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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Does the POPE defecate in the woods? I'd be surprised if they talked about anything ELSE! I'm thinking that when the BoSox come to Phoenix, the Dbacks will be lucky to win just ONE of the games! :blink:
  2. Indeed, it IS so awful to read about it having happened. Empathy is a normal (AND desired/desirable) quality in humans these days. Reading about it pretty much forces us to put ourselves in the shoes of the grieving parents, which is probably any parent's absolute worst nightmare. Some families, no doubt faced choices similar to yours... BUT, how many SINGLE parent homes are there in the US? How many, even with two parents in the household, still need two incomes in order to keep the kids in a warm, dry home, with clothes, and fed adequately? I don't know the numbers, but I know believe that for each of these scenarios the numbers are significant and that most Americans would be (at least) uneasy providing government assistance staying at home to parent would necessitate. conundrum nouna difficult problem [syn: riddle] WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
  3. Well... the Dbacks finally played one of them EXCITIN games this evening in Pittsburgh. It WAS still a one run game, but not quite 1-0 or 2-1. the Pirates got to Dbacks rookie starter Micah Owings in the 4th inning and took a 7-1 lead. Dbacks got one run/inning twice, getting to 7-3. I think it was the 7th inning, Tony Clark, veteran backup 1rst baseman, and clutch pinch-hitter, comes to bat with the bases loaded. Guess what he did. Oh, YES he DID! So, it's tied, 7-7. In the 8th (I think), Dbacks went ahead by 2, 9-7. Bottom of the 8th, Pirates get one back. 9-8. Closer Valverde slammed the door shut in the 9th. THAT was a fun game to watch. :)
  4. JL, I can relate to your anguish over this kind of thing. However, your "only answer" would present a modern day conundrum to most parents. Since reliance on "socialist" government programs is frowned upon by many (have YOU not had things to say about such programs?), AND since for MANY (an astounding majority, perhaps?) parents even in THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD being a "stay at home" mom OR dad is a luxury they cannot afford, it would seem you may not have the insight to empathize with said parents... hence, the answer/solution you provide to establish said conundrum for such families. Perhaps you're able to afford that kind of luxury, I surmise, since you have rejoiced here at the Cafe about your oil royalty windfall, but that kind of financial good fortune is NOT the rule, but the exception... Indeed, MOST parents that have to procure child care DO check whatever available resources they can find to learn about providers. Even so, that's NO guarantee of safety. As sad and tragic as it is, one can only hope that extremely severe consequences for those committing such horrific acts against children will provide enough incentive for people to stop hurting kids...
  5. tnks Excie... let's dance both inside and outside! and Mr. stRange... I was at that French dept. store today (target, pronounced, tar-zhay)... and thought of you when I saw on sale, home sno-cone machines and the syrups to make them tasty!
  6. One of my hopes is that I will never have to undergo knee replacement surgery.... and YES, my knees, ankles and hips are most thankful... and I'm not done either. It's about time you got that great weather, eh Rhino! Of course, we're into the 100s already... but low 100s with low humidity, no duststorms and little wind is still quite tolerable... then comes July, August and Sept... still thankful however. And I do okay with my sense of humor... and perhaps a tad less grouchiness these days!
  7. Well, I've dropped 83 pounds since SimonZ and me visited in Tucson with Mr and Mrs. niKa and Karmicdebt (in Dec 2004)... so, I sorta feel like dancing anyway!
  8. I must correct a mistake I made in that previous post. I mentioned the perpetrator as "Big shot Bob" Horry. His moniker has been changed to "Cheap Shot" Robert Horry.
  9. Rocky


    You have my empathy and warm wishes... I know only by having a next door neighbor with MS (which means I know a little, but not a whole lot about it). No doubt simplifying your life/lifestyle will be a good thing. I also hope you've got what everyone with major stressors in their lives needs... a good support network of loving friends/loved ones.
  10. Rock on, summertime momma!
  11. I just couldn't watch... and I was already TIVOing other programming.... Suns trailed the Spurs for most of the game tonight... I checked on it during a couple of commercials in Law & Order CI... Then I just got online and found out the Suns actually pulled it off! After this week, most of the regular programming will be reruns... so I'll at least be able to TIVO just in case I care how it got to the final score. btw, apparently "Big shot Bob" Horry got frustrated tonight and thought he was playing hockey. Throwing a body check into Nash, Horry got tossed from the game and Nash enjoyed an close up look at the scorer's table. :blink: Series tied 2-2. Suns regained home court advantage. Go SUNS!
  12. The eighth? Interesting, ... sounds like the set up guys, who are usually underated and often overlooked. Teams seem to focus on having good starters and good closers, and they get most of the press, but it doesnt do much good if guys who bridge between the two arent doing the job. Its disspiriting to watch games like that for me (hello Grady Little....or at least it happened alot when he was in Boston). I hope they can fix that glitch before too long...thats a big one...and for a fan a tough pill to swallow. hows Alex Gonzalez doing over there? Not agreat hitter but he was exciting in the field and made more than his share of impossible looking plays when I watched him a lot Last year, the Dbacks bullpen was quite stinky... they improved it quite a bit over the winter. We've won quite a few one run games... their problem this year is the immature offense, as a whole. There are a few veterans, but the bulk of the position players are rookies or only have a year or two experience in the bigs. So, not very many high scoring games. The bullpen's not perfect, but it's a lot better than last year.
  13. And it will only be TUESDAY! :blink: :)
  14. Hey fellowshipper... how do (did) you like the heat here in the Valley of the Sun? niKa... hope you've gotten all your papers graded!
  15. Congrats there P-Mosh... on this topic, you certainly speak the truth. I hope you were able to be there (in the delivery room) when your daughter was born. Now nearing 18 years hence, I still consider the day my daughter was born (early morning... 3:30am on a Monday) to be the most dramatic and inspiring day of my entire life. And yes, it was like my entire view of life and of the world changed the moment my kiddo took her first breath. You certainly have the potential for more of those than I... since I only fathered one child... (and am definitely NOT looking to have any more). Anyway... what a wonderful mother's day for your wife. Yes... treasure them... they grow up way too fast.
  16. For games like the BoSox comeback today.... that's why GOD created TIVO! Similar progression today for the Dbacks... but NO awesome comeback. I hit the record button and went outside to do yard work... just in case... ya never know.
  17. Rocky

    Ballpark Fans?

    When I was 10 (the summer of the Worlds Fair), my dad took my brother and I to visit some other relatives in NYC... we went to a game at Shea... I think Houston beat the Mets 10-1 that day... Went to watch the KC Royals the year the 9th corpse was first in res at Emporia. The year before that, I was in LA... went to one game at Dodgers' Stadium. Spent several months in San Diego one year and went to a few Padres games (at the old Jack Murphy Stadium, I think it was called then). Drove past Jacob's Field (the Jake) while visiting Cleveland over Labor Day weekend in 1998... Lived in Rochester NY and attended as many RedWings games (AAA -- International League, then the top farm team of the Balt. Orioles) in the 1960s as I could, sometimes with just my younger brother and myself -- at Red Wing Stadium, which was later renamed Silver Stadium. The RedWings now play in a newer stadium somewhere on the west side of Rochester, I think. Went to several games at Phoenix Municipal Stadium during AAA Pacific Coast League games with the Phoenix Giants (later renamed the Firebirds) between 1968 (when we first moved to Phoenix) and 1997 (the last year for AAA baseball in Phoenix). Went to an AFSCME convention in Chicago in 1996 and went to a Monday night game at which the Cubs hosted the Dodgers at the Friendly Confines of Wrigley Stadium (it was rained out... so I went back for the daytime doubleheader on Tuesday). In 1998, had season tickets for the inaugural season of the Arizona Diamondbacks at "The BOB" (BankOne Ballpark, now called Chase Field... because Chase Bank bought the rights)... and go to a few games each season since... including game one of the 2001 World Series. That's my ballpark experience/history. I think I liked Wrigley and RedWing Stadium the best... RedWing Stadium was a lot like the old stadium the Detroit Tigers played in (only smaller, holding at most, probably about 15,000 fans).
  18. And now your buddy Dirk (deservedly) grabs the MVP... (however, had Nash gotten it for the third straight year, it would have also been appropriate).
  19. Rocky


    Not to mention that for the low admission price of ZERO, you might be able to attend a taping of either the Late Show w/David Letterman and/or The Daily Show with Jon Stewart! (which, if I were to visit NYC, I would make a priority... but that's me.)
  20. Hey MarkO... I'd echo Mstar's sentiments... I certainly have no magic or fixes or advice... but I definitely understand what you're saying and what you're going through. I appreciate you, your perspective and your approach, which I believe is -- without question -- accompanied with/by a full measure of integrity.
  21. Rocky

    Barry Bonds

    Some excellent ideas there... was at the Big Unit's last outing (Weds, at the BOB). He pitched 6 outstanding innings... then quickly fell apart in the 7th... and I do mean quickly. He won't go to the bullpen (IMO). He's no longer in it for the money... heck, he's got more money than God now. No, he keeps flinging them baseballs hoping to get to 300 wins. I'm with you 150% on muzzling Curt... who doesn't limit his "outspokenness" to the subject of baseball.
  22. Huh?! (oh... that was the point! ) btw, I heard on the news this evening that she could get it reduced to about 3 weeks for good behavior (whatever THAT means!).
  23. Rocky

    Barry Bonds

    Compare the number of former MLB pitchers that have died as a result of BRAIN CANCER to the incidence of brain cancer in the general population. Then tell me what other possible factors could have been responsible for the incredible number of these pitchers having suffered such a horrific fate. THEN tell me whether it's just a "possible" fact. Do we need to begin naming those pitchers? What position did the guy from the Diamondbacks, that got indicted by the feds for receiving steriods in the mail a year or two ago, play? (Hint -- he watched games from the Dbacks' bullpen)
  24. Rocky

    Barry Bonds

    It's spelled "McGwire" and McGwire did himself in by the wussy way he testified before Congress... I agree... Bonds WILL break the record... sooner, rather than later. I agree baseball will "move on"... I think Bonds should have an ASTERISK tattoo'd beside his name in the record books (he won't just lead MLB in HRs, don't for get BBs). I think Bonds knowingly did steroids. But I also must acknowledge that he is dangerous NOT simply for how far the ball flies... but also because he doesn't strike out profusely, like most homerun hitters... steroids probably do not deserve the credit for his hand/eye coordination and lightning reflexes and bat speed. IMO. Mstar... Schilling had a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth... he's been known to have that on a recurring basis. He should stick to worrying about his game (ie his pitching, his record, his team). However, your asterisk is probably as good as any that might be proposed... and I DO believe an asterisk is in order here.
  25. Indeed 50 IS a great number... in fact, on Letterman tonight, this foxy looking woman was guest... and said that in December, she'll be 70 (yes, SEVENTY!) Of course, she's not necessarily that popular with some folks (like JL)... but still is outrageously gorgeous (her initials are JF)... Dave, that is CORRECT! ;)
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