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Everything posted by brideofjc

  1. old spiritual geezer??? ya mean 'old and spiritual all right along with the heebie jeebies! In 1987 AC at Emporia, I stood next to him for a picture and my skin just crawled. yup, that's what it's called all right! Bravo!!!! You go Bro!
  2. Yeah, this is the one that I remember too. But the additional info added was this: Don't ever scr ew a believer....but it's ok to do it with an unbeliever, because they're already going to hell anyway. Yeah, and now the believer just might be right behind the unbeliever on the down elevator too. Thanks VP!
  3. Hi WS, there are spiritual bonds that are formed even with one-nighters, whether we realize it or not. "Oh, the webs that we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" It's not a joke. When you're breathing someone else's spirit and they yours back and forth, there are bound (no pun intended) to be bonds. Most likely, women feel them to a greater degree than men, but then it is the woman that is more spiritually aware than men. Just like the song, "I'm stuck on you!" There's truth in there somewhere.
  4. Why would he think that anyway??? Uhhh.....I do believe the Lord Jesus managed quite nicely! And please no one say that "of course, He was God!" It is truly available....but one must be called to it and not just a casual stroll in the meadow. Besides which, those who took Nazarite vows often abstained from it as well. Also, please don't bring up Samson, lol. He broke every Nazarite vow he made.
  5. I always believed that mine were real, though primitive, if that is the right way to describe it. When I truly sought the LORD and repented of much, one day I was speaking in tongues and it began to change into a much more complicated language and it has since changed several more times. Perhaps as you grow in the LORD, he upgrades you, if you will. LOL. As far as VPW's tongue, he was from the same generation that some, not all, don't wish to offend, AOG had actually produced a phonograph record and were "teaching" people to speak in tongues. Others that I heard must have learned it from repetition of others' tongues, because for a while it seemed that everyone that I heard from this particular denom were similar. Perhaps VPW had similar training.
  6. GOO-BE-GONE works total wonders, even for the back of Bibles.
  7. Hey Jeff, I rec'd your letter and your comment and have sent you a letter. Blessings much in every way. Brideofjc

  8. I haven't had read all of the posts in this thread...don't know if I will have the time, but the last post with the quote about the Episcopal church caught my attention: The Episcopal church has been in great turmoil and conflict since the election of Eugene V. Robinson? as a bishop who openly admitted that he was a homosexual priest and was living with a same sex companion in that particular way. Since they have that particular type of brochure hanging from a professor's door, it should be clear as to which side of that denomination that professor resides, namely the liberal side that agrees with the practice of homosexuality. However, the conservative side has openly decried homosexual practices. It should also be understood that the Lord Jesus may very well have discussed homosexuality amongst his disciples. One must remember that the NT is a compilation of the events in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and not a blow-by-blow account of his earthly itinerary. It should also be understood that His primary audience was a Jewish audience and they all knew well the prohibitions of lying sexually with the same sex. If your audience already agrees on a particular subject, why rehash what is already understood? Rather redundant, wouldn't you say? I think the Bible is very clear on this subject: God said it was not to be condoned.
  9. Since you can't receive PM's, leave me a comment with your answer.

  10. Hey Jeff....did you get what I sent you?



  11. Having been duped by those who claimed to know Greek and Hebrew.... Learned it for myself.... Praise God!
  12. That was great! I enjoyed it much, thx.
  13. Well, on the one hand I see the necessity for having church buildings and the need then to maintain them and to pay for a minister's salary etc. There's not a lot of people who wish to devote their lives to the study of the Word of God, ministering to people at all hours (literally), which is why they came up with the salaried ministers. What should happen ideally?? Twi did have it right with the in-home fellowships, but again....how many are really interested in providing an open home 24/7? When push comes to shove, people will back out even if they start it gung ho. Then how many are willing to take in the strangers and the homeless? How many are willing to take in ex-cons to help them get a good foot up on life again? Not too many, I dare say. So with this in mind....this should explain the reason for the need to donate to shelters, churches, nurseries, etc. etc. Blessings.
  14. brideofjc


    Yeah....betrayal....know it right well. Indeed I do!
  15. brideofjc


    I don't know about relatives either....sometimes they are worse!
  16. JC - "Where'd these Greasespots come from?" me - "From TWI!" JC - "I say to you Greasespots...be healed!" Seriously, when there is too much immaculate living, at least for me, it is a sign of spiritual uncleanness and trying to keep the cup and platter clean on the outside, while the inside is filthy. After I left TWI, it was soooooo therapeutic that I let my home go to a total mess before cleaning it up. I never felt so free!
  17. If you haven't all figgered it out yet..... The REPETITION IS: BRAINWASHING! MUWAHAHAHAHA! They're coming to take me away, ha ha he he ha ah!
  18. Trashed my wow pin, but I do still have my HS dove pin. The HS cannot ever be replaced!
  19. I got the info from WebMD.
  20. When I think of at least a couple of thousand dollars that I wasted on books, collaterals, classes, prints, clothing et al, and then think of the number of years that I've been out, coupled with the greatest bull market that we ever experienced up until 1999 or 2000.... geez, I bet a simple mutual fund would be up to about $20,000.00 by now. Yeah Jeff, I know what you mean!
  21. brideofjc

    ebay gone wild

    You better watch out though....the seller only has a 98% positive rating. Could be a tad bit risky, if you ask me!
  22. Yeah-ee-iiiii.....UH-HUH! I can see the picket lines forming already from the Holocaust Museum's BOD and every synagogue from here to Israel.....
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