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Brick by Brick


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Brick by brick, thought by thought, shoot -- I'm thinking even the mortar holding the bricks together was *scraped away*, and sold as so much *pottage*.

I learned some good stuff there, but what was done to me and others overall, did not replace the *stolen house*.

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Yeah brick by brick....

Sounds like the scripture twi likes to use

bringing captive every thought to Christ

How they twisted it to mean every thought aligned to what they want you to think

thereby stealing each and every original

idea inspiration ect for how you dress act


See how using reality i.e. the people who

took apart the house,they did it right in

front of everyone.Twi stole from us plain

smack in front of our very noses!

They also did it at times with our approval.

After being out...How could have been so stupid

or why did I allow it and not just get the h@@


Since being out I have gained some of what I lost back,If nothing else I sure as hell do not need anyones approval.

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I gotta tell you, I know you meant this to be serious, and it is. But the mental image is also absolutely hillarious. Who on earth would ever think of someone stealing your house a few bricks at a time?

I have this cartoon image of three old piggies baking pies in their home while a cartoon wolf is slowly dismanteling their home.

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Wow, that sure brings a good mind picture of what happened....

Cept, I`d like to alter it a bit...in MY story ... the thieves brazenly walked up first with their hands out asking me for a few bricks....convincing me that I NEEDED to give....and I convinced that it was the Godly thing to do...handed them a few bricks...what were just a few when I had so many?

Daily, the thieves returned...always asking for just a few more bricks.....me freely giving...convinced by the thieves that they needed them more than I....before long they began bringing wheelbarrows to carry away whatthey asked and I, though puzzled at the ever growing need.... freely gave them...I even noticed that my house was becoming more and more structuraly unsound...but the thieves told me to ignore my *senses* that I was just being tricked into being stingy with my house....besides...by this point I was being told that I OWED them....Once in a while I would be sent on an important errand ...only to return and find my entire roof or windows missing.....after a while...it wasn`t even MY house anymore....so I didn`t bother to raise any objections when they started driving their pick up trucks in and removing timbers and plumbing.

After a time...there was nothing left but rubble....and then mysteriously....the thieves didn`t want to come visit me anymore...I was not allowed to even visit them in the mansion that they built from my house and other stolen building materials.

I brokenly started trying to rebuild my own home with the rubble that was left....I got two jobs and worked very very hard for many years in order to buy the new materials to replace those which were stolen.

I have a new house now...it took many many years to build...but this one is a biggger stronger house... THIS one is surrounded by german shepherds on the outside and is well armed on the INSIDE to protect it from any futire theives....and yes, I have seen the thieves out in the street ...beckoning to me to come out to *fellowship* once again....no hard feelimgs...ya know?

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Funny thing ...when I tried to report the theft to the proper authorities...the statute of limitations had run out........When I tried to warn my meighbors of the criminals in the area... ...believe it or not...there are people who are are actually upset with me for identifying the thieves....they seem to be furious with me for protesting the robbery, much more so than the actual perpetrators of the crime.

It has even been my experience that the defenders of the criminals ... have on numerous occasions insisted that I am a liar.......that technically..it wasn`t REALLY a case of theft because I could have said *no*.

When I see these same thieves asking other home owners for bricks....only if it is a few...I try to warn the unsuspecting owner of the danger....There are those that brand me as *bitter*...

Sure sure, the thieves only *claim* to want just a FEW bricks this time....and they are so much *nicer* now ...don`tcha know...Never the less, I feel it is incumbent upon those who were stolen from to warn any possible future victims....this of course brands me as *negative*

There are folks who enjoyed the activities and luncheons served in the mansion built from stolen materials....that think that because they ate a free lunch there that I have no business complaining...I must be lying...that the theft, IF it was a theft...(and they really don`t think so) was really ok after all....

There are those who KNOW where the building materials came from...know the price paid...that continue to enjoy the mansion built, and cover for the thieves.

I am reminded that after all, I have a new house....what am I complaing about....

They want to know why on earth I just can`t *get over it*....and move on.

I guess according to them, that it is my lot in life to be a *perpetual victim* sigh

Edited by rascal
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Ironic isn`t it? We are now not even deemed worthey to set foot in the mansion that was built with the stolen material of our lives....but then again, I guess we never WERE what was important...just what we could proide...when that was exhausted...we no longer had any worth.

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Maybe I'm not the only one here to make this observation but it seems like *Oldiesman* follows after *rascal* posting that he/she should just "get over it"....

Oldies - in case you've never noticed people seldom "get over it" by just being told to "get over it". Have you had a great emotional loss in life? (Death, divorce, or even the break up of a long-term relationship...) How would you feel, if you had tried to talk about your experience and hurt, to have someone constantly telling you "get over it"? It wouldn't work, would it? You can come back and say, "Yes, it would!" just to be contrary but to use some *TWI Math*: "Get Over It" = "Forget It=Don't Talk About It=I Don't Want To Hear It!=YOU DON'T MATTER"

It seems to me that you're telling *rascal* that he/she doesn't matter because his/her views or experiences or emotions don't matter to you. Hence, "get over it." It's really a cowardly way of providing counsel, don't you think?

If you don't like what *rascal* has to say, why do you have to make a big deal out of it? You've done it on other threads - not just this one. Would you walk into a public restroom just so you can bitc# about the smell? Your "get over it" posts are rude - even if you don't "mean it that way"...

One of the rules to posting here - other than obstaining from harassing behavior and personal attacks, is to be *considerate* of other posters. Sometimes *consideration* comes in the form of silence.

After posting on Waydale and GSC for over 5 years I've noticed something -- People who come to the forums with a lot of "emotional baggage" and needing an outlet often "mellow" after a while. Some take more time than others. Just because *rascal* hasn't met your expectations with how he/she deals with things doesn't give you the right to judge, does it?

You decide.


Edited by ChasUFarley
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I agree, ChasUFarley.

OM, you seem to demand that everyone think the same way as you. Is that realistic? If they don't they are deserving of your self-righteous attitude, I suppose.

Chas said it very nicely. Consideration (and compassion also, I might add) many times is simply silent.

Rascal has the right to her thoughts and feelings and she has the right to post them here as long as she follows the forum rules, which she has. Why don't you leave here alone?

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sounds like someone could make an infomercial

wouldn't YOU like to have a big house with a swimming pool?

How about driving the flashiest car on the market?

don't you want all the pretty girls to love YOU and all YOUR dreams to come true?

Let the world's foremost motivational speaker teach YOU how to have the life YOU've always wanted!!

how can this be you ask

three simple words


ok this'll work i know it!!

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  • 4 months later...

I thought this deserves some more attention:

reminds me of this parasite that gets into this shellfish and gradually takes over so that it is in charge and not the shellfish.

Whether twi stole from us a little at a time or just took over it still boils down to this

what and who we were was gone and replaced with a twi stepford version.

I personaly like me better

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Kind of reminds me of Lots' wife who grieved over all her posessions she had to leave behind.

Maybe she turned into a pillar of salt because the only other alternative would have been Lot being driven insane by her harping on about it years down the track ??!!

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weeeeeeeeell....technically robbery is STILL robbery whether it was 20 miniutes ago or twenty years.....

If the Criminals are still at large, I see no problem with identifying them and thwarting their efforts at further predation on the unwarey :-)

Oh n twenty years later, we still are not allowed in the house or on the grounds purchased with what was taken from us...I`d say that the robbery is still relevant.

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Allan, I think the whole point is, nobody really gets over it.. you may suggest you are, and I would disagree.

I may make up for lost time, finally get on track with my true calling, get smarter, love myself and others, and start making right decisions..

But no, I am not "over it". Can't forget it, either.

Its part of who I am. The crap I endured, the crap I gave out too- effects my character. Effects the way I think about things..

Maybe not as much today as five or six years ago, but its still there. And it still hurts sometimes. Not nearly like it did though..

Stuff I did twenty years ago STILL bothers me.

Ludicrous crap I saw people do twenty years ago still disturbs me. Some of it I am only recently figuring out how wrong it was.

Sometime I wake up in the night, and remember one more mean, hateful, but "biblical" thing I pulled off on somebody.. but this is far far less frequent now.

If it was wrong, it SHOULD bother a person.

I am actually getting a life, here. At least now.

I'm finally doing what I should have done over twenty years ago.

At first I almost kicked myself for being so stupid.. finishing the task up so much later in life, but I figured that I can't change that.

I just pray I can live long enough to do it.

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