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i've been reading where angels walk and corrie ten boom's experiences

i had specific angel interventions that i clearly recall

one -- i was 19 i think -- and we drove to north carolina from pa to visit some military wows

when jay or jeff pulled out on a highway, we were broadsided on the driver's side. i was sitting behind the driver and after the accident it looked obvious that i should have been crushed/without legs

but right when it was happening i had a vision. it was so cool. it was a HUGE HAND coming between our car and the other car. for some reason i knew or felt it was angel intervening (i think michael was my thought

another time (driving thing again), i had been out of the way for years. my mom was drivng and i was in the front passenger seat and my infant boy was in the back in a infant car seat. suddenly a car came straight at us on route 9. out loud i said dear god -- my mom saw the eyes of the driver right in front of her -- but i had the same vision from when i was 19 -- and all of a sudden we were okay

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I was on a ski lift one summer with my parents. I was like 14 years old. No snow on the ground. My parents were riding behind me, and my sister in front. I was showing off when suddenly I slipped and something prevented me from falling 40 feet below on the rocky bare mountain side. I just know an angel saved me from falling. I never saw an angel.....

My wife has twice. Both times our son was in a crowd of people, a concert, and in a busy store, when he became separated from her. After a few frantic moments, my wife says a woman very calmly just pointed and said, "He's over there". And, then they were gone.

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i have to look to see if i still have the book, the hiding place

there is an account where german soldiers came in and corrie got a vision of two men "angels" standing in front of the door with their arms crossed and the soldiers never saw the door

does anyone else remember this? i made such an impression on me - still does

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Eyesopen (I think it was) started a thread on this a couple of years ago. It went for a couple of pages. You might be able to find it - I can't - it was interesting and several people posted about remarkable incidents where they had broken down in the middle of intersections and strangers seemed to just arrive, push them out of the way, and when looked for afterwards - couldn't be found. And like incidents.

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This isn't exactly an angel but....my husband's brother's car broke down in the middle of nowhere. He was looking under the hood and realized he needed a specific tool which he didn't have. He heard a clinking sound and saw the tool on the ground. He used it and got the car running again. Later he put the tool in his tool box and when he later looked for it, it was gone.

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I had two obvious episodes with angels, one seen in a vision of sorts, and one I felt.

I said obvious, because I believe we have all, probably many times, entertained angels unawares as the saying goes.

There was this young lady who kept vacillating between us and our arch rivals who also tended to get her into mischief. She went out on a double blind date with one of those friends from the other side. It turned out the dates were drug dealers and pimps out to recruit new girls. Totally freaked, she called me from an auto dealership they used as a front, wanting me to come get her.

I told her to remember what we had taught about God being bigger than the pimp's god, and to imagine a wall of protection between her and them and then did a short prayer for her safety. While I was praying, I got this image of her staring out of the front window of the dealership.

Then I saw this little angel about 16 inches tall sitting centered on the back of her shoulder, protecting her head. He was just kind of sitting there facing a rear door, relaxed, smiling, slaping his left hand with what amounted to a small bat. Immediately, I felt at ease and peaceful. I told the girl about the angel and her being safe, and went to get her.

By the size of the angel, he was doing no big thing.


The 'felt' incident happened a few years later. I was married, living in Columbus, Ohio, and we had a fairly new Toyota my wife was really proud of. The weekend day before had been the coldest on record for the area. This Monday morning rose nearly as cold as the day before. My VW would not start and my wife reluctantly gave me her car keys. The Toyota started up slowly too, but it started up.

We lived on the northeast corner of Columbus, and I needed to get to the Grandview Heights area, to the west of downtown to work.

My route was to go west on the I-270 outerbelt until I got to State Road 315, which is like an interstate highway into that area west of downtown.

Basically, it was like 4 and 6 lane interstate all the way to work. A 16 mile, 20-30 minute journey each way every day.

This very cold morning, the car never did warm up, and the suspension felt stiff all the way. The road had been plowed and salted, but it was too cold for the salt to do it's job. There were many really slick black ice patches too.

All 16 miles had cars stalled and abandoned by the side of the road like I've never seen before or since. Traffic was moderate and going slower than usual because of the ice patches, but still doing about 50 miles per hour. Me too.

After getting off onto SR 315 south, I put myself in the middle lane, following by a couple hundred yards, a yellow VW. About one mile south, I looked in my mirror to see relatively heavy traffic a quarter mile behind me.

Looking forward again, I see the VW swerve and start to spin at about 360 degrees very two seconds, slowly heading to the right side of the road, aimed at an abandoned Buick on the side. Before I could react, I hit the ice and started to spin too, also toward that Buick.

There I was, getting that panoramic 360 degree view every two seconds, and I could see that not only was I still heading toward that Buick, but I was also gaining on the the yellow VW. Knowing my car was out of control, I rested my noggin on the headrest and watched the scenery go by. I started a little conversation with God reminding Him that Lori really really liked this car and thanked him taking good care of it. As the yellow VW blurred by, I thanked God for taking care of the VW too since I have always loved that breed. I then relaxed, closed my eyes and gave it up to God.

The next spin around as I calculated it, I would hit the V-Dub and then we would hit the Buick.

I felt a bump as if someone had put their foot in front of my right rear tire. Opening my eyes, there I was traveling straight down the middle lane at 45 miles per hour. As I regained control of my breathing I looked in the mirror to see the V-Dub, safe, whole and pulling to the side in front of the Buick. Further back, the traffic, being warned by two spinning cars had slowed considerably and safely traveled the ice patch.

In spite of the bitter cold, the rest of my day went wonderfully.

To God be the Glory!

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  • 1 month later...

I had a couple, (that I know of, remember, we don't always know!) But back in the year 2000, I had just lost my old shepherd mix, and was in between dogs. Nico wouldn't even be a twinkle in her mama's eye for a few more weeks. :) Anyway, I was depressed without my dog, and was taking an early morning walk in my neighborhood, probably about 6:30am. I used to do it with my old dog, and missed doing it. Well, I was walking down the road, which was quite deserted, and some strange looking guy was coming up towards me walking in the opposite direction, and I just got a MAJOR creep alert. It was like God was telling me to cross the street.

Well back then, I was too "polite" to do something so obvious. I'm NOT polite anymore, lol. But as he was getting closer it was like I felt God was practically SCREAMING at me to cross the road. No cars, no people, nothing, and this guy is eyeing me. I started praying, and I looked FAR ahead, and I saw the Lombard Log cabin, which people use for campouts and stuff, and I saw a group of people outside, they had been camping there overnight, but they were so far up ahead in the distance, they didn't see me.

Anyway, I was still asking God for help (since I didn't listen to Him about crossing the street) and all of a sudden a black and white police car sidles right up to my side, driving very slowly. I couldn't see the driver, but I was actually saying, "Pete? Pete?" Pete is the only Lombard cop I know, and we chat whenever I see him. I was so releaved! But he just sort of sidled by me, while the creepy guy looked at the cop car, and then just walked past me totally ignoring me. Phew!

Well as soon as the creep passed, the Cop car drove ahead, and turned into the Lombard Log cabin, and turned into the parking lot and disappeared. The cop car passed right through all the people at the Log Cabin, and they didn't even look at the cop car, which I thought was weird. I mean, a cop car drives right through your parking lot where your camping, you would think at least one person would glance at it, but they didn't.

Then as I walked up to the Log Cabin, I started to get a strange thought in my head...and I finally reached the log cabin, and went into the same lot the cop car went, and sure enough...just like I already knew, there was no exit. That cop car just disappeared. Which is why the people in the Log cabin didn't glance at the cop car. They didn't see it. I believe only me and the creepy guy are the only ones that saw that car. I was stunned, but absolutely amazed and wonderous at how COOL God is.

There was another time, that I'm absolutely sure that an angel helped me, but it was such a simple thing, that when I called a friend of mine to tell him, he said "Oh, that can't be, that wasn't a life or death experience," Well there is nowhere in the bible that says it HAS to be life or death. Then I called him a couple weeks later, and he said, "You know Rottie, I had something like that happen to me once." LOL! He was skiing with his wife and got lost and another skier popped out of nowhere and gave him directions to the main road, and when my friend turned around the guy was gone. He said, "Either that guy was a super fast skier or..." lol.

And then I do remember another when I was a wee bittie little girl, which I'll tell another time. But I LOVE hearing angel stories, and I think if we really think about it, we ALL can remember a time when we've met one. But I think most of the time we don't. It's really up to God if he wants to reveal it to us or not, we are not always going to know!

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Thanks ExCathedra for this thread. I just love angel stories.

Angels have such a cool sense of humor (like the car repair tool above).

One of my favorites was one where the guy/angel showed up on a lonely road to fix this woman's car in a "broken down old truck" (surely she wouldn't be frightened of someone driving such a thing) Also the guy/angel didn't stop smiling. And of course "the disappearance" was amazing. That story was from "Angels are for real" which is one of my favorite angel books.

The other referenced angel sighting thread mentioned is here.

Thanks, again.

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Well my wee bittle little girl thing is odd, and really an anti-climax, because there is really no story, but I believe that's only because I KNOW that God intervened. I was so teensie I couldn't have been more than 3, when I look back on it. So I believe God kept this memory in the back of my head, which didn't come FORWARD until I was an adult and experienced a couple of other angel experiences, so I would know He really is watching over us, even though at times it sure doesn't feel that way! :(

Anyways. What I remember, is I was in a grocery store with my mother, and we got seperated. Please remember this was the 60s. The awareness of child abduction did not come until John Walsh and Adam, it truly didn't, even though it happened.

Well, I remember being scared, and just saying "Mom?" "Mom?" "Where's my Mom?" I was frantic, looking for her, scared and lost, and she wasn't even aware that I was gone. She was, well, shopping. Nothing happened in these small towns, what's to fear? Well, all I know is, some kindly elderly person came up to me, and said " Are you looking for your mother?" I nodded. She just said. Stay right where you are, she will be turning the corner in about a minute. And lo and behold, I waited, and there she was. She didn't even know I was gone.

When I looked back on this as an adult (after I was more Spirit-CHEW-LEE- AWARE-, lol. :) ) (you know what I mean) I KNOW that there was some peodephile (sp?) there. There MUST have been. I just know this.

But for whatever reason, God was able to spare me from that horrible fate. Thank you God for that. That would have killed my mother.

Well my wee bittle little girl thing is odd, and really an anti-climax, because there is really no story, but I believe that's only because I KNOW that God intervened. I was so teensie I couldn't have been more than 3, when I look back on it. So I believe God kept this memory in the back of my head, which didn't come FORWARD until I was an adult and experienced a couple of other angel experiences, so I would know He really is watching over us, even though at times it sure doesn't feel that way! :(

Anyways. What I remember, is I was in a grocery store with my mother, and we got seperated. Please remember this was the 60s. The awareness of child abduction did not come until John Walsh and Adam, it truly didn't, even though it happened.

Well, I remember being scared, and just saying "Mom?" "Mom?" "Where's my Mom?" I was frantic, looking for her, scared and lost, and she wasn't even aware that I was gone. She was, well, shopping. Nothing happened in these small towns, what's to fear? Well, all I know is, some kindly elderly person came up to me, and said " Are you looking for your mother?" I nodded. She just said. Stay right where you are, she will be turning the corner in about a minute. And lo and behold, I waited, and there she was. She didn't even know I was gone.

When I looked back on this as an adult (after I was more Spirit-CHEW-LEE- AWARE-, lol. :) ) (you know what I mean) I KNOW that there was some peodephile (sp?) there. There MUST have been. I just know this.

But for whatever reason, God was able to spare me from that horrible fate. Thank you God for that. That would have killed my mother.

Oh, and there was no way my mother knew this woman. For those who think it was a neighbor. I just know that.

Edited by RottieGrrrl
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thank you rottie i love your account as god's teeny weeny baby

and you are so right about john walsh and his dear son adam

something happened to me and it's a vague memory. i need to ask my mom about it

someone stopped in a car to ask me for directions (but i was really young) however, i went right up to the car (against advice my parents had always given me). mom always said i was way too trusting and believed the best in EVERYBODY (no more lol)

but somehow i got away from that car. i can't remember how. i'll try to see if my mom remembers.

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Yeah Exie, I told my Mom about the thing that happened, years later, and she had NO recollection on who the heck the lady could have possibly been. DON'T be disappointed if your Mom doesn't remember. God put it in YOUR memory for a reason. NOT particularly your mama's. I'd love to hear more though???

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  • 3 weeks later...

DON'T be disappointed if [someone else] doesn't remember. God put it in YOUR memory for a reason. NOT particularly [someone else]'s.

I like that idea. Encourages us to be reflective about our own past and to see the hand of God in where we've come from.

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. . . DON'T be disappointed if your Mom doesn't remember. God put it in YOUR memory for a reason. NOT particularly your mama's. I'd love to hear more though???

Twinkie and Rottiegirl and everyone else: Thanks from me also for the reminder of how personal and individual God is with us. He gives each of us what we need to go from where we are to a little closer to Him. I never understood why some saw people angels and other visions and some didn't see them. I was always thinking the things seen were physical things, but since they are spiritual matter it is starting to make sense to me. Thanks, again.

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About 30 years ago I was in Florida taking care of my parents while mom's cataract surgery healed. My dad was spiraling into dementia at this time. We went out for afternoons just for something to do and often we went to the Silver River boat basin. Tiny pure river but a really nice place to spend an afternoon in the Florida summer.

May mother was crippled with arthritis so she used a battery operated scooter and she loved it. She would turn the key all the way over and laugh as she left us in the dust.....hair waving in the wind.

This particular afternoon, dad and I had trouble getting the scooter back into the truck. This was heavy...and it would take both of us to do it....but his mind wasn't always there and sometimes he listed to me and sometimes he didn't. For some reason, he let his side of the scooter drop into the trunk but I wasn't ready for it and it fell on my left hand effectively trapping it in the trunk of the car. Dad was wandering....and I had no way to free myself and was starting to panic.

There were only 2 cars in the parking lot and one of them was ours. All of a sudden I heard a large convertible crunching gravel and this huge man got out leaving his family in the car. First he call dad and asked him to come over because he needed him....so dad trotted over. Then this guy picked up the whole scooter so I could get my hand out...put it gently back in....and before I could turn around to thank him the car was gone.

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I was talking to a friend recently and recounted an incident that involves what I consider an encounter with an Angel. He gave a friendly "hmpfff!" and politely disagreed. He said, naw, that was just a guy that was there, I probably didn't see him walk up. I described the circumstances and again he politely refuted that. He's not particularly Christian or anything else that I know of but he's a good man, as good goes. In our conversation it seemed like a place to start talking to him about salvation through Christ. "Grace", and what it might mean to people like us.

I didn't argue with him. Many people will take that story and others like it and apply other beliefs and possibilities to them that include the possibility that the impossible can happen. Not him. He just didn't see it. No way. Nice story but no angels.

Which was fine. He asked me more questions about it though and after a bit he just gave it some thought. And he finally just said well, yeah. Who knows? This particular story involved our whole family and that intrigued him after he gave it some thought. I told him yeah, my kids could tell you their perception of it and the part of it that is "impossible" is seen from their perspective as well as mine. Probably remembered differently - we're different people. But it all covers a lot of the same ground.

I'm sure it didn't sink in much further than that but I'm also sure he's given it more thought. Whether he accepts that or not doesn't interest me but what does is that he would consider the possibility of a Kingdom of heaven and earth that is more than the earth and the sky we see, that is God's Kingdom of which we are a part.

So we'll see. But I have had these things happen as recently as this year where I can't explain them and really don't try. They are what they are. People ask me why, why me, why then, what that? I don't know, I really don't, other than the personal impact it had on me and those around me. Why not others and other circumstances, it's not like there's not plenty of need around. I don't know and can't pretend to explain it other than it would seem to fit the description of someone, somethings that can appear and disappear in front of us, and come and go with very little effort and who help with a very focused effort and intensity - as has been described here in your stories.

I do believe also that these kinds of things happen much more than we are clearly aware of them and that it reinforces the order and nature of our world, that the earth is "ours" but not entirely ours alone.

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... it reinforces the order and nature of our world, that the earth is "ours" but not entirely ours alone.

We share this planet with so many things both visible and invisible to the naked eye...bacteria, viruses, for example; and huge whales which some may have seen; and other critters that are still to be discovered.

Don't see why we shouldn't also be sharing it with other beings that are entirely different... angels, cherubim, seraphim (maybe, though they're all mentioned in heavenly terms) ... let's not forget we are also sharing it not only with angels but with the fallen angels aka devil spirits as well.

Or maybe the angels and fallen angels are some linking form of spiritual being that can work with the cherubim and seraphim and whatever other beings there are in "the heavenlies" (the living creatures in Ezekiel, for instance) as well as with/for human beings and Earth-bound critters?

Krys, love your angel story.

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i think my child has an army of guardian angels around him. i swear to god. or the one he has works too much overtime, it's ridiculous. but i don't know if you get tired when you're a spirit.

i have seen so many things in my life (up until now) and his life (since birth).

too thankful for words

god's mercy and grace abounds

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