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Everything posted by def59

  1. hey I know its clear where i come from, but I know nothing I will say will convince anyone. That's up to the Holy Spirit. So excuse me as I share sites that I have found along my journey.
  2. Oh Raf, You misunderstand me, because I do not understand you. That's only what I am asking for is to learn more why you believe what you believe and why I believe what I believe. Because I used to believe as you did, I want to see what others do. If it becomes an argument, I'll stop.
  3. Raf Why the long face about November? I thought you guys loved hanging with Chad in 2000! ;)-->
  4. def59

    Irish joke

    Must be said in deep brogue. Irishman: I have been married two times and both women died.My first wife died of poisioned peas. Friend: What about the second? Irishman: A blow to the head, because she wouldn't eat her peas.
  5. Shouldn't we have a roy with interpretation thread?
  6. Oak I just like numbers. Since I work for the media, I was prepping for 2004 election coverage.
  7. Whatever it takes for one to get saved,(relics, "archaeological finds") is cool by me.
  8. Here's another article I would like to see everyone take a whack at. And I offer it with no invitation to judge its whackableness http://aomin.org/The_Pre_Existence_of_Christ.html
  9. Ref Aren't the demonic-drenched teachings of one group (JW) enough for one life? I would plead with you not to pursue this penchant for vpw's stuff. Try the orthodox for awhile and give yourself a mental and spiritual break. Just my thoughts
  10. Again I ask Raf and the other bu's to look at this site and come back. Let's talk after that. And check out the site's discussion of Granville Sharp's rule. http://aomin.org/EGO.html
  11. Zix Jesus never forbade anyone who wanted to worship him. But Angels did the apostles did What are we do with Jesus' I am statements anyway I am the Bread of Life I am the Good Shepherd I am the vine ' I am the Way Truth and Life
  12. I liked "Knights" and Pinnochio's brief transformation Banderas was fantastic.
  13. that's my motto, the more you drink, the better I sound. God Bless
  14. What about catcher's interference?
  15. Mike Raf is being nice here. I respect him more than I do PFAL. Why? Because at least he can see through the fog and find the areas in it that are lacking. I don't share the same respect for PFAL that Raf has because I chucked it all in favor of starting with a clean slate. Admittedly there are some points found in there that are found in scripture, but given the author's predaliction for plagiarism, it is often a struggle to know if it is live or memorex. So we all are on our own pathways to God. The Bible speaks of a narrow way, and I hope that I am on it. Mike, I do pray for your soul. And while we disagree over the merits of PFAL, it is appearance of idolatry you hold for vpw and his books that worry us. That is what we are debating here.
  16. Mike It is now 35 of 37 who disagree with you. (94.5 percent) Mondale had a better chance of winning in 84 than you do. Take the high road. concede and go back rosieland.
  17. Raf Since I gave up drinking a decade ago that means I would do karaoke sober.
  18. Oh yeah I read that stuff. I thought there was something new going on.
  19. Yes silly you. The Bible, which instructs us not to add or subtract, is the Christians measuring stick. John's defense was because even in the first century, such notions were coming up. As for Smith, see first graf. Moon may be earthly successful, heck by that token Hugh Hefner would be idolized - no wait he already is. But he claimed that Jesus failed, something the Bible does not teach. He had the message and mission from God. Oh gee, where have we heard that from? As for Koresh, his people believed he was the Messiah. When he did not rise on the third day, I think we have a good idea he was not. Dan, hey, guess what? We disagree! Isn't America a wonderful place. God Bless.
  20. With so much intolerance in the world today it is refreshing to see someone with the idea that people should be allowed to believe what they want. I still have my doubts about the site, but at first glance it seems harmless.
  21. For statistical purposes only 33 of 35 people reject Mike (94.3 percent) That projects to about 503 electoral votes. Mike is getting Gored are you bushed yet.
  22. Smith was rejected because he claimed to have received a new revelation that added a new book to Scripture. Moon was rejected because he claimed to replace Christ Gnostics were rejected because they claimed Jesus did not come in the flesh (See John's Gospel and letters) Papal infallibility was rejected because the Bible says we all sin and come short of the glory of God. The Branch Davidians were rejected because Koresh claimed to be a messiah and he did not rise from the dead. Doctrines are accepted or rejected based on its measure to Scripture.
  23. Raf Was your post about the rejections directed at me or Mike? def
  24. New book I am reading Next Door Savior by Max Lucado. Good stuff about Jesus.
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