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way corps scum


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LOL Catcup! Yes, our meals and weight training schedule - we did get majorly buff that year, did we not?

Like you, I also had to deal with DM who would "rather die than quit an assignment" - as I thought to myself after that stupid remark - well, I guess being the b*** for VP does have its privileges, life is easy for one in that position at HQ, but since I rejected that offer, I almost think I'd rather die than deal with the psycho downstairs (our Auntie) - time to leave soon...

The only reason I stayed another year at H.Q. in finance was so I could prove to myself, that I was not screwed up - they were. Luckily, I met some great kindred spirits there and pretty much spent no time at H.Q. other than my job.

Dean Don stood up for me, I will always be thankful for that. He told Auntie Em to sit down and shut up at assignments when she started accusing me of - well, who knows.

Anyway, all I can say is, I'm still standing!!!

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I scum to the Jardinero alone ...

Tommy2Ts - - I didn't know you were bilingual international scum! lol

and my dear StrangeOne - - I do believe our western IL farmer friend is correct - - it's wine at nine, or at least that's when we start drinking in Chat, so y'all come join us now, hear?

and scum brother of mine, Brother T-Bonehead - - so solly to awaken the sleeper program and send you back into relapse mode - - god, did we really say that crap????? :confused:

and Goey darlin - - we'll take your kinda slime doing our bidding any day!


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you people are the scum of the earth and i love you with all my heart !!!!!!! i haven't enjoyed a thread so much since well i can't remember...... simonzee was kind enough to point out my opportunity of having just turned 50

it was on my heart to stand and share because a fellow scumbucket and i were talking about how much we really wanted to help people and did our VERY BEST (god's best) to always do so while we were in and out (is that a movie ?)

hey you aren't just wonderful and warmhearted you are funny as hell !!!!!!

we're still not greasespots and it's WAY past midnight.... or it was when i started this thread....


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the only "scum" i ever encountered was down a deep drain

if any one ever thinks that they are or were "scum" think once again

if i'm not mistaken, god chose the scum of the the earth to lead the

"righteous back home"

home to the scum

who saved them

any more need to be said about that

EX and all etal who were so deep a part of the way, YOU are not nor ever could be scum

the scum never says sorry, nor repents

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You know, there's scum-your good old generic scuzzy stuff-and then there's Pond Scum-those who were baptized in the swan **** in Emporia.

Or is that swan scum?

You know them-they're still spitting up swan feathers and have a suspicious green tint to their skin.

? maybe I should change my name . :blink:

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Sexie is indeed young & firm. Axe "Uncle Harry. Which answers the question of whether scum can be young or firm. You see, this is what we call a Figure of Scum. This particular figure is Condescumsio, attributing to man scum-like charactetistics.

Yes, Jar-Dinero, I am most adept at bilinguality. Me gustos los hombres, as I teach my anglo friends how to introduce one's self to a latin. And I am chistoso, comico, guapo, perfecto, intelligente, macho, duro, fuerte y mas...

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Ummmmmmmmmm are we on the right track here? :dance:


3 entries found for scum.

To select an entry, click on it.

scum[1,noun]scum[2,intransitive verb]pond scum

Main Entry: 1scum

Pronunciation: 'sk&m

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch schum; akin to Old High German scum foam

1 a : extraneous matter or impurities risen to or formed on the surface of a liquid often as a foul filmy covering -- compare POND SCUM 2 b : the scoria of metals in a molten state : DROSS c : a slimy film on a solid or gelatinous object

2 a : REFUSE b : a low, vile, or worthless person or group of people

- scum·my /'sk&-mE/ adjective

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Ummmmmmmmmm are we on the right track here? :dance:
Good point ... a lot of good folks jumped in what appeared to be clear water, only to become slimed and infected. Most have showered off and recovered, with maybe a few battle scars remaining .... :dance:
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I have to say I have had the honor of serving with, housing and breaking bread with many of you since the early seventies, and I can say I never thought of any of you as scum. Being so close to Emporia we had more than our share of guests(Scumbearers) sometimes I swear we were a satelite dorm for the campus.(Right Ex10) Ok so a few of you were a challenge at times some I would have prefered would have acted differently. But on your worst day when you spoke the scriptures and of God' s love to someone and changed their life forever,lightened their load, sometimes in a way you may have never known. I doubt they or Our Heavenly Father had the word scum come to mind. Just a thought but what do I know I'm just a bird......

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leadership program, that makes you scum?

f that

scum is at the top of the pond but really starts at the base

you aren't scum

the corps i knew(know) are far different

honor god country thats corps and from what ive read

so far these "leaders" don't know anything

you are not scum

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I'll tell you what scum I am...

My ex wife and I were very happy for 20 years .... Then we met.

I've had bad luck with both of my wives ... The first one left me and the second one didn't.

I don't worry about terrorism... I've been married 10 years.

I had some words with my wife... And she had some paragraphs with me.

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

1st guy: "My wife's an angel." 2nd guy: "You're lucky. Mine's still alive."

There's an even faster way of transferring funds than electronic banking. It's called marriage.

Bless your heart!!!

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Was any other scum besides me, baptized in Pond Emporia? Seems one day, my dear elder scum decided my attitude needed a little, uh, readjustment? and decided to kidnap me and thrown me off the bridge into the swan doo. Just before dinner. On corps night. And it tweren't even my birthday.....Harumpf. :realmad:

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