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The Voice of Offence

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You guys want to know why PFAL doesn't have any street cred these days? It's because we all know that something in the pot was rotten, nasty, or vile and nobody is being accountable.

The truth will help people, and those of you who mistakenly think "lockbox" serves God anymore will have to deal with it.

Does anyone here who believes in Jesus Christ think he won't break this "lockbox" when he judges? I know that it says he will bring the hidden things to light. If some of you think in terms of karma or whatever I hope you will bear with me.

I could go on and on, but I'm going to go cool off for a little.

Edited by JeffSjo
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I've taken a break, but I'm not cooled off.

Thaks a lot you guys for keeping your secrets. (sarcasm)

Meanwhile all of us walking wounded don't have any accountability from the ones who spitefully abused folks. And the Grace of God that is the foundation for PFAL gets smeared because no one owns up to what everyone already knows.

And when I come here and hear people get called whiners and complainers because they maybe just need to talk about it all I get pretty steamed.

Go ahead you jerks, keep calling the wounded weak. Keep calling the honest dishonest. Keep calling into question what everyone already knows. Your own credibility is the biggest casualty.

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There are two kinds of people at GS

Those that group people into two categories, and those that don't.

Seriously, there are a lot of "flavors" of GS-ers, and as many past (and present) experiences with TWI.

There are those who were physically abused.

There are those who knew someone who was physically abused.

There are those who heard of physical abuse.

There are those who never heard of it and definitely never saw it.

I was one of the last group (at least until I was here for a while), so I understand why some people have difficulty believing that stuff like that happened. In fact, even after being here, I asked many the Corps women I know what their experiences were in regard to sexual predation by leadership. Only one of then had a second-hand story that another Corps woman told her about advances from a Limb leader. I suspect that Pond is in the last category also.

Howbeit, I do not discount the accounts from Rascal, Excathedra, and others. They have no reason to lie, and it's clear that they have suffered much. And more power to them for continuing to post, if it stops a single "innie" lurker from being preyed upon, or if it helps anyone else who suffered in like manner to heal.

This post refers specifically to sexual abuses, but the categorization and analysis can be taken more generally as well. If you never suffered having your life micro-managed, or you never had to do things you belived were wrong for fear of being ostracized, then good for you! But don't call those who were so wronged liars or whiners. Somebody may be helped by thier accounts, even if it isn't you.


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In my own world.... have stood by helplessly watching people of character assassinated in court by a vindictive attorney....their reputations destroyed because someone wanted to run the organization that they had founded....

My friends had to drop the fight...had no recourse to address the lies and slander after their 13, 000 dollar retainer had run out...they flat ran out of money to fight.

Was it right what the attorny did? Was it truthfull? Was the out come just?? Oh Hayal no...but that is what happens when the opponent has unlimited resources for legal fees

The sad truth in America today, it isn`t who is right or wrong in the courts, but who has enough money to pay for the best attornies :(

A little off topic, but havent seen anything in the prayer thread about your friends lately, so was wondering.

If I were in their place, it would be easy enough to have thoughts of failure. Hopefully that is either not the case, or they are reminded by God (perhaps through friends like you) that such thoughts are untrue. And no, you don't owe me any answer on this private matter, but since you brought then to our attention, can't help but think of them.

Now back to our scheduled arguments.

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to set the guessing right again.

my "story" is not on GS and never will be.

i thought i was the only one who went through what I and my family did in twi.

Iwas marked i was thrown out. i had folks who fed my babies milk leave their shopping carts behind to avoid me, i had idiots tell me to my face, years after the fact just why i was marked, and not even remotely close to "what happened" but they knew the whole story int heir mind, somone other than the person they were talking about (ME! hello!) told them, so i must not have known what happened in my life . lol, that is just how ridiculas twi people were in the late 80's and some i believe even today.

I went back a few years later, and then left on my own decision, with Gods wisdom I believe. i had lost the ability to see the glory of group think mentality.

tell a story all you need to if it helps it wouldnt help me on the internet .

i have real relationships without risk and i do not need the attention besides, i would rather focus on what Jesus Christ has DONE for me than what peopel can do to one another in life.

and that by the way is the biggest issue i have with forums.

people guess at stuff and becuase it is a poster who used aton of time and space on the internet and has pleaded for attention about their issues, people think it must be true.

that is why many do not write because it is unrelenting the made up must be this or that because Im a famous poster and think this,and guessing that goes on here that turns into gospel truth to the point even those they are talking about cant say different.

truth certainly isnt a standard here, unless your willing to get into these threads and fight cartoons all day long and also to "share " your stuff so you can belong.

i never said the "testimonys " here are not true, who knows if they are true or not? frankly it really isnt even all that important to me if thy are true or not they hurt only their own self in my opinion and if they think it helps them hey it is all good.

stop guessing , go to the source ask them , if you cant well then assume it is the internet .

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I was too sickened by the whole mess to elaborate on it lifted....They ran out of money to fight pure and simple.... lifted...they couldn`t even scrape enough up to go to court to counter the slander.

The judge without investigating the allegations....appointed a new board made up of old members and new ones from the folks that filed the lawsuit...but gee whiz...there was more of them that voted to hold their meeting on a night that several of the old board members were absolutely unable to attend....They promptly voted the attorney that savaged mike and Joannes reputations as the new president...(ya think there mightta been a conflict of interest there?) ....returned the woman who was originally fired for incompetence to her position on the board.

Mike and Joanne were forced out of the organization that they founded. The new board immediately opened the warehouse that the attorny had previously testified to the judge and gotten an injunction filed to shut it down by swearing that it was a hazardous pit filled with 90 percent junk and then consequently made quite a fortune off of the alleged crap. Now they advertise for volunteers to help replace the stock on the shelves...with yet more of the stuff they told the judge was garbage IN the warehouse that they claimed was a hazard.

The battered womens shelter that`s support was the whole purpose of the warehouse???You guessed it...though there was no reason to shut IT down....though they -ied ...oops I guess *mistakenly assumed*...to the judge and said it was unoccupied and had the residents cast to the streets .... is not yet reopened.

Evil triumphs...the good guys are screwed...it sucks...my previous point was ...that is the difference in having unlimited resources for legal fees and normal folks like you and me who simply try to stand up for what is right.

I have lost all confidence in the legal system :(

I don`t believe that Twi leaders didn`t NOT get prosecuted because they weren`t guilty .... they just had the mega bucks to afford the most viscious bottom feeder attornies.

Edited by rascal
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Yeah without being a part of a larger organization, these help facilities are defenseless against attacks by way of special interests that have the larger support. And once under attack the big charities will not help because of possibly affecting their own facilities.

Turning to the city or other government agencies may help but unpredictable.

Which reminds me of keeping things under the radar as best we can.

And to change the subject, or as a side lite, such is the point of tongues.

No one can hear them but those who can.

But whatever, loosing it's fire, here imo. Not many interpreting.

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two different court systems. to very different set of rules are involved.

civil court is used for compensation ,mostly money.

zoning ordinance and etc.. are city town or county laws.

at least evidence was given to the best of their ability. and they do say you cant fight city hall.

I believe your absolutly right the fact twi has money is the very reason they settled out of court , civil lawsuits can last years and years with the sole purpose of draining any resources.

so clearly we agree on why twi settled , why did the other party settle they had no money and could have carried it on for years? such is our system ask any prison inmate how many law suits they start?

In the case of a messy warehouse that is zoning laws and they can and do make quick work, if the inspector feels and has testimony somone is breaking a law already written in the books and can prove it the JUDGE DECIDES.

in the case against the the way and LCM a JUDGE never heard the case in fact no one has heard the case and the settled for money, or fight for years and keep losing money, it often happens that way.

that is why many mega churches have insurance and dr's and comapnies incorporate etc.. if any money is to be had it can be taken.

Insurance is demanded for your car and home because the bank will not risk losing the money they loaned you to pay for it.

the mcdonalds coffe spill now allows us to read with every cup it is HOT and dangerous.

sometimes civil suits are brought on for a "cause" and that may have been the case with the allens they wanted to tell the world the way can be sued and they did. They wanted everyone to "know the truth" I doubt that only because they settled for an undisclosed amount of money and agreed to not disclose any fact findings of the case, if it was that POLITCAL or testimonial of do good for the little way people, they would not have settled.

you think they settled because they ran out of money?

I think they settled because they got some money.

the truth will never be known tho will it?

civil court is risky for all parties , sometimes / often times actualy the losing party is to pay all attorny fee's . these cases take time and the attornys get paid with the settlement or order from the judge. if an attorny doesnt feel the percent he can make off the case is worth the case they will and do tell their client to settle. If the attorny doesnt like the amount of risk they are taking as far as winning or losing they will tell their client to settle.

twi definetly has assets to pursue... so it makes me wonder how strong the case was.

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Pond...so why is it YOUR business to attempt to discredit another posters account?

What qualifies you personally to evaluate whether a persons posts are of value to the community at large?

What qualifies YOU to annalyse another posters mental state and determine whether they are healthy enough to present their view point??

I am telling you...I get it...you don`t see the value...yet strangely enough...occasionally others do...does that give you the right or moral responsibility to try to shut another person up..to sensor their input??? Good grief...didn`t we get enough of that in twi?

Who made YOU judge and jury over what or WHO is effective or WHAT is beneficial?

Does Pawtucket need to have a mental evaluation exam determining a persons elegibility for presentation of their experiences?? Their opinions??

Seriously....Why not share YOUR insight, YOUR experiences, YOUR opinions about the topic at hand (these are areas that you personally are uniquely qualified to present) rather than a relentless attack on people who don`t share your pov?

What is wrong with you...that you have to make everyone else who doesn`t see things as YOU do as either mentally unstable, a whiner, an attentions seeker, or embarked on some kind of agenda?

I am telling you Pond...I have seen BRILLIANCE in your posts when you comment on the topic at hand...and yet in your personal attacks ..in your sly inuendos of mental instability against folks who don`t share your philosophy...I have seen a brutal cruelty.

I have seen you rally the troops and take great pleasure in the taunts generated by your accusations that my opinions are thus because of how crazy I am..... and you know what?? You almost succeded...your perversion of my statements...your presentation of me as a danger to myself as a my family .... was so frightening ...it was so disturbing that you could twist my statements and present a picture of me that was so twisted ...that I quit posting for quite a while.

I have got it figured out now. See....I understand that My perceptions of MY experiences are valid....MY feelings of anger over the betrayal and harm caused to my young brothers and sisters ...is acceptible...MY view point is one that is permitted to be expressed. Right, wrong, sane or lunatic.....whether anybody cares to hear about it or not.

What is wierd is when someone else takes it upon themselves to use any means possible to discredit a poster when one cannot reasonable counter the points attempting to be discussed as we all continue this journey.

Please...again...walk YOUR path ...share YOUR unique insight.....stop trying to discredit mine.

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I have got it figured out now. See....I understand that My perceptions of MY experiences are valid....MY feelings of anger over the betrayal and harm caused to my young brothers and sisters ...is acceptible...MY view point is one that is permitted to be expressed. Right, wrong, sane or lunatic.....whether anybody cares to hear about it or not. :realmad:

OMG, It's time for The New Year's Ice Bowl! But first...is there a sober doctor in the house?? :o

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Back to the topic at hand :)

Yeah well he treated that woman a WHOLE lot different than he did the money changers and pharacees that were taking advantage of or hurting people in God`s name...imagine that.

I agree there is plenty to learn from Jesus in how he dealt with people...

As far as I am concerned ....twi leaders are NO different than the pharacees who used their authority as leaders for God to hurt and steal .....you remember ...the ones that he declared *whited sepulchers* they were filled with death and corruption on the inside and shiney white on the outside....oh my now..THAT wasn`t very forgiving of mean old Jesus

Guess what? I saw a documentary on Jeruselem one time.....the narrator explained that the sepulchers...the above ground tombs that were painted white....it was done only to those whom died of contagious diseases...it was a warning to all to stay away lest they become infected with the disease also.... :blink:

Imagine THAT!!! SO much we can learn from Jesus :)

When and IF these people ever repent, AND make amends...shrug THEN I might feel a small obligation to consider forgiving them.

Untill THEN....I will consider their motives and the scriptures used to fascilitate evil of no account or value to me...

It is between them and God.

Do you have anything to contribute to my thoughts countering your allegation that Jesus requires me to forgive these ravening wolves, or are you just going to continue to allege that my view point isn`t valid simply because I am nuts?

I suppose your humor is just way to sophisticated for me to understand Bumpy.

Edited by rascal
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Do you have anything to contribute to my thoughts countering your allegation that Jesus requires me to forgive these ravening wolves, or are you just going to continue to allege that my view point isn`t valid simply because I am nuts?

We're paging everyone in the stadium, sit tight, the fans are in the parking lot, drinking a lot!, it might take a minute or two 2 find someone in WNY who's half way sober because Pittsburgh fans have eatin all them chicken wings and the beef on wick is goin quick! :(

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We're paging everyone in the stadium, sit tight, the fans are in the parking lot, drinking a lot!, it might take a minute or two 2 find someone in WNY who's half way sober because Pittsburgh fans have eatin all them chicken wings and the beef on wick is goin quick! :(


it just goes to show you can believe everything you read on these threads!

can you believe i thought i was TOLD I was being ignored?

silly me

not for nothing that could be lamb on a wick or frog,

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Well see Pond, the nifty little button works both ways...you can place someone on ignore...OR if you think a person`s input might be beneficial......or might have something to contribute of relevance to the subject at hand.....you can UN ignore them!!

If indeed that it seems that one is mistaken, and find nothing of personal value...why then PRESTO..you can press the button again! Ain`t technology grand!


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Back to the topic at hand :)

Do you have anything to contribute to my thoughts countering your allegation that Jesus requires me to forgive these ravening wolves, or are you just going to continue to allege that my view point isn`t valid simply because I am nuts?

I suppose your humor is just way to sophisticated for me to understand Bumpy.

Oooooooook, I`ll accept that last post as a no.

Edited by rascal
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People guess at stuff and becuase it is a poster who used a ton of time and space on the internet and has pleaded for attention about their issues, people think it must be true.

that is why many do not write because it is unrelenting the made up must be this or that because Im a famous poster and think this,and guessing that goes on here that turns into gospel truth to the point even those they are talking about cant say different.

truth certainly isnt a standard here, unless your willing to get into these threads and fight cartoons all day long and also to "share " your stuff so you can belong.

I never said the "testimonys " here are not true, who knows if they are true or not? frankly it really isnt even all that important to me if thy are true or not they hurt only their own self in my opinion and if they think it helps them hey it is all good.

stop guessing , go to the source ask them , if you cant well then assume it is the internet .

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I am forced to admit that apparently I was mistaken in believing that you desired dialogue. I have no desire to swap insults or to further derail the thread trying to fend off your accusations and psycho analysis.

It is bewildering to me any time when one feels that they cannot express individual view points addressing the points discussed without nasty personal inuendoes or accusations to discredit the others contribution :(

I am sorry Pond, I guess engaging you for honest discussion was a mistake. Thanks, but no thanks.... I am done.

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