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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Is that REALLY a pic of you? Hey, 29 years ago WAS soooo long ago! Glad it was a happy day JL... :) Yeah... NOW you can join AARP! congrats on making it to the almost half-way point.
  2. Yep... they DID the deed... by 20 points. WITH Tim Duncan playing (and not being hurt). I'd say first... it was a "must win" game. Second, the only time this season they had beaten the Spurs, Duncan didn't play (IIRC). That led to some doubt about whether the Suns had it in them to take on the Spurs in the playoffs. I'd say they successfully exorcised that particular "ghost" tonight. Obviously, it's still going to be a tough series... for both teams. You probably can figure who I want to win it. ;) Did you hear what the promotional give-away was at the game tonight? Nose bandages... (I'm NOT making that up).
  3. With one caveat, I'd agree on that... (if the Suns beat the Spurs ;) )
  4. Britney DID do it too... her's was this year... Paris did it a year or two or three ago... I forget when, but she did it first. and Rottie... I don't know either, as really the only time I hear about her on TV is when Letterman jokes about her... ;)
  5. You mean to tell us that you've never seen the infamous pic of Paris Hilton getting out of a car while wearing a skirt and going "commando?" If you search google images, it'll probably be easy to find... Until it was posted here, I was unaware that she carries the herpes virus... which, of course, still could be a rumor, I suppose.
  6. Peter Gammons predicted 24 starts with 12 wins. I think I like the 3-12 idea better... Either way, $4.5 M/month is obscene!
  7. Well... that shouldn't have anything to do with JL reading to her, should it? Unless it was a euphemism for doing something else. :blink:
  8. I still doubt that if Zambrano gives up 4 runs in every 6-7 inning outing, he'll probably not be considered seriously for the Cy Young. But it was good that the Cubs won the game.
  9. The suspense is so thick, I swear we could cut it with a knife! :blink: It certainly isn't me... my lead hitchhiking partner became a greasespotter many moons ago...
  10. An adult picture? I didn't know I even posed for any of those! Ok, sorry, now back to our regularly scheduled thread, my apologies.
  11. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving spoiled brat! Hap, I hope you're kidding, but even if you're not, it's no big deal to be unaware of Paris Hilton. I understand that she's going to do the 45 days for violating terms of probation on some kind of more serious traffic violation(s)... could have been DUI. I've also heard that she'll be segregated away from the other (even just the female) prisoners. I also heard that she'll be pretty much alone in her "cell" (not quite the same kind of cell she's accustomed to, wouldn't you think?) for 23 hours a day, only being let out to shower, make phone calls, or perhaps exercise. So, she's unlikely to be abused by the 'ho's. No doubt she'll still be quite uncomfortable... I'd bet that 45 days will get her attention in a big way... for someone used to getting her way, if for no other reason, than throwing money at it. As long as she doesn't find a way to buy her way out of this.
  12. That's pretty much how I have it now, too... though I just started using these CFs in 2006. I've VERY interested in not having to change the bulbs for a long, long time. And the WATTage of a bulb is a measure of how much electricity the bulb uses... not a measure of the light output of the bulb. Two very important points... for the same amount of electricity, you get MUCH more light than regular incandescent bulbs... AND, the CFs are supposed to last a lot longer. Another way to put the first point is that a CF, in using less electricity to generate the same amount of light, the CF puts out far less in HEAT energy. And in the desert of central Arizona, that makes a big difference for more than half the year, in helping to keep the house cooled. In the colder months, when I'm using the heater at night (day time heater use is VERY rare here), I wouldn't mind the extra heat from the regular bulbs. Taken in the aggregate, for even ONE house, it can make a distinctly measurable positive impact. Aggregate that energy savings for a large metropolitan area, like the Phoenix area where I live -- OR, throughout the state and country, the impact on electricity demand is definitely significant. Over the last several years, Americans (in the aggregate) have been using an ever increasing amounts of electricity, due to population increases AND American consumerism... So... for those wanting to do something to help reduce carbon emissions and energy usage, this matters, even if one doesn't see dramatic decreases in his/her monthly utility bill.
  13. but not for your stRangers! :)
  14. Do I remember this correctly? Did not Carlos Zambrano verbally "claim" the Cy Young for 2007 at the start of this season? Well, it's now the top of the first at Wrigley, Zambrano's pitching, the NATIONALS -- before making even two outs in the game -- have 4 runs, three of which came on a 3 rbi HR. Well, there's always NEXT year, right!
  15. My hat is off to you! (but NOT in the daytime sun... too much exposed scalp, ya know) ;)
  16. It just occurred to me that Morgan Freeman, I think (obviously NOT a baseball star) goes back home to (somewhere in) Mississippi to cook in a restaurant he owns... it would be interesting, but different to run into him too... Any Mets fans in here? The Mets have dominated the Dbacks for the last few seasons... and playing at the BoB tonight, it was a good, tight game until the 9th... when that Mets offense unloaded on the Dbacks closer... oh well. Simon, did you see any of that game?
  17. My condolences Tom. :( I s'pose A'Kat is happy, however... though it only gets tougher from here on out... whattaya think? Suns/Spurs... if the Suns lose, I hope it takes all 7 games to make it happen... if the Suns win, it would be nice to do it in 5.
  18. Back at you guys! tnks John and DB.
  19. okay... Epstein was traded by Baltimore after only one (partial) season with them... which is why I didn't remember much about his big league career. I did find a web site where he's apparently teaching hitting... haven't checked it out yet, however.
  20. How awesome! I'm happy for you and HIM... I don't remember Mr. Scott... but do remember Pepitone... however, being from Rochester, NY, my favorites were some of the guys who I saw play for the Red Wings before they made it Baltimore... at first base, Boog Powell was THE man, as far as I was concerned... I also liked Mike Epstein, but am cloudy as to what he did in the majors... The guy that was REALLY larger than life back then, for me, was Earl Weaver. Man oh man, the Rochester fans adored him (as did I)... he won a championship of the International League before going on to kick dirt on the shoes of umpires while managing the Orioles.
  21. It sure does... what a wonderful act of bravery and sacrifice... too bad it cost him his life. JL, thanks for posting this story...
  22. Happy B'day good buddy! I'm glad you're here!
  23. Let me assure you, Professor Wrdsandwrks, we are NOT having meaningful conversation on this thread! It's just for fun. And our other professor, niKa, got us all to try dancing on the ceiling!
  24. The only one I recognize is Harry Carey...
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