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Everything posted by outintexas

  1. How about "retemory?" That's not even a real word.
  2. Funny you should mention weird dreams. I've been out ten+ years and I still get the occasional dream where I'm back in somehow. Then I wake up. Whew! I get them less and less often. Life is good!
  3. It usually meant getting all dressed up to go a "phone hook-up" in the middle of an otherwise gorgeous October day. That meant about three hours in somebody's living room standing up and sitting down while listening to tinny sound quality with an annoying buzz for at least two hours. Talk about brainwashed. Sure is nice to be out, indeed.
  4. I'm pretty sure the radius was 250 miles. Thankfully I lived in Texas (and still do.) But for someone just inside that 250 miles, that would mean about a four hour trip each way. That would sure make for a long day, not to mention a couple tanks of gas, plus wear and tear on your 'nodebtmobile'. Then as a final insult, you'd be required to listen to the same thing all over again on tape the next week.
  5. I remember the Word Over the World Auditorium song by Way productions. :wacko:
  6. I feel the same way about my older brother. Boy, he used to really give me "the business!"
  7. http://www.oldtimeradiofans.com/old_radio_commercials/Armour_Hot_Dogs.mp3
  8. It's just gross. In this age of obesity, a hot dog eating contest doesn't seem very appropriate on our nation's birthday.
  9. Once again, it reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode. People would disappear and all memory of them would vanish, too. "Ed? Ed who? I don't know any Ed. He must be a figment of your imagination or something..."
  10. They didn't want to (or know how to) help people with significant problems. It was just easier to kick them out.
  11. Amen to that! I'm coming up on my 10th anniversary of the day they kicked me out. I still feel like a monkey is off my back.
  12. Amen! I got out ten years ago and life IS good outside TWI. It's not always easy, but it sure is nice to live by your own decisions, like an adult.
  13. I was at Way C of E in the "College Division" with Tina in 1978-79. Tina was a sweet girl
  14. Same here - my bible is the only physical thing that remains from my quarter-century in twi. I wasted no time getting rid of everything else. It sits on my bookshelf like a personal museum piece; part of my life history. All those tiny notes in the margins - my eyes were much better then!
  15. I've learned a lot about myself, who I am, how to be myself and not to try to be somebody else. I've learned not to beat myself up over making mistakes. I've learned there are a lot of good genuine people outside twi. I've learned there's no one single source for all the answers. I'm still learning...
  16. Yes, very good question. Holy cow, where do I begin? Like Leafy, I will also have to get back. My mind is spinning now...
  17. I don't remember any bagpipes and it would seem that would be something that would be hard to forget. Was this when they had "family tables?" Funny, two of the three ads at the bottom of this page are about bagpipes right now.
  18. Lady sings The Twelve Days of Christmas as she gets more and more smashed as the song goes on...
  19. outintexas

    Da Way

    I remember as a WOW it was suggested that we go to motels for used mattresses and box springs. Eww.
  20. Exie, you always crack me up!
  21. But it was wonderful and dynamic and also tremendously edifying.
  22. Remember "all without distinction" and "all without exception?" We just went along even though we had no idea what the difference was. Turned out VP had a "problen" with the words "with" and "without." If you weren't there, it's not worth explaining
  23. When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I'm feeling sad, I simply remember I'm out of the way, And then I don't feel so bad.
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