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Everything posted by krys

  1. We women were subjected to the same things discussed here on this thread, and, in other places in the Cafe. If you were married, you had something else added making it a double whammy. It was the S- word.........submit! It's not supposed to be some terrible thing. I think you all know about this, we were taught it fairly often. Basically, it means that the wife gives deference to the husband in all things. They will discuss things, and if there is no agreement between the 2, the husband has the final say. We were also taught that whatever the husband said was to be taken as if it was law. He was the head over the woman just as Christ was the head of the church. That makes a lot of sense to me. The problem occurs when the husband really takes to this “submit” policy. For a time, I was in this situation and so my identity was that I was no better than a slave. Old habits sometimes die hard. That was the situation with this. It took several years after we left until it began to resolve itself into a more normal husband-wife relationship.
  2. Didn't you have a Refreshments Lady who took care of all that food stuff?? We had one of those - - and she watched the sales. When coffee was on sale, everyone was asked to kick in some cash OR bring a can of coffee. The same went for all of those consumable supplies on hand. She also got people to bring things to eat...simple things....we kept it really simple most of the time.
  3. Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.

    -- Elizabeth Asquith Bibesco (1897-1945) English Writer

  4. krys

    rock stars

    I hope I misread this - - because we don't name call here.
  5. True, Allen. It has a life of its own....doesn't it?!
  6. Penworks did a good job of describing ordination from inside the organization, and, indeed any organization. She aptly described things from inside twi or another “church”.This is an instance of one brush not painting all boards. I think we should look at society's take on it. Ordination permits individuals to go places where ordinary non-ordained folks cannot go such as certain places in hospitals and even all places at non-visiting hours. Even those who don't subscribe to prayer for healing, would often like their pastor there with them sometimes. Catholic Priests and Jewish Rabbis have such permissions, why not others.Also, anyone who is Ordained in any religion can preside at weddings, funerals, etc. (I know one may obtain a certificate on the web). I admit I've known some who were ordained in twi who didn't really meet the standards, but, I've also known a few who did! I also know several other ordained individuals who met the standard according to Scripture ….you could see it immediately by their lives and their churches.
  7. There seems to be no bottom to the pain that vpw's faulty teaching has caused. He's dead 30 years now and one would think the results of his evils would have subsided! Nope - - and this is not an old post. edited for spelling
  8. krys

    rock stars

    I like Steve's post (above). In my opinion, it addresses each thought on this thread with clear, plain, and direct language.
  9. I cannot, Allan. However, there must be some constraints on that "whatsoever" because I can think of a lot of things I could pray for that I might not necessarily receive.
  10. One of the points of GreaseSpot is to act as a place where we (all or individually) hang out a big sign warning everyone away from the corn field. That must continue until the cornfield doesn't exist any more.
  11. Exactly. People participated in LEAD, thinking the whole thing was revelation based. It wasn't. Some suffered life long disabilities because they thought they were following revelation given to leadership. Others weren't so lucky and lost their lives completely. I never went LEAD but I did a lot of foolish things that I had serious doubts about at the time. I thought my intuitive doubts were unbelief and pushed on recklessly because I thought my 5 senses were betraying me. It all sounds crazy looking back from a different perspective. ================================================================================================================ I wonder if anyone really received revelation of any kind at all That bunch of clowns on the farm in Ohio was so corrupt they would say anything to manipulate the masses. From what I've read, they didn't give a rat's @@@ about any Corps people. I think they would tell you they got revelation to tell you to hitch hike to L.E.A.D. just so they could save the money for the bus fare to get you out there and back! FWIW - I do believe that many of you safely made it out there and back by prayer and/or operation of one or more manifestations....but that's to your credit....not theirs. This was edited because on first posting, the second paragraph (from Waysider) didn't get included and it should have been. Oops!
  12. If that was revelation...it didn't come from the God I know!
  13. Allen....Believing is always required EXCEPT for children and the mentally infirm. Someone must believe for them. In your case, the young girl would not have had to believe even if she was awake. It was most likely you who was doing the believing. You were manifesting both Believing and healing....and it probably was a miracle.
  14. I'm willing to wash styrofoam cups!
  15. Of course, Monday Morning Quarterbacking always works, but I can't help but think he also told the truth by slamming the door and leaving no forwarding information. It effectively said, "I'm done! I'm gone! Leave me alone because I want nothing further to do with you".
  16. What a great commentary that is Bolshevik! I love it.
  17. What I have kept, has been helpful and even essential. But I was selective and dropped so many things. Most of the wiser people did the same thing....pick and chose.
  18. *I added the bold text for emphasis* Nope! It WAS idolatry! When you put anything in the place of God, it is idolatry
  19. You might be correct, Twinky, but I don't think so. Here's why: Raf is a busy man! He's a newspaper columnist (I think) for the Miami Herald. Plus, he has a wife and family. He's involved in other things.....the man's got a life! TMVP has responded to those of us who have made a comment. Raf is a good man, but in view of his other responsibilities (above), there are only 24 hours in a day. I'm giving TMVP the benefit of the doubt at this time.
  20. I was reading and enjoying again Psalm 150: 1 - 6. Then someone sent me this (on FB). N.B. Decent and in order is a matter of the heart. Gene Bailey
  21. Thanks for separating your text into readable parcels. I find myself really enjoying much of what you've put here. I'm so glad you read what we wrote and realized the merit of our suggestions. I'm not only reading them, but finding some of them thought provoking. I've just now gotten back to this board, otherwise you would have heard from me sooner.
  22. Thanks Paw. Happy Birthday GreaseSpot Cafe. Great ride!
  23. One did not share any of this info, lest there would be fewer students next year One did not share any of this info, lest there would be fewer students next year to pay their money for the same knowledge!.
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