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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. All right, boys and girls, how about this? God tells the Devil that his seed will be at enmity with the seed of the woman. IN EVERY INSTANCE in the Old Testament, zera, translated "seed," refers literally to seed or figuratively to progeny. So even if "children" or "sons" can refer to followers, what is teh Devil's "seed," if not his children? George
  2. TheEvan, These scriptures have been mentioned a number of times. You might want to check out p. 11 of this thread, among others. George
  3. Perhaps you or Eagle could explain why you believe that to have seed someone (or something) must be God. I've got plenty of seed and no illusions of Godhood. And, incidentally, Satan IS the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). George
  4. Great post again, Socks. If you ever get bored with GSC, you could mediate peace talks in the Middle East! :)--> George
  5. Am I the only one who finds it ironic tht a thread about forgiveness is so full of acrimony? --> Rascal, the scripture in Luke that you keep refering to DOES SAY that if someone repents, you are to forgive him. There are also plenty of scriptures, some presented by me, Oldiesman, and others, that say it's fine to forgive someone who doesn't repent. So forgive whom you please; it's up to YOU. ALL OF YOU -- PIPE DOWN and PLAY NICE! George
  6. I remember years ago writing to VPW because I thought that "Uncle Harry Day" was strongly reminiscent of a RC feast day. I received a polite response from him, not so much answering my point as deflecting it. Starting the next year, however, it was now "Burn the Chaff Day." So maybe back then there was some willingness to listen. Years later, though, it wouldn't happen. I got booted from TWI for questioning LCM's statement that "the only reason for a space program is military dominance." Sheesh! George
  7. And no one has to substantiate it, either. As I mentioned several days ago, people don't "go seed-boy" out of the blue. Assuming a reasonable amount of communication within his kingdom, the Devil does not need to be omniscient OR omnipresent to know when someone has been seduced into committing the unforgiveable sin, just aware. Secondly, even if we accept Eagle's premise that the Devil must give up some of himself in order to father someone, there is no way to know how much power he has or how much (or how little) must be expended to father someone. The number of his children is far less than the number of the children of God (praise God!). Incidentally, I'm not omnipotent, either, but I could have a WHOLE LOT of children if each one of my seeds resulted in a birth! George
  8. I was tested in this manner years ago. Actually, questionnaires were given to several of my co-workers, and THEIR responses were used to determine my social style. I turned out to be an analytical-analytical, meaning I consider Spock to be impulsive! :)--> I do tend to stick with things that work, rather than trying something new. I AM, however, a lot of fun at parties! George
  9. Valerie, Check your PTs. George
  10. That's up to you, I suppose. LCM DID have some lucid moments, though. George
  11. Dave, I tried to answer this early on: "To dmiller, LCM explained this. The devil was well aware of the promise of the seed of the woman crushing his seed. He was not able to copy the Christian new birth, of course, but was able to mimic natural seed. This spiritual "seed" left his "children" open to posession at any time. Having committed the unforgivable sin, his children would never turn to the true God." Does this answer your question? George
  12. It seems to me, that if we are to take "children of God" in this verse literally, we must also take "children of the devil" literally. George
  13. GeorgeStGeorge


    So it's not just TWI that you have issues with? George
  14. Thirty in Way Builders, but only ONE in legal? George
  15. Actually, the way LCM always described it was that the "seed" was a spiritual wedge that left the person open to spirit possession at any time. I never heard it refered to as any form of spiritual life whatsoever. George
  16. To Templelady and Keith re point #3: Who said the Devil's seed is LIFE? It's DEATH, and Satan is the father of it. When one commits the unforgiveable sin, i.e., becomes a child of the Devil, he will not repent, so God can't save him. (To do so, God would have to override the person's free will.) George
  17. Seafood? Fish bones? I thought this thread was about brownies!!! Seriously...great post, Socks. Where were you eight pages ago? George
  18. I'm wondering if jsamuel didn't mean this as tongue-in-cheek? --> I find it hard to believe (s)he's serious. --> George
  19. You're not a big meanie, Rascal, though I think you are making a logical fallacy in your understanding of Luke 17:3,4. "If A then B" does NOT imply "If not A then not B." "If he repent, forgive him" does not imply "If he repents not, forgive him not." The only commandment, as it were, is that if he repents, you MUST forgive him. Note that Mark 11:25,26 state that Jesus's followers were to forgive IF THEY HAD OUGHT (SOMETHING)AGAINST ANY. In fact, jesus told them that if they did not forgive, neither would God forgive them! It's a little better in the Grace Administration, where we are told to forgive BECAUSE we've been forgiven (Eph. 4:32). As has been pointed out by others, it does the forgiver good to forgive. This is NOT absolution. It's not denying that wrong was done. It doesn't mean you have to be buddies with those that have hurt you. It does mean that you're bigger than the pain. God bless, George
  20. Though that wasn't my point, Ex10, I should point out that Job's "friends" and the self-appointed prophet, Elihu, did most of the abusing. I took your previous comment to be more general in nature. Sorry if I didn't interpret it in light of the full context. George
  21. I might point out Acts 5:14-16. It's clear that the sick who were brought to Peter in v.15 were of the multitude of believers. It's also possible (though I can't say for certain) that those "vexed with unclean spirits" in v.16 were also believers. George
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