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Everything posted by Gen-2

  1. Also, on that brain thing,... di'ja know? whenever you do the same thing, the same area of the brain is activated! So,.... you might say........ Think a second now,..... with the proper scanning device invented, you could basically see what someone else was thinking - Amazing! Now,.... who's gonna invent that Brain scanner thingie? Scarey........
  2. Yeah EJ er,.. BA That reminds me of a verse... All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Gotta wonder if there's any truth to that,... eh?
  3. Look, --- I used to have to get these sheep form one pen - to a pasure about 4 Kilometers away. There were 9 of them, and if you did it right, they'd just follow you right along and behave. If you did it wrong, tying a rope around their necks and pulling wouldn't move them. Funny thing is - if you did it right,... you could probably walk them right off a cliff before they realized it,... they started trusting you and not watching where they were going. Oh really.... whose fault is that? I dunno..........
  4. I thought it was in reference to Jesus' sisters ---- oh you know those sisters........ I wish you could see it in the original
  5. Hahahaha!!!! ~ I wish you could see it in the original,... But then again, if yer in this Class, you've pretty much given up all hope of seein' anything new, or original,... eh?
  6. Genesis holds a bucketfull of contradictions. Differing creation stories that merely correspond, yet don't exactly match. As for the old, "a dying you shall die" - well it's juxtaposed against "and all the days that Adam lived were nine-hundred and thirty years, and he died." I did all this research once, >snicker< and came to the conclusion that God is heavy into Quantum events,......... ...that gives Him license to select as many outcomes as He likes --- and all of them turn out to be right! Keep in Mind, I actually am a Physicist
  7. Well, God has His moments - Biblically. One day it's fire coming down from heaven, the next - people are just getting away with murder. Dfficult to rationalize - Even for the brightest Bible student. May I suggest you give my approach a shot? Don't worry about God and what He does. He does "GOD" things and no one's built the proper box to contain Him yet. Until we do >snicker< ........... He's just gonna do whatever in the hell He feels like doing. One day we'll even understand it. that's my two cents.
  8. (Whispered in the dark in conspiritorial tones) Mutineer Mini-Boss: Okay,... so do we all agree on the plan? Slow Mutineer: We have a Chief of Operations? Mean mutineer: {mumbling beneath his breath} I told you not to bring her in on this... {points at Slow} Genius Mutineer: {smugly} When we're in charge, everything will be better. Mutineer Mini-Boss: We'll let her sit in the chair, but she's to dumb to do much. Don't worry, we'll be the ones who pull the strings as long as she gets her swill.
  9. Gen-2

    New Chat Software

    It's simple. I like it better than the current Chat set-up. (teach the Bot more stuff to say, since he's usually the only one there) ;)
  10. And,... (your name here) ...... You'll be in Charge of refreshments, Try to provide something that will bless everyone...
  11. If you're gonna travel Fast & Far, you have to travel light....! Funny that, and that it entails bogging yourself down with "mint dishes" and such, ----- and that leaving the Way left you with,... certain items - must haves,.. that were, rather useless in real-life. Hindsight is 20/20 !!!
  12. As I Live and Breathe,... Soul, as "life"... soul-life. A living dog is better than a dead lion. Dead souls aren't very lively - they don't have any thoughts. Well, till they're quickened (made alive again). I'd like to think that I'll write a book after i die, explaing just exactly WTF does indeed happen. But the SAD truth is,... I'm still alive - and too selfish to die for you all! We'll all know one day, I'd like to think someone's up there preparing my mansion for me. [grin]
  13. You sound like one of my college professors that thought that life and reality was a computer simulation with God as the computer programmer.
  14. Well okay, I was reading this and started laughing. Just last night I had a discussion with my Nurse. She was talking about her God and how her preacher gave a mighty teaching,... On - whatever. But "whatever" led to the revelation that many members were doing awful things for which they might be punished. I asked if they had Sunday school. She said yes. I asked what they taught there. She said that they taught that God was Love and that Jesus loved them,... and they did some coloring. I told her - that I didn't particularily like her God, but that I loved the Children's God - being as to how they were so completely different. Now then, a forgiving God,..... Waysider,... You want the purple or the green crayon? We'll leave the "gr'ups to fight over who gets the best punishment. I hear they're forming lines. Kids ask questions, because they don't know it all. Grown Ups know it all, so they sometimes forget to ask for forgiveness and blame one another or argue. It's no small wonder Jesus reccomended the ways of children to us.
  15. Nah,... they were too busy bilking or boinking the believers to torch'em or have'em drink Kool Aid. They always were more of a "Hotels, Motels, ... and Holiday Inn" kind'a crowd. Those with sense left when it got too silly and painfully stupid to keep going - the rest just got hurt. ... Some got hurt and left,... Some got hurt and never left,... never got free. Just offhand - I can't think of anyone that really gained a "more than abundant life" ... by remaining In The Way International Not even those who controlled the money,..... least none of them ever had a life I'd trade for. That's how I see it - just my opinion
  16. No one's really sure that death is an illusion... All the people I've seen that were dead -- looked really, really dead. If you call them names,.... they wont even argue with you about it. I guess a living dog really is better than a dead lion. I am not presently willing to consider my own demise. Wuvz ya Roy ;)
  17. This is just a stray thought I had about a year ago. It came to me as I and some others were working on problems related to Classical and Quantum Physics and some mulling over of "space-time" concerns we had. I thought I'd share it in a wildly simple form here (no equations). When Christ ascended into heaven and was seated at the right-hand of God,... it is assumed that Christ inhabits eternity from that point on - as does God. The question arose then: "So does that mean Christ would see no particular barrier between past, present and future?" If that was the case - then one would have no trouble with having Christ being able to be at God's right-hand in every given point in time: past, present, and future. An Odd thought. Only in our limited perspective of linear time - do we see his being there - a problem. Our Physical Universe may or may not allow for time-travel, but,... can we say the same of the 'place' called "eternity" that God inhabits? And does that extend to Christ? ...after he is seated at God's right-hand?
  18. I always thought of it like that old show "Survivor" where the contestants cleveryy (if not lovingly) worked to have the others thrown off the Island in order to gain the Loot!
  19. Information seems to be both flexible and inflexible; there has to be both a nugget and a frame of reference. If one electron can be part of an electrical current, another cam be part of a Carbon Atom. While each electron is an electron, similar to it's counterpart, one flows along a concuctive path while the other hurtles along in it's proper electron shell, circling an atomic nucleus. They have different frames of reference and hence can be seen to be performing different functions. People utilize Info in a similar fashion. They see the same event and see it differently. So who's wrong, who's right,... are they both accurate? Maybe. And why not? Which bit of information, then, prevails? Electrons interact with all visible matter in some noticable way. Neutrinos don't. In the next hour, billions will pass through you. Do they matter? they're all but invisible. Still they are not Zero. The do have mass, they are near-zero, but not zero, yet the information that governs them is zero. it has no mass, no charge no direction, no spin no velocity, no gravity, no energy. But the Neutrino is giuded by that information as long as it exists. It is a neutrino. It only ever does neutrino things. How does it know to do that. It's information tells it that it is. Otherwise it might be a Quark or an Anti-neutrino? No,... it knows it's a neutrino One of the Leptons - and not just any neutrino,... it knows if it's an electron, muon, or a tau neutrino (yes, there are different kinds) How does the neutrino know what it is? No one alive knows how it knows, but it knows. An odd question then is where did all the fundamental particles get their instructions? they add zero to their mass or existance - yet they cannot exist properly with out that bit of zero. information.
  20. feh,.... I've never worried about the "Godhead" whether three or one. Not sure anyone is ever gonna understand it in a human lifetime. But if we have eternity, and time to get to know Him - It'll get a lot clearer when God "shakes our hand" so to speak. My concern today is all about taking off a day from My dear Nurse Ratchet, My Physical Therapist who thinks pain is my favorite activity.
  21. Ditto. The Chat works fine even though the security certificate is expired. It's not a security threat. Though do keep in mind that IRC Chat can be monitored by people so don't say anything you would be upset about - if someone else heard it - while you're in there. Still not much difference from posting in that regard on a public forum.
  22. lol Teach you mean, God's Dead! Show's Over! Move along?
  23. He probably saw himself as Joseph with his coat of many colours cacing off against his brothers who were out to leave him for dead. After all the kingdom of TWI had been delivered unto Him. and they were out to wrest it from him and show him up as inadequate. Being a poor persecuted fellow who would have done Potifer's wife (and realizing this) He needed a plan. Yes paranoia was in abundance - I'm quite sure you're correct The plan was to get Minions - his own minions. He wasa Pinky - without a Brain..... Now how do you take over the World? Eventually he resolved to be an A$$ --- worked for VPW whenever he invoked that behavior. He had to engender FEAR! YES! -- "Fear Me!" became his credo.... and his pathway to MOGginess was clear. It was a revelation! He must begin to F over those who opposed him and wanted to bury his rear in a Pit! To wrest his inheritance from him! However, In his flurry of Biting and Devouring he forgot one important fact! Others weren't as dumb as he was. They Out-eviled him,... out of the love of money Now thew HOGDAFAT sits swimmingly on the moneypile. She desires no coat of many colors after all Just a coat of one color Green The End
  24. I have to wonder at that Bolshivik. I mean is different - better? or jmust different? Oh I know some people say all thing continue as they have from the beginning, But God marks out differences. Maybe different is diversity not some - One better than another thing. Maybe the problem is Thinking youcan never have differences without one being superior to another People do that crap, i wonder though, if God does - Perhaps He loves us all even if we do different things in eternity...?
  25. The need "minions". Is that what you're saying? Heck, even the kids are bailing. Good minions are so difficult to find when you're choosy and paranoid. Good loyal minions are an endangered species on the farm now. Oh life is so rough for them! Dumber than dirt, dirt-cheap, dirt poor minions that will agree to be treated like dirt, and lest I forget,... soil-loyal minions! It's a rough life, guarding God's people from the Love of God....
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