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Pssst....Hey wealthy people - TLTF wants YOU!

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From fruit of d'vine:

please PRAY that God can bring us some wealthy people who will be thrilled to use their money to make known the Truth of God’s Word.

You have got to be kidding me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From fruit of d'vine:

You have got to be kidding me.

Wow. How long ago was that sent out?

One wonders - would wealthy people who aren't all that thrilled about using their dough to oil the pumps of TLTF but maybe just need the tax deduction qualify? You know - someone who had $$ but not that much interest. "God works in mysterious ways, His money to behold?" I suspect they'd take it, where ever it came from.

It's just money - can't they sell some stuff and get some money? Or borrow it? I know that's probably not "the best" but if they're will to ho' on the nearest corner with whoever needs a thrill, it's not that far down from there to just borrow the money from a dirty ol' bank. .

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Hey Oldskool.. was this an advertisement from the offshoot.. STFI, or from lynn's offshoot of an offshoot?

Ah, the cup. This is how you save money..

wayfer (or stiffster.. or what'sitname limited *devotee*)

Isn't that LIPSTICK on that cup?

j.l (or j.s. or j. somesuch)

Nawwwww. That's a smile on that cup. The cup is smiling. Can't you make our cup runneth over?


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JAL with bible in hand looking for wealthy people to use? Gee......who do I make the check out to?

I think that prayer request belongs in the blasphemous hall of shame.

Edited by geisha779
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When in TWI, I had a friend (also in TWI) who made a six-figure income annually. He tithed faithfully and cheerfully, but he wasn't thrilled about it. John's expressions are so full of inappropriate hyperbole. It seems to me to be symptomatic of him believing things must be so, just because he says them. "I've dedicated my life to speaking truth... therefore... everything I say must be true, just because I say it. It doesn't need any more validation than the fact that I say it." :rolleyes:



Edited by Steve Lortz
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So.. suppose someone came along, and said "hey. I've got a million extra dollars here. But I'm not exactly THRILLED to give it to you. In fact, I can't say I would be entirely cheerful, at that.."

and what. Would j.l. turn him or her away?


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When in TWI, I had a friend (also in TWI) who made a six-figure income annually. He tithed faithfully and cheerfully, but he wasn't thrilled about it. John's expressions are so full of inappropriate hyperbole. It seems to me to be symptomatic of him believing things must be so, just because he says them. "I've dedicated my life to speaking truth... therefore... everything I say must be true, just because I say it. It doesn't need any more validation than the fact that I say it." :rolleyes:



It's all about the validation, isn't it Steve?

If people give - they're thrilled to be involved!

Hyperbole - that's a great point. The language of religion kills it.

"the greatness of the Word"...................say that a 100 times, it's meaningless.

I guess John's finally just putting it out there the way it really is for himself and his efforts.

"I need money. I need wealthy people to give me money. Find some wealthy people and ask them to give me their money".

Can't be more blunt than that. Now we know what he wants. The economic situation is such that many churches and charities are feeling it.

John should just cut to the chase and go for getting grants from the government. Find a fund and get his money for the year and then use it, spend it go do what he wants to do and stop worrying about paying for it.

Or do what he has the money to support. If there's no money for it, don't do it.

If it's God saying "I want this done" as I'm sure he feels, then let God get involved, stop humiliating himself and others by asking for rich fo'k to toss him some dollars. Geez man, show some dignity for yourself, if not God.

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I wonder if j.l. has ever had to eat in a soup kitchen..

3/4 the way through the master's program here, I had to..

I'm not complaining. Having food and raiment, I'm satisfied. Add on top of that a roof over my head.. for the moment. I'm ecstatic..

and a cheap, paid for economy car that does not burn a quart of oil every 500 miles..


a landlord, who loves me enough to give me work to help pay off part of the rent, until I'm far better employed in the spring..

"send rich people to make the way easy".. suggests to me that there is no joy in jl's job at the moment.. *reality* says its too damned hard.

maybe he remembers the *goodness* of egypt. You know, the garbage bags full of money at ROA 1975, 1976, 1977..

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Ive run out of any semblance of patience I may have had with that group, JAL is just plain disgusting to me. Not that its ever been an issue, but he doesnt even make a pretense anymore of wanting to do anything for anyone. Its all about him and his clownery

Two minutes before I read this thread, I just happened to receive this video in an email:

The juxtaposition between the two is too sharp....

..At least I got one inspirational illustration today of what someone who isnt totally self consumed looks like

Edited by mstar1
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The juxtaposition between the two is too sharp....

..At least I got one inspirational illustration today of what someone who isnt totally self consumed looks like

Narayanan Krishnan is more Christ like than Wierwille and his brood have ever thought of being.

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Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.

Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,

So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?

Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.

I wait for delivery each day until three,

So oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?

I'm counting on you, Lord, please don't let me down.

Prove that you love me and buy the next round,

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?


Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends,

Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,

So oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

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and the grammy goes to Socks :biglaugh::eusa_clap:

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