of bloodshed." "You're like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there!" ======= "You're worried that we'll screw up royally tomorrow, aren't you? Tomorrow's another day. I'm worried you're gonna screw up the rest of your lives." "Nobody has the right to accuse me of racism. NOBODY has the right to accuse me of racism!" "You know what kills me....it's that they lost the confidence in the system they're now finally qualified to be a part of." "It's not that they're stupid, it's just they don't know anything." "We're seniors. This is our year to slack off."
  12. August 1976-LCM and Donna get married. 1976-1977. ================ "Dr wants LCM to go on the field and promote the Way Corps. The way he wants him to approach it is to try to scare people off the Corps program. Let them know how tough it is and how committed they need to be." "LCM and Donna leave on their trip and fail to say goodbye to Dr before they leave. When they get back, Dr reproves them for the matter. He was genuinely hurt. Dr always was thinking of his people." "A corps girl escapes from the deprogrammers and makes it back on campus. As she was brought into the meeting (as Dr had requested) where Dr was teaching, he stopped and opened his arms for her. It was a very emotional moment. Everyone was crying. Dr had her accompany him everywhere he went for the next few weeks, to help her heart heal. He made her a part of his life." PFAL 77 ==== "Dr lets LCM teach to a huge audience. Even when you think that you know your material, always work the Word and re-study the material before you teach it." "Don't make decisions based on what you feel. Base your decisions on what people need. Incident of Dr calling for a dance on the final session of PFAL 77. All the crew were tired, but the need for the students was a dance. The dance turned out to be a major blessing." "Dr developed the technique of wearing the microphone behind the tie. It had not been done before in the secular world. Most thought that you couldn't make the voice sound authentic enough when it is muffled behind cloth. Our ministry showed it could be done. Dr was always thinking of ways to be better." "While at PFAL 77, Dr walked up to LCM on-stage and said 'You're a great man!' Dr, always the master of the one-liners." Location-Way Corps Chalet. Back porch. Jan 20 1982-Dedication of the Way Corps Chalet. ====================== "Uncle Harry dies Oct 12, 1977. Meeting in the conference room of the Wierwille home (next to the fireplace room.) Dr states "I don't think you know just how much Uncle Harry has done so that you could have the Word today.' " "Rise & Expansion. Dr commented that without genuine rise there would never be any genuine expansion. Any expansion without genuine rise was counterfeit." "E11ie Ray A11en shows everyone how to ride a motorcycle. Neigbor complains about the noise. They tell him to get lost. When he hears of the neighbor threatening to call the cops, Dr tells the guy, 'It's our land and we'll do whatever we want on it. Now crank it up, E11ie Ray!' " "Protocol does not mean that you can't speak the truth." "'The Marxist Minstrels' by Dr David Noble. He handled homosexuality and rock music and its influences on culture today. Dr W had him come and do a paid speech to the Way Corps. Dr informed him of the caliber of students that he was dealing with and that he should let it rip and not hold back the gorey details, etc. He said that the Corps could handled anything that he could throw at them." "Dr Noble did not do as he was asked. He held back and ended up doing a bland speech. Dr Wierwille reproved him afterwards and asked him to get back on track for his second scheduled speech. Dr Noble responded like a champion. He accepted the reproof meekly and did a magnificent job with the second speech." "Dr Wierwille didn't hold back from speaking the truth in love no matter who the individual was or what his position was. He handled it privately of course." June 78-Advanced Class, Bristol England. ================= "Get your preparation done ahead of time. Dr used to do a lot of his work while in flight. That way, as soon as he arrived at the location, he was ready to lead and teach." "He spent one day and night in Ireland on this trip. He had supper in a local restaurant with the leadership." "Dr had the whole class visit the grave of George Mueller. Dr had a great respect for people in history who had significance on our ministry. Dr organized for the bristol twig to take care of the Mueller gravesite. They still do so to this day." "LCM starts to think in terms of our ministry and it not failing if and when Dr dies." "Dr learned other histories and other cultures to help move the Word in those countries. Why did Wesley's ministry basically fail when he died? 1) Wesley never saw through the Trinity. 2) He never spent enough time training leadership. He tried to do it all himself. 3) Towards the end of his life, his leadership began to quarrel among themselves. We must innoculate the world with the truth of ONE GOD. Dr had tremendous respect for great men. Example of the man who designed the suspension bridge over the Avon river in Bristol. It was the world's first suspension bridge. Dr wanted to be that good with the Word of God." Location-Motor Coach (75 Coach.) ============== "Having coaches certainly can add length to your life. Using proper equipment can be a real benefit to someone. Sleeping in the same bed every night as opposed to a different hotel room each night is beneficial to the health and well-being." Location-Office of the Corps Chalet. ================ "Without meekness and a real love for the Word and the practical application of the Word, a man can't really bless anyone. Incidents of people on the research team leaving the ministry because they felt that they knew better. Dr always demonstrated great love towards them." (Next: Roa 1978 theme-'The Hope'.)
  13. 1975-1976. ======= "Dr presents LCM with a used Honda 350 to scoot around the campus on. Dr took LCM out that evening to properly instruct him on how to use a motorbike safely." "Discussions with Dr regarding Corps with low levels of sponsorship. Dr allowed LCM to sit with him for a week as he (Dr) talked with each corps person in that predicament. Dr came up with suggestions to help people and challenged them to figure out things themselves. He told the corps that smoked that they needed to quit if they wanted to stay. The money they saved could go towards their sponsorship. Dr required committment from people. Then he helped them with their believing. He made smoking agreements with a number of people." "Later on that year, one of the people came to LCM to confess that they had breached the no-smoking agreement. That spurred LCM to ask each one of the people involved if they had kept the committment. Had they, at any time since the agreement, had a cigarette. 15 of them said that they had smoked." "After some careful deliberation, LCM dismissed the 15 from the Corps for the breach. He felt he didn't need to ask Dr. W. for clearance. Dr had told them they could stay if they hept their part of the deal. Once they broke it, they had disqualified themselves. Dr, upon hearing the news, agreed with LCM's decision but a few days later decided to offer these people a new chance, He challenged them to get all of their money together in one week and re-commit to the agreement if they wanted back in. A number of them did come back in." "Dr and LCM always fought for people to stay in the Corps. There was an incident of a guy in the Corps who all of a sudden went "gooney-bird". He started to babble and not make sense. LCM worked hard with the guy to help him but he was incoherent. Dr, when he met him, confronted him by asking- 'Son, how come you're letting your mind get all scrambled?' The guy answered unintelligibly and Dr told him that it would be best for him just to pack his bags and go home. The guy understood that. He left. LCM spent many hours and many long distance phone calls trying to make sure the guy had gotten home from his bus ride home safely. Not being able to verify his location, he was concerned. Dr told him to move on. There's nothing you can do, he'll show up at home soon enough. A week later the guy did show up at home." "Dr began working and teaching the book of Acts verse by verse over the next 2 years. He encouraged the corps to work the book of Acts from the perspective of the 8 concluding statements that he laid out for them. Dr had thrown out the ball as he so often did and LCM picked it up and ran with it. The result was ultimately the 'Rise and Expansion' book. LCM put in 8-16 hours per day for a week working the subject." "The incident of 2 corps grads considering divorce. Dr called the husband in in front of a number of the leaders and openly confronted him and challenged him to keep his marriage together. Divorce is wrong. What is love? The Word of God!" "Dr was now teaching corps nights at HQ on Tuesdays, then right afterwards he'd get on the coach and go to Emporia to teach the corps there on Wednesdays. He did this for years. Just like in Acts 11- Antioch- they had a new root locale." Next time, 'August 1976- LCM and Donna get married."
  14. This MIGHT have your answer: http://www.dvddemystified.com/dvdfaq.html
  15. That's close to what I was going to say. Remember the steps vpw took to being in charge of twi. His area of study was NOT Bible languages, Koine Greek, Hebrew. His area of study was NOT Bible History-archeology, and so on. Those require a lot of study and significant amounts of memorization. He wasn't "hot" in those areas, either-as real students of them can easily point out. Even the passing mention of "earliest texts" in the Orange Book fail to mention documents found in the early 1950s-and the copyright is early 1970s. I know they didn't have the internet, but he kept getting all those magazines that kept going in the trash-and THEY would have mentioned that was NEWS. His area of study was "Homiletics", which, IMHO, is the EASIEST/ "softest" option to take in a Bible college. vpw then is unimpressive until he gets ahold of Leonard's class, and a few months later suddenly begins making a name for himself with Leonard's class, and, later, additions from Stiles, Bullinger and Kenyon. The "depth of research" there was just cutting-and-pasting. Without a convenient "cut-and-paste" source, he would have had to study history, archeology, customs and so on. Too much work for vp. Better to stick with what he can glean from Bullinger and Leonard on the OT.
  16. Robert de Niro the Untouchables Sean Connery
  17. "I'm gonna prove you guys wrong." "I hope you do. This is not between you and me." "Maybe not, but if I catch you on the street, I'm gonna kick the sh* out of you." "Now you got a ticket to watch the show." "You only see the turn. You don't see the road ahead." "I may be a sinner, but I'm willing to pay for my sins." "Right. See you at three." "We're gonna need a lot of Kleenexes...there's gonna be a lot of bloodshed." "You're like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there!" ======= "You're worried that we'll screw up royally tomorrow, aren't you? Tomorrow's another day. I'm worried you're gonna screw up the rest of your lives." "Nobody has the right to accuse me of racism. NOBODY has the right to accuse me of racism!" "You know what kills me....it's that they lost the confidence in the system they're now finally qualified to be a part of." "It's not that they're stupid, it's just they don't know anything." "We're seniors. This is our year to slack off."
  18. Obviously it was some kind of practical joke by a disgruntled ex-member.
  19. "Location- Under Mulberry Tree." 1974-1975. ======= "1st year of family in the Corps. The 5th Corps are in their 1st year of in-residence." "LCM begins to lead and frequently run the SNS at HQ." "He began to become a genuine teacher to the Way Corps. His year on the field had helped him develop as a spiritual leader." "One time Dr saw a piano placed on a piece of cracked plywood to protect the floor. Must have looked crap because he got upset that people weren't taking care of the place physically." "'You've got to fight for this place,' he said. Tenderness and aggressiveness were exemplified." "Incident of the guy in the 5th Corps dying as the result of a car wreck." "The guy was buried in the Way Woods after cremation. Dr thought that cremation was a very practical way to be dealt with when you die." "Some in-residence Corps had approached Dr and LCM about the need to make adjustments in the In-residence Way Corps training. They needed it to be easier as they had families. Dr thought about it for awhile and then came back with his response which was to back up LCM totally and tell the in-residence people that if they couldn't handle the heat, then leave. LCM was very blessed to see that Dr had backed him up and endorsed the way he was running the program." "One time, a meeting was planned in the Way Woods and LCM was thinking through getting Dr home after the meeting. He wanted him to be able to use his golf-cart to drive home. So, LCM told a corps guy to go and take the golf-cart and bring it to the meeting-place. LCM said that he would get the necessary clearance from Dr Wierwille. He forgot to get the clearance, and the next time he saw Dr, he was chewed out. Dr stuck his finger into his chest and said 'Keep your hands off my stuff.' LCM apologized. He had slipped up and forgotten a detail and Dr was teaching him yet again. The only thing bigger in Dr's heard than people is the Word." "After talking with LCM one day, Dr dismissed all the corps for bad attitude problems. He told them 'Ok, as of right now, you're all out of the corps.' He then made it available to all of them to reapply to him by filling out a 3 x 5 card, The card had to express their willingness to obey leadership. Some of them decided to leave rather than obey." "As leaders in the ministry you sometimes can't get involved with everyone's problems. You just don't have the time. Sometimes all you can do is be there for your people in a crisis. LCM had a number of incidents where he hadnt been aware of certain people having difficulties. He had felt foolish for not knowing about it and not having been there to help." 1975-1976 1st year of Way Corps at Emporia. =========== "Dr said to LCM: 'Now it's your baby. Keep it moving, have no regrets.' One of the great learning standards-have no regrets." "Some people claimed that the ministry was turning the Way Corps into slave labour. They were working on getting Emporia into shape. Dr said to LCM, 'People love to work, they love to invest their labor into a place they have pride in.' " "LCM finally decided he needed to get married. He goes to Dr and lets him know his thoughts and seeking advice. Dr promised he'd look out for a good woman for him. Later, LCM decided to marry Donna and immediately told Dr. Dr said 'She's a good woman' and then rode off quickly on his motorbike. LCM found out later that he had gone at once to call Donna and talk to her to let her know and understand fully what she was getting into with LCM. He was going to be a great leader in the ministry and she had to be prepared to handle herself accordingly, etc." "Donna was in residence at the time but Dr gave her permission to visit Emporia frequently so that they could get started early on getting to know each other." "One situation arose when LCM made a gift presentation to Dr but omitted to make one to Mrs W. She was very embarrassed due to the breach in protocol. Privately, the next day, Dr and Mrs W reproved LCM for the error. If you are going to lead God's people, you cannot miss on protocol. It's representing God and the ministry." Next, we resume with "Location-House of His Healing Presence".
  20. Location-South Trustee Office. LCM's 1st year in the Way Corps. ============== "Dr shared with them the example of two local businessmen who stayed their minds daily for one houron their businesses to try to bring to pass the things they wanted to see happen. That triggered LCM to start thinking about stayed mind and to start thinking in terms of visual imagery." "Uncle Harry and Dr W would sometimes argue with each other...sometimes in front of the corps. But they always resolved the issue, and when the argument was over, they walked away with no resentment or bitterness, etc. They would move on and stick with the decision." "One meal time-Incident of the 30th anniversary banquet- Dr wanted all the men to dress in tuxedos. Uncle Harry said that might not be the best utilization of the believers' money, having to rent tuxedos or buy them, etc. 'Why couldn't people just wear nice suits if they had them?' Dr erupted and said 'That's cause you just want to wear that calf-upset brown suit that you have and love to wear!' Everyone blurted out laughing. It was finally decided to wear tuxedos." "I Corinthians 2:9-16. This was when LCM learned the great concept of literals according to usage, a research project of Dr. W's." "Incident when Dr. W didn't know what to do about a WOW who had gone off her rocker. LCM, on seeing how he handled the situation, learned from it that you take help from people that you love and trust. You may not have all the answers yourself. Dr had said 'I don't know what to do, Howard. Tell me what I can do!' Dr later took the girl into his home for a few weeks and got her back to health." "LCM learns about the athlete's analogy of staying at your prime physically and spiritually." LCM takes over as 2nd corps coordinator. ==================== "Being a genuine student is an artform." "LCM would picture himself doing what Dr would do in certain situations." Location-Fountain & Garden of Living Waters. ============ "A leader is always trying to maximize time spent." "If a student is genuinely interested in learning, he will take the admonition the first time. It doesn't have to take multiple reproof sessions to get someone to change, nor does it have to take years of trial and error." Location-BRC. June 1971. ========= "2nd year in residence." "As a teacher Dr took great joy in knowing that his students were learning." "You don't look for negatives in people. However, you can't be blind to what's going on around you either. There's a balance." "Horse Sense is probably the greatest part of Corps Principle 1. Dr came to their trailer and started pointing out all the details they were missing- broken door handles, window handles, etc-little things that needed fixing." "Learn to pre-think things. Example of log stumps. Don't pick them up and move them until you know where their destination place will be." "Dr would often be more excited about the way his students presented the Word than he would be about his own presentations." "Dr was thinking about Word over the World and the fine arts, etc. He had a great artist in to train the corps people who had shown talent and interest in the arts. The guy never really took the ball and ran with it, though." "Dr told LCM 'We trust you to coordinate anything in the Way Ministry.'" "Decision to send LCM on the field to expand his exposute to different situations, etc." 19 people in the 2nd corps. =========== "Emotions never dominate the practicality of clear thinking and moving." " 'You're the best- go get them!' -First time LCM heard Dr use that expression was upon graduation from the corps and as he was being assigned to go to Oklahoma." "Dr called LCM after 3 weeks on the field and asked him how come he hadn't called since he arrived in Oklahoma. 'What kind of ego trip are you on?' " "Dr always put the ministry ahead of himself." "Time that Dr spent time with LCM's folks." 1974. ==== LCM teaches the ROA for the first time. The rain comes pouring down. Dr sticks his hand out from behind the curtain and pushes him out into the rain. 'If the people are going to get wet, so should you!'" Next time we'll pick up in "Location: Under Mulberry Tree. 1974-1975." ==============
  21. Let's see if someone can solve this one before Raf returns. "I'm gonna prove you guys wrong." "I hope you do. This is not between you and me." "Maybe not, but if I catch you on the street, I'm gonna kick the sh* out of you." "Now you got a ticket to watch the show." "You only see the turn. You don't see the road ahead." "I may be a sinner, but I'm willing to pay for my sins." "Right. See you at three." "We're gonna need a lot of Kleenexes...there's gonna be a lot of bloodshed." "You're like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there!"
  22. Bravo. A gold star for each of them. Twinkies for everyone! I'd say a lot of wow's enjoyed the experience. I'd also say a lot of wow's DIDN'T enjoy the experience. See, sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. When it worked it was great, when it didn't, it could be disastrous for the people. Few posters here will disparage the great times some HERE have said they had. HOWEVER, the great times were far from universal. What happened when they DIDN'T happen, and why they only appeared PART of the time, are grist for conversation, discussion, analysis, and outright denial here. Look closer. Some of us have had GREAT experiences, and SAID SO. HOWEVER, some people's lives were also ruined. They said so ALSO. Those who had great blessings warmed themselves at a fire that they did not build, and the fuel for the fire, too often, were the lives ruined by "leadership". When viewing stories of the good and bad TOGETHER, it looks more negative than an unrelenting list of good news. Duh. In twi, it was verboten to even begin discussing their failures, EVER. Some messageboards FORBID discussion that may suggest that one side does not have the be-all and end-all of wisdom and knowledge. Those also may seem more cheerful than here. Supressing much of the truth as they do, they have all the personality of Howdy Doody or Topo Gigio. Life is not a 50's sitcom. Twi is not a 50's sitcom, and never was. (Not from lack of trying...)
  23. Hi there. Those of you who tuned in and liked "The Way:Living in Wonderland" may like this thread. That one looked at the book "the Way:Living in Love" and the picture of Wonderland that it presented. This thread will look at the book by lcm, titled "VP and Me." Since my approach will be similar, I labelled this thread accordingly. Now, then, this book was never released, not even to twi members. The only "circulation" extant is the notes taken on this book by people who were required to sit thru a "class" of its contents. Therefore, we lack an ability to go over it line-by-line. Thus, this can't be an "official" analysis of the book itself. However, what we do have is a pretty complete set of notes, from here: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/corp.../vp-and-me.html ==== The setup and structure of the book and its presentation are already listed there, so I won't repeat them here. I WILL, however, quote some highlights from the book before discussing, same as we did with the other thread. Remembering that this book contains reminiscences of lcm, and thus how lcm remembers things, I think it can be another useful tool in viewing vpw AND lcm. (So long as we remember that.) ================= "Most of the incidents were not written down at the time of occurrencs in diaries. etc. The book was written mainly from recollection." 1970-1971. ========= "The first time that LCM saw Dr. was when he was a senior at the University of Kansas. LCM went to twig first and found the teaching to be tremendous (electrifying). Donny Fugit taught. On Dec 8th 1970, Dr. Wierwille came to Laurence, Kansas to the fraternity house of Joe C**lt*r to teach twi. LCM immediately recognized him as a 'great man.' "LCM wanted to be right. Wanted to be convinced. The next time LCM saw Dr was in Witchita, Kansas when he visited with Cl**d*tt** R*y*l. When he was first introduced to Dr Wierwille, Dr said to him 'Hello-Well I have to go and eat this piece of cake.' Dr W would meet with all the believers from each city at a time in a room in the basement. All the Limb was there, but he'd meet with everyone branch by branch. Dr asked for help whenever he needed it. He asked Donny Fugit a question about something. LCM was very impressed and shocked that so great a man would ask for help in front of others. One day LCM received a copy of a letter that had been sent to his home address (he was on a job elsewhere at the time.) The letter had been in response to his letter about coming into the Way Corps. It was a couple of weeks old! Across the top of the copy was written "Either call Dr. Wierwille or forget it!"- Howard Allen. LCM ran to the phone and called Dr Wierwille. Dr asked him if he would come to summer school to see how he shaped up for acceptance into the corps. LCM said he'd be there with all his money together, etc. LCM had always planned on going into the Christian ministry with his church. but after taking PFAL, he realized that he and his denomination no longer saw eye to eye on issues. He wanted now to go Corps!" June 1971: Heading to HQ. ============ "LCM showed up without all of his money together for summer school." "After the service LCM went to Dr at the advice of Mrs Owens, and informed him that he did not have all of his money together for summer school. Dr looked at him and then said 'You can stay as long as your money holds!' LCM really looked upon this as grace upon grace and resolved never to go behind in his financial responsibilities. If he ever went a day behind, he decided, he would leave." "LCM was stunned to see Dr. mowing the lawn at HQ. HE was in his shorts! Surely a man of God as important as Dr. should not have to do menial work like this. He should be inside studying the Word!" "That summer Dr taught the 'Athletes of the Spirit' analogy for the first time." Fall of 1971. ========== "Start of Corps training. 'Welcome home son!' Dr says to LCM after he gets back from a trip to Oklahoma to see his folks. It was right then that LCM realized and decided that HQ was now his home. The very first corps night that LCM was ever at, Dr. showed everyone how to manage a 3 x 5 card file to help keep track of people's names, etc. LCM had expected a big heavy teaching and was amazed once again at the stuff that Dr came up with, the practicality of it." [A few months later] "Dr asked him while driving would he like to be the WOW coordinator He said 'Sure' (gulp)." "Commissioned the second wave of WOWs that year. LCM, now the coordinator, was asked if he wanted to have breakfast for the WOWs before they left to go on the field. Not being a morning-breakfast-type of person, and thinking that the ministry could save some money instead, he choose to not have breakfast prepared for the departing WOWs that day. The WOWs left before 7am that day with no food. When Dr heard that he was very hurt. He asked at lunch who had made the decision to send the WOWs away on an empty stomach. LCM put up his hand and admitted it was he. The learning he got was that finances are not the sole variable in moving the Word. There are times to spend and times not to spend. Being frugal is not the same as being stingy!" ======= Next time we'll resume with "Location-South Trustee Office. LCM's 1st year in the Way Corps."
  24. Thanks. In all honesty, it was inspired by something Goey said (which I built on.)
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