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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Rocky


    It's the Quakers...
  2. Dbacks best hitter to pitch game 4 October 15, 2007 By Tony Desiere PA SportsTicker Contributing Writer DENVER (Ticker) - With the Arizona Diamondbacks fighting for their playoff lives, manager Bob Melvin will round out his lineup by adding the team's best hitter, starting pitcher Micah Owings The rookie righthander will start Game Four after going 8-8 with a 4.30 ERA this season for the Diamondbacks, who are attempting to become just the second team in baseball history to overcome a three games to none deficit in a best-of-seven series. Owings comes into the game with a .333 average in 60 at-bats, stroking 20 hits, four home runs and driving in 15 runs. His average is nearly 50 points better than Eric Byrnes - the second-best hitter on Arizona's playoff roster - and his 1.033 OPS tops Byrnes by over .200. "He definitely brings a different dynamic to the game," Melvin said. "They throw him breaking balls right away. They pitch to him like a hitter right away, and he responds. He gives us an added dynamic when he's in the lineup to having nine hitters." (continued) ----------- Not that the series isn't pretty much over anyway, but you guys will get a look see at Dbacks rookie pitcher Micah Owings tomorrow night... I hope it's a good game...
  3. Apparently, Mark Reynolds didn't! :) 1-1, bottom of the 4th.
  4. As long as the Rockies refrain from using the HUMIDOR! :blink: It's a DRY heat, here anyway!... not that it's genuinely HOT (only mid 80s F)... THAT is cool, or really just right. And with the light breeze, I don't even need the A/C on today!!!! Would be purrrrrrfect baseball weather by sunset... mid-60s to low 70s. I forget, why do you folks NOT live here????
  5. Other factors include the very human need/sense of belonging... "MY team" kinda thing... and for some, to some degree, what sports did we play (not necessarily even play well) as a kid.... BASEball was IT for me...
  6. Looks like the Sox are gonna need another day/another game to recover... unless they have some late night miracles ready for the Fenway faithful! Sorry mstar. :(
  7. And as long as one keeps the poison ivy weeded out, gardening nekkid in the privacy of one's own backyard would be good as far as I can tell. Btw, Borat's movie was on HBO earlier this evening... I watched it (for the first time... didn't see a need to buy a theater ticket at the time). There's a scene where Borat and his traveling companion, a fat guy also from Khazakstan (sp?) fight (wrestle, not in a way intended to be fun) naked... and I can say unequivocably, it was VERY BAD. The rest of the movie was pretty funny, however.
  8. That's why this little tidbit is news today... I saw that movie with her and Denzel too... they were both cops, I think... and had been married. Was that "Out of Time"?
  9. Rocky


    Are you saying that you emulate Larry Craig? :blink: Are you telling the truth?
  10. And though it MIGHT be funny, and for SOME slackers, true... it's STILL simply a caricature (and as such, the sadness is in the distortion it presents of reality)... sorry to be a kiljoy. <_<
  11. LONGGGGGGGGGGGG game! Bottom of the 10th, still 6-6. I'd be nervous if I were you, mstar! On the other channel (also in HD), I have the ASU SunDevils (my alma mater, and the stadium's only roughly 2 miles from my house (I can hear the fireworks every time ASU scores) taking the Washington Huskies to task... Make that top of the 11th.
  12. Rocky


    Okay... you're right! "Sort of" is just an expression to me... Really silly is what I REALLY meant!
  13. Rocky

    Personal victory

    Congratulations! What a wonderful achievement. I'm glad you shared it with us.
  14. Rocky


    THAT rating is arbitrary based solely on what other registered members of the GSC community rate you. We do not (to my knowledge) get to find out who rates us and how many stars each rater says you deserve. It's my understanding that if nobody chooses to rate you, you remain at 0 (zero) gold stars... which is probably just as good as if those who DO rate you ONLY give you five gold stars. Why any particular member would rate you (or any other member) with less than five stars is something only that rater can answer. To me, it seems sort of silly...
  15. Just to make sure the satellite signal is coming strong and everything's working. :blink:
  16. Yeah, I saw those walks... they were impressive. And accounted for 2 key rbi's! Excellent plate discipline.
  17. Already some good insight provided in response to your question, Scout. One of the more important things already mentioned, consulting an attorney... because of the range of issues, the insight of more than one attorney (different specialties/focus of practice) might be important. Yes, your sister's friend WOULD likely qualify for SSDI (social security disability insurance) benefits. There are attorney's that specialize in disability law. The social security administration gives (almost) everyone seeking benefits a hard time. In this case, they wouldn't be able to claim (pretend) that the person could really work in her current condition, but because (if) she's not expected to emerge from the coma or coma like condition, they might be reluctant to keep someone like that on perpetual life support. As to covering medical expenses incurred thus far, IF the patient has assets (home w/equity, savings, etc.), the state's medicaid agency may insist that some or all of those resources be used before they start picking up the tab. As to transport, I have no clue, but do see a need to consult legal counsel in both GA and MA... because state laws/rules from each state may have different provisions for certain aspects of the situation. Yes, medicaid is federal, but it's administered by state agencies. Because of that, the feds allow some things to be determined by the state with some things governed solely by federal laws and regs.
  18. Didn't we do this just a couple of months ago too?
  19. Anyone (else) see the news item that actress Eva Mendes does her gardening sans clothing?
  20. You are SOOOOOOOO right on that one. Them Rockies are -- as some news headlines are already saying -- looking like a team of destiny. Generally, when a team is overmatched, THAT is when the mistakes happen, are more pronounced, and obviously -- matter or have more impact on a given game. Heck, even the AL champ Tigers in last year's WS looked marginal because of the pitchers' fielding problems. If the Dbacks don't bounce back in this series, I'd expect -- especially with Gibson playing the role of Manager Melvin's enforcer -- to see emphasis in spring training on baserunning tactics/strategies/fundamentals. Clearly, baserunning hasn't been the biggest problem. If they don't get the timely hits, they don't get the baserunners... and in the last two games, they didn't get the timely hits. ONE came close, but the CF came out of nowhere to rob Tony Clark of an rbi double. That could have sparked a key rally. Btw, if the same line drive had been hit by most of the other Dbacks position players (OR Micah Owings), and fallen in, it wouldn't have been a double... that was looking like ball that often goes for three bases in that stadium. Anyway, the Rockies DO look like a team of destiny thus far. And the Dbacks look like the team of overachievers whose youth and overall inexperience might finally be catching up to them. If I sound "resigned" to a Dbacks NLCS loss, I am... better than expecting them to win it all only to be disappointed. I'll still watch and cheer and be happy for every win. btw, Tony Clark's play last night demonstrated that he's far from washed up. His defense is superb and his bat has been tremendous for the team the last two seasons. If anyone wants to wonder about his batting average (circa .250 for the season), look at the number of HRs and RBIs compared to the number of at bats. 17 HRs in limited play. Full time CF Chris Young hit 32 HRs with a BA of less than .240.
  21. Nope... If I do a whole sentence in all caps, then I'd be yelling. And I don't do that... wouldn't want to hurt my voice, ya know! :blink: I've been consistent in my use of caps... I also use italics, boldface and color (not to mention font size) for emphasis, however, at times. :) Still, you're certainly welcome to use ear plugs or to cover your ears if it's that bothersome. It seems to me that font size could be considered yelling sometimes also.... though that's not MY intent.
  22. Congrats to the Rockies and Rockies fans. Very good game tonight. Dbacks got beat. Except for Melvin overusing Valverde, the pitching staff did a very good job for the Dbacks tonight... Obviously, the same (almost) can be said for the Rockies' pitchers.
  23. No it didn't... And the runner scores from first if Tavarez misses that ball... outstanding range, outstanding catch. The hard lesson being, IF Young had done a feet first slide, YES, don't put your foot there... because he probably would have a very sore leg, maybe broken at or just above the ankle.
  24. Boston indeed showed some stuff tonight. I like the Dbacks in their black jerseys... if it helps to distract the Rockies, all the better... if it doesn't, I still like the Dbacks in Black. And the second base umpire got the call correct THIS time (tonight, when Chris Young attempted to steal). Young DID beat the throw, but Tulowitzki blocked the bag with his foot and Young never hit the bag... had he anticipated (this, I hope he will learn for future reference, as he's STILL a rookie) it, he might have been able to make the slide differently... a feet first slide might have been nice! and it probably would have taught the rookie SS a hard lesson too. Nevertheless, Davis hit the ball OVER CF Tavarez's head! and scored to tie the game at 1. Obviously, there will be more scoring... but the Dbacks, when they keep it close, have the advantage. btw, IF I considered it YELLING, I WOULD take you up on your challenge... but thanks anyway. And if it makes you feel any better, just cover your ears when you read this thread!
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