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Everything posted by waterbuffalo

  1. Figures, since the people are smiling as they are runnng away from the waves! LOL!
  2. Thanks for reminding us that it's ok to feel your feelings. I still forget that and try to squelch anger because it's such a lifetime habit for me.
  3. I'm so happy for you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :D-->
  4. So, anger is an emotion given to us from God, for a reason, and I don't have to get rid of it all. MOst of it will slowly dissipate as I talk through my feelings when it comes up with someone who cares and listens and doesn't try to shut me up and who, hopefully, validates what I've said. Hummmmmmmmmm. Is that what you meant by mirroring? I think I like that!
  5. Cindy! said: I'm still hoping that mine will, someday.
  6. Cindy! said: Would you share those skills with us? I'd love to learn what has worked well for your family. Anger is something I've been working on for a long time and need better coping skills so any advice would be appreciated.
  7. Cindy! said: Right O! I agree that you can't always predict when something will come back up or that anything will ever go away completely. If I tell someone that they did something and it hurt me and they say they are sorry, then I seem to forget it. I have found from personal experience that certain things keep coming back up that I find no answers for such as certain abuses endured during childhood. For me, sometimes I've found accepting that it happened and that it can't be explained has helped. Afterall, abuse isn't logical and there is no good reason for it. But, on the other hand, these are the very things I have trouble accepting or turning over.
  8. oh my........... if those don't lure him in, nothing will. LOL!
  9. Would somebody pt me and tell me who this guy is who molested the children? Thanks!
  10. Belle, Check your pt! WB
  11. Tom, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...and I wish you many more, of course :D-->
  12. Funny what you lie in bed and think about when you can't sleep because last night I was thinking about this thread. I thought I should also add that I agree with everyone who said we shouldn't live in wonderland just sitting around and waiting. But, it would be cool to see stadiums filled with revival and so many people getting healed that they can't have ballgames there anymore :)-->
  13. Are they still in? Just wondered.
  14. Oh, I dunno, since LCM ranted so frequently about not looking for signs, then doing the opposite is, imho, probably closer to being on course for me, eh????? I appreciate and share your sentiments, Johnny! What a day it will be! :D--> :D--> :D-->
  15. Cindy! Right! Ex's point about not knowing when it will surface again goes to, imho, not having truly dealt with it or turned it over. How do I know this? Because it is HARD for me to turn somethings over to the Lord. But, I keep trying everytime something gets excavated again that I thought had gone away for good :-) Zshot said: I love what you said Zshot and would only change one word: realize. I would change it to say: That helps me to stay on track better and stop fighting the same battles over and over again in my head and wasting my time in a fruitless exercise (What a revelation! Truly!) Thanks, too, Zshot for bringing up exercise which also really works miracles for my mental clarity and state of mind and is my no-cost, sometimes instant relief therapy. It just makes me feel better and when I feel better the boogie man (the past) doesn't come around so often!
  16. Well, Cindy!, I've found that talking about it takes the edge off if it's with the person I'm angry with. When that doesn't happen, then I find that talking about it with someone else such as a counselor or someone trained to offer ways to overcome resentment/anger helps to put it into perspective. The one thing that is hardest to overcome is when the person says they did the best they could, accepts no responsibility for their actions, and then refuses to discuss it. Then I suppose that's when I turn it over to my higher power and ask Him to help me put it behind me so it will stop bothering my tomorrows.
  17. Belle, Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Sounds all too familiar, I'm sorry to say. Now, I'm just my regular, obnoxious self. :D-->
  18. waterbuffalo


    Joey, It's so good to see you again! Gosh, the last time I saw you, you were about 3 and living at HQ for a short time with your family. Take care and say hello to your bride for me!
  19. Belle, Gosh, I'm so glad you feel better now. I just read your story and am happy for you. I can remember how good it felt when we stopped going to a local spinoff cult. If you're ever in Indy, please stop by. We'd love to have you over for dinner. Take care.
  20. Oeno, you have a way with words, sir. Thanks for your words of wisdom. As far as my opinion about Mal George as a prophet, no I do not believe he was one but I do believe there are prophets in the world today and I do believe in prophecy. Also, there are many prophetic people who are not prophets who also can give a word of prophecy.
  21. waterbuffalo


    No, Shellon, I don't make 'em either!!!!
  22. Please tell! Does your version of cocktail sauce have horseradish in it? I have my own very simple and and easy recipe for thousand island dressing: equal parts mayo and ketchup and 2 T pickle relish. It's gud! Reikilady, I have several of those types of recipes but will have to look up for you when time permits.
  23. I just so have compassion for those of us who are sorry because we all sin. But, hum, his demeanor wasn't sorry, or sad that his family was dead or anything. Didn't he dye his hair blonde and try to escape to Mexico when authorities started looking?
  24. Yes, that Turkish thing sounds good, but will never happen in the US, I don't believe. Yeppers, Mark. Happens all the time.
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