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Everything posted by waterbuffalo

  1. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt? Townshend was wanking it, too? I never suspected that. Oh my gosh! Really? UH, please pt me the details, please. Thx!
  2. Are you sure she's cleaning or is she organizing so the human can actually clean, Tom?
  3. Paw, happy birthday, sir. You are a wonderful person.
  4. I liked it and noticed a slight difference in my energy level when taking it (one bottle). It has to be purchased by the original, key is, original noni juice people, I've heard (imitation doesn't work, they say). :)-->
  5. Does anyone know if they are still in? Please pt me if you know. Thanks.
  6. Excathedra, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
  7. Belle, Even though I was never there at Christmas- time, it was my understanding that they had someone dress up as Santa Claus and exchanged gifts at HQ with the full pagan decorations, et al. Was this not the case when you were there?
  8. Sounds reasonable, Steve! but I'll just be happy to have my mortgage paid off and setting pretty at age 62 and start traveling and having a bit a fun wid tha money we will then have in our pockets from NOT having a mortgage paymt.
  9. Good point, Steve! I'll have to check into that. It is worth it to people who habitually lock themselves out of their cars, though. LOL! Possibly, but the highway patrol will do the same thing and they don't charge. Rascal, you only paid $50 extra per/mo. and paid off in 8 years! WOW! That sounds incredible. I was told if I paid $2000 extra per yr. for 5 yrs., I could pay off our 15 yrs. loan in 10 yrs. Hum. Something doesn't sound right? Please pt me and tell me how you did that, if you have time. Thanks.
  10. Cindy! I'm glad it was a good one :-) Wb
  11. ...and what did he say, Oeno? Curious minds want to know... :D-->
  12. Such insight!!! I'm withyabrotha! Gotta do something with your spare time :)--> so why not make moola!
  13. OK, here's what I did in Sept. and it will take years and $ off our loan and didn't cost us anything. I called our mortgage company and asked if they had a no-cost refinance program and they said yes. I figured up how low the rate had to go to be comfortable with monthly house paymt. So, I called everyday until they said 5.385 and I said we'd take it. They sent us all the paperwork next day air, we took it to hubs workplace and got it notarized, sent it in and total cost out of pocket was $0.00. Cool! P.S. Our house paymt. now is $17 more per month.
  14. Oak and Littlehawk, please check your pts. Thx!!
  15. Herbiejuan, Sala, oh sultan. Hey, how'd you get "Enjoys nude beekeeping" for your karma? Cool.
  16. Gosh, That is beautiful! I've never seen them. Thanks for posting that.
  17. According to this, I am analytically amiable.
  18. Oeno, Hehehehehe. Hey, I stopped by the chat rm last nite to say happy birthday, but you we were problee out celebratn.' Hope you had a good one :)--> WB
  19. That's just what we all will be doing for free if Kerry is elected on Tuesday (heheheheheheheheh). Dodging, hey, watch it! That's my head you're aiming at.
  20. Nope, not anymore. Thank you Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus! Maybe I'm healed. Hope so.
  21. Exxie, thanks for that one about love needs no explanation! How true, how true! Imbus, said: Good one, Imbus--Perfect codependent indoctrination. -->
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