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Yep Pirate, it was Cagney and Lacy. Man, I really hated that show!

And the Monkees...well, 'nuff said. icon_smile.gif:)-->

See now, I LIKE Neil Young. But I like his stuff with Crazy Horse, not his solo acoustic stuff. Kinda like Dylan...his voice really sucks, but he has something about it that makes it work, even though it DOES suck. And yes, the song was Suite: Judy Blue Eyes.

Now the one no one has guessed yet. Like I said, it was a really bad show. The only good thing about it was seeing Sarah Michelle Gellar, now that was worth looking at. icon_smile.gif:)--> The move really was funny, in a real corny kind of way though.


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Originally posted by Bluzeman:

Now the one no one has guessed yet. Like I said, it was a really bad show. The only good thing about it was seeing Sarah Michelle Gellar, now that was worth looking at. icon_smile.gif:)--> The move really was funny, in a real corny kind of way though.


Actually, I was thrown by your comment that it was a bad show! BTVS was actually rather clever, and, yes, did have some good-looking young ladies. It was definitely better than the movie version, though Kristy Swanson is rather easy on the eyes, too!


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Pirate, how did he sound? icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

Has nothing to do with Nostalgia but...

Hubby watches this show and I do with him when not busy. American Chopper: Orange County Choppers on Discovery. And you don't have to like choppers to drool over their Theme Bikes for TV. Click on that and look at the ones they've made, absolutely fantastic! Orange County Choppers

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Originally posted by GeorgeStGeorge:

Originally posted by Bluzeman:

Now the one no one has guessed yet. Like I said, it was a really bad show. The only good thing about it was seeing Sarah Michelle Gellar, now that was worth looking at. icon_smile.gif:)--> The move really was funny, in a real corny kind of way though.


Actually, I was thrown by your comment that it was a bad show! BTVS was actually rather clever, and, yes, did have some good-looking young ladies. It was definitely better than the movie version, though Kristy Swanson is rather easy on the eyes, too!


Aww, I'm late. But Buffy was the only one I could name. Perhaps I'm the only one but I was bummed when the show ended. I think there are reruns on some satellite networks, but we can't view them in Iraq doggonit.

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Originally posted by George Aar:

But if you poopoo my BB or Eric I'm gonna have to smack ya and that's that!

Nah, never happen. Those guys actually have some talent. Loads of it.

BTW, BB just celebrated his EIGHTIETH birthday!

Happy birthday to him!

Ah Geo, I knew ya wouldn't let me down man. And if I knew you wouldn't be upset I'd tell them what you said about my singing. hahahahahahahahaha

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Originally posted by Brother Speed:

Aww, I'm late. But Buffy was the only one I could name. Perhaps I'm the only one but I was bummed when the show ended. I think there are reruns on some satellite networks, but we can't view them in Iraq doggonit.

Then win the war and get back here!


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Oh Ala, I'm so happy for you! Cracked me up that Amos Lee's name sounded familiar, but you couldn't place him, yet you had seen him within the past year... Sounds like a sign of life to me - those mindfarts don't happen to dead people.

I'm dancing the Snoopy Dance right along with ya - have to tell before I absolutely burst! I get to see Paul McCartney AGAIN next month! Just got the tickets yesterday. Will be in Columbus, OH Oct. 22nd.

I saw him in Tampa a few years ago and I thought it was a once in a lifetime luxury!!! I'm feelin' lucky today!

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Congrat's ALa! Hope you have a good time!

Well, guess the Buffy series just didn't do it for me. The movie was great, cause it was so hokey. Like, by the time she was done doing 5 backflips, she would have been Vampire food. icon_smile.gif:)--> Oh well! And yeah, Kristy Swanson was DEFINETLY easy on the eyes, as GeorgeStGeorge said! Agreed 100 percent! Funny though, she was supposed to be in high school, yet she was 23 when she made the movie.

Brother Speed, Godspeed to you, my friend! Hope you come home soon, safe and sound!

OK, will have to find some more themes now! Will try to have one by early morning!

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Bowtwi, yippee seeing you here girl! And I can't believe it but I will be in KY with act2 when you are here in my town. Poop on a stick! Not being in KY but missing you. And what a reason to be here. I bet you will have a ball; our area is pretty that time of year if you recall.

Ala, wonderful news. You will tell us all about it right.

Brother Speed, let me find out what I can on where they are, one has moved and the other I'm not sure if I can really know where he is to be honest, he will not say. He's in satellite communications and oversees what I would call media pods but I'm very sure that is not what they are called. The other is a foot soldier but he goes into no-communication mode for about 6 week intervals that he never really explains. Well let me tell you something he got busted for talking too much. So every since then he is like communication challenged.

SaintGeorge, I'm praying for you.

Rick, I never watched the movie or the television series so have nothing man!

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Yeah Brother Speed, you speak wisdom in that no doubt.

I don't know your experiences over there and understand you're limited anyway as to what you could tell us but what things I've heard differs so much from perspectives over here or even the world for that matter. It's quite perplexing and gives way to a myriad of emotions in me so best I remain quiet. This is breaking that vow of silence I reckon but thanks for what you do and for what you endure daily so that some kid from tinbucktoo who's never even seen a gun up close much less fired one doesn't have to go to war against his will.

Yup, that's a major emotion point so on that I shall shut up.

And good morning all!

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Hey guys!!!

Ya'll been missing me? I'm posting from Hamilton, Bermuda... in an internet cafe. I've gotta' tell you... this Bermuda thingee is overblown, IMO. There's an internet cafe on the ship but it's 40 cents a dang minute. This joint is 30 minutes for $5 so I thought at those rates, I'd splurge and take a test drive.

Just to see how the connection is and all.. not that I was having any kind of withdrawal-from-the-internet symptoms. Naw.. I could quit any time I want, I tell you. I'm just seeing how the, uh, service is here. Yeah.. that's the ticket.

We'll be leaving tomorrow night I think. Fine with me. I've been here long enough. Supposed to be getting back to New York Friday morning.. then a taxi to LaGuardia. Then to Memphis by Sat late afternoon. Hop into a car and drive to Oxford for the first Ole Miss home game. Not that anyone really cares what all I'm doing but.. here's a keyboard. Gotta' type. Must type. Must post. NO! I can stop.. really I can. When I get back home.. there'll be pictures to download and edit. Pictures to upload and link to. Ah! I'm feeling much better now just thinking about it. I can hang on that long. Yes, I'll be OK now... icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


P.S. Did I mention I've been missing everyone?? icon_smile.gif:)-->

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