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Everything posted by Allan

  1. Pretty much all of the Australian and New Zealand ones have fallen by the wayside...so that's the southern hemisphere accounted/unaccounted for
  2. To Bluzeman, I agree, climate change ( remember when it was called global warming) ? ( til there was a flurry of wintry conditions) IS political, hijacked by scientists and others and speaking of irony....will become religious...I 'believe' the united nations agenda 21 is on track as is their gaia religion...pretty soon it won't matter what any of us believe !! sweet sleeps peops could it possibly be true ?! "tell me what you think of Jesus and I'll tell you how far you'll go spiritually"
  3. MWRAP...sorry but to me you come across as someone who joined ( very recently that is ) to seemingly appear genuine in concern, interest and need regarding ex-twi peops and to promote a life ( Christian or not ) outside of twi ? Yet I can't help wondering if you were just biding your time ( you could have waited a little longer :o )to convey your true 'mission'...to vilify the peops that post here ?? I'm just saying what I think and maybe some others. I'm not a forum mod, so I don't mind saying this...and hey, you and anyone else feel free to correct me if my hunch is wrong :) I've had my run-ins with Raf, WordWolf etc..but I try not to take it personally and just move on ( posting that is :)
  4. Interesting that the book of Revelation written by John around...? contains references to past, present and future
  5. Allan

    Cat whispering

    glad to hear Hazel !! Our cat is a Bengal, he is huge, watched him the other night send a fox away with it's tail between it's legs lol
  6. I still hold pretty much to majority of beliefs I was presented with. Why change what works ? ( for me )
  7. Allan


    Bit of a strrreettcchhh from cows being milked to nazi death camps doncha thunk ??
  8. Exactly WS...now...it's 4 p.m. on a beautiful sunny sunday afternoon ( approx. 70 o ) down here in Australia; I figure it's early hours there, wachu doing up lol
  9. exactly JJ ! Talk is good, just let people say what they want to say, how they want to say it...Let's not forget that the whole site is or was originally about us and 'them' (twi). Even tho I may totally be at loggerheads with Wordwolf and Raf over some things, I respect them for what they do and even more for what they've done especially the honesty to get out of twi. I think people like myself and for example St.George who post our thinking about the good WE believe twi did for us at the time should be respected as well. We're just being honest, not trying to trick anyone into thinking the same as us, just being honest...the way WE see it...Long live Greasespot
  10. That's a good story/account trust and obey ! same for me and my spouse...entered the corps and saw many things that didn't 'add up' so to speak...the beginning of the end
  11. I think cults and abuse ( of all sorts ) go hand in hand....the exception to this would be organizations like the catholics that are not a cult as such, yet has more than it's fair share of paedophilac abusers :wacko:
  12. I intentionally gave a vague answer as I presumed we can post, reply, response in our own way we wished as long as it's not abusive ? A nice request from Raf would have gone a long way towards an even more detailed response but then with a lot of topics to me , they are no more than a passing perusal type of interest anyway and I'll respond to the degree I'm interested. I certainly cannot be bothered sitting down in front of the keyboard sweating over every grammatical point and whether I've got the tense, verbs, adjectives, inflections correct ! If I was interested in that type of thing I would myself enrol in a writing course or some such...but it doesn't INTEREST ME having said that I think you're all an awsum bunch
  13. Soooo...God got you into it ? lol or was it Wordwolfs persuasive manner/words ? Was Wordwolf pulling your chain when he said God directed him to you ?! As for me...it was my wife who was getting witnessed to over a period of time. I found out later she was waiting for me to decide. She may have been waiting awhile coz I wasn't one bit interested...until I saw it begin to snow inside my living room, on a clear summer day... ...actually, I just came home from work one night. felt 'prompted' to go check it out; asked my wife for the address and went. Nothing really spectacular, sorry ! Mind you, if it took a 'burning bush' incident for everyone to check out God, well, we'd have a planet covered in smoke wouldn't we ?!
  14. Not sure what you mean Johniam ? I'm glad for getting into it and I'm doubly glad for getting out lol
  15. From what I see, how I see it, for my learning(in many many aspects, not just the good )and in furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ
  16. God got me involved, my own integrity kept me committed, Dave Lutz, Claudette Royal kept me sane, God got me out.
  17. According to Cultwatch, their first definition of a cult is a religion that does not acknowledge Jesus is God !...go figure
  18. I guess that's why you eat, drink and are merry ??
  19. Of course the million dollar question could be...are you 'saved' ....maybe there should be a 'renouncing prayer' that goes along the lines of.."Heavenly Father, I just don't believe anymore so on the off chance I got 'saved' at a particular moment in time I would like to officially renounce any salvation that may have occurred and allow me to take my place again in the mass of the unwashed human civilization..in Jesus ( who was just another unqualified supposed holy man )name, amen I wonder really if a lot of 'renouncers' somewhere deep down in their pscyche still take comfort from the fact that..."hey, even if I'm wrong on this God/bible denying thing..at least I know I'm saved " ?? ...just wondering
  20. The Bible ( if it is to be believed of course ) contains a number of people throughout the ages who came to crossroads in their lives and chose whether to take the left or right, high or low road, from Moses to Jesus to Paul....I don't think it's something unique to any particular person or organization. By your statements you infer they were misguided idiots...in their minds you were probably thought of as the same The republicans think that of the democrats and vice versa, just the nature of man.
  21. I heard last month that he had been completely healed ??!!
  22. Geeshhhh, twi had a few didn't they !!!! still do apparently.... If our previous n.z. leadersh%$ were anything to go by there seems there was a disproportionately high number per percentage of people lol
  23. http://themindunleashed.org/2014/09/7-things-need-know-co-existing-narcissists.html
  24. ummmm, that spelling must be from the twi version dictionary
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