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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2009 in all areas

  1. This may have been posted before - but I thought I'd throw out this quiz. It is based on the book, Toxic Faith by Stephen Arterburn, Jack Felton. http://www.factnet.org/cults/Toxic_Faith/index.html Here is an excerpt from the page and some sample questions: Click the link above to find out more.
    2 points
  2. This popped up an ad at the bottom for Scientology. WG
    2 points
  3. I have never been an "insider" in any religious organization. You don't get full access to any of them without some open display of allegiance.
    1 point
  4. Leafy called this disquieting. I am stunned by these stories.
    1 point
  5. TWI Scored a full court 5. How is that for a direct hit!
    1 point
  6. Food is the one thing that can be easily controlled. That is why it is used so often to control... along with the fact that it is essential to our very life and can create a false sense of connection when some one else is in charge of your only source to such a necessary element to living. I find the WOW family story disquieting, in the extreme... and the story of the family locked in their room is disgusting. I know this is not the right thread but Thank God for Grease spot and the information in it, or I would still think of the ministry as something Godly... Now it is just this horrible evil thing in my mind.
    1 point
  7. I would so love to hear you expand on this if you feel so inclined. The mind picture of it all just raises so many questions.
    1 point
  8. I think it's a rotating ad.. I've got one for learning Biblical Hebrew. That Scientology ad pops up frequently ...
    1 point
  9. I don't know why some of you are griping! Leadership had manners - - - - unfortunately, most of the time they were bad!!!!!
    1 point
  10. Ham is right. In Corps training there was a good man who was essentially held hostage until plane tickets could be purchased to send him and his family back to Europe. I knew this family well, as they were in training with my family at the Indian Campus. They were banished to their rooms until travel arrangements were in place, and the rest of us (who really loved these folks) were ordered to leave them alone. As for dietary restrictions, well, we weren't allowed to use black pepper - Oh, the sin of it! - or to drink coffee with our meals. Nothing with onions was ever cooked or served when Martindale was visiting the campus, because he didn't like the smell. And as a "back-room girl", I was expected to remember each and every leader's preferences for beverages, condiments on their sandwiches, everything. If I had to actually ask them for this information, I was promptly reprimanded by my supervisor. Weird how FOOD becomes such a point of control. One big difference from the Arkansas group is that the Way's clergy weren't interested in little girls. No. They were more interested in married women.
    1 point
  11. HOw did she do with that? Well, until I learned all the four-letters words and how to use them! Seriously, it's something people should teach their children from both sides of the spectrum. Remember in "To Kill A Mockingbird" when the little guest pours molasses all over his food? And Scout is outraged? Manners avoids that kind of reaction. If your guest pours molasses over his mashed potatoes you just do the same. And refill the pitcher if it's not enough for him. I'm really into making people feel comfortable. I remember another incident from my TWI years: We were in this family's twig and they had four children. The woman was a stickler for everyone being exquisitely courteous: always, always knock and wait to be properly greeted and invited in to her home, never ask for anything that is not offered; You may get a glass from the cupboard, water jug from the refrigerator, pour yourself a glass of water, refill the water jug before replacing it in the fridge on the properly labeled shelf, and place the empty glass in the sink, but never never never get anything else out, yada yada yada. Lots of rules in her household, under the guise of "manners." One time after twig I was drinking the proffered coffee, and God forbid, I left a lipstick ring on the cup, having been in such a hurry to get there on time I forgot to blot!!!!! Well, this lady called her four children over to her side. "Look, children!" she exclaimed. "Mrs. Garden forgot to blot her lipstick and NOW IT IS ALL OVER MY CUP!" I felt as if I had flatulated in a branch meeting during manifestations. And, I most certainly never again as long as I lived wore lipstick to twig. WG WG
    1 point
  12. Interesting that each category got at least one vote. Geez, I guess we're just not like-minded. JT
    1 point
  13. Sounds like the ladies fron The View but they do mention TWI. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
    1 point
  14. True.. but unlike the "biblical admonition" some of us did not have to "work".. what does a "manogawd" have to do when he isn't otherwise yelling, preaching da word and such.. not much, I guess..
    1 point
  15. "leadership" thought that saying some simple catch phrase would replace sound advice or wise counsel. It was easy for them to say "trust God" and walk away and say the person was not believing God if things did not work out. They were also stupid enough to think that way corp "training" had some value in the real world and made them qualified to give advise to anybody that may have a problem. twi had a variety of scams going such as; wow program, way corps, outreach athleats, way homes, various classes etc... I am embarrassed to admit that I fell for some of there scams. It is sometimes hard to admit that you were wrong. I thought more highly of "twi leadership" than I should have and alot more than they deserve.
    1 point
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